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Unit Twelve Shopping 旅游购物

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1 Unit Twelve Shopping 旅游购物

2 Unit Objectives (单元目标)
After learning this unit, you should ——understand how to give shopping information; ——master the basic words and expressions about shopping in travelling; ——get some cultural knowledge about shopping information; ——be familiar with some domestic typical goods; ——find ways to improve your writing skills about invitation.

3 Background Knowledge 背景知识
As an important part of a tour, shopping can sometimes be the main reason for traving. You need to know the following knowledge. 1. Types of store 商店的种类: 大型的: department store 百货公司 shopping mall 购物中心 小型的: dime store 一角钱商店 grocery store 杂货店 discount store 折扣商店

4 Background Knowledge 背景知识
2. Types of counter 柜台的种类: tea and coffee counter 茶叶咖啡柜台 friut and vegetable counter 水果蔬菜柜台 cotton fabric counter 棉布柜台 silk and satin counter 丝绸柜台 sweater counter 毛衣柜台 daily necessities counter 日用品柜台 jewellery counter 珠宝柜台 hardware and electric articles counter 五金电器柜台 stationery counter 文具柜台 toys counter 玩具柜台 musical instrument counter 乐器柜台 cigrettes and wine counter 烟酒柜台 men’s wear counter 男士衣装柜台 ladies’ counter counter 女士衣装柜台 3. Types of payment 付款方式: cash 现金 check 支票 credit card 信用卡 direct deduct from bank account 直接从银行帐户扣除 money order 汇款单

5 Practice Materials 实训材料
Listening Dialogue 1 a. Listen to Dialogue One and decide whether each of the following sentences is true (T) or false (F). 1. ___F___ The woman wants to buy a bag to deal with the stuff. 2. ___T___The woman likes a suitcase of medium size. 3. ___T___She still wants to buy a wallet in the same place. 4. ___T___ The assistant shows the woman a very popular wallet. 5. ___F___ At last, the woman didn’t buy the wallet that the assistant recommended.

6 Dialogue 1 b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions.
1. What dose the woman want to buy ? A suitcase 2. Which style does she like,a small one or a mediumone? A medium one ___ 3. Is she prefer a real leather one? Yes __________ 4. How does she fell the wallet at first? Too big 5. How much money she spends in total? 300 dollars

7 Dialogue 1 c. Listen to the dialogue again and supply the missing words. 1. Do you want a large size or a medium one? 2. Are they all made of real leather? 3. Let me see if it can hold all the stuff in the two bags. 4. A single suitcase is easier to handle than two bags. 5. It can be folded in this way.

8 参考译文 A:女士,您想买些什么? T:是的,我想买个行李箱。 A:您喜欢哪种式样?大号的还是中号的?

9 Dialogue 2 a. Listen to Dialogue One and decide whether each of the following sentences is true (T) or false (F). 1. ___F___ The woman wants to buy some presents for her family. 2. ___F___ There are 18K gold necklace, chain and earrings only ___T___ The price of the gold necklace is $66. 4. ___F___ The price of a key ring is $1.2. 5. ___T___ The woman believe these key rings are good presents for her friends.

10 Dialogue 2 b. Listen to the dialogue and answer these questions.
1. What does the woman want to do? Buy some gifts for her friends 2. Is she interested in jewellery? Yes 3. How much money she spent buying the gold necklace? $39.6 4. What is the price of the key ring? $1.5 5. How many key rings does she buy? A dozen

11 Dialogue 2 c. Listen to the dialogue again and supply the missing words. 1. All the jewellery is on sale here today. 2. We have 14K and 18K gold necklace, chain and earrings. 3. Its regular price is $66, and you can have it with a forty percent discount. 4. Couldn’t you knock off a little bit more? 5. OK.Give me a dozen like this.

