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2 Good news 佳音

3 作业 时态/主谓一致 We were having breakfast when the telephone rang.
set out early in the morning do something wrong/do the wrong thing deserve the punishment/deserve to be punished

4 Review 将来进行时 will be doing 过去时+过去完成时 after/ as soon as/when/ until

5 大家都来译 目前他们正在访问全国各地。 明天他们将乘火车来,镇上的大部分青年人将到车站迎接他们。
绿林少年将在此逗留5天,在此期间,他们将演出5场。 同往常一样,警察的日子将不好过了,他们将设法维持秩序。 每逢这种场合,情况都是这样。

6 6.在离开法国南部的一个小村庄后,我继续驶往下一个城镇。
7.他一上车,我就用法语向他问早安,他也用同样的语言回答我。 8.除了几个单词外,我根本不会讲法语。旅途中,我们谁也没有讲话。 9.我就要到达那个镇,这是那个男的突然慢慢地说道:“你会讲英语么?” 10. 我很快了解到,他自己就是英国人。

7 1.How did the author feel when he went into the office?
Listening and Q&A: 1.How did the author feel when he went into the office? 2.What was the good news?

8 Cultural background: Smart boss + smart employee = profit Smart boss + dumb employee = production Dumb boss + smart employee = promotion Dumb boss + dumb employee = overtime If the boss is late, he is busy, but if the employee is late, he must be lazy.

9 secretary n. 秘书 Vocabulary: e.g. 她在一家律师事务所当秘书。
She works as a secretary in a lawyer’s office. Secretary of State 国务卿 (Rice / Hillary) The UN Secretary General 联合国秘书长



12 nervous adj. (restless or uneasy)精神紧张的
即将到来的考试让我很紧张。 The coming examinations make me nervous. 奥特曼在舞台上感到非常紧张。 Ultra man feels very nervous on the stage. 他从未当众讲过话,因此他非常紧张。 He had never spoken in public, so he was very nervous.

13 irritable [‘iritəbl] adj. 易怒的,急躁的
与nervous容易混淆的词是 irritable [‘iritəbl] adj. 易怒的,急躁的 他这个人很容易生气,简直没办法 与他说话. He is such an irritable person that you can hardly talk to him. 我们的邻居是位脾气急躁的老太太。她很容易生气。 Our neighbor is an irritable old lady. She gets angry easily.

14 You can afford a Teddy Bear. It is not very expensive.
afford v. 负担得起 can/can’t afford sth. 你能买得起泰迪熊,它不很贵。 You can afford a Teddy Bear. It is not very expensive. 你想买这部车吗?我买不起。我掏不出7000美元。 Do you want this car? I can’t afford it. I can’t afford 7000 dollars.

15 Neither of us can afford a house in Shanghai. 最近我一直没去电影院。我没有时间。
我们谁都买不起上海的房子。 Neither of us can afford a house in Shanghai. 最近我一直没去电影院。我没有时间。 I haven’t been to the cinema lately. I can’t afford the time. afford + sth./money/time

16 afford to do 承担得起做某事(损失、后果等);
有能力做某事 我不能再病了。 I can't afford to be ill again. 我只能为这次旅行抽出一周的时间。 I can only afford one week for the trip. 她不能再浪费时间了。 She can’t afford to waste time.

17 The little dog was very weak because of hunger.
weak adj. 弱的 I said in a weak voice. weak smile 微微一笑 小狗因为饥饿而很虚弱。 The little dog was very weak because of hunger. Joe的数学一直学得相当不好。 Joe has been quite weak in Mathematics . 他真是个差劲的篮球手。 He is a really weak basketball player.

18 interrupt v. 插话, 打断 interruption n. 不要插话,我还没说完呢
Don’t interrupt—I haven’t finished. 我说话时我家的坏小狗总是爱插话。 My bad little dog always loves to interrupt while I am talking. interruption n. 什么时候我们才能说话不受打扰呢? When can we talk without interruption?

