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金庸及其作品介绍 制作人:冀向东.

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Presentation on theme: "金庸及其作品介绍 制作人:冀向东."— Presentation transcript:

1 金庸及其作品介绍 制作人:冀向东

2 金庸简介 Jin Yong's book called Louis Cha, Haining people, born in Former newspaper reporter, editor, film screenwriter, Director, etc. Was founded in 1959 in Hong Kong Ming Pao Daily news agencies, publishing newspapers, magazines and books, his retirement in Has written novels 15, widely contemporary readers, has been a tremendous global Chinese language and the rise of gold study atmosphere at home and abroad. The set of Jin Yong's works by Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Taiwan, and Singapore/Malaysia published four, Britain, France, Japan, Korea, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and many other translations [1]. New martial arts novels of Jin Yong is the most outstanding representatives of the writers, well-known political commentators in Hong Kong, entrepreneurs, journalists. As the "peerless master" and "Mount Taishan and the North Star". Hong Kong first genius (talent), the first hike Hong Kong (editorial), the world's first pen (martial arts). In Hong Kong, Chua Lam and Wong Jim, Ni Kuang and known as "the four talented scholars in Hong Kong". Golden fans courtesy title as "Jin Daxia" or "search heroes." His novel was elected to the reader.

3 金庸简介 金庸本名查良镛,浙江海宁人,一九二四年生。曾任报社记者、编辑,电影公司编剧、导演等。一九五九年在香港创办明报机构,出版报纸、杂志及书籍,一九九三年退休。先后撰写武侠小说十五部,广受当代读者欢迎,至今已蔚为全球华人的共同语言,并兴起海内外金学研究风气。《金庸作品集》分由香港、广州、台湾、新加坡/马来西亚四地出版,有英、法、日、韩、泰、越、印尼等多种译文[1]。 金庸是新派武侠小说最杰出的代表作家,香港著名的政论家、企业家、报人。被誉为“绝代宗师”和“泰山北斗”。香江第一才子(指才华)、香港第一健行(指社评)、世界第一侠笔(指武侠)。在香港与黄沾、蔡澜、倪匡并称“香港四大才子”。金迷们尊称其为“金大侠”或“查大侠”。他的多篇小说被选入课本。

4 金庸简介 Jin Yong a pen to write of martial arts, a pen that talks about the current political situation, renowned Hong Kong; Junior Ranger, middle-aged entertainment, old Youxian; can I, can be rich than Tao Zhu, as the country on the political participation. Jin Yong's life story, is colorful. In his literary work in peace everywhere in Jin Yong's the doctrine of style Influence of Buddhism on Jin Yong's great. Jin Yong's learned. Martial arts novels, Jin Yong's rich experience, knowledgeable, with Evans agile, unique vision. He inherits the essence of classical martial arts novels, and created a delicate and unique, plot twists and turns, in the form description of deep humanity and pride chivalrous new novels first.

5 金庸简介 金庸一支笔写武侠,一支笔纵论时局,享誉香江;少年游侠,中年游艺,老年游仙;为文可以风行一世,为商可以富比陶朱,为政可以参国论要。金庸一生的传奇,可谓多姿多彩之至。在他的文学作品中处处可见金庸中庸平和的风格。佛学对金庸的影响很大。    金庸博学多才。就武侠小说方面,金庸阅历丰富,知识渊博,文思敏捷,眼光独到。他继承古典武侠小说之精华,开创了形式独特、情节曲折、描写细腻且深具人性和豪情侠义的新派武侠小说先河。凡历史均有篡改,在政治、古代哲学、宗教、文学、艺术、电影等都有研究,作品中琴棋书画、诗词典章、天文历算、阴阳五行、奇门遁甲、儒道佛学均有涉猎。被誉为“综艺侠情派”。 从20世纪50年代末至70年代初,金庸共写武侠小说15部,取其中14部作品名称的字首,可概括为“飞雪连天射白鹿,笑书神侠倚碧鸳”,外加一部《越女剑》。

