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買賣契約基本交易條件: 品質條件、數量條件、價格條件、包裝條件、保險條件、交貨條件、以及付款條件

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Presentation on theme: "買賣契約基本交易條件: 品質條件、數量條件、價格條件、包裝條件、保險條件、交貨條件、以及付款條件"— Presentation transcript:

1 買賣契約基本交易條件: 品質條件、數量條件、價格條件、包裝條件、保險條件、交貨條件、以及付款條件
Ch6 國際貿易契約主要條件 買賣契約基本交易條件: 品質條件、數量條件、價格條件、包裝條件、保險條件、交貨條件、以及付款條件

2 品質條件: 以實物約定品質的方法 約定項目---- 商品品質、確定品質時間地點 商品品質:以實物約定品質、以說明約定品質
確定品質時地:時間、地點、確定的機構 以實物約定品質的方法 看貨買賣 ( sale by inspection ) 憑樣買賣 ( sale by sample ) 賣方樣品 ( seller’s sample ) 買方樣品 ( buyer’s sample ) 相對樣品 ( counter sample ) 或回樣 ( return sample ) 複樣 ( duplicate sample ) 品質無絕對把握時 Quality shall be about equal to the sample Quality to be nearly same as the sample

3 以說明約定品質的方法 憑標準規格買賣 ( sale by standard specification )
憑平均品質或適銷品質買賣 ( sale on FAQ or GMQ ) 憑商標或品牌買賣 ( sale by trademark or brand ) 憑說明書或型錄買賣 ( sale by specification or catalog ) Underwriters Laboratories Inc. 產品安全認證 憑標準規格買賣 ( sale by standard specification ) 例如: Quality: Confirming to JIS G3106 SM 490

4 憑標準物買賣 ( sale by standard )
品質變化程度較大,取得合理樣品不易 – 黃豆、咖啡 標準物 – 由該項商品之交易所、同業機構或檢驗機構所制定 例如:Yellow Soybeans, U.S. Grade Standard Good Middling

5 憑平均品質 ( sale on FAQ, fair average quality )
由裝運地公會或檢驗機構就該季各批貨物中,抽出部分樣品,混合調製而成 適銷品質買賣 ( sale on GMQ, good merchantable quality ) 憑商標或品牌買賣 ( sale by trademark or brand ) 憑說明書或型錄買賣 ( sale by specification or catalog )

6 確定品質的時、地 以裝運品質為準 ( shipped quality final )
適用於FAS、FOB、CFR、CIF、FCA、CPT、CIP等條件 以起岸品質為準 ( landed quality final ) 適用於DAT、DAP等條件

7 確定品質的機構 以裝運品質為準 ( shipped quality final )
製造商(manufacturer, producer, maker, supplier)。 出口商(seller, exporter 或 shipper)。 出口國官方檢驗單位: 公證行 以起岸品質為準 ( landed quality final ) 進口商 ( buyer, importer ) 用戶 ( consumer, end user ) 進口國官方單位

8 數量條件 數量單位的約定 重量 (weight): 個數 ( number ): 長度 ( length ):
數量單位的約定, 確定交付數量的時、地, 交付數量過多與不足的解決 數量單位的約定 重量 (weight): 公克 ( gram, g ), 公斤 ( kilogram, kg ), 公噸 ( metric ton, M/T ) 1 M/T = 1,000 kgs , 1 kg = 1,000 g 盎司 ( ounce, oz ), 磅 ( pound, lb ), 英噸 ( long ton, L/T ), 美噸 ( short ton, S/T) 1 S/T = 2,000 lbs, 1 L/T = 2,240 lbs, 1 lb = 16 oz 個數 ( number ): 件 ( piece ), 套 ( set ), 雙 ( pair ), 打 ( dozen ), 籮 ( gross ), 捲 ( roll, coil ) 長度 ( length ): 公分 ( centimeter, cm ), 公尺 ( meter, m ), 吋 ( inch ), 呎 ( foot ), 碼 ( yard ) 1m = 100 cm, 1 inch = 2.54 cm, 1 foot = 12 inches, 1 yard = 3 feet

