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Unit 4 Making the news.

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1 Unit 4 Making the news

2 话题导入 The Associated Press The Associated Press is seeking for an assistant sports editor for its Sports Desk in New York City. The ideal① candidate must have excellent news editing skills,the ability to handle fast-breaking stories and knowledge of a variety of national and international sports.

3 This person must be familiar with and able to work with multimedia② elements and must have the ability and desire to work with Graphics,Broadcast,Photos and Online Video. Log in www. ap. com to get more information.

4 Edit the Best Online Now,High Country News is looking for a creative web editor to join its team. High Country News is read by policymakers,agency officials,journalists and thousands of people. For more information,please visit our website:www. hcn. org

5 Send digital cover letter,resume,clips or links to john@hcn,org
Send digital cover letter,resume,clips or links to No hard copy applications accepted. The ideal candidate must have a love and understanding of the American West,literary flair(文学鉴赏力) and experience working as a journalist.

6 Associated Content Associated Content,the People’s Media Company,is looking for contribution: articles,reviews,essays,interviews,and more. Check out Associated Content at www. associatedcontent. com. NOTES: 100 openings. US residents③ only,CONTRACT — Contributions are paid per submission. You must be 18 years old or older to receive payment.

7 Best Practices for Newsroom Training
Who will benefit: Newsroom trainers,training consultants④,editors and managers involved in training. Get best practices and practical guidance on how to be more effective in teaching,training and presenting. Join “The Idea Exchanges” and share your thoughts with other trainers.

8 Application Materials:
Each participant in this free conference is required to offer one training trip or idea for “The Idea Exchanges”. It needs to be attached to your application.

9 词汇提示 1. ideal [aⅠ′ dⅠl] adj. 理想的;完美的;不切实际的 2. multimedia [mltⅠ′mi:dⅠ] adj. 多媒体的 3. resident [′rezⅠdnt] n. 居民;定居者;侨民 4. consultant [kn′sltnt] n. 顾问;会诊者;咨询医生

10 根据文章内容回答下列问题 1. If you want to publish an article,you’d better send it to ________. A. High Country News B. The Associated Press C. Associated Content D. Newsroom Training 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。由Associated Content中的内容“Associated Content,... looking for contribution: articles,reviews,essays,interviews,and more.”,可知答案为C.

11 2. If you want to apply for a job as a net editor,you should send your application to ________.
A. www. ap. com B. www. john. org C. www. hcn. org D. www. associatedcontent. com 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。High Country News 正在招聘网络编辑,想了解更多信息,可登录 www. hcn. org。

12 3. When a person applies for newsroom training,he or she must ________.
A. be very good at writing and editing B. be a member of “The Idea Exchanges” C. pay for the training cost D. offer one training tip or idea attached to their application

13 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。由最后一段Each participant in this free conference is required to offer,one training trip or idea for “The Idea Exchanges”. It needs to be attached to your application. 可知答案为D。

14 4. From the passage,we can infer that ________.
A. a candidate for the job in the Associated Press must live in New York City B. a person applying for the job in High Country News may send a hard copy application C. contributors are paid per submission and must be more than 20 years old to receive payment D. participants are required to offer many new ideas for “The Idea Exchanges”

15 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据The Associated Press 的内容“The Associated Press is seeking for an assistant sports editor for its Sports Desk in New York City.”可推出在美联社工作的人应居住在New York City。

16 Section One Warming Up & Reading

17 热身设计 重点单词 1. ________ n. 记者;新闻工作者 2. ________ vt. 牵涉;涉及;包括;使参与…… 3. ________ n.& vt. 照片;给……照相→________ n. 摄影师 4. ________ adj. 快乐的;欣喜的→________ n.& vt. 快乐;高兴;欣喜 5. ________ adj. 值得赞扬的;令人钦佩的→________ vt. 钦佩;羡慕

18 6. ________ adj. 不同寻常的;独特的→________ adj. 通常的→________ adv. 经常地;通常地
7. ________ vt. 帮助;协助;援助→________ n.助手 8. ________ n. 职业;专业→________ adj.& n. 专业的;职业的;专业人员 9. ________ vt.& vi. 集中;聚集 10. ________ vt. 获得;取得;学到 11. ________ vt. 评估;评定 12. ________ vt. 告知;通知→________ n. 信息

19 13. ________ vt. 指责;谴责;控告 14. ________ adj. 犯罪的;有罪的;内疚的 15. ________ n.& vt. 需要;需要;强烈要求 16. ________ vt. 出版;发行;发表 17. ________ adj. 有天赋的→________ n. 天赋

20 答案 1. journalist 2. involve 3. photograph;photographer 4
答案 1. journalist 2. involve 3. photograph;photographer 4. delighted;delight 5. admirable;admire 6. unusual;usual;usually 7. assist;assistant 8. profession;professional 9. concentrate 10. acquire 11. assess 12. inform;information 13. accuse 14. guilty 15. demand 16. publish 17. gifted;gift

21 重点短语 1. to one’s ________ 使某人高兴的是 2. ________ sb. in doing sth.帮助某人做某事 3. be ________ to do sth.渴望去做某事 4. concentrate ________集中;全神贯注于 5. ________ sb. of sth. 告知某人某事

22 6. depend ________依靠;依赖 7. ________ sb. of sth. 因……指责或控告…… 8. so ________ to do sth. 为了做…… 9. reach the ________到达最后期限 10. in the ________在这种情况下

23 答案 1. delight / joy / happiness 2. assist 3. eager 4. on 5. inform 6
答案 1. delight / joy / happiness 2. assist 3. eager 4. on 5. inform 6. on 7. accuse 8. as 9. deadline 10. case

24 重点句式 1. 周扬将永远不会忘记他在一家时尚英文报社的第一次任务。 ________ ________ Zhou Yang (ZY) forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper. 2. 只有等你见习了他们的工作之后,你才能独自去进行新闻采访。 ________ ________ you have seen what he or she does,can you cover a story by yourself.

25 3. 对摄影我不只是感兴趣,在大学里我还修过摄影这门课程来更新技术。
________ ________ ________ ________ interested in photography,but I took an amateur course at university to update my skills. 4. 因此,我们安排这名球员和被认为行贿的人一起接受采访。 So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man ________ ________ bride him.

26 答案 1. Never will 2. Only when 3. Not only am I 4. supposed to

27 短文填空 一、根据课文MY FIRST WORK ASSIGNMENT完成下列短文 Zhou Yang’s first assignment was at the office of China Daily. At the first time Hu Xin,his new boss,sent him with an (有经验的) reporter and a (摄影师)to cover the story. Before going out to work,he told him to be __3__

28 (好奇的) and must have a “nose” for the story and listen to the speakers __4__ (careful) in order to grasp the __5__ (详细的) facts. He also advised him __6__ (prepare) the next questions __7__ (depend) on what the person says ,use a small recorder to get all the facts straight,if __8__ (permit) by the __9__ (interview),and finally judge whether the interviewed person is lying or __10__.

