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定语从句复习要领 定语从句复习要领.

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1 定语从句复习要领 定语从句复习要领

2 需要学习和掌握的定语从句有以下三种: 由关系代词或关系副词引导的定语从句。 由介词+when/which引导的定语从句。 非限制性定语从句。
学习定语从句的关键是如何选择关联词。关联词在句中作状语就应使用关系副词.(where, when, why等。)否则使用关系代词(who, whom, whose, which, that等。)

3 二、非限制性定语从句 限制性定语从句对先行词起限制作用, 非限制性定语从句是对概念清楚的先行词加以追加阐述或补充说明。 非限制性定语从句一般用which/who引导而不用that引导,作宾语的关系代词不能省略,从句与主句用逗号分开。 E.g.: I have a brother who is a soldier I have a brother, who is a doctor. Last Saturday they reached Shanghai, where a meeting is to be hold.

4 在非限制性定语从句中as与which可以在整个主句作
为其先行词指代上面或下面说的一件事, 从意义上来看 which (=and this/that) as (=in accordance with what) E.g.: He is a teacher, which(=as)is clear from his manner 或He is a teacher, as(=which)can be seen from his manner. The student forgot to bring his dictionary, as is often the case.(此句中as不能用which代。) 从as,which在非限制性定语从句中的位置和作用来看 as引导的从句可置于主句之前,亦可置于主句之后, which一般置于主句之后。

5 定语从句判断步骤: (1)判断出先行词 (2)确定关系代词在从句中所担任的成分 (3)确定关系代词的人称和数 ★定从的时态不受主句的限制
The woman who/that was spoken to yesterday is my mother.

6 定语从句的辨认与使用 (1)找出先行词 a.确定关系代词的人称、数和性 b.确定从句位置(一般在先行词之后)
(2)确定关系代词在从句中所担任的成分以确定关系代词的格 (3)确定从句时态

7 定语从句注意事项 1. what不引导定语从句 I want to give you what I have. (宾语从句)
2. 先行词被the same 修饰时,关系代词既可用that, 也可用as.但意义不同,前者表示“同一的”,后者表示“同样的”。 3. 关系副词when,where why其含义相当于on which, in which, for which等可交替使用。

8 4.当先行词为专有名词或整个句子是世界上独一无二的名词时,一般用非限定性定语从句修饰。
The sun, which gives us light, is very big.

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