6 金庸简介 Jin Yong's life was award wing title very more, which including: including Hong Kong S.A.R. highest honors large Bauhinia Medal, and United Kingdom Government O.B.E honours title and the France "honors Legion Knight" honours title, and Cambridge University, and Hong Kong University honorary beats scholar, and Canada British is Colombia University honorary literature Dr, and United Kingdom Oxford University, and Cambridge University, and Australia Melbourne University, and Singapore East Asia Institute, school honors academician, and Peking University, and Japan create price University, and Taipei Tsinghua University, and Nankai University, and Suzhou University, and East China Normal University, school Honorary Professor, and any United Kingdom Oxford University

7 金庸简介 金庸一生获颁荣衔甚多,其中包括:
包括香港特别行政区最高荣誉大紫荆勋章、英国政府O.B.E勋衔及法国“荣誉军团骑士”勋衔、剑桥大学、香港大学名誉搏士、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学名誉文学博士、英国牛津大学、剑桥大学、澳洲墨尔本大学、新加坡东亚研究所等校荣誉院士、北京大学、日本创价大学、台北清华大学、南开大学、苏州大学、华东师大等校名誉教授,并任英国牛津大学中国学术研究所高级研究员、加拿大英属哥伦比亚大学文学院兼任教授、浙江大学人文学院院长、教授。曾任中华人民共和国全国人民代表大会香港特别行政区基本法起草委员会委员、香港特别行政区筹备委员会委员等公职。其他称号更是数不胜数。 2009年特聘为中国作协副主席。

8 金庸作品之《飞狐外传》 The book is mainly about history of the alpex hero Hu Fei. with hero Hu Fei drive out the rascals and protect the people as the center of the story, tells the colorful Fox to kill Phoenix day South in the way of all, particularly the hero with two female Cheng lingsu and Yuan Zi garment of love relationships, make people feel sorry and helpless. Reflects the rivers and Lakes before generation of heroes in love is so vulnerable and helpless.

9 金庸作品之《飞狐外传》 该书主要是讲述《雪山飞狐》主人公胡斐的成长历程.以主人公胡斐除暴安良为故事的中心,讲述了胡斐 为追杀凤天南在路上所发生的一切,特别是主人公与两位女性程灵素、袁紫衣所发生的恋爱关系,让人觉得惋惜与无奈。体现出江湖一代大侠在爱情面前是那样的脆弱与无奈。




13 金庸作品之《雪山飞狐》 Story in the Qianlong period of Qing dynasty's customs. Water Horse chuantao hundred and his son Tao Zian dug up a treasure from the snow, in iron boxes. Beijing Tong establishment which provides escorts for a fee total DART head Xiong Yuan and offered with a group of men to snatch, but days Mun North zongruanshizhong, Cao Yunqi South Yin Ji and Tian Qingwen and robbed. We tailor-make between a ugly monk named Takaragi arrived. Baoshuqiang "please" when they came to a peak shock jade Villa guest. Villa Du Ximeng out is not attributed, guests eat and chat.

14 金庸作品之《雪山飞狐》 故事发生在清代乾隆时期的关外。饮马川陶百岁、陶子安父子从雪山中挖出一件宝物,封于铁盒之中。北京平通镖局总镖头熊元献带一伙人来抢夺,却被天龙门北宗阮士中、曹云奇、田青文与南宗殷吉劫去。大家拼打之间,一个名叫宝树的丑陋和尚赶到。宝树强“请”众人来到一高耸入云的玉笔峰山庄做客。因山庄主杜希孟外出未归,客人吃饭闲聊。 原来庄主邀请武林高手在此会一位盖世英雄——雪山飞狐胡斐。午前胡斐派二童子送信,称午间践约。玉笔峰上众人重新争夺铁盒,宝树倚强将铁盒持在手中,令人打开,内装一柄宝刀。 宝树谈起宝刀的来历,继而,分别由宝树、金面佛大侠苗人凤之女苗若兰、平阿四及陶百岁之口讲述了与此相关的一段武林往事。



17 金庸作品之《连城诀》 Describes the farmer di Yun as simple, repeatedly being wrong to deceive, after the ordeal, has finally seen through world evil, return to nature of the story.

18 金庸作品之《连城诀》 描述了农家子弟狄云因为生性质朴,屡被冤枉欺骗,在历经磨难之后,终于看穿人世险恶,回归自然的故事。



21 金庸作品之《天龙八部》 Novels with era of Emperor Zhezong of Song in the background, through song, Liao, Dali, Western Xia and tubo and Wulin enmities and ethnic conflicts between the Jurchen Kingdom, from a philosophical perspective to examine and describe the life and society, showing a picture of a magnificent tapestry of life.