29 1. ________ 2. ________ 3. ________ 4. ________
5. ________ 6. ________ 7. ________ 8. ________ 9. ________ 10. ________ 答案 1. experienced 2. photographer 3. curious 4. carefully 5. detailed 6. to prepare 7. depending 8. permitted 9. interviewee 10. not

30 二、课文大意概括 阅读课文,试着用30来个单词概括课文大意或将下面的短文译成英语。 这篇短文是关于周杨在一家报纸办公室做的第一份工,他的新老板告诉周杨在外出采访时哪些事该做,哪些事不该做。 This passage is about__________________________ ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________

31 答案 This passage is about Zhou Yang’s first job at a newspaper’s office
答案 This passage is about Zhou Yang’s first job at a newspaper’s office. His new boss told Zhou Yang something about what to do and what not to do when going out to cover a story.

32 词汇解读 1. assist v. 帮助;协助;援助 短语搭配 assist sb. 帮助某人 assist sb. to do sth. 帮助某人做某事 assist sb. in doing sth. 帮组某人做某事 assist sb. with sth. 帮助某人某事

33 I am willing to assist you whenever there is an opportunity.
有机会我愿意随时帮助你。 She assisted him with his English. 她帮助他学英语。 We will assist you in finding somewhere to live. 我们将帮你找个住的地方。

34 A good dictionary will assist you to understand English.
好词典会帮助你理解英文。 He assisted us to establish a new company. =He assisted us in establishing a new company. 他帮助我们成立了一家新公司。 拓展延伸 assistance n. 帮助;援助;补助 assistant n. 助手;助理;adj. 辅助的;助理的

35 2. eager adj. 热切的;渴望的 He is eager for / after / about success. 他渴望成功。 She is eager to see her parents. 她渴望见到她的父母。 He’s eager that they (should) come to see him. 他很希望他们来看他。

36 名师点津 eager表示渴望得到某物,后接介词 for,after,about;表示渴望做某事,后接不定式;后接that 从句时,从句谓语一般都用“should+动词原形”的虚拟语气结构。 活学巧辨 eager/keen/anxious的区别用法 eager 指“以巨大的热情渴望实现愿望或达到目标的”,有时也指“由于其他感情影响而表现急不可耐的”;keen 指“对某人、某物怀有极大兴趣或热情的”;anxious 指“热切地希望实现愿望,并因顾虑愿望落空而心情不安,感到焦虑的”。

37 即境活用 单项填空。 He wasn’t ________ with what he had gained and wanted to get more. A. proud B. content C. eager D. anxious 答案 B 考查短语搭配。句意:他对于自己所获得的并不满意,还想得到更多。be content with意为“对……感到满足”,固定搭配。故选B。

38 3. concentrate v. 集中;聚集 短语搭配 concentrate on sth. 把注意力集中在某事上 concentrate one’s attention on ... 把注意力集中在……上 concentrate on (doing) sth. 专心(做)某事;全神贯注于

39 He concentrated on the study of English.
他专心于英语学习。 You should concentrate your efforts on passing these exams. 你应该集中精力通过这些考试。 He concentrated his attention on studying. 他集中注意力进行研究。 I must concentrate on my new task. 我必须专注于我的新工作。

40 拓展延伸 “集中注意力于某事”的多种表达法: concentrate one’s attention on sth. fix / focus one’s attention on sth. fix / focus one’s mind on sth. pay one’s attention to sth. be devoted to sth. put one’s mind in sth. put one’s heart into sth.

41 4. acquire v. 取(获)得;学到(知识等)
I managed to acquire two tickets for the concert. 我设法弄到了两张音乐会的票。 She has acquired a good knowledge of English. 她英语已经学得很好了。 活学巧辨 acquire,get,gain与obtain acquire多指经过一段时间的艰苦努力而获得,获得的内容多是抽象的东西,并且一经获得就很难失去,如知识等;

42 She acquired a knowledge of English by careful study.
她通过认真学习而掌握了英语。 get是一般用语,口语用词,用途很广; He got a better job. 他获得了一份更好的工作。 gain常指强有力的夺取,也可指渐渐获得某物的过程; I hope you’ll gain greater success. 我希望你们能获得更大的成就。 obtain指通过买、借、拿等手段获得、得到某物; He obtained experience through practice. 他通过实践获得了经验。

43 5. assess vt. 评估;评定(性质、质量等);估算;核定(数量、价值等)
短语搭配 assessment n. 评价;评定;核定 assessor n. 顾问;估价员;考核人 assess sth. (at sth. )估算;估计(数量、价值) assess sth. / sb. (as sth. )评价;评定(性质、质量) assess+clause 评价……

44 They assessed the value of the house at £ 80 000.
他们为这房子估价8万英镑。 The young men were assessed as either safe or unsafe drivers. 这些年轻人被评定为谨慎驾驶员和不谨慎驾驶员两类。 The committee assesses whether a building is worth preserving. 由这个委员会评定一栋建筑物是否值得保护。

45 6. inform vt. 了解;熟悉;告知;通知 短语搭配 information n. 消息;情报;资料 inform sb. of / about sth. 通知某人某事 inform sb. that .... 告知某人…… inform oneself of / about sth. 了解、熟悉某事/物

46 He informed us of his decision to leave.
他通知我们他决定要离开。 The teacher informed us that the school would be closed for one day the next week. 老师告诉我们下星期学校将停课一天。 We need time to inform ourselves thoroughly of the problem. 我们需要时间对这个问题有个透彻的了解。 Please inform us of any changes of address. 地址若有变动请随时通知我们。

47 7. meanwhile adv. 此时;同时;其间;n. 同时(=meantime)
in the meanwhile在此期间(=in the meantime) meanwhile意为“同时;在此期间”,作为副词和名词,表示在某动作或情况发生或存在期间将可能发生另一件事。它不用于说明人或事物的另一面。 They’ll be here soon. Meanwhile we’ll have some coffee. 他们即刻就到,我们现在先喝点咖啡。 Meanwhile,my tongue was busy searching out the hole where the tooth had been. 与此同时,我的舌头正忙于寻找被拔牙齿的伤口。

48 即境活用 单项填空。 Mother went shopping;________,I cleaned the house. A. While B. when C. and when D. meanwhile 答案 D 句意:母亲去购物了,与此同时,我打扫房间。从本句的结构来看,空白处不需要连词,所以选项A、B、C均不正确。

49 8. case n. 情况;状况;事实(与the连用);事例;病例;案例
短语搭配 in case+句子 以防;假设;以防万一 in case of+n. 万一……

50 Will you please give us a case where the word can be used?
请你给我们举一个这个单词的实例好吗? Take an umbrella in case it rains. 带把伞吧,以防下雨。 I suggest we go to the railway station earlier in case we miss the train. 我建议我们早点去火车站以防错过了火车。 In case of fire,ring the alarm bell. 如果遇到火警,按警铃。

