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An Advanced Course in Interpretation 高级口译教程 (Unit 5)

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1 An Advanced Course in Interpretation 高级口译教程 (Unit 5)

2 Mouth Warm-up: What is Success ?

3 Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting What is success?
Success is completion of a task. Success is attainment of an aim. Success is satisfaction of a desire. Success is realization of a worthy ideal. Success is achievement of one’s true self. Success is fulfillment of one’s potentiality. Success is a favorable result of one’s action. Success is acquisition of 3 P’s, i.e., prosperity, position and popularity.

4 Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities
成功需要做到:努力、努力、再努力。 —— 哈丁 Success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort —— Harding 我成功,因为我志在成功,从不犹豫。—— 拿破仑 I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated —— Napoleon Bonaparte 意志、工作、等待,是成功金字塔的基石。—— 巴斯德 Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success —— Louis Pasteur

5 Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities
成功需要做到:努力、努力、再努力。 —— 哈丁 Success is won by three things: first, effort; second, more effort; third, still more effort —— Harding 我成功,因为我志在成功,从不犹豫。—— 拿破仑 I succeeded because I willed it; I never hesitated —— Napoleon Bonaparte 意志、工作、等待,是成功金字塔的基石。—— 巴斯德 Will, work and wait are the pyramidal cornerstones for success. —— Louis Pasteur

6 Warm-up Activity: Reading and Reciting Quotations from celebrities
如果A等于成功,那么成功的公式是A = X + Y + Z 。X是工作,Y是娱乐,Z是少说空话。 —— 爱因斯坦 If A equals success, then the formula is A = X + Y + Z. X is work. Y is play. Z is keeping your mouth shut —— Albert Einstein 成功的首要秘诀是自信。 ——爱默生 Self-trust is the first secret of success —— Ralph Waldo Emerson 不停地向一个目标前进,这就是成功的秘诀。 —— 巴甫洛夫 To follow one aim without halt: that is the secret of success —— Pavlova

7 Some up-to-date expressions (24)
人口老龄化问题 the problem of population aging 鼓励兼并,规范破产 encourage mergers and standardize bankruptcy procedures 刺激内需 stimulate domestic demand 支柱(新兴、高技术)产业 pillar (rising, high-tech) industries 薄利(厚利) narrow (substantial) profit margin 名牌(拳头、创汇)产品 famous-brand (competitive, foreign exchange earning) products

8 Some up-to-date expressions (25)
期货市场(交易) futures market (transactions) 牛市(熊市) a bull (bear) market 商标(无形资产) trademark (invisible asset) 非法传销 illegal pyramid selling 倒爷(中介人) a profiteer / a speculator (an intermediary) 展销会 the exhibition and fair

9 Some up-to-date expressions (26)
健美运动 body-building (fitness) exercise 大龄青年 unmarried youth above the normal age for marriage 安乐死 euthanasia (mercy-killing) 常住户口 registered permanent residence 无人售票公共汽车 a self-service bus 艾滋病毒携带者 a HIV carrier HIV: Human Immunity-deficiency Virus 艾滋病病人 an AIDS patient AIDS: Acquired Immunity Deficiency Syndrome

10 Some up-to-date expressions (27)
无土栽培 soiless cultivation 全球变暖 the global warming 温室效应 the greenhouse effect 臭氧层 the ozone layer 战略伙伴关系 strategic partnership 睦邻友好关系 Good-neighborly relations 公共绿地 public green space (area) 珍稀濒危物种 rare and endangered species 知识产权 intellectual property rights 南京大屠杀 The Nanjing Massacre 双重标准 dual criteria (double standard) 三通 direct links of mail, air and shipping service and trade

11 Up-to-date Expressions (28)
情感消费 emotional consumption 搬迁户 relocated families 保健食品 health-care food 保值储蓄 inflation-proof bank savings 逼上梁山 be driven to drastic alternatives 吃闭门羹 be given cold-shoulder 边缘科学 boundary science 不见不散 Be there or be square. 不打不成交 No discord, no concord. 采取高姿态 show magnanimity 拆东墙补西墙 rob Peter to pay Paul 唱高调 mouth high-sounding words

12 Watch and interpret, please.

13 Please watch and interpret:
我们的团结得到加强。 事故是由于玩忽职守。 他三句不离本行。 他的解释远不能令人满意。 经济发展势不可挡。 这个问题已说得很多。 大米主要在南方种植。 缺点和错误必须克服。 这篇文章需要润饰。 他几年来一直是全勤。 经理显然有不同想法。 必须保证八小时睡眠。 这些星星肉眼看得见。 Our unity has been strengthened. The accident is due to negligence. He never talks without referring to his own line. His explanation is far from satisfactory. Economy is developing with irresistible momentum. Much has been said on this question. Rice is chiefly grown in the south. Faults and mistakes must be overcome. This article needs polishing. He has never missed a day’s work for years. The manager evidently thinks otherwise. Eight hours’ sleep must be guaranteed. Those stars are visible to the naked eye.

