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Business Negotiations 商务谈判

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1 Business Negotiations 商务谈判
商务现场口译 Unit 5 Business Negotiations 商务谈判 返回 江苏城市职业学院张家港办学点

2 Business Negotiations
Learning Objects: Master the basic words and expressions about business negotiations. Improve your interpreting skills. Develop your communicative skills. Learn how to make a negotiation. 返回

3 Contents 1. Background Information 2. Vocabulary Development
3. Dialogue 4. Text Interpreting 5. Communicative Skills 6. Supplement 7. Suggested Version 返回

4 Background InformationⅠ
SECTION 1 Background InformationⅠ Corporate negotiation is a process like all other business strategies. In today's challenging and ever-changing business environment, it is imperative to understand negotiations from the perspective of both the buyer and the seller. What kinds of strategies assist sales professionals in reaching their own business goals, while still ensuring that their customers meet budget and professional objectives as well-going beyond win-win to achieve true, measurable business value for all parties at the negotiating table? In brief, business negotiation is a process in order to coordinate the relationship between businesses and meet their needs, people try to find a final settlement of the dispute to reach an agreement and sign the contract through the consultation and the dialogue. There are three essential factors for business negotiation: Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

5 Background InformationⅡ
SECTION 1 Background InformationⅡ participation, the subject of the negotiation, and the environment of the negotiation. What’s more, any business negotiation includes three stages: the opening stage, the consulting stage, and the signing stage. Having perfect behavior in all three stages and winning the successful negotiation have an important significance for both the enterprise and the negotiators. For the enterprise, business negotiation is an important part of the company’s core competence. In the fierce market competition, the success of business negotiation may directly or indirectly affect the survival of the enterprise. Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

6 Background InformationⅢ
SECTION 1 Background InformationⅢ Compared with the enterprise, the business negotiation has more needs to the business negotiators. During the business negotiation, negotiators are usually on behalf of the company to attend the negotiation and their image represents the image of the company. So the excellent negotiators not only can be successful in the completion of the negotiation, but also can win the reputation for the corporate and win more chances for themselves. How to be an excellent negotiator? The first is studying the professional negotiating skills, and second is having a good knowledge of the business etiquette. Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

7 Vocabulary DevelopmentⅠ
SECTION 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentⅠ Sec 1 指示性价格 price indication 还盘 counter offer 速复 reply immediately 有行无市的价格nominal price 参考价 reference price 价格调整price regulation 习惯做法 usual practice 交易磋商 business negotiation 不受约束 without engagement 购货合同 purchase contract Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

8 Vocabulary DevelopmentⅡ
SECTION 2 Vocabulary DevelopmentⅡ Sec 1 销售确认书 sales confirmation 交易条件terms and conditions 以未售出为准 subject to prior sale 毛重 gross weight 商品倾销 dumping 关税 customs duty 进口配额制 import quotas 自由贸易区 free trade zone 贸易顺差 favorable balance of trade 贸易逆差 unfavorable balance of trade Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

9 SECTION 3 DialogueⅠ Direction: Interpret the following dialogue alternatively into English and Chinese. George White, the marketing manager of an American company, came to Zhang Hua’s (the marketing manager) office to discuss the details of the deal. Sec 1 Sec 2 W: Good afternoon! My name is George White. I am the marketing manager of the American Fu-tong Electrical Equipment Ltd. This is my card. Z: Good afternoon, Mr. White, my name is Zhang Hua, manager of the sales department. W: 在上一次我给你发的电子邮件中表达了想与贵公司就海尔冰箱合作的意向。这次来主要是想和你探讨关于合作条件方面的事情。 Z: Okay, I introduced our products to you last time. We also hope we can conclude the business with your company. And we know you are the leading importer of electrical equipment in the American market. Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

10 SECTION 3 DialogueⅡ Sec 1 W: 当然,海尔集团是一家国有企业,是中国最大的电器制造商之一。我们对贵公司最新款式的BCD-198AG冰箱非常感兴趣,而且贵公司产品在我方市场看好,我方买主索求价目表和目录。 Z: No problem, here are the pricelist and catalogue. W: And the price is the key point for the customer, we hope you can give us a reasonable price. Of course, I’d like to have your lowest quotations FOB Qingdao. Z: 如你所知,我们的产品畅销全球,主要是因为其质量上乘,价格公道。对于贵公司,我们会给你5%的折扣,每台报价625美元。 W: In fact, there is a growing demand for this article; we have to ask you for a special discount. Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