51 拓展延伸 in any case在任何情况下 in no case无论如何都不 I will try to do the work well in any case. 不论发生事情,我都会把这项工作做好。 In no case will I cheat you. 我决不会欺骗你。

52 名师点津 当先行词为case“情况”,situation“形势”,position“位置;职位”,condition“情形;条件”,point“境地”,stage“境地;阶段”等词,并且所需关系词在从句中作状语时,常用where或in which来引导定语从句。 You could get into a situation where you have to decide immediately. 你可能遇上一种情况,使你不得不立刻作出决定。

53 I can think of many cases where students obviously knew a lot of English words and expressions but couldn’t write a good essay. 我能够想到,在许多情况下,学生明显熟悉很多英语单词和短语,但就是写不出一篇好文章。

54 即境活用 单项填空。 (1)Later in this chapter cases will be introduced to readers ________ consumer complaints have resulted in changes in the law. A. where B. when C. who D. which (2)Today,we’ll discuss a number of cases ________ beginners of English fail to use the language properly. A. which B. as C. why D. where

55 答案 (1)A 这个从句应是定语从句,先行词是前面的cases,空格处在从句中作状语,应用where引导,指抽象的地点,意为“在这些案例中……”。
(2)D 考查定语从句。当先行词是 case,point,situation 等词时,若定语从句中缺状语,用 where引导该从句。

56 9. accuse v. 指责(某人有错、犯罪);指控;控告;谴责
accuse(指控) sb. of (doing) sth. He was accused of incompetence. 他被指责不称职。 My wife often accuses me of carelessness. 我妻子时常指责我粗心。 He was accused of cheating. 他被控告犯有欺诈罪。

57 拓展延伸 charge sb. with (doing) sth. 控告某人做了某事 blame sb. for (doing) sth. 责备某人做了某事 She felt she was charged with improper conduct. 她知道自己因行为不轨而被起诉。 The driver was not to blame for the accident. 这次事故怪不着司机。

58 名师点津 accuse作“指控;控告”讲时,常与介词of连用,而charge作“指控;控告”讲时,多与with连用,这是考查的一个重点,应注意。 即境活用 单项填空。 The policeman stopped him when he was driving home and ________ him of speeding. A. charged B. accused C. blamed D. deprived

59 答案 B accuse sb. of. “控告某人犯有……”;warn sb. of. “警告、告诫某人……”;deprive sb
答案 B accuse sb. of ... “控告某人犯有……”;warn sb. of ...“警告、告诫某人……”;deprive sb. of sth. “剥夺某人某事”;charge sb. with ...“指控某人犯有……罪”。

60 10. demand vt. 要求;需要;n. 要求;需要;所需之物
短语搭配 demand sb. / sth. 需要某人某物;要求某人某物 demand sth. from / of sb. 向某人要某物 demand to do sth. 要求去做某事 demand of sb. to do sth. 要求某人做某事 demand+that从句(should do)要求……

61 This sport demands both speed and strength.
这项运动既需要速度也需要体力。 He demanded an apology from the slanderer. 他要求诽谤者道歉。 They demanded to be told everything. 他们要求被告知每一件事。

62 For years we’ve been demanding better housing and jobs.
多年来,我们一直在要求更好的居住条件和工作。 She demanded to speak to the manager. 她要求跟经理谈话。 The UN has demanded that all troops (should) be withdrawn. 联合国已要求撤出所有部队。

63 拓展延伸 demanding adj. 要求很高的;费力的 in demand 需要 There is an increasing demand for organic product these days. 目前对有机农产品有更大的需求。 Good secretaries are always in demand. 优秀的秘书总是哪里都需要。

64 11. depend on 依赖于……;视……而定(不用于进行时态);依靠;依赖
短语搭配 depend on sb. / sth. for sth. 依靠某人/某物获得某物 depend on sb. / sth. to do / doing sth. 指望某人/某物做某事

65 It (all) depends. 视情况而定(多用于答语中)。 The length of treatment depends on the severity of the illness. 治疗时间的长短取决于疾病的严重程度。 Children depend on their parents for all of their material needs. 孩子们依靠父母来满足他们所有的物质需要。 I’m depending on you to get this done. 我指望你把这件事给办了。

66 12. so as to为了(表示目的,位于句中) 活学巧辨 so as to / so ... as to ... / in order to / so that / in order that区别用法 so as to后接不定式表目的,不能置于句首;so ... as to只表示结果;in order to引导的目的状语可置于句首或句中;so that和in order that引导目的状语从句,后跟句子。 I’m not so stupid as to do that. 我还不至于蠢到去做那事。 In order to keep insects out,she shut the window. 为了不让这些昆虫进入屋内,她关上了窗户。

67 He rose early so that / in order that he might be in time for the first lesson.
他早早起来的目的是为了能及时赶上第一堂课。 We started early so that / in order that we could catch the early bus. =We started early in order to / so as to catch the early bus. =In order to catch the early bus,we started early. 为了赶上早班车,我们早早就动身了。

68 名师点津 表示目的的其他形式:with / for the purpose of doing sth;to do sth;for sth.;attempt to do sth.;design to do sth.等。

69 难句释疑 1. Now discuss in pairs how you would feel if you were offered a job on a famous newspaper? 现在两人一组进行讨论,如果一家著名报社提供给你一份工作,你感觉如何? offer vt. 提出;主动给予;出价;开价;n. 给予(物),出价;提议;意图;报价

70 短语搭配 offer to do sth. 主动提出做某事 offer sb. sth.=offer sth. to sb. 给某人提供某物 offer sb. some money for sth. 给某人出钱买某物 offer sb. sth. for some money向某人开价卖某物

71 He offered me a cup of coffee.
他给我端来一杯咖啡。 He offered to help me. 他表示愿意帮助我。 We offered him the painting for $2 000. 这幅画我们向他要价2 000美元。

72 即境活用 单项填空。 When ________ help,one often says “Thank you” or “It is kind of you”. A. offering B. to offer C. to be offered D. offered 答案 D when offered help相当于when one is offered help。当状语从句与主句的主语一致且从句谓语是be或者含有be动词时,可把从句的主语和be动词省略。

73 2. Never will Zhou Yang forget his first assignment at the office of a popular English newspaper.
周扬将永远不会忘记他在一家时尚英文报社的第一次任务。 本句为否定词开头的倒装句。一个句子如果以否定词或含有否定词的介词短语开头时,常用部分倒装。常见的否定词有:no,not,never,little,hardly,seldom,scarcely,barely,not until,neither ... nor ...,not only ... but also,at no time,in no way,by no means,in no case,under no condition等。

74 Seldom does he go to the cinema.
他很少去看电影。 By no means will this work be completed tomorrow. 这项工作无论如何明天也完不成。

75 名师点津 not until引导的从句位于句首时,从句不倒装,后面的主句倒装; not only ... but also ...连接两个并列分句时,前面倒装,后一部分不倒装。 Not until I shouted at the top of my voice did he turn his head. 直到我大声喊的时候,他才回过头来。

76 即境活用 完成句子。 (1)他不仅拒绝了礼物,而且严厉批评了送礼人。(not only ... but also) Not only ________ ________ ________ ________ ________,but also he severely criticized the sender. (2)我们要立即采取措施防治水污染。(in no time) ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ to prevent the water pollution.

