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Listening and Speaking

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1 Listening and Speaking
刘知权 叶奇 何晓芳

2 Talking about Intentions
Work with your partner and translate the following words or expressions into Chinese. Then predict who the speakers in the coming conversation are. PhD student Department of Economics European Literature major graduation intention MA course

3 PhD student: 博士学生 Department of Economics: 经济学系 European Literature:欧洲文化 major:专业 graduation:毕业 MA course:硕士课程

4 intention 的用法: intention为名词,表示“目的,意图; 企图”。动词形式为intend。 考查短语with the intention of “带有……目的” 动词短语intend to do “打算做某事”。

5 1)目的 What do you think was the author's intention in this passage? 你认为作者写这一段的用意是什麽?

6 2) 打算 They have no intention of getting married at present. He returned with the intention of spending New Year with his family. 他为了和家人共度新年而回来。

7 Listen to a conversation and fill in the blanks to get the main idea.
There are _____ people in the conservation, and they are _______, _______ and _______. 3 Sam Mary Jack

8 They are probably _________ studying at college
They are probably _________ studying at college. They are talking about their _______ for the future. students plans

9 Listen again and fill in the table with the
information you get from the conversation. Name Major Introduction Jack ________ ____________ related to his major _________ Mary ________________ being _________________ Sam _______ around the world Economy do some work in company European Literature a teacher in college traveling

10 Listen for the third time and find the sentence structures for asking about and stating one’s intentions. Jack: ______________________ after your graduation, Mary? Mary: __________ be a college teacher. How about you, Jack? Jack: ____________ to do some work related to my major in a company. What are you going to do I want to I’m planning

11 Mary: That’s a good idea. And you, Sam?
_____________________? Sam: Ha, _____________ to travel around the world. But, you know, it’s really difficult. ____________ to go to New York first and then to Tokyo. Mary: Really? That’s a great idea! What is your intention My intention is I am planning

12 表达意愿的常用句型: 1. I’m going to ...此句型表示经过事先考虑而打算、计划、准备去做某事,常常表示说话人的主观愿望。如: I’m going to visit the Great Wall the day after tomorrow. 我打算后天参观长城。

13 2. I will ...此句型中will表示主语的“意愿、意志、决心”,强调“乐意、愿意”做某事。
I will leave for Beijing. 我要动身去北京。 Go whenever I will. 我愿意什么时候去就什么时候去。

14 3. Do you have any intention of doing sth.?
It is my intention to … My intention is… I don’t intend to… It was not my intention that she should suffer. 我没有要她吃苦头的意思。 I don’t intend to hurt you. 我不想伤害你。

15 4. I’d like / love to ...此句型表示“我想要 / 愿意去做某事”。如:
—Would you like to come to my birthday party tomorrow? 明天你想来参加我的生日聚会吗? —Yes, I’d love to. 是的,我愿意。

16 5. I hope to ...此句型表示“希望”做某事,语气很委婉。如:
I hope to go to Beijing. 我希望去北京。 6. I want to ... want与would like 的意义相同,都表示“想要”,常表示说话者的主观愿望。 I want to leave here. 我想离开这里。

17 Make up a conversation with your partner to talk about your intentions or plans, using some of the sentence structures in the table below.

18 Ask about one’s intention(s)
Are you going to …? Are you planning to …? Do you plan to …? What do you mean to do? What will you be doing tonight? You will…, won’t you? Do you have any intention of doing something?

19 State one’s intention(s)
I (don’t) plan to… I am (not) planning to… I am (not) going to… I expect I will… I (don’t) intend to… It is my intention to… My intention is…

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