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Lesson 29 Funny or not?.

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1 Lesson 29 Funny or not?

2 Comic 喜剧的 Comedy (n.) 喜剧 Comedian 喜剧演员

3 universal: general English is a universal language.
英语是一种世界通用的语言。 (Esperanto) In China today throwaway tissues are so universal that cloth handkerchiefs are regarded as old fashioned. 在今天的中国,一次性的纸巾是如此普遍,而使用布手帕已经过时。 保护环境是一项值得为之奋斗的事业,人们在这一点上有着广泛的认同。 There is universal agreement that saving the environment is a worthy cause. Universally adv. The rule applies universally. 这条规则是放诸四海而皆准的。

4 distasteful使人不愉快的;讨厌的;不合口味的
=disagreeable A is distasteful to B:A对B来说很讨厌/不好/反感 我们一家人都讨厌抽烟. Smoking is distasteful to our family. The greater a man is, the more distasteful praise and flattery are to him. 一个人越伟大,对赞扬和奉承就越反感。 一想到她,我就觉得讨厌。 The thought of her is distasteful to me.

5 pester v.一再要求, 纠缠 Assail pester sb. to do sth. pester sb. with sth.
这个小女孩缠着游客要钱。 The little girl pestered tourists to give her money/with demand for money. 多年来,他一直缠着父母去欧洲旅游。 He has been pestering his parents with the demand for a tour to Europe for years.

6 dread害怕,畏惧(vt./n.) dread doing sth/to do sth
I dread having to visit the dentist . 我害怕看牙医。 我不敢去想她知道真相后会怎么样。 I dread to think what will happen if she finds out the truth. in dread of…. 害怕某人[某事] 我们都怕昆虫。 We are in dread of insects.

7 recovery恢复,复原 make a speedy/quick/good recovery Recover v.
recover one’s sight/ hearing recover from illness/shock 他永远也无法找回平静的心态了. He will never recover his peace of mind. Walking can act as a recovery and actually help you in your overall training. 走路可以有助于你的康复,实际上还有助于 你全面的训练。

8 console安慰, 慰问(vt.) console sb for sth 因某事而安慰某人
consolation n. ~ letter 慰问信 ~ prize 安慰奖 We don't know what to say to console her for the loss. 对于她的损失,我们不知该说什么才能安慰她。 他很善于通过自我安慰来缓解(ease)尴尬局面。 He is quite good at easing embarrassing situations by consoling himself. 看到这样朝气的青年一代,我都感到很安慰很高兴。 It has given me great consolation and delight to see such a vigorous younger generation.

9 compensate补偿,赔偿(v.) compensation (n.) compensate sb for sth
Although I have the responsibility to compensate you for your loss, you can't go too far in demanding money! 虽然我有赔偿你损失的责任,但你也不能狮子大开口漫天要价! 旅客们要求航空公司赔偿因航班取消带来的损失。 The passengers asked this airline to compensate them for cancelling the flight.

10 Whether we find a joke funny or not largely depends on where we have been brought up.
主语从句 Whether you can master English nor not largely depend on whether you take interest in it or getting to it and using it as often as possible. 英语能否学好很大程度上取决于你是否对英语感兴趣及尽可能多地接触并使用英语。

11 Whether VS if a. 主语从句只用whether 他来不来无关紧要。
Whether he comes or not doesn’t matter. b. if 跟or not不连用 I don’t know whether she is right or not. c. if不用在介词后 The meeting has discussed about whether she is perfect for the position. d. if不用在不定式前 I can’t decide whether to go with him.

12 The sense of humour is mysteriously bound up with national characteristics.
责任感/危机感/同情心/荣誉感/方向感 sense of responsibility/ crisis/ sympathy/ honor/ direction be bound up with = be closely connected with sth = be associated with

13 个人的幸福与国家的富强是密不可分的 The welfare of the individual is bound up with the prosperity of the nation. 我们的教育事业是和祖国的繁荣昌盛休戚相关的。 Our educational cause is bound up with the prosperity of our country. 一个人的性格跟其成长环境有很大的关系。 One’s character is bound up with how he was brought up.

14 In the same way, a Russian might fail to see anything amusing in a joke which would make an Englishman laugh to tears. In the same way = accordingly = equally laugh to tears=laugh from ear to ear scare to death 吓死 freeze to death 冻死

15 No matter where you live, you would find it difficult not to laugh at, say, Charlie Chaplin's early films. 句型:find it difficult not to双重否定表肯定 你会发现很容易和这样爱笑的女孩儿打成一片。 You will find it difficult not to get along well with the girl.

16 However, a new type of humour, which stems largely from the U. S
However, a new type of humour, which stems largely from the U.S., has recently come into fashion. stem from来自,起源于...(地方) date from追溯到...(时间) His feeling of hatred stems from love. 他因爱生恨。 When you look at history you find that most wars stem from these different types of Religious Extremists. 当你回顾历史,你会发觉许多的战争是源自于不同 宗教信仰的极端主义者。

17 come into fashion: became fashionable, come into popularity 流行起来
come into power (开始)掌权, 上台 come into being 出现, 建立, 成立

18 He spent a miserable day in bed thinking of all the fun he was missing.
Pride in prosperity turns to misery in adversity. 兴盛时的骄傲会变成逆境的痛苦。 Misery loves company 同病相怜。 难点:spent a miserable day in bed thinking不是spend some time doing, 而是thinking作伴随状语

19 Chance表示“机会”时, 经常采用复数形式。
one’s chances of doing sth. are good/remote or slim 某人做某事的可能性很大/很小

20 他很可能被炒鱿鱼。 His chances of being dismissed are good. 医生说她的存活几率很大。 Doctors say her chances of survival are good.

21 我们觉得一件衣服是否好看很大程度上取决于我们属于哪一个年龄群体(age group)。审美感(sense of beauty)与年龄有着神秘莫测的联系。譬如,老奶奶很难欣赏(appreciate)到宽松破旧的(baggy and shabby)牛仔裤的美处。同样的道理,一条让上了年纪的人(the elder)骄傲的,笔挺的(prim and stiff)西装裤(formal trousers),年轻人(youngster)看了可能觉得没什么迷人(fascinating/charming)之处。

22 Whether we find a dress attractive or not largely depends on which age group we belong to. The sense of beauty is mysteriously bound up with age. A granny, for instance, might find it hard to appreciate the baggy and shabby pants. In the same way, a youngster might fail to see anything charming in the prim and stiff formal trousers which would make an elder proud.

23 事实上,对不同服装样式(style)的喜好取决于不同的年龄,性别(gender),职业(occupation)甚至国籍(nationality)。尽管有各种差异,有些顶尖级的(top-class)服装却能产生普遍的效果。比如说,不管你是谁,不管你生活在哪里,你看了香奈儿的服装都很难不喜欢。

24 As a matter of fact, the likings for the dress styles are based on different ages, genders, occupations, nationalities and even nationalities as well. In spite of those differences, certain top-class dresses have a universal appeal. No matter who you are or what you do or where you live, you would find it difficult not to love, say, Chanel.

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