9 平方呎 ( square foot ), 平方碼 ( square yard ), 平方公尺 ( square meter )
面積 ( area ) 平方呎 ( square foot ), 平方碼 ( square yard ), 平方公尺 ( square meter ) 體積 ( volume, cubic ) 立方公尺 ( cubic meter, CBM ),立方呎 ( cubic foot, CFT, 才),立方碼 ( cubic yard ) 1 CBM = CFT 容積 ( capacity ) 立方公分 ( cubic centimeter, c.c.),公升 ( liter ),加侖 ( gallon ),品脫 ( pint ) 1 liter = 1,000 c.c. = 0.22 gallon, 1 gallon = 8 pints, 1 pint = 568 c.c. 淨重 ( net weight, NW ) = 毛重 ( gross weight, GW ) - 皮重 ( tare ) 實際皮重 ( actual, real ),平均平重 ( average ), 習慣皮重 ( customary ),推定皮重 ( computed, estimated )

10 確定交付數量的時間、地點 交付數量的證明 裝運重量 ( shipped weight final )
賣方 – 重量單 ( weight note ), 尺碼重量單 ( measurement and weight list) 公供重量檢定人 ( public weighter ) – 重量證明書 ( certificate of weight ) 起岸重量 ( landed weight final ) 過磅證明

11 交付數量過多與不足的解決 裝運重量與契約重量相同時 裝運重量與契約重量不同時
採用折衷辦法,通常是在契約中預先規定損耗的限度,如起岸重量少於裝運重量超過此限度,其超過的部分即歸由賣方負擔。 例如:Shipping weight, any loss in weight exceeding 2% to be allowed for by the seller. 裝運重量與契約重量不同時 對於大宗散裝貨物,賣方在訂約時,往往在契約數量前冠上about或approximate一字,以表示契約數量是概數。 例如:One hundred long ton, 5% more or less at seller’s option

12 價格條件 價格結構 價格中未包含佣金時 價格中包含佣金時 價格結構、計價幣別、計價單位價格變動風險 貿易條件中已明確包含價格條件
例如:FOB, CFR, CIF 價格結構 價格中未包含佣金時 於價格之後加上 net,例如 USD per dozen net FOB Keelung. 另以文字註明 The price is net price, without any commission. 價格中包含佣金時 於貿易條件後加上 &CXX% 或 CXX% USD per dozen FOB&C5% Keelung. USD per dozen FOBC5% Keelung. USD per dozen CIF New York, including your commission 5% on FOB basis.

13 計價幣別

14 計價單位 – 數量單位 價格變動風險 成本變動條款
If between the date of tender and the completion of work variations occur in the cost of labour or materials employed on the contract, seller shall reserve the right to adjust the contracted price. 費用變動條款 Any advance in freight at time of shipment shall be for buyer’s account. 匯率變動條款 When there is any fluctuation in the exchange rate at the time of negotiation bill of exchange, the exchange risk shall be for buyer’s account

15 包裝與標誌條件 包裝條件 -- 包裝的種類,包裝的重量與尺寸 包裝的種類 內包裝 ( Packaging )
目的除了保護商品外,另有美化商品的行銷功能,故又稱銷售包裝 外包裝 ( Packing ) 目的在於保護貨物,便於運輸保管,故又稱運輸包裝 包裝的種類 散裝貨物 ( bulk cargo ),裸裝貨物 ( nude cargo ) 箱 ( case ),包 ( bale ),袋 ( bag ),桶 ( barrel, drum ), 瓶罐 ( bottle, can ),貨櫃( container )

16 包裝的重量與尺寸 明確約定材料、種類、重量或尺寸 不特別註明包裝種類或包裝方法 出口標準包裝應符合下列各項條件
報價或訂約時,對於包裝的約定,視貨物種類及內容而有所不同,但通常採取的不外下列兩種: 明確約定材料、種類、重量或尺寸 例如:Packing in wooden cases, each weights about 1,200 lbs. net. One piece in a polybag, one dozen in a paper box, then 60 boxes packed in an export carton its measurement about 20 CFT. 不特別註明包裝種類或包裝方法 僅約定以習慣包裝 ( Customary packing ) 或出口標準包裝 ( Export standard packing ) 例如:To be packed in export standard packing To be packed in ordinary export packing. 出口標準包裝應符合下列各項條件 應求牢固堅固完整。 包裝材料應適合貨物的性質、運輸方式,並應注意裝卸港(地)的氣候變化。 應儘量減小重量及體積,不宜超長、超大、超重。 應在安全的原則下,儘量節省包裝費用。 每件大小應整齊劃一,以便裝卸、堆積、計算、檢量及識別。 應遵照買方的指示辦理。 應合乎進口國家海關規定。

