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1 综合(2)

2 Hostess: Would you like coffee with your
dessert? Guest: _________________. A) I’d like some, but I’m afraid it would keep me awake. B) My mouth is watering. C) I’m sorry, I just want to have lunch with you. D) I’d like tea with milk and sugar.

3 Stating that you’re hungry;
I’m starved/hungry. My mouth is watering/ That stew is mouth-watering. I could eat a horse/ I’m so hungry I could eat a horse.

4 1. Though she began her__________ by
singing in a local pop group, she is now a famous Hollywood movie star. A) employment B) career C) occupation D) profession

5 本题的迷惑性较大:四个选项都和 “工作”有一定联系。
Employment 强调“就业”; Occupation 意为“职业”,用以成为某个正常的生活来源 的一项活动;行业”; Profession 也表示“职业”,但指的是“需要大量训练和专 门学习的行业”,如 the professions of law, medicine, and engineering Career 表示“生涯,经历,某人工作经历或事业上取得成 就的总的过程或进程”,如: an officer with a distinguished career 有着卓越成就的军官

6 Key 1: B 2. Within two weeks of arrival, all
foreigners had to__________ with the local police. A) inquire B) consult C) register D) resolve

7 Key 2 : c Register的意思是“登记,注册,正式或官方的注册,尤指是为了投票或上课”。 本句话指在警方登记注册。

8 Verbal phase: 3. Considering your salary, you should be
able to__________ at least twenty dollars a week. A) put forward B) put up C) put out D) put aside

9 Learn by heart Put forward “提出(意见、建议)” 还表示“推荐;提名;推举”;
Put up 意思较多,需要结合搭配记忆。 如: to put up a tent 架起帐篷;还有“接待;为…提供食宿;供膳宿”的意思; Put out 表示“熄灭;关熄;扑灭;忧虑;激怒;困扰;麻烦(某人);生产;出产;出版; put aside“节省(钱、时间);储蓄;储存…备用”,

10 Key 3: D 4. These teachers try to be objective when
they__________ the integrated ability of their students. A) justify B) evaluate C) indicate D) reckon

11 Explanation: Evaluate的意思是“评估,评价”。 Reckon的意思是“计算数或计算”,
如reckon the cost.计算花费; 还表示“认为,把……看作;视为”。

12 Key 4: B 5. Mrs. Morris's daughter is pretty
and__________, and many girls envy her. A) slender B) light C) faint D) minor

13 要结合上下文来做这道题。 首先把B) light “轻的”和D) minor“较小的”排除。 剩下的两个选项都可以修饰人.
但faint表示“虚弱的,衰弱的,缺乏力气或活力的”. 这样的人是不可能成为很多女孩子嫉妒的对象的。

14 Key 5: A 6. Tomorrow the mayor is to__________ a
group of Canadian businessmen on a tour of the city. A) coordinate B) cooperate C) accompany D) associate

15 Key 6: c Accompany表示“陪同,伴随”。而其它几个选项容易排除:意思差距较大。
Coordinate表示“使同等;一起协调地工作”; cooperate“与人合作”; associate与with搭配,表示“与人联系”。

16 近义词 7. I'm__________ enough to know it is going to be a very difficult situation to compete against three strong teams. A) realistic B) conscious C) aware D) radical

17 Explanation: (根据上下文)与三强队竞争是非常困难的,而说话者了解这一点,说明他很“现实”。
Conscious表示“有意识的;神志清醒的;能理解的”, 可以用在be conscious of sth.中; aware表示“意识到的,认识到的”, 如aware of their limitations. 认识到他们的局限性; radical表示“极端的”。

18 Key 7: A 8. Can you give me even the__________
clue as to where her son might be? A) simplest B) slightest C) least D) utmost

19 Explanation: 本题需要首先排除 D) utmost. 因为它的意思和句子正好反了,它表示“最多的”
Slight强调“微小的,尺寸、程度或数量小的”,可以和clue搭配。 其它两个词的搭配有误。

20 Key 8: B 9. Norman Davis will be remembered by
many with __________ not only as a great scholar but also as a most delightful and faithful friend. A) kindness B) friendliness C) warmth D) affection

