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數學科&電腦科 專題習作 ~寵物~.

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Presentation on theme: "數學科&電腦科 專題習作 ~寵物~."— Presentation transcript:

1 數學科&電腦科 專題習作 ~寵物~

2 目錄 問卷~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P.1
How to choose a best dog?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P.13-14 分工表~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~P.15

3 問卷 多謝合作!!!! P.1 性別:□男 □女 1.你家裏是否有飼養寵物? 2.你最喜歡甚麼寵物? 3.你對這寵物的認識深嗎?
性別:□男 □女 1.你家裏是否有飼養寵物? 2.你最喜歡甚麼寵物? 3.你對這寵物的認識深嗎? 4.你喜歡這寵物是甚麼顏色? 5.你為甚麼喜歡這寵物? 6.你最討厭甚麼寵物? 7.你為甚麼討厭這寵物? 8.請你將以下的寵物以你喜歡的程度排列? 狗、猫、倉鼠、鳥、烏龜 9.請問你會和寵物相處的時間大約多久? □0-2小時 □2-4小時□ 4-6小時 □6小時以上 多謝合作!!!! P.1

4 頻數分佈表1 1D班同學最喜歡的寵物 最喜歡的寵物 畫記 頻數 10 4 倉鼠 金魚 3 其他 13 總數 38 P.2

5 圖像表達1 P.3

6 分析1 原來我班的同學大多都是喜歡狗,可能狗比較可愛和容易馴服,所以同學比較喜歡,不過如果狗隻紃練得不恰當,狗隻可能會變得很兇惡。我班的同學喜歡貓、倉鼠和兔的人數一樣,從此看得出我班的同學比較喜歡可愛的寵物。 P.4

7 頻數分佈表2 1D班同學最討厭的寵物 最討厭的寵物 畫記 頻數 狗 3 貓 老鼠 烏龜 魚 4 田雞 其他 11 沒有 8 總數 38

8 圖像表達2 P.6

9 分析2 原來我班的同學比較少討厭任何寵物,從此看出我班的同學是喜歡任何寵物。但也有同學討厭某些寵物,較多人討厭的寵物是魚,可能魚是比較難飼養,所以他們討厭牠。討厭其他寵物的人數都是一樣,例如:狗、貓、老鼠和田雞等。 P.7

10 頻數分佈表3 1D班同學和寵物相處的時間 相處的時間 畫記 頻數 12 1 10 2 7 3 4 6 總數 38 P.8

11 圖像表達3 P.9

12 分析3 原來我班的同學和寵物相處的時間很少,這樣,他們的寵物可能會對他們不瞅不睬。我認為他們應該利用空閒時間和他們的寵物玩耍,這樣令寵物和自己都開心。但有些同學都花太多時間到他們的身上,自己的學習時間就可能很少,影響學業。 P.10

13 網上數據資料1 討論1 原來其他市民和我班的同學都是喜愛狗和貓,牠們真是人類的好朋友啊! 我最喜愛的動物是.... 總共有 1195 票
我最喜愛的動物是....  總共有 1195 票 龜龜  209 票;佔總票數 17.49% 老虎  37 票;佔總票數 3.10% 狗狗  440 票;佔總票數 36.82% 貓貓  430 票;佔總票數 35.98% 鳥鳥  57 票;佔總票數 4.77% 其他  22 票;佔總票數 1.84% 原來其他市民和我班的同學都是喜愛狗和貓,牠們真是人類的好朋友啊! P.11 資料由

14 網上數據資料2 討論2 寵物是否用專用糧食? 投票總數1171次 否 22.3% 是 77.7%
否 22.3% 是 77.7% 可能市民害怕狗隻如果食了不專用糧食,就可能會傷害牠們,所以市民就專用糧食。 資料由 P.12

15 How to choose a best dog? P.13
Straight back legs     Watch the puppy as he moves about, particularly as he moves away form you. His back legs should be nice and straight, there should be no sign of cow hocks (hocks turned in and toes turned out) and his hips should move smoothly and freely. Good bone     The legs should be study, with good, sound bone of medium length. Poor bone, bowing and enlarged joints could be a sign of rickets caused by poor feeding. Although the progress of this disorder can be reversed by a suitable feeding programme, you want your puppy to be sound right from the start. Paws should show no signs of soreness and there should be no dew claws on the hind legs. Jaws     Look closely at the puppy's mouth, checking that the teeth are clean and sound. The top set of teeth should fit closely over the bottom set. If there is any sign of an overshot or undershot jaw do not, on any account, take the puppy as this is a congenital defect which can affect the dog's eating ability and can be passed on to progeny if you breed. Hernia     Hold the puppy with his back towards you, support him with your legs and look carefully at the abdomen-this should be firm and clean and there should be no lumps in the groins or in the region of the umbilicus. Whilst occasionally a hernia will resolve itself as the puppy grows, the vast majority need surgical treatment to correct-all additional expense and risk. P.13

16 P.14 資料由提供
Scrotum    If you are buying a dog puppy, make sure that both testicles are down ion the scrotal sac. If they are not, there could be problems with breeding later on. Fleas    While you have the puppy on his back, look at soft skin on his abdomen and in the groins-if he is infested with fleas, there will almost certainly be small, telltale red spots where he has been bitten. Severe infestation can cause sores on both the abdomen (where they are easy to see) and on the body (where they are more difficult to see because of the density of the coat). Sheep ticks     Puppies can be infested with sheep ticks if the mother has been carrying them; they are to be found on the body and can be felt as small, hard nodules embedded in the skin. They are a blood-sucking parasite and, if the body is knocked off, the head can remain embedded in the skin and be a source of infection. Ears     Turn the ears back and look inside - they should be clean and free of smell. Small amounts of wax are sometimes visible but this should no be excessive. Eyes     The eyes should be clear and bright and there should be no evidence of soreness or infection. The very young puppy's eyes will be blue but they have usually begun the change towards brown by the time they are ready to leave the mother. Check that the coloring is the same in both eyes as some dogs have one brown eye and one blue eye (these are often referred to as wall-eyed dogs). I find I can never take a fancy to a blue-eyed dog, always going for brown eyes, but this is a purely personal preference, so take your choice. 資料由 P.14

17 分工表 組長:麥瑞燕 P.15 姓名 統籌及監察 搜尋網站資料 問卷 頻數分佈表 分析 中文打字 文書處理 麥瑞燕 梁嘉雯 楊玉玲 郭頌
曾慶芳 組長:麥瑞燕 P.15


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