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REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON A NEW BEGINNING Cairo University Cairo, Egypt 49782004 鄭閔文 49782006 劉思含 49782027 鍾依伶 49782032 江孟璇 49782045 陳貞樺 49782052 李 湘.

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Presentation on theme: "REMARKS BY THE PRESIDENT ON A NEW BEGINNING Cairo University Cairo, Egypt 49782004 鄭閔文 49782006 劉思含 49782027 鍾依伶 49782032 江孟璇 49782045 陳貞樺 49782052 李 湘."— Presentation transcript:

鄭閔文 劉思含 鍾依伶 江孟璇 陳貞樺 李 湘

2 That does not lessen my commitment, however, to governments that reflect the will of the people.

3 Lessen The heat will lessen during the evening. 晚上熱氣會減弱。 vt. 及物動詞 The talk lessened the tension. 這次交談緩和緊張局面。 【古】藐視; 貶低

4 Commitment 託付, 交託; 委任[U] 下獄; 收監[U] 關進精神病院[U] 承諾, 保證; 承擔的義務[U][C][(+to)] I felt I did not have to make such a commitment to them. 我覺得我沒有必要對他們作出那樣的承諾。 信奉; 支持; 獻身[U][C][(+to)] My aunt has a sincere commitment to Buddhism. 我姑媽篤信佛教。 犯罪, 罪行[U][C] commitment of infanticide 殺嬰

5 Will (表示單純的將來)將 He will be home at six. 他六點回家。 (表示意志, 意願)願, 要
You will come, won't you? 你會來的, 是不是? (表示經常性, 習慣性)經常, 慣於, 總是 These things will happen. 這種事總是要發生的。 (表示能力, 功能)能 This auditorium will seat one thousand people. 這個禮堂能容納一千人。 (表示猜測)可能, 大概 This will be the house you're looking for. 這大概就是你找的那所房子了。 (表示責任, 義務)必須, 一定 No one will leave the examination room before ten o'clock. 十點以前誰也不能離開考場。 vt. 及物動詞 用意志力使, 主觀促成[O2][+(that)] I tried with all my might to will him to say no. 我竭盡全力想使他說不。 遺贈[O1][(+to)] He willed his house to his nephew. 他立下遺囑, 把房子留給姪子。 意欲, 決心要 vi. 不及物動詞 變化形 willed; willed; willing;下決心 願意

6 will n. 名詞 意志, 毅力; 自制力[C][U] Jim has a strong will. 吉姆是個意志堅強的人。
心願; 目的; 意願[U][+to-v] He had a strong will to beat his opponent. 他有擊敗對手的強烈慾望。 決心; 意圖[S] She had no will of her own. 她這人沒有主見。 (對別人所抱的)情感[U] They bear you no ill will. 他們對你並無惡意。 遺囑[C] In her will she left all her money to her children. 她在遺囑中將其所有的錢留給子女。

7 Each nation gives life to this principle in its own way, grounded in the traditions of its own people. 每個國家用各自的方式賦予此信念生命,根據傳統根植於他們的人民。

8 principle [ˋprɪnsəp!] DD [ˋprinsəpl] KK 1. 原則; 原理[C] 同義詞rule, law, standard, belief 反義詞exception definition example related expression online resource n. 名詞 變化形 principles;原則; 原理[C] I take this seriously. It's a matter of principle. 我對此很認真。這是原則問題。 主義; 信條[C] (機器等的)原理; 構造; 工作方式[C] The two machines work on the same principle. 這兩部機器的工作原理是一樣的。 道義, 節操[U] He is a man of high principle. 他是節操高尚的人。 起源, 本源

