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Unit Eight Shopping 旅游购物.

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1 Unit Eight Shopping 旅游购物

2 Contents Contents Background Knowledge Warming up
Situational Dialogues Reading Comprehension Exercises Useful Expressions Tips for Shopping

3 Background Knowledge Goods in the market are both cheap and nice in China. It is famous for this all over the world. Foreign visitors all like and buying goods when they’re in spare time. As a host, we can accompany visitors to buy some souvenirs after visiting the places of interest. 中国市场上的商品物美价廉,这在全世界都是公认的。外国游客都喜欢在闲暇时间去逛街购物。作为东道主,我们可以陪同他们在游览完名胜古迹之后买一些纪念品带回去。

4 Background Knowledge Most department stores have similar pattern. Customers can find all kinds of cosmetics and foodstuffs on the first floor. The second floor and the third floor form a world of garments and shoes for men and women, old and young. On the fourth floor are office appliances, jewelry, toys, arts and crafts products, clocks and watches. The cultural and recreational department is on the fifth floor, while in the top floor, household electric appliances, and something else. 大多数的商场都有相似的格局。消费者可以在一楼找到所有的化妆品和食品。二楼和三楼则是男女士服饰鞋类的世界。四楼是办公用具、珠宝、玩具、文艺品和工艺品、钟表等。娱乐文化则在五楼,顶层是家用电器还有一些其他的。

5 Background Knowledge In China, bargaining does not take place in proper department stores. In China you may bargain in some small shops, but this is not the case in some western countries. The only place bargaining takes place is at flea markets or when buying a car. 在中国,在商场里讨价还价并不合适,你可以去一些小店里砍价。但是这些情况在一些西方国家也不常发生,只会在买车时或跳蚤市场里出现。

6 Background Knowledge Types of store 商店的种类 department store 百货商店
shopping mall 购物广场 shopping centre 商业中心区 supermarket 超市 grocery store 食品杂货店 convenience shop 便利店 pharmacy 药房 post office 邮局 open market 露天市场 barber shop/hair dressing shop理发店

7 Background Knowledge butcher’s shop 肉店 charity shop 慈善商店
second-hand store 旧货店 antique shop 古董商店 souvenir shop 纪念品商店 gift shop 礼品店 café or restaurant 餐厅/饭店 cinema 电影院 theatre 剧院 children’s goods store 儿童用品商店 bar/lounge bar 酒吧/休闲式高级酒吧 take away shop 外卖食品商店

8 Background Knowledge drinks shop 酒品专卖店 book and stationery shop 书籍、文具店
sports shop 体育运动商店 bakery shop 面包店/糕点店 digital shop 数码商店 music shop 唱片行 recreation centre/ground 娱乐中心/娱乐场 amusement park/fun fair 游乐园/游乐场 outlet 廉价经销店/专营店 tax free shop 免税商店

9 Background Knowledge Types of counter 柜台的种类
tea and coffee counter 茶叶咖啡柜台 fruit and vegetable counter 水果蔬菜柜台 cotton fabric counter 棉布柜台 silk and satin counter 丝绸柜台 sweater counter 毛衣柜台 daily necessities counter 日用品柜台

10 Background Knowledge jewellery counter 珠宝柜台
hardware and electric articles counter 五金电器柜台 stationery counter 文具柜台 toys counter 玩具柜台 musical instrument counter 乐器柜台 cigarettes and wine counter 烟酒柜台 men’s wear counter 男士衣装柜台 ladies’ wear counter 女士衣装柜台

11 Background Knowledge Types of discount 折扣的种类 discount 打折 …% off 打几折
on sale 特价销售/大减价 special offer 特别优惠 clearance sale 清仓大甩卖 bargain 便宜货/讲价 voucher/coupon 优惠券 buy one get one free 买一赠一

12 Background Knowledge Types of traditional Chinese gifts 传统中国礼品的种类
antique 古董、古玩 jade article 玉器 calligraphy 书法 scroll 卷轴 classical painting 古典画 figure painting 山水画 Pattern 图案 sword 剑