17 包裝標誌 -- 裝運標誌 ( Shipping mark), 指示、警告標誌 ( Indicative and Warning mark)
主標誌、目的地標誌、件 號、原產國標誌、注意標誌、重量與體積標誌


為謹慎起見,在契約書中,通常都載有類如下述的文字: Insurance to be covered by the buyer. DAT、DAP、DDP 為謹慎起見,通常於契約中填列有如下述保險條款: Insurance to be covered by the seller. CIF 或 CIP 購買保險,負擔保費:賣方 申請理賠,保險受益人:買方

20 保險條件中應約定的主要項目--保險種類、保險金額
保險種類 ( Coverage ) 基本險 協會貨物條款 ( Institute Cargo Clauses, ICC ) A - C 附加險 兵險(War risk, WR) 罷工暴動險(Strikes, riot, and civil commotions,SR & CC) 偷竊、挖竊、遺失險(Risks of theft, pilferage & non-delivery,TPND)等 保險金額 ( Insured amount ) Incoterms® 2010 CIF, CIP ,保險金額至少為契約價金加一成。 Marine insurance to be effected by the seller against FPA for invoice amount plus 15% only, any additional insurance required by buyer shall be effected by him and at his own expense.

21 交貨條件 運輸方式、交貨地點、交貨時間、交貨的附帶條件、交貨通知、遲延交貨的處理 運輸方式: 海運、陸運、空運、複合運送 交貨地點:

22 交貨時間的約定方式 定期交貨 Shipment during July. Shipment on or about 20th May.
January/February shipment. 於收到貨款或信用狀後一段期間內交貨 Shipment within 40 days after receipt of L/C. Shipment within 60 days after receipt of T/T. 即期交貨 Shipment as soon as possible. Immediate shipment. Prompt shipment. 未約定交貨時間 合理時間

23 交貨通知 – 貨名、數量、信用狀號碼、船名、裝船日期、裝運港口
交貨的附帶條件 分批交貨 ( Partial shipments ) Partial shipment allowed ( prohibited ) 轉 運 ( Transhipment ) Transhipment allowed at Hong Kong. Transhipment is not allowed ( permitted or prohibited ). 交貨通知 – 貨名、數量、信用狀號碼、船名、裝船日期、裝運港口 賣方: 通知買方貨物的運輸危險已開始由買方承擔 買方: 購買保險 著手準備提貨事宜 準備轉售貨物 遲延交貨處理 In the event of delay in shipment, buyer may cancel the contract and claim damages for breach of contract. The seller shall not be responsible for any delay of shipment, should the buyer fail to provide timely the L/C in conformity with contract. In case of strike, one month's delay is allowed by the buyer.

24 付款條件 -- 付款時間、付款方法、付款的其他條件
付款時間 ( Time of payment ) 交貨前付款 ( payment prior to delivery ) 交貨時付款 ( Payment against delivery ) 即期信用狀付款,即期跟單匯票付款(D/P) 交貨後付款( Payment after delivery )

25 付款方法 ( Method of payment )
匯付、憑信用狀付款、託 收 匯付 ( Remittance ) 匯付流程 -- 電匯(T/T或T.T.) 匯付付款條件 -- 先裝後付、先付後裝

26 先付後裝 先裝後付 訂貨付現 ( cash with order, CWO )
憑單據付現 ( cash against documents, CAD ) 進口地或出口地指定銀行憑貨運單據領取現金 Net cash against documents payable in New York. 寄售付款 ( payment against goods shipped on consignment ) Payment shall be made by check when the goods have been sold. 記帳 ( open account, O/A ) Payment to be made within 60 days after B/L date. 分期付款 ( instalment payment )

27 憑信用狀付款 ( payment against letter of credit )
Payment by draft at sight under an irrevocable L/C. Payment shall be made by a prime banker’s irrevocable and transferable of credit in favor of the seller, available by draft at sight for 100% invoice value.

28 託 收 ( Collection ) 付款交單 ( Document against payment, D/P )
Payment by sight draft, document against payment. 承兌交單 ( Document against acceptance, D/A ) Payment by draft payable 120 days after sight, document against acceptance.