19 The secretary told me that Mr. Harmsworth would see me.
直接引语------间接引语 爸爸: “明天我要去北京。” 爸爸说/告诉我明天他要去北京。 sb. say that… sb. tell sb. that…

20 时态变化: 如果主句(say/tell)是一般现在时,从句与原来相同: Dad: “I will go to Beijing tomorrow.” Dad says that he will go to Beijing tomorrow. Girl: “My dad went to Beijing last Sunday.” That girl tells me that her dad went to Beijing last Sunday.

21 如果主句(said/told)是过去时态,那么从句时态往回移:
现在时 过去时 过去时 过去完成时 “I never work on Sundays” she said. She said that she never worked on Sundays. She said: “I broke that plate”. She told me that she had broken that plate. 原文…

22 I felt very nervous when I went into his office. Office:办公室 Study:书房
There are six people in our office. Study:书房 The living room is next to my study. I often read in the study when I want peace and quiet. Desk:书桌 My desk is covered with books while his is covered with dust.

23 look up表示(原先在埋头干什么之后)抬头看
He did not look up from his desk when I entered. look up表示(原先在埋头干什么之后)抬头看 e.g. 他听到声音,就把头从书里抬起来。 He looked up from his book when he heard a noise.

24 e.g.电话铃响了,他头也没抬,接了电话。 The telephone rang. He did not look up from his desk and answered it. look down 往地上看 他看着地上,什么话都不说。 He looks down and says nothing.

25 After I had sat down, he said that business was very bad.
复习:过去完成时….过去时 复习: said was 生意非常糟糕。 生意很好! Business is very good! 怎么说??

26 ★ ★ ★ He told me that the firm could not afford to pay such large salaries.
salary (L11) large salary/good salary/poor salary pay large salaries (L11) could not afford to pay 付不起

27 so的后面加形容词或副词 such的后面加名词, 可以在该名词前面加修饰词 Twenty people had already left. had been fired

28 I knew that my turn had come.
be fired and leave turn在这里是名词,意为“轮流”、“(依次轮流时各自的)一次机会” Whose turn is it? It is my turn.轮到我了(口语常用形式) 我已经问了两个问题。该轮到你了。 I have already asked two questions. Now it's your turn. 轮到他时,他却一个字也说不出来。 When his turn came, he couldn't speak any word.

29 Mr. Harmsworth, I said in a weak voice.
(因为怕被开除而感到紧张) in a ... voice in a loud(大声) voice in a low (低声) voice in a weak(强调心里不踏实) voice in a strong(理直气壮) voice

30 Then he smiled and told me I would receive an extra thousand pounds a year!
I went to London once a month. 我每月去一次伦敦。 Jack telephoned Pauline four times a day. 杰克每天给波琳打4次电话。

31 an extra thousand pounds
星期天我通常要多睡一会儿。 On Sundays, I usually get some extra sleep. 他上个月多得了100块钱。 Last month, he was paid an extra hundred dollars.

32 以下几个词都可表示 “再, 又” 的意思, 注意用法 :
an extra thousand(作名词看) 再有多少 : 数量+extra+名词 two others : two other +名词 two more : two more chairs once more: 再一次 another three days 只有another 的数词在后面

33 A polite request 彬彬有礼的要求
Listening and Q&A Where did the author spend his holiday? In order to enjoy his stay in the city, what should the author do? Culture background

34 Vocabulary: park n. 公园 e.g. a national park/ an amusement park v. 停车
e.g. Can I park my bike here? Where can I park?

35 park oneself: 坐在某处,站在某处
e.g. Park yourself in the chair while I make you a cup of tea. parking lot 露天停车场 pay parking parking ticket/ fine e.g. I got a parking ticket today.

36 traffic un.交通 e.g. There is usually a lot of traffic this time of a day. traffic police/cop : 交通警察 traffic lights : 交通灯, 红绿灯 traffic accident 交通事故 traffic island 安全岛

37 traffic jam交通堵塞 e.g. Usually there will be a traffic jam on Monday morning. heavy traffic : 拥挤的交通 e.g. I was ordered to drive in heavy traffic.