14 Please watch and interpret:
他宁愿饿死,决不行窃。 我要铅笔,不要圆珠笔。 他一定是个专家什么的。 这个礼堂坐得下一千人。 我觉得这消息不可靠。 地板烂得不能再洗刷了。 谁搬得动这块大石头? 事情已闹得不可收拾了。 他们把桌椅全部摆好。 教书是有价值的职业。 这些小册子免费供应。 澳大利亚是袋鼠的家乡。 那牛仔把马拴在树上。 电影的结局令人意外。 你真傻竟然与老板争吵。 那位名诗人生活俭朴。 He would rather die of hunger than steal. I want a pencil instead of a ball pen. He must be an expert or something. This auditorium can hold 1,000 people. I think the information unreliable. The floor is too rotten to be scrubbed. Who can move the big rock? Things have gone too far to be set right. They had all the desks and chairs in place. Teaching is a rewarding profession. These pamphlets are free of charge. Australia is the home of kangaroos. The cowboy tied his horse to a tree. The movie has a surprising ending. You were foolish to argue with the boss. The famous poet lives a simple life.

15 Please watch and interpret:
拳击是一项危险运动。 那老妇人以慷慨闻名。 他们经常为小事争吵。 他不久就将出国。 我有事要跟你商量。 据说针灸没有疼痛感觉。 小孩应避免单独游泳。 这些规则必须遵守。 你点的菜已经卖完。 天气变得越来越热。 年轻夫妻要求银行贷款。 保护孩子是你的责任。 我在考虑自己创业。 他的教学方法已经陈旧。 我的父亲心情一直很好。 这是问题的正确答案。 Boxing is a dangerous sport. The old lady is known for her generosity. They often argue over trivial matters. He will go abroad in the near future. I have something to talk over with you. It is said that acupuncture is painless. Children should avoid swimming alone. It is essential to abide by these rules. What you have ordered is not available. The weather is getting hotter and hotter. The young couple asked the bank for a loan. It’s your duty to protect your child. I’m thinking of starting my own business. His method of teaching is old-fashioned. My father is always in good mood. This is a correct answer to the question.

16 Please watch and interpret:
他与邻居相处得很好。 他说的话没有道理。 强台风即将袭击该地区。 抽烟对健康有害。 这药减轻了病人痛苦。 律师为被告辩护。 他回到房间去拿钥匙。 她伤心得大哭起来。 他游览得高兴极了。 去年我回乡去看朋友。 他到班长那儿请了个假。 请把盐和醋递给我。 电视观众眼睛盯着屏幕。 他把药送到我的床头。 你还是少管闲事为好。 He gets along well with his neighbors. There is no truth in what he said. A fierce typhoon is approaching the area. Smoking is harmful to one’s health. The medicine eased the patient’s pain. The lawyer argues the case for the defendant. He went back to his room for the key. She was so deeply hurt as to burst out crying. He was overjoyed with his sightseeing. Last year I went home to visit my friends. He went to the monitor to ask for leave. Please pass me the salt and the vinegar. The TV watchers fixed their eyes on the screen. He brought the medicine to my bedside. You’d better mind your own business.

17 Interpretation of Conference Addresses

18 Useful Expressions for conference addresses
值此大会开幕之际,我能就人力资源发展趋势问题进行发言,向东道主致以谢意。 On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I’d like to extend my thanks to the host for this opportunity to address the conference on (the topic of) HR trends. 首先,我谨代表上海代表团的全体成员向所有与会代表致以崇高的敬意和节日的问候。 First of all, I’d like to express on behalf of all the members of the Shanghai Delegation our high respects and festive greetings to the representatives present at the conference. 3) 我很荣幸能应邀参加大会的开幕式,并作发言。 I’m pleased and honored to be invited to attend and speak at the opening ceremony of the conference.

19 Useful Expressions for conference addresses
我怀着非常愉快的心情出席这次会议,我很高兴能就上海如何应对中国加入世贸组织以后的经济形势问题发表自己的看法。 It is with great pleasure that I am here to attend the conference and present my views on the issue of how Shanghai should adjust to the economic situation after China’s accession to the WTO. 5) 我愿借此机会就上海汽车产业发展前景发表自己的一些不成熟的想法。 I would like to avail myself of this opportunity to discuss with you my tentative thoughts on the prospects of the development of Shanghai’s automobile industry.