11 SECTION 3 Dialogue Ⅲ Sec 1 Z: By the way, how many this style will your company import? W: 8,000 sets. If your price is reasonable, we may place a large order with you. Z: 如果你方能订购10 000台,我们可以考虑给你一个特殊折扣。每台报价600美元。 W: Let me see. I will discuss with my general manager. Z: Okay, we hope to receive your early order. Sec 2 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

12 SECTION 4 Text InterpretingⅠ Passage 1
Interpret the following passage from Chinese into English Sec 1 人为因素可以帮助也可以破坏一场谈判。达成协议的过程可能产生一种心理上的承诺促成对双方来讲都满意的结果。经过一段时间建立起来的相互信任,理解,尊重,友好的工作关系能使新的谈判更加顺利有效。人们对自身的良好感觉和对他人想法的关心时常使他们对谈判对手的利益更加敏感。 很多人认为未来几十年环太平洋地区,特别是东亚地区将会带来更多经济上的挑战和机遇,就经济和发展而言,这个地区已经做出了长足的进步。北美,西欧和东亚在文化和价值观体系上存在巨大差异。在这样的情况下,西方的谈判者如果用对待本国或西方同僚的相同的态度和观点,就很难和东亚的伙伴成功的进行商业谈判。 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

13 SECTION 4 Text InterpretingⅡ Passage 2
Interpret the following passage from English into Chinese Sec 1 When selling a small business, the owner of the business rarely looks at the concerns that a buyer might have in determining the price that a buyer might offer . Many small business owners do not think that they have anything to sell or only think to sell their business when they are in trouble financially, which is the worst time to sell. Others do not think they will ever sell, but leave their families in the lurch when they die and no provision has been made to provide for an eventual sale or succession plan. A business should always be run as if it is for sale. This means that the owner should be mindful of what a buyer in their industry would value and pay a higher price for at the time of any sale. While assets and liabilities are used to calculate a company's fair market value, that is only the starting point for such valuation. A buyer will also look at the cash flow of the business to determine what cash would be available to the buyer, especially if they are incurring debt to buy such a business. A potential buyer will also be interested in whether the business is growing in its industry or if the current owner is using the business as a "cash cow" that the owner is "milking" instead of reinvesting the profits into new technology or additional infrastructure. Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 5 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

14 SECTION 5 Communicative Skills 外事礼仪Ⅰ
在外事交往中,迎来送往是常见的一项内容,也是颇具要求的一项工作。它是企业与国际友人交往的第一步,许多“第一印象”往往从中而得。对此,切不可疏忽大意。认真按照外事交往中的礼仪规范行事,能为人们之间的顺利,友好往来获得一个良好的开端。在迎送工作中,还应注意陪车的礼仪。迎接客人抵达、欢送客人以及一些外事访问活动时,组织一般应当安排人员陪车,起到以接待和引路的作用。在陪车中,公务人员应注意的主要是上下车的顺序和坐车时的位置安排。 会见时的礼仪包括:会见双方都应遵时安约,尤其作为主方人员应提前到达会见地点以迎候客人。迎候时,可以站在会见的大楼正门,也可以在会客厅门口等候。当客人到达时,应主动上前行礼表示欢迎,并引导客人入座。因会见是一项对组织具有重要意义的工作,为表示着重和便于会见时的交谈,事先都有一定的座位安排。 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

