Mr Louis LUI, Assistant Principal

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Presentation on theme: "Mr Louis LUI, Assistant Principal"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mr Louis LUI, Assistant Principal
F.1 Orientation ( ) Mr Louis LUI, Assistant Principal

2 Agenda Introducing School Homepage Introducing School Intranet
Introducing App for Smart Phone IT Workshop for Parents Munsang Parental Centre

3 Homepage:
1.1 School Information Address : No. 8 Dumbarton Road, Kowloon City, Kowloon Telephone : Fax : Homepage:

4 1.2 Announcements & Circulars

5 1.2 Announcements & Circulars

6 1.3 Calendar & Timetable

7 1.4 Photo and Video

8 1.5 Alumni & PTA

9 1.6 90th Anniversary


11 Conclusion… Homepage:

12 School Homepage App for Smart Phone

13 2. Introducing School Intranet
Through School Homepage Click “eClass” Direct Access

14 Option 1

15 Option 2 eClass (Intranet):

16 Account Information 登入名稱 Login : p<studnetID>
預設密碼 Password : p<studnetID> 例子 Sample 學生帳號 StudentID : s 家長帳號 ParentID : p

17 eClass Mobile App (Will be available in October, 2016)

18 4. IT Workshop for Parents
10th September, 2016 (Saturday) Agenda Application of Intranet Application of School Apps Application of ePayment

19 5. ePayment and PPS Target for F1, F2 and F3 only (2016-2017)
Include All payment made payable to “The Incorporated Management Committee of Munsang College” previously. Except: Fee for Stationery, Printing Voucher and Service / Study Tour An amount of HK$3,000 is to be deposited by the first issue of the “Message from the Principal”. Depositing of funds into students account, you may use either PPS(繳費靈), select “Munsang College” (PPS Code: 6340) Bank in to the account (Hang Seng Bank - Bank Code: 024 ). Also, reply slip should be submitted to the General Office Checking account balance and transaction records by using the eClass. At the end of an academic year, any unused balanced will be tallied and carried forward to the next academic year. Upon graduation, any remaining balance will be returned to students via a cheque.

20 Munsang Parental Centre (民生家長學堂)
目的: 藉著有系統而多元化的家長教育課程,希望能達致 提供全面的平台,透過一同參與活動,從而提升親子關係 協助家長了解學校課程的發展,從而幫助子女學習 掌握有效的知識和方法,從而幫助子女愉快成長 協助家長建立健康的人生觀及培育子女的正面態度

21 5. Munsang Parental Centre (民生家長學堂)
Application Period: February and March 2016 Participation: 01 April 2016 (11 April 2016)

22 5. Munsang Parental Centre (民生家長學堂)
Item 日期 本年實際日期 活動 活動類別 學分 組織 1 February 元宵湯丸及糖果派發 3 Parent Teacher Association 2 家長教師會週年大會及家教會執行委員選舉 講座 10 家長日 5 4 High Table Dinner 宴會 * School March 校慶典禮 典禮 6 校慶典禮後午饍 7 同學會春茗 Alumni Association 8 升中四選科講座 Careers Committee 9 April Parent Workshop 工作坊 Counselling Committee May 皮革製作班 11 親子有機耕作工作坊 Parent Teacher Association and Green Education Task Force 12 一年兩期PTA Newsletter及家長訪問 面談 Parent Teacher Association and Publicity Committee 13 June 親子生態遊 14 文憑試升學及多元出路講座 15 Fun Day Co-Curricula Activity Committee 16 Reflective Story Telling 17 Debate Final English & Chinese Department 18 English Activity Day English Department 19 July Speech Day 20 畢業典禮前午饍



25 Contact Mr. LUI Hang-sum, Louis
Direct number:

26 教育統籌委員會 報告書 「樂善勇敢」

27 樂於學習、 善於溝通、 勇於承擔、 敢於創新。
教育統籌委員會 報告書 樂於學習、 善於溝通、 勇於承擔、 敢於創新。

28 Thanks for your kind attention

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