29 第七章 國際貿易契約的次要條件 智慧財產權條件、不可抗力條件、索賠及糾紛處理條件、其他條件

30 智慧財產權 ( Intellectual property right )
著作權、商標、專利、工業設計、積體電路的電路布局、營業秘密 Seller shall not be held responsible for infringement of the right of trade mark, patent , design, label and copyright which are caused out of the observance of Buyer’s instructions to Seller and any disputes or claims raised thereon shall be settled by Buyer for his account. Seller shall be responsible for any infringement with regard to patent, trademark in the goods whether in buyer’s country or any other country. In the event of any dispute with regard to the above rights, buyer has the right to cancel this contract at buyer’s discretion and is under no liability arising therefrom. Seller shall be responsible for any and all liabilities, claims, expenses, losses and/or damages caused thereby.

31 不可抗力條件 ( Force Majeure Clause )
又被稱為「偶發事故條款」( Contingency Clause ) 不可抗力條款通常規定: 不可抗力的原因或種類 不可抗力發生後賣方得取消契約或延遲交貨 因不可抗力所致不交貨或延遲交貨,賣方不負責任 買賣雙方處理善後的方法 Non-delivery of all or any part of the merchandise caused by war, blockage, revolution, insurrection, civil commotions, riots, mobilization, strikes, lockouts, act of God, severe weather, plague or other epidemic, destruction of goods by fire or flood, obstruction of loading by storm or typhoon at the port of delivery, or any other cause beyond the seller’s control before shipment shall operate as a cancellation of the sale to the extent of such non-delivery. However, in case the merchandise has been prepared and ready for shipment before shipment deadline but the shipment could not effected due to any of the abovementioned causes, the Buyer shall extend the shipping deadline by means of amending relevant L/C or otherwise, upon the request of Seller.

32 索賠及糾紛處理條件 索賠條款 ( claim clause ) 買賣契約索賠條款內容
在國際貿易上,買方收到的貨物,如發生損害或與契約所定者不符,可向應負責的人要求賠償 索賠的對象 運送人 – 提單 保險公司 – 保險單 賣方 – 契約 ( 索賠條款 ) 買賣契約索賠條款內容 約定提出索賠的期限 約定提出索賠的通知方法 約定提出索賠所需檢附的證明文件 約定處理索賠方法 The seller shall not be liable for any claims unless they are made promptly after receipt of the goods and due opportunity has been given for investigation by the seller’s own representatives. Goods must not be returned except by permission of the seller. Claims, if any, shall be submitted by cable within fourteen days after arrival of goods at destination. Reports by recognized surveyors shall be sent by air mail without delay. At least 10% of original unopened packaged must be available to seller in the event of dispute regarding quality, etc., otherwise claim will not be valid.

33 仲裁條款 (arbitration clause)
當買賣雙方發生糾紛,不能友好解決時,大都請求第三者介入協助解決 調解 ( conciliation ) 仲裁 ( arbitration ) – 仲裁者、地點、適用規則 訴訟 ( litigation )

34 其他條件 檢驗條款 ( inspection ) 適用法律條款 ( the applicable law of the contract )
約定該項品質、數量應在何地由何人予以確定,並以該項確定結果作為品質、數量的證明。 Inspection to be made by independent inspection company at the port of discharge, their quality certificate shall be final. Goods will be inspected in accordance with normal practice of manufacturer, but if the Buyer desires special inspections in the presence of the Buyer, his representative or otherwise, all such additional charges shall be borne by the Buyer. 適用法律條款 ( the applicable law of the contract ) This contract is being executed in Tainan and is being made pursuant to and shall be construed in accordance with the laws of Taiwan.

35 輸出入許可證條款 ( import licence, export licence )
通常規定輸入許可證由買方負責申請獲得,而輸出許可證由賣方負責申請 The seller shall be fully responsible for export licence from Chinese Government. The buyer shall procure and provide at his own risk and expense any import licence or the like which may be required for the importation of the contracted goods at its destination. 稅捐條款 ( taxes and duties ) 進出口稅捐及其他附加稅,通常多以課徵國別為準而劃分負擔責任 Any duties, taxes or levies imposed upon the cargo, or any package, material, or activity involved in the performance of the contract will be for account of seller, if imposed by the country of origin; and for the account of the buyer, if imposed by the country of destination.

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