15 SECTION 5 外事礼仪Ⅱ Sec 1 会谈是指双方或多方就某些共同关心的问题相互交换意见、交流看法、展露观点的一种会唔,有时会谈也指公务洽谈或者具体的专业性谈判,其内容比会见更为正式、气氛更为严肃、专业性更强。在具体的礼仪要求上,与会见相类似,只是在座位的安排和交谈的方式上有一些不同。 在会谈中,双方一般围桌而坐,通常使用长廊形、椭圆形或圆形桌子,宾主相对而坐。座位的排列,以门为准,有不同的安排法,具体如图所示,记录员可安排在后卒,也可安排在会谈桌就座。若多边会谈,座位可摆成圆桌,按礼宾次序依次就座。 在与客人会谈中,谈话时的仪表、语气、话题都显得十分重要。出席谈话的人要努力给对方留下一个美好的印象,促使会谈煌成功。其间涉及到的会谈礼仪有:首先,要注意仪表、仪容。出席会谈的人,衣着要整洁大方,谈话的表情应自然、诚恳,面带笑容。其次,谈话的态度要诚肯,谈自己的观点时要谦和;他人发言时要认真聆听,不要随意插话;对原则性问题要坚持和拒绝时,注意态度上不要激烈,可做耐心的解释和婉拒。交谈中,注意使用礼貌用语,如“请”、“对不起”等。 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

16 SECTION 5 外事礼仪Ⅲ Sec 1 在涉外活动中,不仅应做到尊重国际公众、礼貌待人,也应了解国外人们的种种忌讳,避免不礼貌情况的发生,这也是十分重要的礼仪内容。 在国际交际场合,忌用菊花、杜鹃花、石竹花、黄色的花献给客人,已成为惯例;在欧美,我们被邀请到朋友家去做客,献花给夫人是件愉快的事,但在阿拉伯国家,则是违反了礼仪。 在使用筷子进食的国家,不可用筷子垂直插在米饭中;在日本不能穿白色鞋子进房间,这些均被认为是不吉利之举;佛教国家不能随便摸小孩的头顶,尤其在泰国,认为人的头是神圣不可侵犯的,头部被人触摸是一种极大侮辱,住宅门口上也禁止悬挂衣物,特别是内衣裤;脚被认为是低下的,忌用脚示意东西给人看,或把脚伸到别人跟前,更不能把东西踢给别人,这些是失礼的行为;在欧洲国家,新在婚礼前是不试穿结婚用的礼服的,因为害怕幸福婚姻破裂;还有些西方人将打破镜子视作运气变坏的预兆;另外西方人不会随便用手折断柳枝,他们认为这是要承受失恋的痛苦的;在匈牙利,打破玻璃器皿,就会被主为是厄运的预兆;中东人不用左手递东西给别人,认为这是不礼貌的;英美两国人认为在大庭广众中,节哀是知礼,而印度人则相反,丧礼中如不大哭,便是有失礼仪。 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 6 Sec 7 返回

17 SECTION 6 Supplement Case AnalysisⅠ
As scheduled, Mr. Kim, a sales representative of a lighting equipment company rushed into Manager’s office in the sales department without wiping off the sweaters, which frightened Mr. Pitt, the head of the department. “Excuse me? these are the new designs of our company. Please take a look.” Mr. Kim said. Mr. Pitt moved from his work and took the products with a casual compliment “Oh, they are nice.” and asked Mr. Kim to be seated and treat with a cup of tea. Then he had a close look at the product. Seeing that Mr. Pitt seemed quite interested in it, Mr. Kim felt released. He dropped gratefully into the sofa, looking around and smoking. When Mr. Pitt enquired the reason for the location of the switches on the equipment, Kim scrapped his head habitually. Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 7 返回

18 SECTION 6 Case AnalysisⅡ
Although the detailed explanation was made, Mr. Pitt still had some doubts. When it came to the price, Mr. Pitt emphasized that the price was much higher than his budget and wondered the possibility of lowering it. Mr. Kim’s respond was: “Our manager has said it’s the bottom up price, not concession.” Then Mr. Pitt kept silent for quite a while, Mr. Kim started to get tense, staring at Mr. Pitt, which made Mr. Pitt frown, “So what are the advantages of this new type?” Kim scratched his head again and answered with the repeated words “new style, long life and power saving”. Mr. Pitt found an excuse to go out, leaving Kim waiting bored. He picked up the phone and had a chat with a friend of his. At the moment, the door was open, instead of the manager, the secretary came in. Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 7 返回