13 Background Knowledge coin 钱币 candlestick 烛台 casket 首饰盒 cloisonné 景泰蓝
lacquer ware 漆器 earthenware 陶瓷器皿 vase 花瓶 porcelain 瓷器 traditional 传统的 pottery 陶器

14 Warming up One: A: Can I see your ⑴___________________? B: Why?
A: This is a ⑵___________________. You can be admitted only with a passport and a ticket. B: All right. Here they are. A: Thank you, sir. Enjoy your shopping. passport and ticket Duty Free Shop

15 Warming up Two: much cheaper duty-free higher tax than other things
A: I never understand why these shops have so much liquor. B: What do you mean?It’s because it’s ⑶___________________ to buy liquor duty-free. A: But why?Why don’t people like to buy shirts ⑷___________________? Or shoes? I just don’t understand why it’s always liquor. B: Well, it’s because in most countries liquor has a higher tax on it. A: You mean liquor has a ⑸__________________________? B: Yes, of course. Didn’t you know that? A: No, I didn’t. How high is the tax? B: Well, it is different in different countries. But it’s because of the high tax that buying liquor duty-free is such a good deal. much cheaper duty-free higher tax than other things

16 Warming up considered as I don’t think it is nice try to sell them
A: Why would the government want to tax liquor so much? B: Liquor is considered a luxury item. And also, it is ⑹___________________ something that isn’t very healthy. So if people want to buy it, the government thinks it has the right to tax it. A: That’s why a lot of people buy cigarettes here too, isn’t it? B: Of course. Cigarettes are also taxed very heavily. A: Now I understand. But I don’t smoke or drink. So ⑺______________________________? B: You can buy some of these nice butterflies. A: No, I’m sorry. ⑻___________________ to have butterflies mounted in boxes. It is kind of disgusting. B: What?You feel sorry for the butterflies? A: Yes. I think they should just let them fly free, and not ⑼___________________ to foreigners. It is a kind of destruction of nature. considered as what am I supposed to buy in here I don’t think it is nice try to sell them

17 Warming up Let’s go ask about it
B: Well, I agree with you. I’d rather think that the butterflies are flying around in the mountains. I just wonder if they really catch so many that it affects the butterfly population. B: Who knows? Hey, I like these jade bears here. A: How much are they? A: This one is 2300 dollars. Maybe I should buy it for my mother. What do you think? B: If you want. Didn’t you buy her a small vase already? A: Yes, but she would like this a lot. She likes to collect little things like this. B: Alright. Buy it then. I won’t buy anything. Well, maybe I’ll buy some Cognac. A: Maybe I could buy some Cognac for my brother. He always drinks it. B: ⑽ ___________________. Let’s go ask about it

18 Situational Dialogues
3 1 Dialogue 3 At the Procelain Shop 在瓷器店 Dialogue 1 At the Curiosity Shop 在古董店 Dialogue 4 At a Flea Market 在跳蚤市场 4 2 Dialogue 2 At the Arts and Crafts Shop 在工艺品商店

19 Situational Dialogues
Dialogue 1 At the Curiosity Shop 在古董店 Situation: Mr. John Smith is making a long travel. He wants to buy some souvenirs in the curiosity shop. S: Shopkeeper G: Guest One: S: Can I help you, sir? G: Yes, but may I have a look first? S: Certainly. G: You have so many antiques and Chinese paintings here. Are they genuine? S: No. Not all of them. All our reproductions are clearly marked and priced. They are sold at a fair price. G: May I see that ivory horse? It’s genuine, I bet. S: Yes, you can be sure. It’s made of genuine ivory, besides, it’s of exquisite workmanship. G: You are right. How much does it cost? S: The price is marked 2000 yuan. G: It’s a fair price. I’ll take it.

