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语法与翻译 PPT-3 TASKS: 1. SCT-Presentation:UNESCO, China’s university names 2. SCT-Practice: Notes on English nouns for translation 3. SCT-Production: Comprehensive.

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Presentation on theme: "语法与翻译 PPT-3 TASKS: 1. SCT-Presentation:UNESCO, China’s university names 2. SCT-Practice: Notes on English nouns for translation 3. SCT-Production: Comprehensive."— Presentation transcript:

1 语法与翻译 PPT-3 TASKS: 1. SCT-Presentation:UNESCO, China’s university names 2. SCT-Practice: Notes on English nouns for translation 3. SCT-Production: Comprehensive English II Text One for translation analysis

2 一、专有名词的语法与翻译问题 1."联合国教科文组织"这个外国人给的英文名字United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization

3 2.理解是多方面的。其实,二者区别在形式与内容的侧重点。Foreign Language School 与School of Foreign Languages的唯一区别不是正误问题,而是理解方式问题。我们理解的目的是为了获取信息。这里的区别在于前者的信息中心是“机构的组织形式”,后者的信息中心是“机构的工作内涵”。School of Foreign Languages作为外国语学院的英文非常正确,但是现实的答案也没有错误,二者只有意义的不同。

4 3.正误不是对立的,而是相对的。世界上的机构名称翻译是主观的。机构名称翻译就像人名翻译一样,没有客观标准,比如北京第二外国语学院的英文Beijing International Studies University或其他好多单位的英文名称(上海交通大学的英译Shanghai Jiaotong University)等等都已经不是中文意思了。有些约定俗成了的真的错了的东西,也都尽量少该为好,包括湛师的校名和我们每一位的姓名。

5 4.更名是可能的,但不可乱。 真理和谬误之间没有距离,全在意念。约定俗成了的东西值得怀疑,但是不到时机就不要去改,以免混乱。

6 二、普通名词的语法与翻译问题 (common nouns vs proper nouns)
1. 顺序与意义的关系(order & meaning):信息流程 2. 选词的策略(wording) 3. 词类转换(conversion) 4. 实例 (examples)

7 三、英语语法关键词:名词和名词词组 (一)名词分类
1. 按照构词法分: (1)简单名词simple noun: black,(2)复合名词 compound noun: blackboard, (3)派生名词 derivative noun: blackly 2. 按词义分: 普通名词 common nouns:个体名词 individual noun, 集体名词collective noun, 物质名词material noun,抽象名词abstract noun 专有名词 proper nouns: 表示个人、国家、地方、机构、组织等的专有名称 3. 按语法特征分: 可数名词 count noun, 不可数名词 non-count noun

8 (二)名词词组的句法功能 1. 结构:(限定词)(+前置修饰语+)名词(+后置修饰语) 2. 功能: (1)补语: That was an attractive little black chair.    They elected him chairman (坐镇) of the board. (2)宾语: They gave him a first-rate education. (3)同位语:Mr Brown, director of the coal mine, should be responsible for the accident. (4) 介词补足成分:We teachers should be concerned about the students' moral culture. (5)状语和连词等: He returned last week. A photo is taken each time this button is pushed.

9 (三)名词的属格: 名词的格(case)包括属格genitive case (possessive case)和通格(common case)
1. 成语中的属格: at one's wits' end 智力穷竭; at swords' points 剑拔弩张; a hair's breadth 间不容发;a wolf in sheep's clothing狼披羊皮;in one's mind's eye 在 的想象中;to one's heart's content尽情; a bird's eye view 鸟瞰;at one's fingers' ends/tips 精通; at death's door 濒于死亡; at a stone's throw 扔石之遥 2. 双重属格: a friend of my father's (He is one of my father's friends.) cf. a friend of my father (He is friendly to my father.) 3. 独立属格: His memory is like an elephant's. Mary's is the largest house.

10 赠汪伦 李 白(唐) 李白乘舟将欲行, 忽闻岸上踏歌声。 桃花潭水深千尺, 不及汪伦送我情。

11 LI Bai, on board the boat, just leaving,
TO WANG Lun LI Bai (Tang Dynasty) LI Bai, on board the boat, just leaving, Hears from ashore tramping-song singing. The Peachpool waters deep, 1000 feet, But less than WANG Lun's farewell I feel. (CAO Zhixi's version)

12 Information flow translation for poetry
1. Meters 2. Beats 3. Rhymes 4. Conversions 5. Grammars

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