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1 牛津初中英语8B

2 International charities
8B Unit5 International charities Welcome to the unit

3 ORBIS ORBIS 是一个致力于使全世界各国盲人和眼疾患难者摆脱黑暗,重获光明的国际性慈善机构.

4 Oxfam Oxfam 是一个独立的发展与救援机构,建基香港,跨跃种族﹑性别﹑宗教和政治界线,与贫穷的人民一起面对贫穷与苦难,让所有人得到尊重与关怀,享有食物﹑居所﹑就业机会﹑教育及医疗条件的组织.

5 UNICEF UNICEF 是1946年为援助第二次世界大战后欧洲儿童的紧急需要,联合国大会决定成立的,为发展中国家的贫困儿童提供救援服务,是惟一完全致力于为世界上儿童的基本要求谋求幸福,为儿童因战争受到伤害而提供求助的联合国机构。

6 World Vision World Vision是世界上具规模的一个救灾﹑扶贫及发展机构,透过开展儿童为本区域发展项目、救灾及重建、教育、医疗卫生、农林环保、孤儿及有特殊需要的儿童服务,以及城市事工等发展项目,协助贫穷人摆脱贫穷,达致自力更生及持续发展。

7 World Wide Fund for Nature
World Wide Fund for Nature是世界最大、经验最丰富的非政府自然保护组织,前身是世界野生生物基金会.成立于1961年,总部设于瑞士,目前在100 多个国家实施各种自然保护项目,得到了全球近500万人的支持。WWF的目标是停止并最终扭转人类对地球的破坏,并创造人类与自然和谐共处的美好未来。它致力于: -保护世界生物多样性 -确保可再生自然资源的可持续利用 -推动减少污染和浪费性消费的行动

8 What other charities do you know?
Friends of the Earth Greenpeace International Youth Foundation Save the Children World Food Programme World Relief

9 Do A on page 75 1: ORBIS 2: World Wide Fund for Nature 3: World Vision
4: Oxfam 5: UNICEF

10 Work in pairs: Ask and answer
What do you think people in poor countries need most ? Why ? A: books B: cars C: clothes D: education E: FOOD F: health care G: homes H: jobs I: money J: shoes K: TVs L: water

11 Listen to the comic strip and the questions
1: Oxfam needs money. What does Hobo want to do ? 2: Does Eddie want to go out before lunch ? What time does he always have lunch ? Hobo wants to go and give some money to Oxfam. No, he doesn’t . At twelve o’clock.

12 It’s next to the Oxfam shop.
3: Where is the new restaurant ? It’s next to the Oxfam shop.

13 Act out the dialogue

14 ocket nternational eak fterwards 根据句意及首字母提示完成单词
1. Jim has some p_______ money that his parents gave, so he wants to buy a new CD. 2. China is one of the i___________ (国际的) countries in the world . 3. He feels so w______ that he can’t stand up. 4. We will be good friends a ______________ (以后) nternational eak fterwards

15 用所给词的适当形式填空 to close left doing to visit
1. “Remember ________(close) the door after school,” our teacher told us. 2. We have a little time ________ (leave) . Let’s read the English. 3. Are you used to ________(do) your homework at night ? 4. He used to _______ (visit) the Great Wall. left doing to visit

16 英汉互译 1.零花钱 ________________ 2. 习惯于_________________
1.零花钱 ________________ 2. 习惯于_________________ 3. 过去常常________________ 4. 世界自然基金会_________________ 5. too weak to walk ____________ 6. World Vision ______________ 7. World Wide Fund for Nature _________________________

17 知识点讲解 A: be / get used to sth./doing sth. 对某事物/做某事已适应/习惯
He is used to hard work. I am not used to drinking . B: used (adj.) 二手的,旧的,用过的 C: used to 过去常常, 后接动词原形 I used to go to school on foot, but I go to school by bus now. PS: used 的否定形式可以是usedn’t 或didn’t use ,但反意疑问句用didn’t---

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