20 Situational Dialogues
售货员:先生,你需要什么? 顾客:是的,但我能先看一下吗? 售货员:当然。 顾客:你们这儿有那么多的古董和中国画,是真的吗? 售货员:不,并不全部是真的,我们所有的复制品都明确标明并明码标价,售价合理。 顾客:我能看一下那只象牙马吗?它是真的,我肯定。 售货员:是的,你可以确定,它是由真正的象牙做的,另外,做工精致。 顾客:你说的对,多少钱? 售货员:标价2000元。 顾客:价格合理,我要了。

21 Situational Dialogues
S: What can I do for you, sir? G: I’m looking for some antiques. S: We have many. You know, China is a country of a long history. It’s wise of you to take home some Chinese antiques. Are you interest in those? G: Yes. Are they genuine? S: No. I mean, not all those are genuine. They are clearly indicated whether they are originals or reproductions. Look, here is the tag showing the price, the place of origin, and some fundamental information. G: I see. S: The prices are all very competitive. G: May I see that horse? S: Sure. It’s made of pure silver. As the tag indicates, it was made 500 years ago. G: You mean it is genuine? S: Yes. G: How much it is? S: yuan. G: May I pay by card? I’ve got a Bank of China card. S: Sure. Two:

22 Situational Dialogues
售货员:你需要什么,先生? 顾客:我在找古董。 售货员:我们有许多。您知道,中国是个历史悠久的国家,带些中国古玩回去,真是明智之举。您对那些感兴趣吗? 顾客:感兴趣。那些是真的吗? 售货员:不是,我是说,不全是。它们都明确标注了是真品还是复制品。看,这是标签,标明了价格、产地及基本信息。 顾客:我知道了。 售货员:这些价格都非常有竞争性。 顾客:我能看一下那匹马吗? 售货员:当然。这马是纯银制成,正如这标签所示的,是500年前铸制的。 顾客:您的意思是说它是真品了? 售货员:是的。 顾客:多少钱? 售货员:2万元。 顾客:我可以用卡支付吗?我有中国银行签发的卡。 售货员:当然可以。

23 Situational Dialogues
Dialogue 2 At the Arts and Crafts Store 在工艺品商店 Situation: Mr. John Smith is making a long travel. He wants to buy some souvenirs in the Arts and Crafts Store. S: Shopkeeper G: Guest S: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? G: I hear Chinese arts and crafts are famous for their excellent workmanship. I’d like to take some home. S: We have various kinds of articles, such as the tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty, embroidery, brocade, jade carvings, wood carvings, bamboo carvings, lacquer ware, braiding, etc. G: I want something typically Chinese and easy to carry. S: Well, the tri-colored glazed pottery is beautiful, but it’s fragile. Cloisonné is heavy and can be easily damaged. I suggest you buy some embroidery. It’s easy to carry.

24 Situational Dialogues
G: I’m interested in it. It looks so delicate. S: Here is a piece of Su embroidery. It’s hand-made in the technique of double-sided embroidery. Both sides display the exactly same pattern. G: Let me see it. Oh, a dog’s playing with two balls. The dog is so cute. I’ll take it. S: What else do you want? G: I like that cloisonné vase, but what a pity it’s inconvenient to carry! S: If you are really interested, you can have it posted. Next to ours is a post office. G: That’s a good idea. Then I’ll take this piece of embroidery and the vase. How much are they? S: Five hundred in all. G: Here is the money. S: Thank you.

25 Situational Dialogues
售货员:上午好,先生,你需要些什么吗? 顾客:我听说中国工艺品以其精湛的工艺而闻名,我想带回家一些。 售货员:我们有各种各样的工艺品,如唐三彩、刺绣、织锦、玉雕、木雕、竹雕、漆器、编织品等。 顾客:我想买些具有中国特色且易于携带的。 售货员:那么,唐三彩很漂亮但易碎,景泰蓝重且易损坏。我建议您买些刺绣,便于携带。 顾客:我对刺绣很感兴趣,看起来挺精美的。 售货员:这是件苏绣品,采用了双面绣手法技术,两面的图案完全一样。 顾客:让我看看。哦,一狗戏两球,狗真可爱。我要了。 售货员:你还需要别的什么吗? 顾客:我喜欢那个景泰蓝花瓶,可遗憾的是不便于携带。 售货员:如果您真正感兴趣的话,您可以邮寄呀。邮局就在我们旁边。 顾客:真是个好主意。那我就买这件刺绣和那个花瓶。多少钱? 售货员:总共500元。 顾客:给您钱。 售货员:谢谢您。

26 Situational Dialogues
Dialogue 3 At the Porcelain Shop 在瓷器店 Situation: Porcelain differs from pottery. It uses china clay to form the basic material, and it has a coating of vitreous glaze that is fired at a temperature of at least 1200℃ until tough crystals appear. In addition, well-fired porcelain is nonporous and translucent. The porcelain with high quality is very precious and its price is also very high. Mrs. Bell is making a long travel. She wants to buy some souvenirs in the Porcelain Shop. A: Shop Assistant B: Mrs. Bell A: You’ve made a good choice. This china tea set is unusual. It was made in Jingdezhen. There are B: It is extremely beautiful. This is the very thing I’ve been dreaming of. B: Jingdezhen? Oh I know it. Isn’t it called “the capital of porcelain”?