20 Conference addresses 6) 本届年会为我们交换意见、消除误解、达成共识、促进友谊提供了理想的场所。
The current annual conference provides us with an ideal arena to exchange views, clear up misunderstandings, reach common ground and promote friendship. 7) 感谢校长先生的邀请,使我有机会来到久负盛名的哈佛大学访问。我很高兴能与青年朋友聚集一堂,共同讨论人类如何在新世纪里迎接挑战、共同努力创造更加美好的未来。 I would like to thank you, Mr. President for your invitation, which affords me the opportunity to visit the renowned Harvard University. It gives me great pleasure to be together with young friends here in a discussion on how mankind should rise up to the challenge in the new century and make joint efforts to build a better future.

21 Conference addresses 8) 由于各公司都意识到要想在今天的国际市场上保持竞争力就必须创新,所以创新正在推动整个工商业的发展。上世纪,公司往往通过提高生产率来加强自己的竞争力。今天,公司除了通过提高生产率来抬高底线之外,还在努力通过创新投资来提高顶线。 As companies all realize they must innovate to remain competitive in today’s global market, innovation is now driving the growth of the whole business and manufacturing industry. In the last century companies sought to strengthen their competitiveness by increasing productivity. Today, in addition to improving the bottom line through increase in productivity, companies are aiming to elevate the top line through investment in innovation.

22 Conference Addresses 9)这两家公司的合并不是弱者为强者所兼并,而是两大巨头的强强联姻,是双赢战略的典范。
The merger of these two companies is not the acquisition of the weaker by the stronger, but a willing marriage of the two giants and a fine model of pursuing a win-win strategy. 10) 在世界各地的大公司中,对协同工作的重视早已成为最为看重的一种管理能力。财富500强中约有半数的公司都表明他们使用了能自我管理的工作小组,并期望在未来扩大这种做法。 In big companies around the world, emphasis on teamwork has long become the most valued managerial competence. About half of the Fortune 500 companies have made it known that they are using self-managed work teams and expect to expand their use in the coming years.

23 Conference Addresses 11) 我们的成功在收益上表现为公司的股票每股以24%的年平均累积增长率递增。我们的营业利润增长了65%。我们的营运资本投入降低了56%。存量周转率增加了近43%,未清应收入款减少了15%以上。我们在全公司范围内实施开源节流战略,进而节省了物资采购费达1亿5千万美元之多。 Our success shows in earnings per share that have grown at an average compound annual rate of 24 percent. Our operating margins have increased by more than 65 percent. We have reduced working capital investments by about 56%, increased inventory turnover by nearly 43 percent, reduced outstanding receivables by over 15 percent, and saved $150 million in purchasing costs through a corporate-wide strategic sourcing initiative.

24 Conference Addresses 12) 现代科学技术正在突飞猛进,世界多极化和经济全球化的趋势继续发展,人类社会的进步正处在重要的历史关头.各国都面临着机遇和挑战.和平与发展仍然是我们这个时代的潮流.实现世界的持久和平与普遍繁荣,需要各国人民的共同努力。 As modern science and technology are experiencing explosive development and the trend toward multi-polarization and economic globalization is gaining momentum, the human society and its progress are now at a critical historical juncture. Countries in the world are faced with both opportunities and challenges. Peace and development remain the trend of our times. A lasting peace and universal prosperity, however, requires joint efforts from all peoples in the world.

25 Conference Addresses 13) 今晚我们所在的浦东陆家嘴地区,八年前还是一些简陋的住宅和农田,如今已是高楼林立、生机盎然的金融贸易区。我相信,在座各位也目睹了上海日新月异的变化。上海的发展从一个侧面反映了中国所发生的巨大变化。 Only eight years ago, in this Lujiazui District of Pudong Area, where we are gathering this evening, there were only run-down houses and farms. Now it is a vibrant modern financial and business zone, full of high-rise buildings. I’m sure that all of you have seen with your own eyes the constant and unceasing transformation of Shanghai. The growth of Shanghai is a reflection of the enormous changes taking place in China.

26 Conference Addresses I must say that it is very humbling to have the opportunity to visit the oldest continuous major world civilization – a country with records dating nearly 3,500 years. This accomplishment is especially remarkable to me in light of the fact that the United States is mere 213 years old. In addition to discovering that China boasts the world’s oldest continuous civilization, I was amazed to learn that China also invented the civil service system. 我必须说,令人自惭形秽的是,我有机会访问这一有着连绵不断的文明史的世界文明古国,这一有着将近3500年历史的国家。中国的成就的确让人惊叹,因为相比之下,美国只有213年的历史。我不仅发现中国拥有值得自豪的古老延续的文明,而且我还惊讶地了解到中国也发明了自己的文官制度。

27 Set goals, have confidence, make efforts, and you will succeed
Set goals, have confidence, make efforts, and you will succeed — Zuo Biao Thank you! 谢谢!

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