77 答案 (1)did he refuse the gift
(2)In no time should we take measures

78 3. Later you can cover a story ....
晚些时候,你才能去进行新闻采访…… 句中cover一词为重点词汇,含义很多。请仔细辨别: cover vt. 对……进行采访;报道;覆盖;行走;占用;涉及;包含 We sent Li Ming to cover the sports meeting yesterday. 昨天我们派了李明去采访运动会。 The desk was covered with dust. 桌上满是灰尘。

79 I want to cover 100 miles by dark.
我想在天黑之前走完100英里。 The city covers ten square miles. 该城的面积为十平方英里。 The revision covers everything we learned last term. 这次复习包括上学期我们所学的全部内容。

80 活学巧辨 cover与interview的区别用法 cover采访的对象是“事物”,后面跟表示事物的名词作宾语;而interview采访的对象是“人”,后面跟表示人的名词作宾语。

81 即境活用 单项填空。 (1)The lecture made by the Nobel Prize winner ________ a wide range of subjects. A. referred B. covered C. involved D. contained (2)The wild flowers looked like a soft orange blanket ________ the desert. A. covering B. covered C. cover D. to cover

82 答案 (1)B 此处cover表示“涉及;包括”之意。
(2)A a soft orange blanket与cover之间存在主谓关系,因此要用现在分词作定语,它相当于定语从句which / that covered ... 而不定式作定语一般表示将要发生的动作,不要误选D。

83 4. So we arranged an interview between the footballer and the man supposed to bribe him.
因此我们安排这名球员和被认为行贿的人一起接受采访。 be supposed to do sth. 是一个很常用的句式。当主语是“人”时,意为“应该;被期望”,表示劝告、建议、义务、责任等,相当于should。当主语是“物”时,意为“本应;本该”,表示某事本应该发生而没有发生。 Everyone is supposed to wear a seat belt in the car. 每个人在汽车里都应该系安全带。

84 Teachers are supposed to treat all the students alike.
老师应该对所有的学生一视同仁。 The new laws are supposed to prevent crime. 这些新法令本应起到防止犯罪的作用。

85 名师点津 be supposed to后面可接“have done”,表示“本应该做某事而没做”。 You are supposed to have handed in your homework by now. 现在你应该已经把作业交上来了。 He is supposed to have arrived an hour ago. 他应该一小时前就到了。

86 即境活用 单项填空。 The train ________ arrive at 11: 30,but was an hour late. A. was about to B. was likely to C. was supposed to D. was certain to 答案 C 由题意可知“火车应该11:30到,但是却晚了一个小时”,表示“应该做……而未做”选be supposed to。was about to“将要”;was likely to“可能”;was certain to“一定”。

87 同步知识测评 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或单词首字母,在空白处写出各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词) 1. Xiao Hua is one of my p________ friends in middle school. 2. The tall young man was a________ of killing the millionaire. 3. His family did not a________ of his going to study in the United States alone.

88 4. George’s car broke down because of a serious t________ problem.
5. She d________ broke the beautiful vase. 6. The robbers broke in,wearing ________(面罩). 7. The police set about looking into the murder case ________ (迅速). 8. Confused by the new ________ (环境),I was hit by the lack of fresh air.

89 9. I have fixed an ________ (约会) with the manager.
10. The senior editor suggested this article needed further ________ (润色). 答案 1. personal/previous 2. accused 3. approve 4. technical 5. deliberately 6. masks 7. swiftly 8. surroundings 9. appointment 10. polishing

90 Ⅱ.单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. Greater efforts to increase agricultural production must be made if food shortage ________ avoided. A. is to be B. can be C. will be D. has been

91 答案 A 解析 句意:如果要避免食品短缺,就必须作出更大的努力来增加农业产量。条件状语从句中,要用一般现在时表示将来,故排除C项;B、D两项与句意不符。“be+不定式”可用于条件状语从句中,表示“如果想……”。

92 2. Sometimes we are busy and sometimes we are not. ________,you see.
A. Last of all B. That all depends C. To tell the truth D. It all depends on 答案 B 解析 句意:我们有时忙有时不忙,你知道,全要视情况而定。That/It all depends“完全视情况而定”,这时depend后面不能跟on;last of all表示“最后”;to tell the truth表示“说实话”,都不符合句意。

93 3. Not only ________ interested in football but ________beginning to show an interest in it.
(2012·衡水高二检测) A. the teacher himself is;all his students are B. the teacher himself is;are all his students C. is the teacher himself;are all his students D. is the teacher himself;all his students are

94 答案 D 解析 not only ... but also ... 连接两个句子且位于句首时,not only所在的句子用倒装,but also所在的句子不用倒装,因此选D。

95 4. The brilliance of his satires was ________ make even his victims laugh.
A. so as to B. such as to C. so that D. such that 答案 B 解析 句意:他的讽刺太生动了,以至于被讽刺的人都笑了起来。so修饰形容词,such修饰名词或作表语。so that和such that常引导结果状语从句,所以排除C、D两项。

96 5. I have searched ________ for the book but couldn’t find it.
A. thoroughly B. deeply C. at ease D. comfortably 答案 A 解析 thoroughly是形容词thorough的副词形式,表示“全面地;彻底地”,在这里和search搭配,其他选项意义上搭配错误。

97 6. Last week,only two people came to look at the house,________ wanted to buy it. (2012·邯郸高二检测)
A. none of them B. both of them C. none of D. neither of whom 答案 D 解析 考查非限制性定语从句。表示两者都不时用“neither of them”,放在定语从句中作引导词时则变成neither of whom。

98 7. — May I have a talk with one of your sports reporters?
— Sorry,but all of them are out to ________ the main events of the day. A. get B. find C. cover D. search 答案 C 解析 考查动词含义。句意:——我能和你们的体育记者谈谈吗?——对不起,他们都出去采访一天的重大事件了。get“得到;让”;find“找到”;cover the events“采访事件”;search“调查”。只有C项符合题意。

99 8. Next door to ours ________,who has just returned from abroad.
A. where lives an old man B. where does an old man live C. lives an old man D. does an old man live 答案 C 解析 next door to ours是地点状语,放在句首用倒装句型,而且谓语动词完全倒装,因此选C。

100 9. It is said that they were________ from the factories.
A. accused of taking money B. charged of taking money C. charged by taking money D. accused by taking money 答案 A 解析 be accused of taking money表示“被控收受贿赂”,也可以用be charged with taking money。

101 10. Tom kept quiet about the accident ________ lose his job.
A. so not as to B. so as not to C. so as to not D. not so as to 答案 B 解析 so as to的否定形式为so as not to。