27 Situational Dialogues
A: Yes, sir. Is there anything else you want? B: (Points to a set of blue and white porcelain tableware)It’s of perfect Chinese traditional design, isn’t it? A: Yes, indeed. It is the best quality porcelain-the famous eggshell china. It’s not for use, but for show. It is also made in Jingdezhen. B: Oh, it must be most precious. Can I have a look? A: Yes, sir. It is known to be “as white as jade and as thin as paper”. B: No, wonder it’s so expensive. I’ll take it. A: Shall I wrap them together or separately? B: Separately, please. What do they come to in round figures? A: Altogether able356 yuan. B: Here is 360 yuan. A: (Counting money)Sir, there are thirty notes of ten yuan and six notes of five yuan so it is 330 yuan in all. Would you please check it, sir? B: I’m awfully sorry, I’ve made a mistake. I took five for ten. Here’s another thirty yuan.

28 Situational Dialogues
售货员:你真是好眼力,这套瓷茶具很特殊,是在景德镇产的,这种产品没有几套。 顾客:是非常的漂亮,这正是我梦寐以求的。 顾客:景德镇,呵,我知道,是不是叫“瓷都”的? 售货员:是的,先生。你们还需要别的吗? 顾客:(指着一套青花餐具)非常棒的中国传统图案,不是吗? 售货员:确实是,那是最好的瓷器——著名的薄胎瓷。不是供使用的,只是用来摆设,也是景德镇产的。 顾客:噢,那一定是非常珍贵了,我可以看看吗?

29 Situational Dialogues
售货员:好的,先生,它被称作“白如玉,薄如纸”。 顾客:难怪那么贵,我买下了。 售货员:我是把他们包在一起,还是分开包呢? 顾客:请分开包,它们大约多少钱? 售货员:一共356元。 顾客:这是360元。 售货员:(收钱)先生,30张10元,6张5元,因此总共330元,麻烦你查一下,好吗,先生? 顾客:真是抱歉,我弄错了。我把5当成10算了,这是那30元。

30 Situational Dialogues
Dialogue 4 At a Flea Market 在跳蚤市场 Situation: Two friends are at a flea market. A: Look at all this stuff, Jane. There must be something we can take back as souvenirs. B: I’m sure there is. I’ve seen some interesting pieces. A: Oh? Like what? B: Well, we just passed a table where an old woman was selling hand-knitted caps and scarves. A: They would come in handy for our cold New York winters.

31 Situational Dialogues
B: That is a good idea. It seems ridiculous buying winter wear in summer, though.. A: “Always be prepared,” remember? B: Yeah. Look at these coasters over here. They have pictures of Copenhagen on the bottom of each one. They’re covered with plastic but have cork on the bottoms. A: No too bad. B: They come in sets of eight. A: I prefer to buy the hand-knitted winter wear. You can buy these for your family and friends. B: OK.

32 Situational Dialogues
B:我确信有的。我看到了一些有趣的东西。 A:喔?什么样的? B:嗯,我们刚刚经过一张桌子,在那里有一名老妇人在出售手织的软帽和围巾。 A:对我们寒冷的纽约冬天来说,它们一定会有用的。 B:好主意。尽管在夏天购买冬天的服饰似乎很好笑。 A:“随时做好准备”,记得吗? B:对。瞧那边的杯垫。每个杯垫底部都有哥本哈根的图案。用塑料盖着,但底部是软木做的。 A:不错。 B:一套八个。 A:我想买手织的冬天服饰。你可以买这些杯垫送给你的亲朋好友。 B:好的。