19 SECTION 6 Case Analysis Ⅲ Discussion
What are the defects in Mr. Kim’s performances? What are the main business etiquette Mr. Kim should follow? If you are Mr. Kim, what is the best way to secure his sales promotion? Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 7 返回

20 SECTION 6 Students Activities:
Work in groups and create role-plays. To start a negotiation with the representatives from the cooperative company. You may focus on the following topics. Group 1: to set the price of the goods Group 2: the mode of transportation Group 3: payment terms Group 4: the amount of the order Group 5: the settlement of the claims Sec 1 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 7 返回

21 SECTION 7 参考译文 DialogueⅠ 乔治·怀特是一家美国公司的市场部经理,他来到张华的办公室和他讨论关于业务的细节问题。
W: 下午好!我是乔治·怀特,美国福通电气设备有限公司市场部经理,这是我的名片。 Z: 下午好!怀特先生,我是张华,销售部经理。 W: Last time, I ed you and expressed our desire to cooperate with your firm on the Haier refrigerator. This time I came to discuss something about the cooperation terms and conditions. Z: 好的,上次我向你介绍了我公司的产品。我们也希望能与贵公司达成交易,我们知道贵公司是美国市场中主要的电器设备进口商。 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 返回

22 SECTION 7 DialogueⅡ Sec 1 W: Of course, Haier Group is a state-owned enterprise and one of the largest manufacturers in China. We are interested in the latest style BCD-198AG and your products have a pleasant market in USA. Our buyers ask for your pricelist and catalogue. Z: 没问题,这些是价目表和目录。 W: 价格是消费者关心的主要问题,我们希望你方能给我们一个合适的价格。当然,希望你方能报FOB青岛最低价。 Z: As you know, our products sell well all over the world because of the superior quality and reasonable price. For your company, we give you 5% discount and offer you $625 per set. W: 实际上,我方市场对此类产品的需求量增加,我们希望贵公司能给我们特殊折扣。 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 返回

23 SECTION 7 Dialogue Ⅲ Z: 顺便问一下,你方打算进口多少台这款冰箱?
W: 台。如果你方价格适中,我们可以考虑大量订购。 Z: If you can place 10,000 sets, we may consider giving you a special discount. We may offer you $600 per set. W: 我看一下,我会和公司经理探讨的。 Z: 好的,我们希望早日收到你放的订单。 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 返回

24 SECTION 7 Text InterpretingⅠ Passage 1 Sec 1 China Central Television produced the first news commentary programme Observation and Reflection in From 1993 to 1996, CCTV introduced Focus Time, Topics in Focus and News Probe on this basis, which aroused general concern of the society. Topics in Focus exerted tremendous influence on the public as it was the most typical news commentary programme, many local TV all presented the similar programmes in succession such as Survey, Observation, Reflection, Focus, Insight, Concern , and a news commentary model came into being. Topics in Focus established itself in an impregnable position over a long period of time in the intense competition of the numerous CCTV programmes, and ruled its own domain in its individuality, I think three aspects deserve our learning. Firstly, the success of Focus lies in the subject selected. Secondly, its comment mainly relies on the professional and deep news collecting and report. Thirdly, it brings TV picture manifestation into full play. Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 返回

25 SECTION 7 Passage 2 Text InterpretingⅡ
小型企业主在出售产业时往往很少想到购买者在决定报价时考虑的是什么。 许多小企业主觉得没什么可卖或者经济上有了困难再转手,其实是选择了最糟糕的时机。另有一些是从未想过出售,但临终时却没有规定最后售出或继承权的问题,使得家人们陷入窘境。 企业应当经营起来好像快要被收购了。意思是说企业主应当留意本行业内的买主会估价并以稍高价格购买。对一个公司的公平市值用资产和责任来进行计算,只是评估的起点。买主还会调查现金流,来确定那些现金对他来说是有用的,尤其是如果购买这个产业可能产生债务问题得时候。一个潜在的买主还会对这个企业是否正在成长或者现在的企业主是把企业当成一个可以“挤奶”的“产钱奶牛”还是把利润都用来进行再投资或基建这类问题感兴趣。 Sec 2 Sec 3 Sec 4 Sec 5 Sec 6 返回

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