9 Grounded 使擱淺 Their ship was grounded. 他們的船擱淺了。 使停飛 The plane was grounded by fog yesterday. 昨天那架飛機因霧停飛。 The pilot was grounded for 3 days. 該飛行員被禁飛三天。 把...建立在牢固的基礎上; 把...基於[O][(+on/in)] My argument was grounded on my own experience. 我的論點有我自己的經驗作為根據。 Our plans are grounded on the results of feasibility study. 我們的計劃是建立在可行性研究結果上的。 【電】把...接地 把...放在地上; 使落地 給...以基礎訓練[H][(+in)] All applicants must be well grounded in computer science. 申請人都須有良好的電腦科學根底。 vi. 不及物動詞 變化形 grounds; grounded; grounded; grounding;(船)擱淺 The ship grounded in shallow water. 那條船在淺水中擱淺。 依靠, 根據, 基於[(+on/upon)] 落地

10 America does not presume to know what is best for everyone, just as we would not presume to pick the outcome of a peaceful things. 美國不會自認知道什麼是對所有人最好的,就如同我們不擅自假設選舉的結果是和平的。

11 Presume 擅自(做); 冒昧(做)[+to-v] I won't presume to advise you on the subject. 我不敢就這個題目對你作任何建議。 假定, 假設; 推測, 認為[O2][O8][+(that)] I presume you will approve of the plan. 我相信你會支持這個計劃。 推定, 意味著[O2][O8][+(that)] If a person is missing for nine years in that country, he is presumeddead. 在那個國家裡, 假如一個人失蹤九年, 就被作死亡論。 vi. 不及物動詞 變化形 presumed; presumed; presuming;擅自行為, 放肆 It would be presuming to camp in a person's yard withoutpermission. 不獲允許就在別人的院子裡露營是一種放肆的行為。 設想; 相信 You are married, I presume? 我猜你是結了婚的吧?

12 But I do have an unyielding belief that all people yearn for certain things:

13 unyielding [ʌnˋjildɪŋ] DD [ʌnˋji:ldiŋ] KK 1. 不屈服的; 不讓步的; 頑固的
同義詞firm, stubborn, immovable, inflexible 反義詞yielding definition example related expression online resource a. 形容詞 不屈服的; 不讓步的; 頑固的 不易彎曲的, 堅挺的

14 yearn [jɝn] DD [jə:n] KK 1. 思念; 渴望; 嚮往[(+for/afte
同義詞desire, crave, long for, wish for definition example related expression online resource vi. 不及物動詞 變化形 yearned; yearned; yearning;思念; 渴望; 嚮往[(+for/after/towards)][+to-v] She yearned to visit the village where she was born. 她熱切盼望能去她出生的那個村子看看。 He yearned after letters from home. 他期盼家裡來信。 The slaves yearned for freedom. 奴隸們渴望自由。 同情, 憐憫[(+for/after)] Her heart yearned for the starving, homeless children. 她的心憐憫那些挨餓的無家可歸的兒童。

15 certain [ˋsɝtən] DD [ˋsə:tn] KK 1. 確鑿的, 無疑的; 可靠的
同義詞sure, positive, definite, some 反義詞uncertain, doubtful definition example related expression online resource a. 形容詞 確鑿的, 無疑的; 可靠的 確信的, 有把握的; 一定會的[F][(+of/about)][+(that)][+wh-][+to-v] They are certain to succeed. (They are certain of success.) (They are certain that they will succeed.) 他們確信會成功。 I'm quite certain of that. 對那事我完全可以肯定。 I was certain that he had seen me. 我肯定他已看見了我。 某, 一位姓...的(人)[B] A certain person called on you yesterday. 昨天有個人來拜訪過你。 某種(或一定)程度的[B] pron. 代名詞 變化形 more certain; most certain;某幾個; 某些[(+of)]

16 Remarks by the President on A New Beginning
;the ability to speak your mind and have a say in how you are governed; confidence in the rule of law and the equal administration of justice 能夠暢所欲言並對自己被管理的方式有發言權;對法治和司法公正有信心;

17 Remarks by the President on A New Beginning
AUDIENCE MEMBER:  Barack Obama, we love you! PRESIDENT OBAMA:  Thank you. The fifth issue that we must address together is religious freedom. 巴瑞克歐巴馬 我們愛你 謝謝,我們必須共同解決的第五個問題是宗教自由問題。