12 参考译文 A:女士,我能为您做点什么? B:我想为我的朋友们选些礼物。 A:你喜欢珠宝吗?今天我们这里的珠宝正在热销中。
A:有,我们这里有14K和18K的金项链、金手链和金耳环。 B:我能看看吗? A:当然可以,这是一条非常不错的金项链,它的正常价格是66美元,我们可以给您打个六折。 B:太好了,我要下了。 A:好的。您还有什么别的想买的吗? B:能让我看一下那个钥匙链吗? A:好的,给您。 B:这个不错,多少钱一个? A:1.5美元。 B:我要多买一点,可不可以再给便宜一点? A:1.2美元一个吧,不能再低了。 B:好吧,给我拿一打这种钥匙链吧,我想这些会是不错的礼物。

13 Reading Shopping in China

14 Shopping in China a. Answer the following questions according to the Passage. 1. What are the typical Chinese goods? Silk, Tea , Wines and Spirits , Antique , Chinese Medicinal Material , Arts and Crafts . 2. How many categories can tea be classified into according to the passage? Five categories. They are_green tea, black tea, brick tea, scented tea, and oolong tea. 3. What is the famous wine of Anhui? Gujing Tribute Liquor. 4. Why some of Chinese Medicine are not allowed to be exported from China? Because some of these are made of rare animals protected by laws 5. What is the "four treasures of study"? Which is very famous in China? It contants writing brush, ink stick, ink slab and paper.

15 Shopping in China b. Translate the expressions into Chinese or English. 1. be regarded as 被认为是,被看作是 give best regards to sb 给某人祝福 regard sb. highly 尊重某人 in regard to 关于 2. an integral whole 一个整体 integral equation 积分方程 an integral part of the whole 整体的组成部分 3. make preparations for 为...作准备 be in preparation 在准备中; 在编辑中 advance preparation 事前准备, 预先准备 4. arts and crafts 工艺品 with craft 有技巧地, 巧妙地 aerial craft 航空器, 飞行器

16 Shopping in China c. Choose an appropriate word or phrase to fill in each blank to make each sentence meaningful, and change its form where necessary. 1. These magnificent palaces impressed the foreigners deeply. 2. How long will the discharge of the cargo take? 3. We need about twelve excellent football players, ranging in age from 18 to 23, to reinforce our college team. 4. The house itself is not particularly to my mind, but I like its environment 5. Lack of time forbids any further discussion at the point 6. The film retains much of the book's exotic flavour 7. The graphic arts include calligraphy and lithography 8. Soon after the accident, the motorist was sent to the hospital by the people available at the scene. 9. Can you recommend to me a good dictionary? 10. Parliament has passed an Act forbidding the killing of rare animals.

17 Shopping in China d. Translate the following sentences into English with words or phrases given in the brackets. 1. 西班牙曾以其强大的舰队而著称。(be famous for) Spain used to be famous for its strong armada. 2. 救护车响着警报急驰而过。(along with) An ambulance was racing along with its sirens wailing. 3.本省的丝绸工业有很长的历史了,刺绣产品在世界上享有很好的声誉。(embroidery ,well-established) The silk industry in this province has a long histroy, embroidery here has well-established all over the world. 4. 一般来说,陶瓷产品可以分为两类,即实用品和艺术品。(classify into) Generally speaking, ceramics product can be classified into two categories: practical and artistic. 5. 他为了要把家里弄得整整齐齐,忙了好一阵子。(in order.) He was as busy as a bee trying to put the house in order.

18 Writing Invitation 请柬 Task 2 Sample Writing Sample 1 正式请柬 Sample 2

19 Invitation 请柬 1. Match the following groups of words and phrases.
1. distinguished guest a. 音乐会 2. opera b. 要求 3. pleasure c. 表演 4. concert d. 贵宾 5. theater e. 出席 6. performance f. 荣幸 7. presence g. 剧院 8. request h. 歌剧 The keys: 1.d 2.h 3.f 4.a 5.g 6.c 7.e 8.b

20 Invitation 请柬 2.代表学校邀请Mr. Henry King参加水利工程实验室的开幕仪式,时间是8月5日,星期二下午4:00;地点是主楼501房间。 Suggested answer: 正式请柬 Prof. Hu Dongcheng Vice-president of the University Requests the pleasure of the company of Mr. Henry King, At the opening ceremony of the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory On Aug.5th2007, Tuesday, at 4:00 p.m. In Rm 501, Main Building R.S.V.P. Tel: July 20th,2007

21 Invitation 请柬 非正式请柬 Dear Mr. King:
July 20th,2007 Dear Mr. King: I am pleased to invite you for the opening ceremony of the Hydraulic Engineering Laboratory in our university at 4:00 p.m., Tuesday, on Aug.5th 2007, in Rm501, Main Building. Your research foundation has contributed a great deal to the establishment of the laboratory, and we would like you to share our happiness on this occasion. At the same time, we would like to express our appreciation once again to for your kind financial support for the lab. Hope to hear back from you soon. Sincerely yours, Hu Dongcheng Vice-president of the University

22 Thank You!

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