38 ticket: n. 交通违规罚款单 a speeding/ parking ticket n. 票,入场券 a single/one-way ticket a return/round-trip ticket certificate/ license/ diploma/ passport/ visa

39 note:便条 make a note of sth. 将某事记下来 make/take notes 记笔记 He was making notes all the time in the meeting, I don’t know what he wrote. notebook/ notepad

40 leave sb. a note e.g. She left me a note and told me that she couldn’t wait for me. area n.地段,地区,区域 The room has an area of 34 square meters. This is a “no smoking” area.

41 sign n.指示牌,手势 Street signs/ road signs a no smoking sign She gave me a V. sign. It means victory. stop park toll

42 sign v. 签名 e.g. Please sign here. Please sign your name. signature n. 签名 e.g. I couldn’t read his signature. He loves my signature.

43 reminder n. 提示 The note is only a reminder.
他的那把旧枪是那些战争年代的提示。 His old gun is a reminder of those war years. 这个礼物永远提示着他们之间的友谊。 This present is a lasting reminder of their friendship.

44 The song “you are not alone” is a reminder of Michael Jackson .
这只破碗就是一个提醒,说明我的狗和那只漂亮的小猫又打了一架。 This broken bowl is a reminder of the fight between my dog and the pretty cat.

45 ★remind sb. of sth 使某人想起…
remind v. 提醒,使记住 Do I have to remind you ? It reminds me that I must feed my dog or else he will be hungry to death. ★remind sb. of sth 使某人想起… 他让我想起我的一位老朋友。 He reminds me of one of my old friends.

46 This song reminds me of my hometown.
这首歌让我想起我的故乡. This song reminds me of my hometown. 这部电影让我想起我那只漂亮的小猫. This movie reminds me of my pretty little cat. 这本书让我想起他在一个美丽村落的快乐时光。 This book reminds me of his happy time in a beautiful village. 一张旧照片就能让我想起我的童年。 An older photo can remind me of my childhood.

47 易混词:remember: 记起, 记得 (1) Do you remember? / Remember?(可以单独用) (2) remember sth. I don’t remember his last words. (3) Remember sb. to… 前者向后者表示问候 e.g.带我向你家人问好! Remember me to your family!

48 remember to do sth : 记得要去做
Remember to send the letter before Sunday! remember doing sth : 记得已经做了 I remembered sending the letter before Sunday.

49 fail v. 无视, 忘记 v.失败 If you don’t work hard, you will fail.
e.g. I failed my driving test. 2. fail in sth/doing sth : 在某些方面失败 e.g. I fail in Japanese. I fail in cooking.

50 fail to do : 没有能够做成某事 Doctors failed to save that tiger’s life.
医生没能够救活那只老虎的生命。 Doctors failed to save that tiger’s life. 她没能够每天都给我写信。 She fails to write to me everyday.

51 Grey Wolf failed to keep his promise.
灰太狼没能够信守诺言。 Grey Wolf failed to keep his promise. 如果你没能够遵守规则,你将会被惩罚。 If you fail to obey the rule, you will be punished. 他没能够横游大西洋。 He failed to swim across the Atlantic.

52 cannot fail to do sth. 一定能够做成某事
不会不做某事… 我一定能够通过考试 I can not fail to pass the test. 你一定能够拿到奖学金。 You can not fail to get the scholarship. 猫咪一定能吸引人们。 Cats never fail to attract people.

53 If you receive a request like this, you can not fail to obey it.
如果你收到这样的恳求,你一定会遵照执行的. If you receive a request like this, you can not fail to obey it. 如果你到了上海,你不会找不到东方明珠的。 If you arrived in Shanghai, you cannot fail to find the Oriental Pearl. 当她对你微笑的时候,你一定会原谅她的。 When she smiles at you, you can not fail to forgive her.

54 failure n. 失败 Failure is the mother of success.
失败是成功之母。 Failure is the mother of success. 作为飞行员,他很失败。 He was a failure as a pilot. 我不想永远失败,我希望可以成功,哪怕只有一个晚上。 I don’t want to be a failure all the time. I want to succeed for even one night.

55 尽管你不富有,你也不漂亮,可是在我的心里,你绝对不是失败的人,你是我永远的甜心宝贝。
Even though you are not rich, you don’t look amazing, you are not a failure in my heart and you are my sweetheart for the whole life.