21 Explanation: 本句意为:很多人会满怀深情地记住Norman Davis,把他不仅当作一位伟大的学者,而且当作一个令人愉快的忠实朋友。 本题问人们会怎么样记得这位先生,所以 A) kindness “仁慈” 和B) friendliness“友好”的意思就不对了。 再比较C) warmth “温暖”和D) affection“爱,深情”,自然后者的意思更加 贴切一些。

22 Key 9: D 10. Salaries for__________ positions seem
to be higher than for permanent ones. A) legal B) optional C) voluntary D) temporary

23 Antonym: 本题考的是反义词的用法。我们 可以找到前后对应的两个形容词. 说 话者是比较这两组人的薪水.

24 Key 10: D 11. Most people agree that the present
role of women has already affected U.S. society. __________, it has affected the traditional role of men. A) Above all B) In all C) At most D) At last

25 Phases: 本题考察考生对于词组的掌握。 In all表示“总计; 总的说来”; At most的意思是“至多”;
At last 表示“最后”; 而只有Above all (首先,最重要的 是) 符合题义。

26 Key 11: A 12. Science and technology have__________ in important ways
to the improvement of agricultural production. A) attached B) assisted C) contributed D) witnessed

27 固定词组的用法 A) attached 用于 “be attached to”中,表示“附属于”;
B) assist表示“帮助……,对……有作用”,但不和 to sth.搭配。 D) witness表示“目击,目睹”,注意在考试中容易出现 它的一种较特殊用法,即用时间作主语,如The year 1949 witnessed the founding of the People’s Republic of China. (直译为“1949年目睹了中华人民 共和国的成立”,实际上意思很简单,就是“中华人 民共和国成立于1949年”。) C) contribute to 意思和用法都正确。

28 Key 12: C 13. The little girl was so frightened
that she just wouldn't__________ her grip on my arm. A) loosen B) remove C) relieve D) dismiss

29 选项容易混淆: A) loosen 和 C) relieve。
relieve的意思是“ 减轻或缓和……;免于痛苦,脱离痛苦,焦虑或者苦恼;救济,,为…提供帮助或援助”,不能和grip搭配. 而loosen one’s grip表示“放开手”。

30 Key 13: A 14. He never arrives on time and
my__________ is that he feels the meetings are useless. A) preference B) conference C) inference D) reference

31 近形异义 本题的四个选项都有 “ence”的后缀由动词变为名词,所以只要了解它们词根的意思,这四个词的意思就容易找出来了。
Preference表示“喜欢,喜好”; conference的意思是“会议,大会”; reference表示“参考,指出”; 而inference表示“推断,推论”,符合题义。

32 Key 14: C 15. Mrs. Smith was so__________ about
everything that no servants could please her. A) specific B) special C) precise D) particular

33 Individual words: 15. Last night he saw two
dark__________ enter the building, and then there was the explosion. A) features B) figures C) sketches D) images

34 Explanation: Feature 表示“特征,特点” sketch的意思是“素描,梗概,草图” image表示“形象”
而 figure表示“外形,轮廓,体型”, 符合上下文。

35 16. It is obvious that this new rule is
applicable to everyone without __________. A) exception B) exclusion C) modification D) substitution

36 Set phases: Without exception为固定搭配, 表示“毫无例外,无一例外”。 Exclusion表示 “排除,排外”
modification的意思是 “更改,修正” substitution表示 “替代”

37 Key 16: A 17. His temper and personality show
that he can become a soldier of the top__________. A) circle B) rank C) category D) grade

38 Make distinction: 在军队中军人的级别应该用rank. 另外三个词中只有 D) grade 有一定的
迷惑性. 但它表示“等级,级别:(以尺寸,质量或密度衡量所处的位置)

39 Key 17: B 18. During the lecture, the speaker
occasionally__________ his point by relating his own experiences. A) illustrated B) hinted C) cited D) displayed

40 搭配问题 本题考察动词和名词的搭配问题,能够和point搭配的只有A) illustrated,“阐述,解释”。 Hint表示“暗示”;
cite的意思是“引用某人的话等”; display表示“陈列,展览,展示”,意思不符。

41 Key 18: A 19. Only those who can__________ to
lose their money should make high- risk investments. A) maintain B) sustain C) endure D) afford

42 只有那些输得起钱的人才能进行 高风险的投资。(译文)
根据上下文,本题需要一个表示“能够承担什么代价或损失”的意思的词,而afford to表示“买的起,能够供应”,正好符合句子意思。 其它几个词一般不和to do sth.搭配。