102 11. As you know,it is my duty to ________ my younger sisters from being hurt when they are in danger. (2012·黄冈高二检测) A. prevent B. save C. stop D. protect 答案 D 解析 句意:你知道我的责任是保护小妹在危险中不受伤害。不能理解成“阻止小妹在危险中不受伤害”,因此不能使用prevent和stop。

103 12. This book is said to be a special one which ________ many events could not be found in other history books. A. writes B. covers C. prints D. reads 答案 B 解析 句意:这本书比较特殊,上面写了很多其他历史书上找不到的事情。这里的“写”不能用write,因为主语是book,使用cover表示“涵盖;覆盖;涉及”。

104 13. Children need many things. ________ ,they need love.
A. After all B. First of all C. Last of all D. At last 答案 B 解析 根据句意,“需要爱”是“需要的很多东西中”最重要的,因此使用first of all。其他选项均与句意不符。

105 14. ________ I had a few problems to deal with.
A. Hardly have I arrived when B. Hardly did I arrive than C. Hardly had I arrived when D. Hardly had I arrived than 答案 C 解析 本题考查hardly ... when句式的倒装语序。具有否定意义的词hardly位于句首,句子要用倒装语序,注意该句式只倒装主句,when从句不变。

106 15. None of them ever thought their products ________ such an important role in the computer market 20 years later (2012·德州高二检测) A. were to play B. played C. would have played D. had played 答案 A 解析 考查 be to do 表示“注定会……;一定……”。

107 Ⅲ.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Newspapers are one method of bringing the news to the public. Reporters,photographers,correspondents,and editors are some of the people who create newspapers. They are known as journalists.

108 Reporters are journalists who go out and get the news
Reporters are journalists who go out and get the news. They attend meetings. They cover events such as court cases,plays,and sporting events. They interview people to get their views about what is going on. Reporters must be able to write a story quickly so as to meet a deadline. People do not want to read old news. They want to know what is going on as soon as it happens. Reporters sometimes phone or their notes and quotations (引用语) to the paper from the scene. A reporter in the office then writes the story.

109 A “stringer” is a part-time reporter who works when called upon
A “stringer” is a part-time reporter who works when called upon. A fire might break out in one part of town. An editor may ask a stringer who lives near the scene to cover the story. Reporters often work with photographers,or photojournalists. Photojournalists take the pictures that illustrate (图解) the stories in a newspaper. They have to edit their pictures in time for them to appear with the story.

110 A correspondent is a journalist who covers the news in a particular place or on a subject that he or she has special knowledge in. Large newspaper groups have correspondents in foreign countries to report the news there. A paper may have a correspondent who covers just medical news.

111 An editor is a journalist who works at a desk in a newspaper office
An editor is a journalist who works at a desk in a newspaper office. Editors prepare the reporters’ stories to be printed in the paper. They decide which story is most important and gets the FrontPage headline. They decide which pictures to use. Editors do not often write the news,but they do write editorials (社论) in which they state their views on a topic or an issue.

112 People who work as journalists have some things in common
People who work as journalists have some things in common. They are curious,they like to write,and they have a “nose for news”. They can spot news as it happens. They know what people want to read about.

113 1. The underlined word “They” in Paragraph 2 refers to ________.
A. readers B. journalists C. reporters D. stringers 2. A journalist working abroad to report news may be called ________. A. a stringer B. a photojournalist C. an editor D. a correspondent

114 3. According to the passage,both the reporter and the editor ________.
A. usually work in the office B. decide which pictures to use C. have the ability to discover news D. often write editorials for their paper

115 4. The passage is mainly written to ________.
A. introduce different posts and duties of journalists B. describe the characters of journalists C. explain how the news is collected D. show how reporters work

116 5. Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?
CP: Central Point P: Point Sp: Subpoint (次要点) C: Conclusion

117 答案与解析 【文章大意】 本文介绍了报纸新闻工作者的常见职位和职责。 1. 答案 A 解析 代词指代题。根据上句的People do not want to read和本句的want to可知,此处they指的是上文中的people,也就是报纸的读者。 2. 答案 D 解析 细节理解题。根据第五段的Large newspaper groups have correspondents in foreign countries to report the news there可知应选D项。correspondent指的是专门负责报道某一地区或者某一领域的记者。

118 3. 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段的they have a “nose for news”. They can spot news as it happens可知,记者和编辑都具有发现新闻的能力。nose此处指“感知、发现的能力”。 4. 答案 A 解析 写作目的题。该文旨在介绍新闻工作者的常见职位和职责,故A项最符合题意。

119 5. 答案 B 解析 文章结构题。作者在开头概括了文章所要说明的四个要点:reporters,photographers,correspondents,and editors。第二段和第三段都是介绍“记者”的。B项结构图准确地描述了本文的结构。

120 “When one of the doctors criticizes (批评) me,I get defensive
“When one of the doctors criticizes (批评) me,I get defensive. I feel like a child again,being scolded,and I want to explain that I’m not wrong,” says Viola,a nurse. This is a common reaction to criticism,but not a good one. There are better ways of dealing with criticism.

121 Try to be objective (客观的)
Try to be objective (客观的). When Sol was criticized by his new employer for not having made a sale,Sol’s reaction was to feel sorry for himself. “I had put everything I had into making that sale,” Sol says. “And I felt that I had failed as a person. I had to learn through experience not to react like that to each failure.”

122 Take time to cool down. Rather than react at once to criticism,take some time to think over what was said. Your first question should be whether the criticism is fair from the other person’s position. The problem may be a simple misunderstanding of what you did or your reasons for doing it.

123 Take positive action. After you cool down,consider what you can do about the situation. The best answer may be “nothing”. “I finally realized that my boss was having personal problems and taking them out on me because I was there,” says Sheila. “His criticisms didn’t really have anything to do with my work,so nothing I said or did was going to change them.” In Sheila’s case,the best way to deal with it was to leave her job. However,that’s an extreme reaction.

124 You may simply explain your opinion without expecting an indepth discussion. You may even decide that the battle isn’t worth fighting this time. The key,in any case,is to have a reasonable plan.

