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如何让简历不再石沉大海 By素素 May 6 Y2015.

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Presentation on theme: "如何让简历不再石沉大海 By素素 May 6 Y2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 如何让简历不再石沉大海 By素素 May 6 Y2015

2 讲师介绍-素素 心理学硕士 多年应用心理学培训经验 国家人力资源管理师 世界五百强公司中国区HR主管 现任某美企中国区HRM
有多年制造业、快速消费品和零售业从业经验 资深企业培训师

3 Brilliant Resume Is the Key to Success in Getting the Job of Your Dream!
I will 100% help you get a job of your dream and make an employer choose exactly you! Your resume will fetch you interview invitations to the best companies! You will get a well-paid and prestigious job you deserve!

4 Now, just answer these simple questions:
Are you a good resume writer? Did you create something outstanding? Does you resume lack creativity, or, vice versa, formal approach? Take a critical look at your resume (if you have one) and think whether you would choose this resume from hundreds of others if you were an employer who needs a worker of your qualification? …Well, maybe… Maybe? Just look at yourself. Remember : You have one chance to sell yourself, sight-unseen, as the best candidate for the job. This is your commercial.

5 如何让简历不再石沉大海 How to write the resume如何写简历 1. Cover封面
2. Application letter求职信 3. Text正文 4. Certificate证书 5. Photo照片 6. Recommendation letter推荐信 Pay attention注意事项 1. Learn empathy站在招聘者的角度思考 2. Key words注意关键词 3. Motivation用心的程度 4. Taboo禁忌

6 How to write the resume? 如何写简历

7 How to write the resume? 如何写简历
Application letter求职信 -Two versions中英文版本 -Company name公司抬头 -Introduce yourself自我介绍 Major专业 Internship社会实践 注意事项: 一定要有针对性

8 How to write the resume? 如何写简历
Text正文 -Two versions中英文版本 -Basic personal information基本信息 -The highest education学历 -Work experience or internship工作经历或社会实践 -Scientific research科研成果 -Awards and Training courses奖励及培训课程 -Language and computer skills外语和计算机能力 -Advantage特长

9 How to write the resume? 如何写简历
Career Objective求职意向 Wrong错误: 1.职位跨度很大 2.全才 方法: 每份简历只写一个求职意向 Desired Position目标职能 Wrong错误 好高骛远 经理,主管

10 Sample范例 工作 简历 自我 评价 姓 名 性别 民族 政治面貌 户籍 出生年月 婚姻状况 工作时间 技术职称 文化程度 主修专业
姓 名 性别 民族 政治面貌 户籍 出生年月 婚姻状况 工作时间 技术职称 文化程度 主修专业 毕业学校 毕业时间 英语水平 计算机水平 薪金要求 本人 要求 现从事工作 欲从事工作 联系 方式 联系电话 邮政编码 通信地址 工作 简历 自我 评价

11 How to write the resume? 如何写简历
Certificate证书 -Not neglect anything (eg.注会) Photo照片 -Insert a good, professional, formal photo in your resume.

12 Recommendation Letter推荐信
Sample: Dear Mr. Smith, I am pleased to recommend May Williams for the Master’s program at State University. May has been a student in many of my classes during the past four years, so I have learned a great deal about her and her abilities, and I know she would do well if given the opportunity to continue her education.  May’s determination to succeed has led her to excel in my classes. She consistently gets excellent marks on her homework and tests, and she participates in class regularly. Her knowledge of the Spanish language convinced me to ask her to become a tutor for other students who were struggling with the language—a challenge that she met with great success. The students she tutored significantly improved their grades, and some have even chosen Spanish as their majors.

13 Compared to the other students in class, May’s grades have always been at the top. This has led other students in her classes to ask her for help if they do not understand a lesson. Despite her busy schedule, May always balances her time, so she can help anyone who needs assistance with the language. During the years I’ve known her, May has worked to greatly improve her own confidence in her abilities. This improvement is what made her agree to help tutor other individuals. When students in her own classes began asking her for assistance, her confidence truly began to soar, and it only continues to improve. Due to her knowledge and great aptitude for learning, May would be an excellent candidate for the Master’s of Spanish program. She will make a great student at State University, and I have no doubts that her abilities and determination will continue to grow. Sincerely, Aaron Jones

14 Pay attention注意事项 1. Learn empathy换位思考-站在招聘者的角度思考 2. Key words注意关键词
3. Motivation用心的程度

15 Taboo禁忌事项 Be honest. Don’t lie in your resume. These things are easily checked and will come back to bite you in most cases - besides the fact that it ruins your credibility.

16 Remember: You deserve an awesome, high-paid, perspective job; your resume is the key success factor of gaining new carrier opportunities. You should entrust your resume to me , and be confident that the first thing that the potential employer will think of you is “This guy is awesome! I like this candidate!”

17 你若准备失败了,你就是为失败而做准备! 素素 部落主页: 玩转职场:

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