22 金庸作品之《天龙八部》 小说以宋哲宗时代为背景,通过宋、辽、大理、西夏、吐蕃及女真等王国之间的武林恩怨和民族矛盾,从哲学的高度对人生和社会进行审视和描写,展示了一幅波澜壮阔的生活画卷。所谓“天龙八部”是佛经用语,包括八种神道怪物,作者以此为书名,旨在象征大千世界之中形形色色的人物。




26 金庸作品之《射雕英雄传》 Also known as the desert hero is "who did break trilogy", one of the heroic lovers of the God of carving under the lean on the day of the Dragon. This Department novels history background highlight, scene ever, momentum Grand, has distinct of "hero epic" style; in character created and plot arrangements Shang, it break has traditional novels just legend, will character as plot client of mode, adhere to to created personalized of character image for Center, adhere to character Captain story, in accordance with the character character of development need and inherent possibilities, and inevitability to set plot, to makes this Department novels reached something although odd people is really of wonderful condition

27 金庸作品之《射雕英雄传》 又名《大漠英雄传》,是“射雕三部曲”之一,下接《神雕侠侣》《倚天屠龙记》。这部小说历史背景突出,场景纷繁,气势宏伟,具有鲜明的“英雄史诗”风格;在人物创造与情节安排上,它打破了传统武侠小说一味传奇,将人物作为情节附庸的模式,坚持以创造个性化的人物形象为中心,坚持人物统帅故事,按照人物性格的发展需要及其内在可能性、必然性来设置情节,从而使这部小说达到了事虽奇人却真的妙境




31 金庸作品之《白马啸西风》 Describing love between the Kazak and Han Chinese, the hero is a man named ask Li about Han Chinese girl, parents died from a map with Gaochang was the robber forced, herself Li Wenxiu was living in the Kazak desert Han period of care for the elderly grew up and several tribal youth of Kazakhstan and emotional story.

32 金庸作品之《白马啸西风》 描写了哈萨克人和汉人之间的情仇,主人公是一位名叫李文秀的汉族姑娘,父母因带着高昌地图被强盗追迫而死,单独留下李文秀在哈萨克族中被旅居大漠的汉人计老人抚养长大,并与几个哈萨克部族青年的感情故事 。



35 金庸作品之《鹿鼎记》 Novels with the social history of Kangxi in the Qing dynasty in the background, depicts a came from juvenile Wei Xiaobao in the legend at the bottom of society.

36 金庸作品之《鹿鼎记》 小说以清代康熙年间的社会历史为背景,描写了一个出身于社会最底层的少年韦小宝的传奇经历。



39 金庸作品之《笑傲江湖》 The Swordsman is the center of Wulin power grab for hegemony, in order to achieve their goals, and win the winged beast sword spectrum and the sunflower collection, the last two were defeated by the winged beast sword on the spectrum and the sunflower collection.

40 金庸作品之《笑傲江湖》 《笑傲江湖》的中心是武林争霸夺权,为了达到目的,夺取《辟邪剑谱》和《葵花宝典》,最后两派都败在《辟邪剑谱》和《葵花宝典》上。



43 金庸作品之《书剑恩仇录》 Description of novels during the reign of the Qing dynasty, Jiangnan Wulin gang will overturn Qing dynasty and safflower, and story of Qing court wits, is also the novel to study whether the reign of the Han Chinese, a push to the Summit.

44 金庸作品之《书剑恩仇录》 小说描写清朝乾隆年间,江南武林帮会红花会为反清复明,与清廷斗智斗勇的故事,也是这本小说把研究乾隆是否汉人一事,推到了高峰。





49 金庸作品之《神雕侠侣》 Novel about the late Southern Song Yang and its division between the little dragon woman love imbroglio, and by an unknown starring acquired unique experience of martial arts, as well as patriotic General story of Guo Jing and others tough anti-Yuan, protect our homes and defend our country.