125 1. When Sol was criticized by his employer,he ________.
A. argued bitterly with his employer B. was angry and gave up his job C. was sorry for what he did D. was sad and selfpitying

126 2. According to the writer,you should take time to think about criticism because ________.
A. people may have a mistaken idea of what you did B. you should welcome other people’s opinions C. people may discuss it with you in depth D. you need time to understand yourself

127 3. When the writer says that “The best answer may be ‘nothing’”,he means you may decide ________.
A. to take no notice of the criticism B. to argue with your boss C. you need to change your job D. you’ve done nothing wrong

128 4. The writer thinks Sheila might decide to leave her job because her boss ________.
A. didn’t like her appearance B. refused to change his opinion C. made an unreasonable criticism D. refused to talk to her about the criticism

129 答案与解析 【文章大意】 面对别人的批评和指责我们应该如何做出反应?是找对方理论呢?还是反思自己是否存在过失?还是置之不理呢?对于不同的情况我们都要保持冷静,不要走极端。 1. 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的第二句“Sol’s reaction was to feel sorry for himself”可判断答案为C。

130 2. 答案 A 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段的最后两句可知,在被批评后应先花点时间冷静地思考 (这些)批评,分析该批评是否公平,有时批评者可能会误解我们的所作所为和做这件事的理由,A项的陈述符合此意。 3. 答案 A 解析 推理判断题。根据第四段的内容可知,我们要用积极的态度面对批评,冷静地思考我们该怎么处理目前的局面,最好的办法可能是“无为而治”。因为下面的例子说明希拉根本没有过错,老板只是拿她发了一通脾气而已,所以,这时受批评者根本没有必要反思自己的过失或者采取其他的做法,那么只能对批评“置之不理”了。

131 4. 答案 C 解析 推理判断题。结合上题的解析以及第四段的最后两句“In Sheila’s case,the best way to deal with it was to leave her job. However,that’s an extreme reaction.”可知,作者认为Sheila应该辞职,因为她的老板无缘无故地对她发脾气,不过这是一种极端的做法。

132 Ⅳ.短文改错 假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你 同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏词符号(∧),并在此符号下面写出该加的词。 删除:把多余的词用斜线(\)划掉。 修改:在错的词下划一横线,并在该词下面写出修改后的词。 注意: 1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词; 2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

133 The children next door often play the football in the garden after my house and sometimes broke my windows. Last Saturday afternoon I stay at home and read a book. After while,I closed my eyes and went to sleep. A loud knock on the door made me to wake up suddenly. Soon a little boy turned out. “You haven’t broken one of my window again?” I asked. “Oh,no!” answered the boy. “Your windows are all opened this time and our football was in your bedroom. Would you mind getting in to get our ball?” I was at a loss at the moment.

134 答案 The children next door often play the football in the garden after my house and sometimes broke my windows. behind Last Saturday afternoon I stay at home and read a book. stayed After∧ while,I closed my eyes and went to sleep. A loud a knock on the door made me to wake up suddenly. Soon a little boy turned out. up

135 “You haven’t broken one of my window again?” I
windows asked. “Oh,no!” answered the boy. “Your windows are all opened this time and our football was in your opened is bedroom. Would you mind ∧ getting in to get our ball?” my / me I was at a loss at the moment.

136 Section Learning about Language

137 语法点拨 倒装句 为了强调或平衡句子结构,英语中常用倒装。倒装有全部倒装和部分倒装。全部倒装是指将句子中的谓语动词全部置于主语之前。部分倒装是指将谓语的一部分如助动词或情态动词置于主语之前。如果句中的谓语没有助动词或情态动词,则需添加助动词do,does或did等,并将其置于主语之前。

138 一、全部倒装 1. 以here,there,now,then等地点或时间副词开头的句子,谓语动词是be,come,go,remain等,而主语又是名词时。注意:如果句子的主语是代词时,则不倒装。如: Here comes the bus! 车来了!

139 2. 有些动词与副词out,in,up,down,away等构成不及物动词短语。为了使句子更生动,常将这些副词提前到句首。注意:句子的主语是代词时,则不倒装。如:
Up went the rocket. 火箭上天了。 3. 将表示地点的介词短语放在句首进行强调时。谓语动词常为不及物动词。如: From the window came the sound of music. 窗外传进了音乐声。

140 二、部分倒装 1. if虚拟条件状语从句中,如果将连词if省略,需用部分倒装。如: Were I you,I would go there. 如果我是你,我就去那里了。 2. 具有(半)否定意义的词或短语位于句首时,用部分倒装。如:seldom,rarely,not,never,by no means,in no time,hardly ... when,no sooner ... than,not only ... but also(前倒后不倒)等。如: Not only does he do well in his lessons,but also he often helps others with their lessons. 他不仅仅自己功课好,而且还经常帮助别人。

141 3. “only+状语”位于句首时,用部分倒装。如:
Only then did I know the importance of English. 直到那时我才知道英语的重要性。 4. so ... that结构中,有时要强调so所修饰的形容词或副词,常将so 连同它所修饰的形容词或副词一起提前放在句首。如: So bright was the moon that the flowers seem as bright as by day. 月亮是如此得明亮以至于这些花看起来就像是白天一样艳丽。

142 名师点津 as / though引导的让步状语从句的倒装一般是把正常语序下最后一个单词提到as/though的前面。但如果最后一个词为可数名词单数,名词移到as/though前面后,其前面不能有冠词。 Hard as you try,you will not succeed. 虽然你很努力,但是无法成功。 Proud as the nobles are,they are afraid to see me. 虽然这些绅士非常骄傲自大,但是他们害怕见我。 Child as he is,he can tell right from wrong. 虽然他是个孩子,但是能分辨是非。

143 同步知识测评 Ⅰ.单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. His mother had talked to him for many minutes while he was watching TV,but ________. A. a little did he hear B. little did he hear C. little heard he D. a little heard he

144 答案 B 解析 具有否定意义的副词如little,seldom,never,hardly,scarcely,rarely等位于句首时,句子的主谓部分倒装。

145 2. — Hello,Zhu Hua. I’ll have to return to Canada because I’ve worked here for a year.
— ________! A. What time flies B. How time flies C. What does time fly D. How does time fly 答案 B 解析 how time flies=how fast time flies意为“时间过得真快”。因为被感叹的部分是副词fast,因此感叹词用how,感叹句需用陈述语序。

146 3. During the war,________ but also he lost his wife and his child
A. not was his job in the lab taken away B. not only was his job in the lab taken away C. not merely his job in the lab was taken away D. not just was taken away his job in the lab 答案 B 解析 not only ... but also连接两个并列分句,且not only位于句首时,该分句主谓部分倒装。

147 4. — We have to stop talking here outside. Listen, ________!
— Hurry up,or we’ll be late. A. there goes the bell B. there does the bell go C. there the bell goes D. goes the bell there 答案 A 解析 在以here,there,up,down,in,on,out,away,off等副词开头的句子里,主语是名词时,句子主谓全部倒装,以示强调。但主语是人称代词时,不倒装。

148 5. I think this is the first time that we have met. ________anywhere.
A. Before have we never seen each other B. Never before we have seen each other C. Each other have we seen never before D. Never before have we seen each other 答案 D 解析 否定副词never提前到句首时,句子用部分倒装。

149 6. ________! You should take this chance to attend it.
(2012·衡水高二检测) A. How important conference is it B. How an important conference it is C. What an important conference is it D. What an important conference it is 答案 D 解析 由于被感叹的部分是可数名词单数conference,所以感叹词用what,感叹句需用陈述语序。

150 7. She didn’t come to the party last Sunday
7. She didn’t come to the party last Sunday. ________,she must have made the party more exciting. A. If she came B. Would she come C. Had she come D. Did she come 答案 C 解析 Had she come=If she had come。if引导虚拟语气条件状语从句,在口语中或非正式场合可以把if省略掉而改用部分倒装。