43 Key 19: D 20. He found the__________ media
attention intolerable and decided to go abroad. A) sufficient B) constant C) steady D) plenty

44 他感到持续的媒体关注让他无法忍受, 所以决定出国。
本题的两个易混淆项是 A) sufficient 和 B) constant。 但前者表示 “足够的,充足的”,不符合句子后面 “让他无法忍受”. 所以constant “持续的” 可以用在句子中。

45 Key 20: B 21. There has been a collision__________
a number of cars on the main road to town. A) composing B) consisting C) involving D) engaging

46 Involve 是出题者所青睐的 一个词, 此词对中国学生来说不易理解,且易和consist of, contain等词混淆。
如: He was told that the job would involve travel. 他被告知那份工作将需要出差。 A) compose通常用在be composed of中, 表示“由……构成”; B) consist 和 of 搭配表示“包括”, 和 in 搭配表示“在于,基于”。

47 Key 21: C 22 . __________ elephants are different from wild elephants in many aspects, including their tempers. A) Cultivated B) Regulated C) Civil D) Tame

48 A) cultivated表示“耕作的,有教养的”,
可以用来修饰植物或人,但不能放在 大象的前面; C) civil只能用在人和人类社会,表示“公 民的,市民的,民事的,有礼貌的”; D) tame作形容词用,表示“驯服的”,用 在动物前面正合适。

49 Key 22: D 23. Ten days ago the young man
informed his boss of his intention to __________. A) resign B) reject C) retreat D) replace

50 Key 23: A 24. As one of the world's highest paid
models, she had her face __________ for five million dollars. A) deposited B) assured C) measured D) insured

51 Review: Insure,assure和ensure这三个词放在一起很容易让考生迷惑。 Insure表示“给什么上保险”,
assure sb. of sth., assure sb. that是常用搭配,表示“保证,确保”; ensure sth., ensure…that意思和 assure一样,但用法不同。

52 应用文: Syvlan Syvlan Learning Centers seeks F/T instructors for immediate openings in Newark high schools. Benefits incl. Meth exp. desired. NJ cert. required. Fax letter, resume, copy of cert. To Bill Harries: Close date Jan.10.

53 Explanations: FT/PT= full time/part time Exp’d =experienced
50 wpm= 50 words per minutes Pref’d = preferred Refs = references. 证明人 Incl.= include Cert. =certificate

54 Receptionist/switchboard 聘接待/接线员
Must have xlnt communication skills, cheerful voice, mature & professional. Type 50 wpm. Company benefits, full time position. Mission Valley area. Contact C Marlar Xlnt: excellent Company benefits 享受公司待遇 就业机会均等 (本公司提供公平就业机会)

55 招聘兼职牙科接待员 Part Time DENTAL RECEPTIONIST – Livingston Dental Practice seeks friendly articulate person. Related health care exp & computer literate a +. friendly articulate 态度和蔼, 表达能力强 Related health care exp & computer literate a +.有相关保健经验和懂电脑者更佳.

56 公寓出租 UNFURNISHED $ 350 large remodeled studio. 1 MO.FREE RENT. All utils paid. Jones/Turk. Sr. citizens only No pet. remodeled studio 装修一新的单间公寓 All utils paid. 公用事业费全免 Utilities (水电煤) Sr. citizens only. 只向老年公民出租 No pet 谢绝宠物

57 假日别墅出租 Holiday Resort 3BR modern home with fab views of ocean, D/wash, TV, microwave, avail. mid Dec to end Jan. Phone 3BD: 3 bedrooms Fab: fabulous极好的 D/wash: dish washer

58 Make a guessing: 1. $ secure 2. Coll. Edu 3. Cash on the spot
4. Autos wanted. TOP $ $ $ 5. Donate car, Tax deductible 6. Super coupon, shop rite

59 Reference keys: 1.有可靠的经济收入 2. 大学文化 3. 当场支付现金 4. 高价收购汽车 5.捐赠汽车,可以扣税
6.优惠票券, 各店通用

60 汽车租赁 AUTO LEASE Book Auto-leasing
long Term leasing. Daily Rentals. Any Make or Model. No money down. Low monthly payments. Cars, Trucks & Vans. Plus free analysis of your current lease. Immediate approval & delivery. Drive today! ……

