免疫新明星 Wellmune 提升人體天然的防禦力

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1 免疫新明星 Wellmune 提升人體天然的防禦力
醫學專題演講 免疫新明星 Wellmune 提升人體天然的防禦力 林曉凌醫師

2 免疫系統如何運作 人體的第一道防線是皮膚和黏膜。除非有傷口,否則病菌毒物不易入侵。
先天性免疫,這個系統不需經過教育訓練,就可以立刻對外來的感染作出反應,只能分辨敵我,但卻無法對特定的敵人作出選擇性反應。嗜中性球,巨噬細胞,自然殺手細胞是先天性免疫系統的三員大將。 後天性免疫又可分為體液性免疫及細胞性免疫。 Inside your body there is an amazing protection mechanism called the immune system. It is designed to defend you against millions of bacteria, microbes, viruses, toxins and parasites that would love to invade your body. The immune system can be broadly segregated into two parts: The innate part is present from birth and it has a number of set strategies for recognizing and destroying foreign bodies without the need to identify them. The adaptive immune system isn’t able to respond instantly, as it needs time to adapt or learn to recognize foreign bodies like viruses or bacteria. A key feature of the adaptive immune system is memory. Repeat infections by the same virus are met immediately with a strong and specific response that usually effectively stops the infection with less reliance on the innate system. When we say we are immune to infection with a virus, we are talking about immune memory. Vaccines protect us against infection because of immune memory.

3 先天性免疫系統細胞 嗜中性球 數量最多 反應迅速,病菌侵入後的30~60分鐘,便可抵達受感染部位 生命週期僅有短短的一天
,算是先天性免疫的先鋒In our blood, we have red blood cells whose main function is to transport oxygen from your lungs to tissues throughout your body. And we have white blood cells which are probably the most important part of our immune system. White blood cells are a whole collection of different cells working together to destroy foreign invaders. One type of white blood cells are called neutrophils. Neutrophils are the “first responders” when the body is invaded by bacteria, viruses, or other organisms. Guided by chemical signaling, they travel to the area of infection and attack. Neutrophils contain tiny compartments called granules, in which they store toxic chemicals that act as their weapons against microorganisms. These substances are effective at killing bacteria and viruses, but also contribute to inflammation, with swelling, redness, and often pain.

4 先天性免疫系統細胞 巨噬細胞 (macrophage) 生命週期較久且可不斷增生 在肺部、腸道、黏膜組織出沒
會大口吞噬病菌,或產生過氧化壓力消滅病菌 它們會發出警告,通知後天性免疫系統,開始製造能專一對付入侵者的武器(抗體或T細胞)。 The macrophage is a vital type of white blood cell. A macrophage is a kind of swallowing cell, which means it functions by literally swallowing up other particles or smaller cells. Macrophages engulf and digest debris (like dead cells) and foreign particles through the process of phagocytosis, so macrophages act like scavengers. They are constantly roaming around, searching for and destroying dead cells and foreign particles that don’t belong in the body. Macrophages (“big eaters”) Hang out in lung, gut, mucosal tissue. Either “eat” (phagocytize) invaders or Give an external oxidative burst to kill invaders.


6 你的免疫系統可能出現問題了: 一年感冒四次以上 有過敏的體質 舌苔泛白量多、口臭、皮膚滋長黴菌形成汗斑 或香港腳
 一年感冒四次以上 有過敏的體質 舌苔泛白量多、口臭、皮膚滋長黴菌形成汗斑 或香港腳 經常有嘴破、長針眼、濕疹、傷口不易痊癒 常常沒睡好 慢性病患者,如高血壓、痛風、糖尿病、心血 管疾病、癌症等 口腔內的舌苔泛白量多、口臭、皮膚滋長黴菌形成汗斑或香港腳。另外若每天都覺得疲倦想睡,經常有失眠、嘴破、長針眼、濕疹、傷口不易痊癒等問題,也是免疫力變差的徵兆,可別輕忽這些身體發出的警訊喔! Wellmune WGP®是由美國 BIOTHERA 公司耗資超過三億美元,與美國國立衛生研究院、美國國防部、美國梅約醫療中心、路易斯維爾大學癌症中心等知名研究機構共同研究開發,已有數十篇研究發表於nature等國際期刊上。

7 提升人體天然的防禦力 So, if the hygiene hypothesis is correct, the course of action is clear. Expose our bodies to natural substances that help properly develop and support our immune system. Wellmune is composed of naturally occurring polysaccharides that boosts the body’s immune system. Source of beta glucans, which act as complement to neutrophils.