151 8. They finally managed to climb to the top,but ________ then.
A. went the children down the hill B. down the hill did the children go C. down the hill went the children D. down the hill the children went 答案 C 解析 介词短语位于句首,且谓语为不及物动词的句子,句子的主谓全部倒装。

152 9. I received his mother’s telephone call at eleven
9. I received his mother’s telephone call at eleven. ________ that he was badly hurt in an accident yesterday. A. Then did I know B. Only then I knew C. Only then did I know D. Only then knew I 答案 C 解析 only修饰句子的状语(副词、介词短语、状语从句)位于句首时,句子的主谓部分倒装。

153 10. — What sport do you like best?
— Springboard diving(跳板跳水). ________ to dive into water from high board! (2012·冀州高二检测) A. What a fun is it B. How fun it is C. How a fun is it D. What fun it is 答案 D 解析 句子中fun是不可数名词,感叹词需要用what。

154 11. — The old man wouldn’t stay at home for a rest even if it rained.
— ________. He would feel sick if he stayed home for one day. A. So would my grandpa B. So wouldn’t my grandpa C. Neither would my grandpa D. Nor wouldn’t my grandpa

155 答案 C 解析 Neither would my grandpa=My grandpa wouldn’t stay at home for a rest,either. 否定副词neither,nor提前到句首,句子用部分倒装。

156 12. ________ for us to surf(冲浪) on the sea in summer!
A. What exciting is it B. How exciting is it C. What exciting it is D. How exciting it is 答案 D 解析 形容词exciting前用感叹词how,感叹句用陈述语序。

157 13. By no means ________ to our plan for the trip.
A. will she agree B. she will agree C. agrees she D. will agree she 答案 A 解析 表示否定意义的介词短语在句中作状语置于句首时,句子的主谓部分倒装。这样的介词短语有by no means,at no time,in no way,not in the least等。

158 14. The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走) quietly to the bird
14. The child tiptoed(翘起脚尖走) quietly to the bird. ________ into the forest when he was about to catch it. (2012·衡水高二检测) A. Flew it away B. Away flew it C. Away it flew D. Flew away it 答案 C 解析 在以here,there,up,down,in,on,out,away,off等副词开头的句子里,主语是名词时,句子主谓全部倒装,以示强调。但主语是人称代词时,不倒装。

159 15. Little Tom is an orphan. ________,he has to make a living by himself. (2012·崇文区高二检测)
A. A child as he is B. Child as he is C. Child as is he D. A child though he is 答案 B 解析 Child as he is=Although he is a child。as引导让步状语从句时,通常要把作表语的形容词或名词、作状语的副词或动词原形提前到句首,同时注意,作表语的单数名词前无形容词时要把不定冠词去掉。

160 Ⅱ.选用所给短语的适当形式填空 1. The young ________ knowledge. 2. She ________ her husband ________ having broken his words. 3. I ________ your earning some money,but don’t give up studying. 4. Stop talking and ________ your work. defend against;concentrate on;accuse of;so as (not) to; depend on;be eager to do sth. / for sth.;approve of; be supposed to;look forward to

161 5. I ________ get that job. 6. Go in quietly ________ wake the baby. 7. They are________ seeing you again soon. 8. Here we are well ________ a surprise attack. 9. They weren’t ________ enter the building by the back door;however,the front door was locked. 10. Children ________ their parents for food and clothing.

162 答案 1. are eager for 2. accused;of 3. approved of 4. concentrate on 5
答案 1. are eager for 2. accused;of 3. approved of 4. concentrate on 5. am eager to 6. so as not to 7. looking forward to 8. defended against 9. supposed to 10. depend on

163 Ⅲ.完形填空 阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 I first met her on the beach near where I live. I drive to this beach a __1__ of three or four miles,whenever I’m feeling down. At that time she was __2__ something. Looking __3__,she said,“Hello.” I nodded,not wanting to __4__ with a small child. “I’m Wendy and I’m building something,” she said.

164 “I see. But what is it?” I asked,not __5__.
“I don’t know. I just like the __6__ of sand.” A sandpiper (矶鹞鸟) flew by. “That’s a __7__. Mum says sandpipers come to bring us joy.” “Goodbye,joy,” I thought to myself,“hello,__8__.” and walked away. My life then seemed completely out of __9__.

165 “Come again,” she called,“and have another __10__ day.”
But the days and weeks that followed __11__ to other people: naughty boys and a __12__ mother. One morning I suddenly realized I needed my __13__ and headed for the beach. The breeze was cool,but I walked along,trying to recapture (捕捉) the inner peace I needed. I had almost __14__ the child so I was surprised when she appeared.

166 “__15__ do you live?” I asked. She pointed toward a summer cottage.
Then one day,I rushed to my beach in great pain,even in no __16__ to greet the girl. “If you don’t mind,” I said coldly,“I’d rather be __17__ today.” She seemed unusually __18__ and out of breath. “Why?” she asked. “My mother died!”

167 “Did it hurt when she died?”
“Of course it hurt!” I shouted,misunderstanding her. When I next went to the beach,she wasn’t there. Feeling __19__,and admitting I __20__ her,I went up to the cottage. A woman answered the door. “Wendy,my daughter,died last week. She had leukemia (白血病). Maybe she didn’t tell you.”

168 1. A. length B. distance C. space D. reach 2. A. observing B. drawing C. building D. collecting 3. A. up B. out C. down D. over 4. A. work B. play C. say D. talk

169 5. A. caring B. seeing C. wanting D. worrying 6. A. feel B. sense C. smell D. comfort 7. A. sorrow B. joy C. pity D. lie 8. A. comfort B. pleasure C. kindness D. pain

170 9. A. balance B. sight C. mind D. range 10. A. sad B. happy C. busy D. fine 11. A. added B. led C. belonged D. related 12. A. kind B. poor C. lonely D. sick

171 13. A. party B. sandpiper C. chance D. holiday 14. A. searched B. known C. noticed D. forgotten 15. A. How B. What C. Where D. Which 16. A. mood B. time C. way D. place

172 17. A. alone B. lonely C. unique D. special 18. A. happy B. pale C. good D. powerful 19. A. sorry B. excited C. cold D. puzzled 20. A. cheated B. lost C. troubled D. missed

173 答案与解析 1. 答案 B 解析 指三四英里的距离。 2. 答案 C 解析 根据下文小女孩说的话 (I’m Wendy and I’m building something.)可知,小女孩当时在搭建什么东西。 3. 答案 A 解析 look up表示“抬起头”。

174 4. 答案 D 解析 talk with sb. 表示“和……交谈”。即作者不想和一个小孩子交谈。 5. 答案 A 解析 作者不想和这个孩子说话,所以只是随意问话而已,并不真地关心她在堆什么。 6. 答案 A 解析 小女孩说她自己也不知道自己在堆什么,她只是喜欢摸着沙子的感觉。

