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台南市德光女中英文科 英文法教學補助教材 Tainan Deguang Catholic Girls’ High School

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1 台南市德光女中英文科 英文法教學補助教材 Tainan Deguang Catholic Girls’ High School
English Grammar Teaching Material

2 完成式(Perfect Tense) 現在完成式 (Present Perfect Tense)
過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense) 未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense)

3 現在完成式 (Present Perfect Tense)
動詞型態: have / has + p.p. 使用時機: 用來表示(1)完成 (2)經驗 (3)繼續

4 (1)完成 表示「現在剛完成的動作」 ex: He has already seen that movie. (他己經看過那部電影了)
ex: He has written three books so far. (到目前為止,他已寫了三本書) ex: She has just come back. (她剛回來)

5 (1)完成 表「現在剛完成的動作」,常和下列副詞連用: 1 just(剛剛) 、already(已經) 、yet(還沒) 2
recently(最近) 、lately = of late (最近) 3 so far = up to now = up to present (至今) 4 these + 一段時間 (最近) 5 this week/this month/this year (本週/本月/ 今年)

6 (2) 經驗 表示「從過去到現在所經驗或沒有經驗到的事情」
ex: He has gone to Japan; he is not here. (他已經去日本了,他現在不在這裡) ex: My father has been to Japan twice. (我父親去過日本兩次) ex: This is one of the best books that I have ever read. (這是我看過最好的書之一)

7 (2) 經驗 表「經驗」的現在完成式,常和下列副詞連用 never (從未) 、ever (曾經) 、once (一次) 、before (以前) 、twice (兩次) 、 three times (三次) 、How many times…..?(有幾次) *have been to=>表示曾經去過某處 *have gone to=>表示已經去了某處 ex: He has gone to America.(已去美國,不在這裡) ex: He has been to America. (曾去美國,表經驗)

8 (3) 繼續 表示「從過去持續到現在的動作或狀態」 ex: I have studied English for five years.
(我已經學英文五年了) ex: She has been ill since Monday. (她從星期一以來就一直生病) ex: They have lived here for ten years. (他們住在這裡已經有十年了)

9 (3) 繼續 (1) for後面常接一段時間(如two weeks, one month等)
表「過去持續到現在的動作或狀態」常和for, since連用 for與since用法之比較 (1) for後面常接一段時間(如two weeks, one month等) ex: He has been ill for two weeks. (2) since後面可接 (a)過去時間(如 two days ago) (b) S + 過去式動詞 (如I saw him) ex: She has lived in Taipei since 2000. ex: It has been many years since I last saw him.

10 過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense)
動詞型態: had + p.p. 使用時機: 用來表示「過去兩個動作的時間先後關係」(Priority in Time) ex: I lost the pen which I had bought the day before.(我遺失了前天所買的筆) ex: I found the watch which I had lost. (我找到了我遺失的錶)

11 過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense)
過去的兩個動作,先發生的用過去完成式(had + p.p.) ,後發生的用過去簡單式。 ex: The train had gone before we reached the station, so we missed the train. (火車開走在先,我們到達在後) ex: He had been ill for a week when he went to a doctor. (他去看醫生之前,已經病了一個星期了)

12 過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense)
在before 或 after所引導的副詞子句中,因為before 和 after已經表示時間的先後,所以可以用「過去簡單式」來代替「過去完成式」 ex: I played video games after I (had) finished my homework. =Before I played video games, I (had) (做完功課後,我才打電動玩具)

13 過去完成式 (Past Perfect Tense)
歷史上的事實,雖然先發生,但也不可用過去完成式而要用過去式 ex: The teacher told us that Columbus had discovered America in 1492.(×) discovered America in (○) (老師告訴我們哥倫布在1492年發現了 美洲)

14 未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense)
動詞型態: will / shall + have + p.p. 使用時機:未來某點時間或未來某動作之 前已經完成的動作或事情 ex: By next May, he will have lived here for six years. (到明年五月,他住再此地就要滿六年了) ex: When you come next time, I will have finished the book. (下次你來時,我將已把這本書完成了)

15 未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense)
表「未來完成式」的句型常和(a),(b)句型連用 (a) By + 未來時間 (b) When + 現在式 S + will have p.p. ex: By Jane, we shall have learned English for three years. (到六月,我們已經學英文三年了) ex: I will have finished my work when he comes back tomorrow. (當他明天回來的時候,我將已完成工作)

16 未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense)
未來有兩個動作先後發生時,其時式關係如下: (A) S + 未來完成式 + 連接詞 S + 現在式 (先發生) (後發生) ex: I shall have finished the work before you come back. (在你回來之前,我將已做完此一工作)

17 未來完成式 (Future Perfect Tense)
未來有兩個動作先後發生時,其時式關係如下: (B) S + 未來式 + 連接詞 S + 現在完成式 (後發生) (先發生) ex: I shall go home when we have finished our work. (當我們做完工作,我們就回家)

18 練功坊 ( ) 1. She enjoyed reading the book she___. (A) bought (B) has bought (C) had bought ( ) 2. He _____ more than twenty years. (A) has been married (B) was married (C) got married ( ) 3. The earthquake of last night was the severest we ____. (A) had (B) have had (C) had had ( ) 4. Let’s wait till he ______ his job. (A) will finish (B) has finished (C) had finished ( ) 5. Since his arrival in Taiwan, he _____ in Taipei. (A) is living (B) had lived (C) has lived 1. C 2. A 3. C B 5. C

19 練功坊 ( ) 6. He ____ the entrance examination three times if he takes it once more. (A) has taken (B) will have taken (C) took ( ) 7. I _____ a diary in my life. (A) never keep (B) have never kept (C) kept never ( ) 8. Until yesterday his grandmother ____ only one movie in her life. (A) saw (B) has seen (C) had seen ( ) 9. When _____ this book I will play baseball with my dad. (A) will finish (B) will have finished (C) have finished ( )10. Have you ______ a saucer flying in the air? (A) ever seen (B) ever been seeing (C) saw 6. B 7. B 8. C C A

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