18 Remarks by the President on A New Beginning
; government that is transparent and doesn't steal from the people; the freedom to live as you choose. These are not just American ideas; they are human rights. And that is why we will support them everywhere.  政府施政清廉,不竊取人民財富;人們可自由去選擇自己的生活方式。這些不只是美國人的信念,而是全人類的權利,因此美國在各地都支援這些權利。

19 Say vt. 1. 說,講,唸,誦 2. 講述;說明[+(that)][+wh-] 3. 表明,指明 4. 假定,假設[+(that)]
E.g. Let's say you miss the train, what do you plan to do? vi. 1. 說,講;發表意見 E.g. It's not for me to say. 這不應由我發表意見。 n. 1. 發言權[S][(+in)] E.g. I don't think he has much say in this matter. 2. 要說的話,意見[S] I've had my say. 我要講的都講了。 3. 決定權[the S]

20 Address n. 1. 住址,地址[C] 2. (信封等上的)姓名和地址[C] 3. 演說,致詞[C] 4. 舉止,風度,談吐[U]
vt. 1. 在...上寫收件人姓名地址 2. 向...致詞,向...發表演說 E.g. He is going to address the meeting. 3. 對...說話 E.g. He is addressing the chairman. 4. 稱呼[(+as)] E.g. He addressed her as "Miss Mattie". 專心致力於

21 Transparent a. 1. 透明的;清澈的[Z]
E.g. Her mother disapproves of her wearing transparent underwear. 2. 顯而易見的;一目了然的[+that] E.g. It was transparent that her pride was hurt. 3. 坦率的,光明正大的 E.g. He is a man of transparent sincerity. 4. 易懂的,明晰的 E.g. I like her transparent style of writing. 5. 【物】可穿透的

22 Now, there is no straight line to realize this promise.
現在, 實現這個承諾沒有直接的方法可循 But this much is clear: Governments that protect these rights are ultimately more stable, successful and secure. 但是有一點是明確的: 保護這些人權的政府, 最終會更加穩定成功和安全 Suppressing ideas never succeeds in making them go away. 壓制這些思想絕不會成功地讓這些思想消失 America respects the right of all peaceful and law-abiding voices to be heard around the world, even if we disagree with them. 美國尊重所有和平和守法人士的發言權, 即使我們意見相左 And we will welcome all elected, peaceful governments—provided they govern with respect for all their people. 我們將歡迎所有民選的和平政府—只要這些政府在施政時尊重他們 的人民

23 law-abiding: 守法的 provided (conj) 以...為條件; 假如 Provided (that) there is no opposition, we shall hold the meeting here. 假如無人反對, 我們就在這裡開會。

24 This last point is important because there are some who advocate for democracy only when they’re out of power; once in power, they are ruthless in suppressing the rights of others. (Applause.)  最後這一點之所以重要,是因為,在某些(政客們)尚未掌權時,總是大力倡導民主;一旦大權在握,他們便殘暴地壓迫他人的權利。(掌聲)

25 So no matter where it takes hold, government of the people and by the people sets a single standard for all who would hold power:  因此,無論是誰掌權,一個民有民治的政府,當為所有當權者設定單一標準:

26 You must maintain your power through consent(同意), not coercion(強迫); you must respect the rights of minorities, and participate with a spirit of tolerance and compromise(妥協、和解);  (當權者)你必須透過人民的認可而非高壓手段,來維持政權;你必須尊重少數族群的權利,並以寬容的心、妥協的精神參與其中。

27 Vocabulary Coercion: [n. 名詞] 1.強制; 強迫 2.高壓政治 Compromise: [n. 名詞]
1.妥協, 和解[C][U][(+between)] e.g. I hope we shall come to a compromise. 2.妥協方案, 折衷辦法; 折衷物[C] [vt. 及物動詞] 1.互讓解決(分歧等) 2.連累, 危及 e.g. You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people. 3.放棄(原則等); 洩露(祕密等) e.g. He refused to compromise his principles. [vi. 不及物動詞 ] 1.妥協, 讓步[(+on)] e.g. They found it wiser to compromise with her.