56 Soldiers are trained to obey without question. Obey orders.
军人被训练成无条件服从。 Soldiers are trained to obey without question. Obey orders. Obey the law Obey me or die.

57 Text: If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. 句尾的it代指的是句子的整个if从句,即“你把汽车停错了地方”这件事。 指代???? 在对的地方呢??

58 One can never know what will happen tomorrow.
谁都不知道明天会发生什么。 One can never know what will happen tomorrow. 但在日常会话中,非正式的you则更为常用: You can never know what will happen tomorrow.

59 If….park…, …will…. 条件句 用来询问或谈论十分可能的事情。 If从句用一般现在时,主句用将来时will/shall 主将从现 If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. If you don’t hurry, you will miss the train. If I tell him, he will be really sad.

60 will表示几乎可以肯定如此,那如果没那么肯定,可以用may/can等
如果要表达命令建议等,主句可以用祈使句 If it's fine tomorrow, we can/may go out. If you make a mistake, correct it. If he is busy, please don’t disturb him. 找一找:文中还有那些条件句呢???

61 You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket.
let sb. go 让某人走,放开, 使自由 The dog is very angry now. He won't let that poor little cat go easily. That wicked man caught my arm and didn’t let me go. 主将从现

62 How could that happen? However, this does not always happen.
道地的英语表达 How could that happen?

63 Traffic police are sometimes very polite.
If you don’t let me go, I’ll call the police. 你如果再不放开我,我就要叫警察了。 The police are questioning a foreign tourist. 警察们正在盘问一名外国游客。

64 (2)如果要单指一名警察,可以用policeman或 policewoman:
There is a traffic policeman over there. Tom’s sister is a policewoman. (3)警察部门,警方(与the连用): Ring the police if there is a burglary. The police always care for public order.

65 During a holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: sir, we welcome you to our city.
复习: 在此期间 during this time 瑞士 Switzerland 瑞典 Sweden Welcome to Shanghai!

66 This is a “No Parking” area. No Parking原来是交通标牌上的一句话,在这里用作area的定语。
a “No Smoking” room a never-to-be-forgotten day

67 You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to our street signs.
主将从现 Stay这里是名词,“逗留” “在这里过的很愉快” enjoy your stay in Shanghai enjoy your stay in the small village enjoy your stay with my naughty dog

68 pay attention to : 思想上注意
Please pay attention to this passage. care : 关心, 在意,    I don't care if he breaks his neck. Who cares : 我不在乎(谁在乎!) take care of = look after 照顾, 照料 I will take care of / look after these children when she is out.

69 If you receive a request like this, you cannot fail to obey it!
主将从现 receive a request 收到一个请求 Receive/accept She received a present on Children’s Day but she didn’t accept it.

70 “主将从现”游戏: 每一位同学说一个主将从现的条件句。 下一个同学的从句是上一个同学的主句。
Student A: If it rains tomorrow, I will stay at home. Student B: If I stay at home, my Mom will play the piano with me. Student C: If my Mom plays the piano with me, I will… ……..

71 Lesson P63 1 b 2 d 3 b 4 c a b 7 b 8 c 9 a 10 a 11 a 12 d Lesson P67 1 b 2 c 3 a 4 c d 6 b 7 c 8 b 9 c 10 b 11 b 12 b

72 1.侦探 2. 期待 3. 贵重的 4. 竞赛 5. 整齐的 6. 聚集 7. 音乐的 8. 乐器 9. 最近 10. 损坏
Dictation: 1.侦探 期待 3. 贵重的 竞赛 5. 整齐的 聚集 7. 音乐的 乐器 9. 最近 损坏

73 11. 应得到 律师 13.港口 演出 15. 场合 好笑的 17. 经历 旅行 19. 语言 招手

74 1.守卫 2. 在机场 3. 一包裹… 4. 令某人吃惊的是 5. 报名参加 6. 一大群人 7. 我爸爸的一个朋友

75 8. 拿一份很高的薪水 9. 归还 10. 属于 11.一大清早 12.出发 13.足够 14.离开

76 15.和往常一样 16.维持秩序 17.日子不好过了 18.一…就 19.要求搭车 20.除…以外

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