如何正确诊断与评估 先心病相关肺动脉高压 顾 虹 首都医科大学 北京安贞医院 小儿心脏科.

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Presentation on theme: "如何正确诊断与评估 先心病相关肺动脉高压 顾 虹 首都医科大学 北京安贞医院 小儿心脏科."— Presentation transcript:

1 如何正确诊断与评估 先心病相关肺动脉高压 顾 虹 首都医科大学 北京安贞医院 小儿心脏科

2 肺动脉高压 诊断标准: 静息状态下经右心导管测得的肺动脉平均压>25mmHg
一、肺动脉高压 三、与呼吸系统疾病或缺氧相关的肺高压 特发性 遗传性 骨形成蛋白受体Ⅱ基因(BMPR2)突变 活化素受体样激酶Ⅰ(ALK-1) 转化生长因子-β受体Ⅲ (endoglin) 基因突变 药物和毒物诱导 相关因素所致 结缔组织病 HIV 感染 门脉高压 先天性心脏病 血吸虫病 慢性溶血性贫血 新生儿持续性肺高压 1’. 肺静脉闭塞病(PVOH)和/或肺毛细血管瘤(PCH) 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 间质性肺疾病 其他同时存在限制性和阻塞性通气功能障碍的肺疾病 睡眠呼吸障碍 肺泡低通气综合征 慢性高原病 肺泡-毛细血管发育不良 四、慢性血栓栓塞性肺高压 五、不明原因或多种因素所致肺高压 血液系统疾病:骨髓增生性疾病,脾切除 全身性疾病:结节病,肺朗罕氏组织细胞增多症,淋巴管肌瘤病,多发性神经纤维瘤,血管炎 代谢性疾病:糖原累积病,高雪氏病,甲状腺疾病 其他:肿瘤性阻塞,纤维性纵隔炎,长期透析的慢性肾衰竭 二、左心疾病相关肺高压 收缩功能障碍 舒张功能障碍 心脏瓣膜疾病 肺动脉高压 诊断标准: 静息状态下经右心导管测得的肺动脉平均压>25mmHg 动脉型肺高压:肺毛细血管嵌压≤15mmHg,肺血管阻力>3Wood单位

3 先天性心脏病所致肺动脉高压 左-右分流 肺静脉压力升高 紫绀型先心病 先天性肺动脉,肺静脉异常 姑息性分流手术
VSD, CAVC, PDA, ASD, APW 肺静脉压力升高 HLHS, MS, Cor triatriatum, PV stenosis, TAPVC, LV dysfunction 紫绀型先心病 TGA, Truncus arteriosus , TOF with PA atresia, SV with increased PBF 先天性肺动脉,肺静脉异常 Scimitar, Origin of PA from Ao, Absence of PA 姑息性分流手术 Waterston, Potts, BT shunt

4 先心病相关肺动脉高压的诊断 CHD patients with suspected PAH should Include:
Noninvasive assessment a. Pulse oximetry b. Chest x-ray, ECG. c. 6-minute walk test or other similar test d. Imaging via TTE, TEE, MRI, or CT Invasive assessment Cardiac catheterization with vasodilator testing (金标准)

5 Chest X-Ray and ECG in PAH

6 Echocardiographic Features of PAH

7 肺动脉高压的 超声检测法

8 肺动脉压的多普勒测量法 这种方法推测肺动脉压前提是病人不存在肺动脉瓣狭窄,右室流出道狭窄等

9 超声多普勒方法的局限性 * 需要满意的声窗 * 需要满意的多普勒信号 * 需要存在三尖瓣关闭不全 * 受右房压估测值的影响
Slide 12. Limitations of Doppler Estimate of PA Systolic Pressure There are some limitations to Doppler estimation of pulmonary artery systolic pressure. First, you need a good study. You need very good acoustic windows, you need to make sure that you have a good Doppler signal that is properly aligned, you need to make sure that the patient has tricuspid regurgitation, and you also need to make sure that your estimate is not affected by incorrect assumption of right atrial pressure. The estimate of right atrial pressure can be difficult particularly in obese individuals. Assumption 瓣膜返流现象并非普遍存在,轻微的返流和偏心返流时不易获得清晰的血流频谱。 有国外报道不能获得清晰血流频谱的患者可高达50%,限制了该方法的应用。

10 心导管检查 是诊断肺动脉高压最可靠的手段 是唯一能够直接测量压力的方法 是唯一能够得到肺动脉阻力的方法 是临床评估肺动脉高压的金标准!