61 Explanation: Book Auto-leasing 注册汽车租赁公司 Any Make or Model. 任何品牌或型号
No money down. 不付定金 Plus free analysis of your current lease. 外加免费为您分析当前租赁形势 Immediate approval & delivery. 及时批准及时交车 Drive today! 今天就可用车 ……

62 New Lower Rates!全新优惠价 Hong Kong……35c Japan ……29c ……
No Deposit! No Minimum! No Set Up Fees! No Vat! Instant Activation. AT & T Fiber Optic Networks. 24-Hours. Ideal for Home, Office, Hotels and Mobile Phones. Agent Inquiries Invited.

63 Explanation: 不付定金. 不设最低消费. 不收开户费. 不附加增值税. 即时开通.AT&T光纤网络.
24小时用户服务.6秒开出分项帐单. 为家庭...和移动用户提供理想服务. 欢迎代理商垂询.

64 Champion Electric Knife
Features 90 degree rotating blade for both horizontal and vertical cuts. Comes with sharp stainless steel blades, detachable cord. Recessed on/off button, safety switch (34-016) Delivery in 4 days 63/5 books

65 question1 For what type of business is this ad? A) Grocery store
B) Hardware store C) Butcher’s D) Drug store

66 食品杂货店 五金店 肉铺 药品商店(= chemist’s shop) 也出售化妆品,香烟, ice creams & books

67 Question 2 What’s the catalog number of the product? A) 90 B) 63/5

68 Question 3 If there are small children in the house, what feature would be most desirable? A) 90 degree rotating blade B) Recessed on/off button C) Stainless steel blade D) safety switch

69 Blade 刀口,刃 Recessed 倒退,逆行的; 凹进去的 Switch 开关 Key: B D D

70 Population Changes recent census statistics 1980~1990
Oak Hill ……………………34,510 ________________ 34,253 Holly …………………..19,451 _______________10,900 Avondale………………………….6,782 ____________________15,943 Beachwood…………………7,569 ______________7,620 Lakeside…………..1,243 __________999

71 Question 1 Which of the following cities increased its population considerably during the ten year period? A) Avondale B) Beachwood C) Oak hill D) Holly

72 Question 2 Which city showed the most appreciable (看得出的, 感觉得到的) decrease population in the ten-year period? A) Beachwood B) Oak hill C) Holly D) Lakeside

73 Question 3 Which city’s population decreased by the smallest percentage? A) Holly B) Lakeside C) Beachwood D) Oak hill

74 Key: a c d

75 Otherwise 用作副词或连词时, 常表否定的条件. 或者说,表示与前述内容相反的条件.
这否定条件可以是现实的, 也可是反现实的(假想,虚拟的). 在前一情况下, 含otherwise 的分句的谓语动词用陈述语气; 在后一情况下,用虚拟语气. 当otherwise用作连词时, 用法和意义相当于连词or

76 Examples: 1. He is a little obstinate, but he is otherwise quite
suitable for the post. 2. He reminded me of what I should otherwise have forgotten. 3. Go home----otherwise your mother will worry. * Fine or otherwise, we shall have to go. 不管天气好不好, 我们非去不可. * otherwise-minded: 想法不同(不随俗)的

77 名词惯用语(形容词+名词) * Working in a big city is a mixed blessing.
It is so convenient and comfortable there, but noise pollution and traffic congestion are two big headaches. * The residents ran out of the burning building in time, but it was a narrow escape.

78 A mixed blessing 喜忧参半的事 a narrow escape 九死一生
* Beware of Tom! He looks nice at first sight, but finally you will find him a nasty piece of work. * At school, Bob was an odd man out; he seldom mingled with his peers. * David’s daily life is an open book; he is a nice person to work with.

79 A nasty piece of work 讨厌的家伙 an odd man out 难以和他人相处的人 an open book 尽人皆知
* There’s much publicity on foreign investment, but it may be a put-up job. * Helen considered staying with her mother a soft option because she did not have to worry about house-keeping.

80 Put-up job 预先布置的勾当 a soft option 比较容易或有利的选择
* Shortage of experienced staff and inefficient use of office equipment are teething troubles of any new company. * Don’t be a wet blanket by prohibiting people from doing this or that.