33 Situational Dialogues
Notes 1. Chinese antiques 中国古玩 2. Chinese arts and crafts are famous for their excellent workmanship. 中国工艺品以其精湛的工艺而闻名。 3. such as the tri-colored glazed pottery of the Tang Dynasty, embroidery, brocade, jade carvings, wood carvings, bamboo carvings, lacquer ware, braiding, etc. 如唐三彩、刺绣、织锦、玉雕、木雕、竹雕、漆器、编织品等。 Cloisonné is heavy and can be easily damaged. 景泰蓝重且易损坏。

34 Situational Dialogues
4. the capital of porcelain 瓷都 5. a set of blue and white porcelain tableware 一套青花餐具 6. eggshell china 薄胎瓷 7. as white as jade and as thin as paper白如玉,薄如纸 8. 美国人喜欢在分手时祝别人事事顺利。 加名词或动名词是间接说法。 如“Enjoy your shopping.” “祝旅途愉快。”

35 如何申请退税 出国旅游消费时,若金额达到该国退税规定,记得要向店家提出欲申请退税的要求。通常店家会要求出示护照,并给一张收据与盖了店章的退税单。只要将此两份文件收好,在出境机场所要并填写退税申请表,连同购买物品一并办理,便能申请退税。接受检查后,将已经盖章的退税申请表寄回到当初购物的店铺,即可在一段时间后收到退款。 退款的方式有很多种,填写退税申请表时,就可以选择以何种方式收款,包括:现金、支票和各种汇款方式。 如果是前往欧盟国家旅游,在其中的一个欧盟国家旅游结束后还要前往另外一个欧盟国家,则在即将离开最后一个欧盟国家时办理退税。 一般来说,将要申请退税的物品,购买日期需在出国日起的三个月内,逾期则无法办理。

36 Reading Comprehension
New Words tourism n. 旅游业;游览 biodiversity n. 生物多样性 pledge n. 抵押;保证,誓言;抵押品,典当物 vt. 保证,许诺;用……抵押;举杯祝…… 健康 specie n. 硬币;正币 habitat n. 栖息地,产地 urgency n. 催促;紧急;紧急的事

37 Reading Comprehension
New Words splendor n. 光彩;显赫;壮丽 eliminate vt. 消除;排除 poverty n. 贫困;缺少;低劣;困难 sector n. 部门;扇形,扇区;象限仪;函数尺 vt. 把…分成扇形 recognition n. 识别;承认,认出;重视;赞誉 minimize vt. 使减到最少;小看,极度轻视 vi. 最小化

38 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展
Chinese knots 中国结 clay figurine 泥人 dough figurine 面人 waxwork 蜡像 gold plate (总称)金器 silverware 银器 tapestry 挂毯 brocade 锦缎 scarf 围巾 necktie 领带 high heels 高跟鞋 calf skin 小牛皮 imitation leather 人造皮

39 Vocabulary Development 词汇扩展
shoe store 鞋店 book store 书店 record shop 唱片行 pharmacy 药店 bakery 面包店 antique shop 古董店 souvenir shop 纪念品店 optician 眼镜商 floor 楼层 fitting room 试衣间 shape 形状 design 设计 pattern 式样 stripe 条纹 flaw 瑕疵

40 Posters 海报 Writing Skills
海报是人们日常生活中极为常见的一种招贴形式,多用于电影、戏曲、比赛、文艺演出等活动。海报中通常要写清楚活动的性质,活动的主办单位、时间、地点等内容。海报的语言要求简明扼要,形式要做到机关报颖美观。 海报的格式,通常有三部分组成,即标题、正文与落款。 海报的标题对于海报的宣传极为重要。因此标题的撰写昼做到简洁明快,新颖醒目,抓住读者的注意力,海报的标题形式通常有两种:一是直接使用“海报”(Poster)一词;另一种则是根据海报的内容,撰写标题。 海报正文是海报的核心部分,它是对海报标题的具体描述。语言要求形象生动,简明扼要。做到既有鼓动性,又不夸大其辞。正文的常见表现形式有:简介说明式,描述式。 落款位于最后,使活动的主办单位。