11 心导管检查的安全性 右心导管检查是可以安全实施的!
* 早期(45-50年前)死亡主要与右心功能不全 和心律失常有关 * 1350例中3例死亡病人(Miller et at. 1980)- 右心室舒张末压力〉20 mmHg * 1991年2500例右心导管+肺动脉造影(UCSD)- 无死亡病例 Fatality甚至单独的右心导管检查也有 Provided certain precautions and advances in technique are employed 右心导管检查是可以安全实施的!

12 心导管检查的定义 将心导管送入心脏内: 心脏内血气分析 心脏内压力曲线分析 选择性心血管造影 色素稀释法,热稀释法 心肌活检
应用心导管评价心功能, 肺血管的反应性 利用His束心电图和心房室起搏进行心律不齐的诊断

13 心导管资料分析 测定所得资料 血氧饱和度 心脏血管内的压力 计算所得资料 心排量(Fick法,热稀释法) 体循环血流量,肺循环血流量
体循环阻力,肺循环阻力 左向右分流量,右向左分流量 瓣口面积

14 右心导管检查的目的 * 观察右心室和肺动脉的血流动力学情况 * 排除左向右心内分流或明显的左心系统病变 * 确定肺动脉高压的病因
* 观察肺血管对药物试验的反应 * 判断病情进展程度和预后 * 慢性血栓性肺高压-肺动脉造影 Indication and consideration exclude

15 左向右分流先心病需要注意 体循环与肺循环之间的相互关系 体循环血流量(Qs)与肺循环血流量(Qp) 体循环阻力(Rs)与肺循环阻力(Rp)
需要左右心导管同时做 影响体肺循环之间关系的因素 缺损的大小,分流量的大小,心功能状态等

16 肺阻力和心排量计算的注意点 无心内分流 - 热稀释法(电极多腔导管) 有心内分流 – Fick法

17 如何评价肺阻力 Wood unit 简单易懂且为心脏内外科医生的共同语言. RVR = (mean PAP - mean LAP) / Qp
Qp = Pulmonary flow (L/min/M2) 当mean PAP为 20 mmHg, LAP为 10 mmHg, Qp 4 L/min/M2, Rp is 2.5 units. 正常 RVR 是 1-3 Wood units.

18 如何能够得到左房压? ASD 或 PFO PAWP (使用端孔球囊导管!) LV舒末压


20 Slide 19. Hemodynamic Profiles in PAH: PAH Due to Left Heart Disease Lets look at some hemodynamic profiles. This is a patient with pulmonary hypertension secondary to left heart disease. In this particular patient you have a right atrial pressure of 15 mm Hg, a right ventricular pressure of 60/15 mm Hg, pulmonary artery pressure of 60/40 mm Hg, mean pulmonary artery pressure of 48 mm Hg, a wedge pressure that is elevated at 30 mm Hg, cardiac output of 3 L/min/m2, a transpulmonary pressure gradient that is increased, and a pulmonary vascular resistance that measures 6 Wood units. But, this patient has left heart disease, because the left-sided filling pressure is markedly elevated, and one could explain much of the pulmonary hypertension based on this elevated filling pressure.

21 Slide 20. Hemodynamic Profiles in PAH: PAH -- Compensated This is a patient with PAH that is well compensated. In this particular patient, you have a right atrial pressure of 10 mm Hg, a pulmonary artery pressure of 80/40 mm Hg, a mean of 52 mm Hg, and a wedge pressure that is normal, indicating that there is a very wide transpulmonary pressure gradient and a markedly elevated pulmonary vascular resistance of 8 Wood units. This is a compensated patient with PAH.

22 Slide 21. Hemodynamic Profiles in PAH: PAH -- Decompensating As the disease advances and this patient continues to deteriorate, you have a hemodynamic profile that may look like this. This is the previous patient, who is decompensating. The right atrial pressure has gone up now; the pulmonary artery pressure has gone up further; the pulmonary vascular resistance has gone up further; and the wedge pressure is now beginning to rise -- perhaps due to septal shift, compression of the left ventricle, and elevation of the left ventricular pressure.

23 Slide 22. Hemodynamic Profiles in PAH: PAH -- Decompensated End Stage So, this patient is decompensating. Once the patient is fully decompensated, you get a hemodynamic profile that looks like this. The right atrial pressure is markedly elevated, the pulmonary artery pressures are now down -- they decrease because the right ventricle is no longer able to generate a pulmonary artery pressure of 100 mm Hg, which it did previously. In this particular patient, again, the wedge pressure is elevated, because of septal shift and compression of the left ventricle. Here, the cardiac output is markedly reduced. As the disease advances, in a patient with pulmonary artery hypertension -- and the patient transforms from a compensated phase to a decompensated phase -- one can actually see a reduction in the pulmonary artery pressure, while you see a marked elevation in the right atrial pressure, along with a marked reduction in cardiac output. Therefore, measuring filling pressures and measuring cardiac output is extremely vital to assessing progress in these patients.