81 释义 Teething troubles 暂时的困难 A wet blanket 扫兴者 A safe bet 必勝的事
Plain sailing 一帆风顺 A snap decision 急速的决定 A sure-fire method(solution) 绝对可靠的办法

82 切忌望文生义 1. A busy body 2. At the eleventh hour
3. To pull up one’s socks. 4. To bring the house down 5. To think too much of oneself. 6. John is only too glad to let you go.

83 释义 1. 多嘴爱管闲事的人 2. 在最后时刻 3. 加紧努力 4. 全场喝彩 5. 自视太高 6. 很乐意让(你)去

84 It‘s a pain in the neck 麻烦的人(事).
Have a screw loose 头脑有问题;短路 Math is beyond me 我对数学无能为力。 We‘re in the same boat.(我们处境相同。) Neck and neck.(不分上下。) I’m not myself today.(我今天心神不宁。) It‘s up in the air 悬而未决.(尚未确定。) It slipped my mind.(我忘了。)

85 My mouth is watering. 我在流口水了。 I have a sweet tooth. 我喜欢吃甜食。
Let‘s talk over coffee. 我们边喝边谈。 Take it easy. 轻松一点;别紧张;放松放松;再见。 这是美国人最喜欢说的话,也可作离别用语。]

86 Are you pulling my leg(你在开我玩笑吗?)
Don‘t get me wrong (不要误会我。) I‘m feeling under the weather. 我觉得不舒服/精神不好/情绪低落。 You're the boss.(听你的。) Time will tell. 时间会证明的。 Let's give him a big hand. 让我们热烈鼓掌。

87 I‘m all mixed up. (我全搞混了。) I’m pressed for time
I‘m all mixed up.(我全搞混了。) I’m pressed for time.(我时间紧迫。) I‘m up to my ears in work 忙得不可开交; 深陷于某事物中 (我忙死了。) What's the rush?(什么事那么匆忙?)

88 Don't bury your head in the sand.
不要逃避现实。 It's a matter of life and death. 事关生死。 Money will come and go. 钱乃身外之物。 You have my word.(我保证。)

89 I won't buy you story. 我不信你那一套。
You're wasting you breath. 你在白费口舌。 Don't jump to conclusions. 别仓促/过早下结论。 It’s a long story.说来话长。 I mean it. I'm serious. I'm no kidding! 我是认真的。 Let's forgive and forget. 让我们摈弃前嫌。

90 The following are the difficult ones:
The dress cost me an arm and a leg, but it was worth it. (cost big bucks, very expensive) I’m not cut out for city life. (not inherently capable of being…)

91 The service here stinks
Order anything you want. It’s on my father I don’t see a living soul at all fat chance; slim chance; no way That really ticks me off) What’s eating you / what’s with you I’m wiped out / dog-tired

92 Key: The service here is extremely unsatisfactory. (stinks)
Order anything you want. My father will pay. (It’s on my father) I don’t see anyone at all. (a living soul at all) Impossible! (fat chance; no way) That really irritates me. (ticks someone off) What’s wrong? (What’s eating you / what’s with you) I’m exhausted. (wiped out / dog-tired)

93 I am broke; let me sponge a few bucks off you.
You said it! That’s the last straw The show was a real bomb; a smash hit It Beats me / you got me.) Don’t worry and go for it

94 Key: I don’t have any money with me unless you lend me some.
(am broke; let me sponge a few bucks off you) I agree! That’s all I can tolerate. (You said it! That’s the last straw) The show was a total failure/tremendous success. (a real bomb; a smash hit) I don’t know. (Beats me / you got me.) Don’t worry and just have a try! (go for it)

95 dialogue A: Gee, look at the blouse in the window. It’s really gorgeous, It had my name on it (perfectly suits me). Holy cow ! 200 bucks? Talk about a rip-off (thievery)! Like I’m really gonna spend that kind of money for a blouse. B” Hold it down (don’t talk so loud)! Let’s just get going (leaving). This place is a little too rich for my blood.

96 A: You seem really ticked off. what’s up?
B: Just get out of my face (leave me alone), would you? A: Chill out! What’s eating you, anyway? B: Sorry. It’s just that I think I blew (fail) the interview and now my parents are going to get all bent out of shape. (become suddenly and unexpectedly angry).


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