41 Posters 海报 足球赛的海报(简洁说明式) 英语电影海报 (描述式) SAMPLE Friendly Basketball Match
All Are Welcome Organized by the Students’ Union of our school, a friendly basketball match will be held between No.3 Middle School team and ours on the basketball court on Saturday, June 5, at 4 p.m. The School Students’ Union Tuesday, June 1. SAMPLE 英语电影海报 (描述式) This Week’s Film Name: Modern Time Time: 7 p.m. Saturday, April 10 Place: the meeting hall Fare: three yuan Ticket office: the school gate house The School Students’ Union

42 Exercises 1. Fill in the blanks. Background: Task 1
One customer is strolling around a souvenior shop, he takes a fancy to a set of dinner set made in China. S: Salesclerk C: Customer Task 1 Fill in the blanks.

43 Exercises S: You like this dinner set, don’t you?
C: Yes, but __________________________________________?(你能让我们看看其他颜色的吗?) S: Sure. __________________________________________?(这套黄色的怎么样?) C: No, I don’t like yellow at all. S: The white ones? C: OK, I like it. S: You’ve made a good choice. __________________________________________. (这种餐具很不寻常,它是中国造的。) C: It is extremely beautiful. __________________________________________. (这正是我梦寐以求的。)Please put in a gift box for me. S: Yes, sir. Yes, but can you show me the other color ones How about the yellow ones This dinner set is unusual, it was made in China This is the very thing I’ve been dreaming of

44 Exercises 1. Fill in the blanks. Background: Task 2 S: Salesclerk
One suctomer is seeking for a watch, the salesclerk asks him to pay it at the cashier and takes the receipt to collect the watch. S: Salesclerk C: Customer Task 2 Fill in the blanks.

45 Exercises S: May I help you, sir?
(请让我看看这块表。) S: The brand is very famous, and the price is very reasonable. It’s a fine watch. C: Will you please show me that one? S: Sure. That is good, too. C: How much is this one. S: 1,360 yuan. C: ________________________________________?(能打折吗?) S: We usually give 10% discount for one. C: OK, I’ll buy it. S: Would you pay at the cashier on the right, please? _____________________ ____________________________.(然后把收据拿来取您的表。) C: Thank you. Please show me this watch Any discount Then bring me your receipt and collect your watch here

46 Exercises 1. Fill in the blanks. Background: Task 3
One customer wants to buy some handicrafts as souvenirs for friends, the salesclerk recommend some paper cut for him. S: Salesclerk C: Customer Task 3 Fill in the blanks.

47 Exercises S: What can I do for you?
(我想买些手工艺品作为纪念品送给家人和朋友。) S: We have quite a wide variety of handicrafts here. What do you have in mind? C: __________________________________________________.(我想要些价格不太贵的。)What’s your suggestion? S: You don’t want anything too heavy, do you? C: Yes, ______________________________________________.(我想买些既轻便又容易携带的东西。) S: What about some paper cut? They will be a good present. C: __________________________________________________?(能让我看看吗?) S: Of course. This way, please. C: Oh, they are really beautiful. I want to buy some handicrafts as souvenirs for my family and friends I’d like something which is very expensive I want something light and easy to carry Can you show me some

48 Exercises 2. Translate the following sentences into English.
我们有山水画、人物画和花鸟画。 还有,按照中国的传统观念,仙鹤与松树都是长寿的象征。 向贵宾们赠送了几件精美的礼品。 这些西装质量上乘,做工精良。 东南亚风情海鲜美食自助晚餐,供应各款海鲜,包括龙虾、大虾、三文鱼、带子、八爪鱼、蟹、牡蛎等。圣诗献唱,赠送圣诞礼品,圣诞老人派礼物,幸运抽奖。 We have landscape painting,figure painting and flower and-bird painting. And what is more,in traditional Chinese thinking,cranes and pine trees symbolize longevity. Several fancy gifts were bestowed on the distinguished guests. These suits are of the best quality and excellently tailored too. Christmas Eve Tropical Seafood Dinner Buffet. Various seafood including lobster, prawns, salmon, scallops, octopus, crab and oyster, etc are available. Carol Singing, Festive Gifts, Santa Claus, Lucky Draw.