50 金庸作品之《神雕侠侣》 小说讲述南宋末年杨过与其师小龙女之间的爱情纠葛,并由一名无名小辈练就绝世武功的经历以及爱国将领郭靖等人顽强抗元、保家卫国的故事。




54 金庸作品之《侠客行》 书名取自李白诗《侠客行》,主要叙述一个懵懂少年石破天的江湖经历。



57 金庸作品之《倚天屠龙记》 Stories before and after the time span of 100 years, from the Yuan dynasty and a clash of Fun, rivers and Lakes turmoil for broad background, drama around the two weapons Dragon Killer, and Sky Sword. First volume described Wudang disciples Zhang cuishan involvement WINS knife disputes, second volume to fourth volume described Zhang cuishan of child Zhang no bogey of rivers and Lakes career, main is the Ming belief and Zhongyuan Wulin of race and the uprising army and Court of confrontation, juvenile Zhang no bogey led result acquired a unparalleled martial arts, to world people wonder at of force and no can alternative of personality forces, leading clash, story while show Wulin all hero of simple pride and form vary of spirit style.

58 金庸作品之《倚天屠龙记》 故事时间前后跨度一百年,以元末群雄纷起、江湖动荡为广阔背景,剧情围绕两样兵器屠龙刀和倚天剑展开。第一卷叙述武当弟子张翠山卷入夺刀纷争,第二卷至第四卷叙述张翠山之子张无忌的江湖生涯,主要是明教和中原武林之争及起义军和朝廷的对抗,少年张无忌因缘际会练就一身盖世武功,以天下人叹服的武力和无可替代的人格力量,统领群雄,故事同时展现武林众豪杰的质朴豪情和形态各异的精神风貌 。




62 金庸作品之《碧血剑》 The novel son of Yuan Chonghuan Yuan Chengzhi as the main character, describes it with a temperature between green and how he inherited the love of his father legacy, helping peasant uprising army's story to resist invasion of Qing soldier

63 金庸作品之《碧血剑》 小说以袁崇焕之子袁承志为主要人物,讲述了其与温青青间的爱情以及他如何继承其父遗志,帮助农民起义军抵抗清兵入侵的故事。




67 金庸作品之《鸳鸯刀》 Novel rivers and Lakes on the rumors of Mandarin Duck and secrets of the blade and the story around it. In the Mandarin Duck knives, excellent four comedy character: too low-in four-four martial arts-COG

68 金庸作品之《鸳鸯刀》 小说叙述江湖上盛传的鸳鸯宝刀的秘密以及围绕它发生的故事 。在《鸳鸯刀》中,出色的是四个喜剧人物:太岳四侠——四个武功低微的小人物。



71 金庸作品之《越女剑》 The works of historical background of the Wuyue Kings, Wu and Yue inferior, GOU Jian to defeat Fu Chai, Fan Li's ploy, just close to success, encountered a setback on the swords and fencing. Not only sword Li Jing Wu Guojian, and make good use of war, beaten by more people. Flocks of women appears eight swordsman aqing were easily defeated Wu, Fan Li to surprise, link a aqing site, finally, the Swordsman to observe to the "Excalibur" shadow. This "Excalibur" shadow, Yue's sword was invincible! the other hand, the candle under the advice of Xue, the more countries also fashioned a sword must conditions are ripe, GOU Jian long fly off the handle, and finally tore through Wu. And in the hearts of Fan Li, compromise of Wu is not the only purpose, he would like to see is all the more to the poor beauty Xi Shi. When two people meet, green appeared, because she has to like the Fan Li and sword gas hurt Xi Shi. But in the end result of Xi Shi's beauty and sadly gone sth

72 金庸作品之《越女剑》 这部作品以吴越争霸为历史背景,吴优而越劣,勾践为击败夫差,采用了范蠡的计策,就在接近成功时,在铸剑和剑术上遇到了挫折。吴国剑士不但剑利术精,且善用兵法,越人不敌。而此时出现的放羊女阿青却轻易地击败了吴国八剑士,范蠡以之为奇,将阿青接到府邸,终于使越国剑士观摩到了“神剑”的影子。就凭这“神剑”的影子,越国的剑术已是天下无敌了!另一方面,在薛烛的指点下,越国也造出了利剑千万,条件成熟,勾践早已按耐不住,终于大破吴军。而在范蠡的心中,攻破吴国并不是唯一的目的,他更想见到被献给夫差的美女西施。当两人见面时,阿青出现了,因为她已经喜欢上了范蠡,并以剑气伤了西施。但最终因西施的美貌而黯然离去……




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