8 Wellmune WGP®產品特色 天然:麵包酵母 Saccharomyces Cerevisiae中以專利技術提取出的天然 β-1,3-1,6 聚葡萄糖(gluco polysaccharide),高純度 安全:美國FDA GRAS安全性認證,無過敏性 認證:全球40份以上專利、Kosher、Halal、非基因改造 有效:美國 BIOTHERA 公司與美國國立衛生研究院、美國國防部、美國梅約醫療中心、路易斯維爾大學癌症中心等知名研究機構共同研究開發,已有數十篇研究發表於 Nature 等國際期刊上。 Wellmune WGP®是由美國 BIOTHERA 公司耗資超過三億美元,與美國國立衛生研究院、美國國防部、美國梅約醫療中心、路易斯維爾大學癌症中心等知名研究機構共同研究開發,已有數十篇研究發表於nature等國際期刊上。

9 Wellmune® 如何作用? 食用後, Wellmune 在腸道經由貝爾節 ( Peyer’s patches ) 吸收。
The human gastrointestinal tract contains immune tissue called Peyer’s patches that collect and transport certain food materials into the immune system. Wellmune is one of the materials that is collected by these gut immune cells.

10 巨噬細胞吞食 Wellmune 酵素 Wellmune Wellmune 活化碎塊 緩慢釋放
Wellmune is processed or digested by macrophages and the resulting molecular fragments are released by the macrophage over a period of days. Once swallowed, immune cells in the gastrointestinal tract take up Wellmune and transport it to immune organs throughout the body. While in the immune organs, immune cells called macrophages digest Wellmune into smaller fragments and slowly release them over a number of days. The fragments bind to neutrophils, via complement receptor 3 (CR3), which are the most abundant immune cells in the body. In fact, neutrophils account for 40-60% of all immune cells. 緩慢釋放

11 捕捉吞噬細菌 Beta葡聚醣碎片 嗜中性球Neutrophil 補體接受體 (CR3) 補體標示的細菌 被捕捉的細菌
Here’s a picture of our old friend, Mr. Neutrophil. On the neutrophil are binding sites, represented by the red half circles. The binding sites are activated by beta glucan. The bacteria have been flagged with blood complement, which improves binding to the neutrophil and leaves a scent trail for the neutrophil to track. Once these events have taken place, the bacteria can be captured or bound to the neutrophil for engulfing or chemical destruction. 補體標示的細菌 被捕捉的細菌

12 Wellmune WGP® 改善情緒狀態 雙盲研究實驗顯示 Wellmune WGP® 組面對壓力後產生較少的困惑、疲倦、憤怒等壓力反應
S.M. Talbott and J.A. Talbott. Baker's Yeast Beta-Glucan Supplement Reduces Upper Respiratory Symptoms and Improves Mood State in Stressed Women J Am Coll Nutr. August 2012 vol 31 no. 4 pp S.M. Talbott and J.A. Talbott. Effect of BETA 1, 3/1, 6 GLUCAN on upper respiratory tract infection symptoms and mood state in marathon athletes Journal of Sports Science and Medicine (2009) 8, pp decreased confusion, fatigue, tension, and anger, and increased vigor based on the POMS survey compared to placebo.

13 提升免疫力的主要成分: Wellmune WGP® 一種天然的酵母葡聚醣,取自獨特的酵母Saccharomyces cerevisiae中。
有助於調整體質,維持保護力。 鋅是必要的微量礦物質。 鋅為胰島素及多種酵素的成分,有助於維持能量、醣類、蛋白質與核酸的正常代謝。 鋅可支持巨噬細胞吞噬作用

14 提升免疫力的主要成分: 維生素C 維生素C以抗氧化特性最為著名。 維生素C能幫助健康維持的能力。 維生素C可以保護細胞膜免於氧化傷害

15 提升免疫力 加強身體自然免疫反應 豐富臨床研究顯示Wellmune® 增進健康免疫系統。 促進巨噬細胞活性 增進身體能量與活力

16 誰需要補充 Wellmune? 任何滿18歲的人皆可使用 飲食、運動、作息經常違背自然運轉的人 長期睡眠不足的人
想要一整年都保持健康與活力,身強體壯。 現代人繁雜事務過多,事事要求速成,飲食、運動、作息經常違背自然運轉,例如營養過剩或失衡、捨棄自然空間而每天到健身房對著電視做運動、長期睡眠不足等等,逐漸造成免疫力失衡,抵抗疾病能力變弱

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