49 Exercises 3. Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets. 1. 西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而著称。(be famous for) Spain used to be famous for its strong armada. 2. 救护车响着警报急驰而过。(along with) An ambulance was racing along with its sirens wailing. 3.本省的丝绸工业有很长的历史了,刺绣产品在世界上享有很好的声誉。(embroidery ,well-established) The silk industry in this province has a long histroy, embroidery here has well-established all over the world. 4. 一般来说,陶瓷产品可以分为两类,即实用品和艺术品。(classify into) Generally speaking, ceramics product can be classified into two categories: practical and artistic. 5. 他为了要把家里弄得整整齐齐,忙了好一阵子。(in order.) He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order.

50 Exercises particularly exotic range available
4. Choose an appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank to make each sentence meaningful, and change its form where necessary. particularly exotic range available magnificent discharge forbid rare include recommend

51 Exercises 1. These magnificent palaces impressed the foreigners deeply. 2. How long will the discharge of the cargo take? 3. We need about twelve excellent football players, ranging in age from 18 to 23, to reinforce our college team. 4. The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its environment. 5. Lack of time forbids any further discussion at the point. 6. The film retains much of the book's exotic flavour. 7. The graphic arts include calligraphy and lithography. 8. Soon after the accident, the motorist was sent to the hospital by the people available at the scene. 9. Can you recommend to me a good dictionary? 10. Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.

52 Useful Expressions 1. Where is the shopping area in this town?
购物区在城镇的什么地方? 2. Where is the biggest shopping center? 哪有最大的购物中心? 3. Is there a department store around here? 附近哪有百货商店? 4. I’d like to buy a leather jacket. Could you recommend a good shop? 我要买一件皮衣。能介绍个好的商店吗? 5. Are there any unusual things produced in this town? 这个镇有什么特产吗?

53 Useful Expressions 6. Is there a duty-free shop? 这有免税店吗?
7. Could you recommend a boutique which is popular among young people? 你能推荐我一些年轻人喜欢的流行店吗? 8. What do you sell on the second floor? 你们在2楼卖什么? 9. Do you have something special in this area? 在这有什么特别的吗? 10. I’m looking for something for my mother. 我在为我妈妈找一些东西。

54 Useful Expressions 11. I’m just looking. Thank you. 就是看看,谢谢。
12. I’d like the one in the window 我想要个橱窗里的。 13. Do you have any other style? 你有其他风格的吗? 14. I’d like something casual. 我喜欢随意的风格。 15. This is too flashy(plain). 这个太浮华(朴实)。

55 Useful Expressions 16. Do you have the same thing in any other colors?
你有其他颜色的这个东西吗?  17. Can I get a little discount? 我能得到些折扣吗? 18. Does it include tax? 含税了吗? 19. Do you accept traveler’s checks? 你们接受旅行支票吗? 20. What kind of credit cards do you accept? 你们接受什么样的信用卡?

56 Tips for Shopping 旅游纪念品
旅游纪念品,顾名思义即是游客在旅游过程中购买的精巧便携、富有地域特色,并让人铭记于心的纪念品。有人比喻旅游纪念品是一个城市的名片,这张名片典雅华丽,有极高的收藏与鉴赏价值。如歙砚、湖笔、徽墨、宣纸、杭州王星记的扇、苏州双面绣、福州寿山石、洛阳唐三彩、西安铜车马……等等,不胜枚举、数不胜数。 工艺礼品从广义上说可分纪念品和促销品。 它们大致的含义是: A. 纪念品 a. 旅游纪念品——显示地方特色的礼品。 b. 公关纪念品——以交流、沟通为目的的礼品。 c. 节庆纪念品——用于某个值得留念日子的礼品。 B. 促销品——以广告为目的的小礼品。 旅游纪念品的涵义,美籍华人江南先生(刘宜良)曾说过“凡是旅客携带方便、富有地方特色的商品叫旅游纪念品。”艺术家胡铁生老前辈提出具 有“三风”、“三性”的产品即是,那就是“纪念性、艺术性、实用性、 中国风格、民族风格、地方风格”。

57 谢谢! 对外经济贸易大学出版社市场营销部 地址:北京市朝阳区惠新东街10号 电话:010-64492342

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