24 判断病人病情所属阶段很重要!

25 手术适应症 三尖瓣后分流 - VSD,PDA * Rp <6-8 Wood.U·M2是目前广泛接受的手术标准
* Qp/Qs > 1.3, Rp < 8-10 Wood.U·M2的病人有手术 适应症。 * Rp增高的病人,吸氧和药物试验可使Rp降到 7 Wood.U·M2以下时,仍有手术适应症。 * 安静状态或运动时产生明显的右向左分流的 Eisenmenger病人为手术禁忌症。

26 手术适应症 三尖瓣前分流 - ASD Qp/Qs > 1.3, Rp < 14 Wood.U·M2的病人有手术 适应症。
如果 Rp/Rs > 0.85 则无手术适应症。 当0.5 < Rp/Rs <0.85时,则根据吸氧和药物 试验,以及肺活检的结果来决定手术。吸氧和 药物试验可使 Rp/Rs <0.5 时,有手术机会

27 急性肺血管药物试验 是指对肺动脉高压病人行心导管检查的同时使用不同种类的肺血管扩张药物进行急性药物试验,观察药物对肺循环和体循环血流动力学的影响, 以及肺血管对药物的反应性。

28 心导管检查中的急性血管药物试验 Distinguish between the two
1. Fixed irreversible damage 2. Reversible vasoconstriction 3. find responder

29 急性肺血管药物试验的意义 1.判断肺血管的反应性 2.在IPAH患者中筛选适于长期CCB治疗患者 3.确定患者的预后

30 理想的试验药物 1. 对肺血管有选择性,降低肺动脉压力和阻力 2. 无直接心肌变力作用,维持血压和心排量不变 3. 给药途径和剂量调整便捷
4. 作用迅速且半衰期短

31 常用肺血管扩张药物 1. 吸入NO(10-80 ppm, 10 minutes)
2. 静脉腺苷 (50ug/kg/min-250ug/kg/min, every 2min) 3. 静脉依前列醇 (2ng/kg/min-10ng/kg/min) 4. 吸入伊洛前列素 (20µg, minutes) 5. 吸入氧气(100%, 10minutes)

32 急性肺血管药物试验的阳性标准 1. mPAP下降值≥10 mmHg 2. mPAP绝对值下降至<40 mmHg
3. 且心输出量保持不变或增加 (PVR和PAP的变化可达到较用药前下降20%以上)

33 吸氧试验 最常用的急性血管扩张试验,实施经济简便,应用极广 氧气可使患者肺循环血流量明显增加,肺血管阻力明显降低
但是,吸入100%纯氧后,氧耗量增加,可使肺血管阻力分别被低估。 吸入纯氧后,血液中物理溶解的氧气量增加,若计算中未加入物理溶解氧含量,计算得出的血氧含量比实际值要低。最后在计算肺血流量时,这部分误差被转化为比实际值高的肺血流量,肺血管阻力被低估。

34 吸入NO 公认的急性血管扩张试验药物 可选择性扩张肺动脉,显著降低患者的肺动脉压力
病人需要气管插管 ,应用浓度10-80ppm (通常为20或40ppm) NO的代谢产物具有毒性作用,需要吸入及回收装置,操作复杂,而且NO停药后可出现肺动脉高压反弹,引起肺高压危象。

35 吸入依洛前列素(万他维) 前列环素类似物吸入制剂,起效快,作用时间较长 有良好的扩张肺动脉平滑肌降低肺血管阻力的作用,对体循环的影响较小
应用剂量:20µg, minutes(面罩) 代替NO的肺血管扩张药物?

36 21 Y, F CHD, PDA

37 6Y, F VSD (huge), PAH




41 病例分析- 永远不要单纯从肺动脉压力来判断病人病情轻重 89 113 12 27 1.7 95 80 74 25 22 0.76 86
patients Dia PAP SBP Rp Rs Qp/Qs SpO2 F, 9Y VSD 89 113 12 27 1.7 95 F, 11Y 80 74 25 22 0.76 86 永远不要单纯从肺动脉压力来判断病人病情轻重

42 Thank you !

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