28 you must place the interests of your people and the legitimate workings of the political process above your party. Without these ingredients, elections alone do not make true democracy. 你必須將人民的權利以及合法的政治程序置於自身的政黨利益之上。一旦缺少(以上)這些要素,單憑選舉是無法落實真正的民主的。

29 Vocabulary Iegitimate [ a. 形容詞] 1.合法的
e.g. He is the legitimate heir to the property. 2.合法婚姻所生的, 嫡出的 3.正統的 4.正當的, 合理的 e.g. He had a legitimate reason for being late. [vt. 及物動詞] 1.使合法;宣佈...為合法 legitimate an accession to the throne 使登王位合法化 2.證明...有理(或正當) Ingredient n. 名詞 [C] 1.(混合物的)組成部分; (烹調的)原料 e.g. What are the ingredients of the cake? 2.(構成)要素, 因素

30 Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance
Islam has a proud tradition of tolerance. We see it in the history of Andalusia and Cordoba during the Inquisition. I saw it firsthand as a child in Indonesia, where devout Christians worshiped freely in an overwhelmingly Muslim country. 伊斯蘭擁有值得自豪的寬容,在宗教法庭時期我們對安達魯西亞和科爾多瓦的歷史看得很清楚,我童年時在印尼親眼看到,虔誠的基督教信徒自由地在充滿著穆斯林人的國家從事禮拜活動

31 Inquisition 宗教法庭 Devout 虔誠的; 虔敬的 誠摯的; 衷心的 Overwhelmingly 壓倒地; 無法抵抗地

32 That is the spirit we need today
That is the spirit we need today. People in every country should be free to choose and live their faith based upon the persuasion of the mind, heart, and soul. This tolerance is essential for religion to thrive, but it is being challenged in many different ways. 這種精神正是我們今天所需要的,每個國家的人民都應該聽從他們的思想、感情和靈魂,自由地選擇和過自己的宗教生活。這種寬容對宗教的興旺是必要的,但是現在正面臨許多各方的挑戰

33 Persuasion 說服, 勸說 說服力 信念; 信仰 宗派; 派別; 教派 種類, 類別

34 Among some Muslims, there’s a disturbing tendency to measure one’s own faith by the rejection of somebody else’s faith. The richness of religious diversity must be upheld—whether it is for Maronites in Lebanon or the Copts in Egypt. (Applause.) And if we are being honest, fault lines must be closed among Muslims, as well, as the divisions between Sunni and Shia have led to tragic violence, particularly in Iraq. 在某些穆斯林中,有一個令人困擾的傾向:藉由排斥它人的信仰來顯示對自己信仰的忠誠。這豐富的宗教多樣性必須被維護–無論是黎巴嫩天主教的馬龍派教徒或埃及基督教會之科普特信徒。(掌聲) 另外,如果我們能夠誠實地對待這個問題,穆斯林內部的裂隙也必須被彌補,因為遜尼派和什葉派的分歧已造成悲劇,特別是在伊拉克。

35 Vocabulary: Rejection (n.) 拒絕; 退回; 剔除 He decided not to approach her for fear of rejection. 摒棄, 厭棄, 廢棄(+of/by) Don’t take rejection by your children to heart. 【醫】排斥 The recipient’s body is showing rejection to foreign tissue. Uphold的過去分詞Upheld (vt.) 舉起, 高舉 She upheld the banner proudly. 支撐, 支持 Eight columns uphold the big dome. 維護; 維持; 贊成; 確認 We uphold the principle of racial equality.

36 Fault line (n.) 斷層線 Earthquakes usually occur along fault lines. 裂隙
These issues have created a stark fault line within the Peace Process.

37 Thank you for attention!

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