175 7. 答案 B 解析 根据后面一句话(Mum says sandpipers come to bring us joy.)可知答案。 8. 答案 D 解析 根据第一段内容和作者说的“Goodbye,joy”可知,当时作者感到郁闷,所以他在听了小女孩的话之后,和“快乐”说了再见,向痛苦打了声“招呼”。由此可知,这里应该选pain。

176 9. 答案 A 解析 out of balance的意思是“失去平衡”,即作者当时感到自己的生活好像失去了平衡。out of sight 表示“看不见”;out of mind表示“发疯;发狂”;out of range表示“在射程外”。 10. 答案 B 解析 与前面的pain相对应。小女孩让他改天再来这里,过上快乐的一天。 11. 答案 C 解析 belong to表示“属于”。

177 12. 答案 D 解析 下文提到作者的母亲去世了。因此,这里表示“生病的母亲”,选sick。 13. 答案 B 解析 与上文提到的sandpiper (矶鹞鸟)相照应。即需要去寻找快乐(小女孩说过这种鸟代表快乐)。 14. 答案 D 解析 作者几乎已经“忘记”那个小女孩了。

178 15. 答案 C 解析 根据后面的句子She pointed toward a summer cottage可知,作者是问小女孩的住处。 16. 答案 A 解析 mood表示“心情”,即作者甚至没有心情和小女孩打招呼,只想自己单独呆一会儿。 17. 答案 A 解析 根据语境可知,作者想要单独呆一会儿。其他选项不符合语境:lonely表示“孤独的”;unique表示“独一无二的”;special表示“特殊的”。

179 18. 答案 B 解析 根据下文可知,小女孩是身患重病的,因此B项正确,即她面色苍白。 19. 答案 A 解析 作者感到自己以前伤害了那个小女孩,因此感到抱歉。 20. 答案 D 解析 作者想念那个小女孩了,所以才去她家找她。

180 Section Three Using Language

181 热身设计 重点单词 1. ________ n. 家庭主妇 2. ________ n. 罪行 3. ________ n. 版本;版次→________ n. 编辑 4. ________ n. 部门;部;处;系 5. ________ adj. 精确的;正确的

182 6. ________ adj. 年长的;高年级的;高级的
7. ________ adj.& n. 主要的;首席的;领导;长官 8. ________ vt. 赞成;认可;批准 9. ________ vt.& n. 加工;处理;过程;程序 10. ________ n. 约会;任命→________ vt. 委任;任命

183 答案 1. housewife 2. crime 3. edition;editor 4. department 5. accurate 6
答案 1. housewife 2. crime 3. edition;editor 4. department 5. accurate 6. senior 7. chief 8. approve 9. process 10. appointment;appoint

184 重点短语 1. ________ of 在……前面 2. have an ________ with sb.采访某人;接见某人 3. pass ________ to sb.把……递给…… 4. ________ ready准备好 5. do some ________做研究 答案 1. ahead 2. interview 3. on 4. get 5. research

185 要点探究 1. chief adj. 首席的;主要的;n. 首长;上司;局(部、科)长;元首 the chief cook / engineer主厨/总工程师 What’s the chief reason of the accident? 那次事故的主要原因是什么?

186 拓展延伸 in chief最高(位)的,用于表示职位名称的名词后面 the commander in chief=commander-in-chief the editor in chief=editor-in-chief editor-in-chief的复数形式:editors-in-chief

187 2. approve vt. & vi. 称许;赞成;vt. (正式)批准;认可
短语搭配 approve of sth. 赞成某事 approve of one’s doing sth. 允许某人做某事

188 Catherine’s parents now approved of her marriage.
凯瑟琳的父母现在同意她结婚。 He doesn’t approve of my leaving school this year. 他不同意我今年离校。 Mother doesn’t approve of her smoking. 母亲不赞成不允许她抽烟。 The Diet approved the budget. 国会通过该预算方案。

189 拓展延伸 approval n. 同意 disapprove v. 不同意

190 3. process n. & vt. 加工;审阅;处理(文件等);进程
Most of the food we buy is processed in some way. 我们买的大部分食品都用某种方法加工过。 It may take a few weeks for your application to be processed. 审阅你的申请书也许要花几个星期的时间。 It is a long process to obtain a driver’s license. 取得驾照是一个漫长的过程。 I’m afraid getting things changed will be a slow process. 作任何改革恐怕都会是个缓慢的过程。

191 拓展延伸 in process 在进行中 in the process of 在……(过程)中;在进行……中 Changes are in process. 变化正在发生。 The house is in the process of repair. 房子正在修理中。

192 4. ahead of 在……前面(指时间、空间);早于某人/某事;比某人/某物好;领先;胜过
ahead of time提前 Ahead of us lay ten days of intensive training. 我们还要进行10天的强化训练。 I finished the work several days ahead of the deadline. 我在最后期限的前几天完成了工作。

193 The time here is nine hours ahead of London.
这里的时间比伦敦早9个小时。 She was always well ahead of the rest of the class. 她总是遥遥领先班上的其他同学。 He is ahead of me in math. 他的数学比我好。

194 同步知识测评 Ⅰ.单词拼写 根据下列句子及所给汉语注释或单词首字母,在空白处写出各单词的正确形式。(每空只写一词) 1. Please write down your name,age and o________ on this piece of paper. 2. After he won the amateur (业余) championship,he turned p________ and was trained by the famous coach. 3. I took many beautiful p________ while traveling in Beijing.

195 4. David used to be a________ of mine and we worked in the same office.
5. Only after you a________ a good knowledge of law can you become a lawyer. 6. After finishing school,I went to college m________ all my friends got well-paid jobs. 7. She said it d________ to challenge me,but I was not angry and didn’t take notice of her.

196 8. You must buy a good piano for your son,for he is a g________ pianist.
9. The restaurant has just e________ five new waiters and ten waitresses. 10. Has the bill presented by the lawyer been a ________ by the committee(委员会)?

197 答案 1. occupation 2. professional 3. photographs 4. colleague 5
答案 1. occupation 2. professional 3. photographs 4. colleague 5. acquire 6. meanwhile 7. deliberately 8. gifted 9. employed 10. approved

198 Ⅱ.完成句子 1. 消费者利益保护委员会的创立旨在保护顾客的权益,使其免受奸商的欺诈。 The Consumer Council exists to ________ the customers’ right and interests________ unscrupulous traders. 2. 那个著名的教授被指控偷取学生的理念并将它们发表。 The famous professor has been ________ ________ stealing his student’s ideas and publishing them.

199 3. 政府今年所做的事情对所有的广州市民都很有利。
What the government has done this year will be of ________ ________ all the citizens living in Guangzhou. 4. 经理决定今年冬天公司的全体员工去安徽黄山游玩。 The manager has decided all the ________ of the company will go on a ________ to the Yellow Mountain in Anhui province this winter.

200 5. 那个女记者冒着生命危险为凤凰卫视报道了伊拉克的情况。
The woman reporter ________ ________ ________ to cover the situation in Iraq for Phoenix TV. 答案 1. defend;against 2. accused of 3. benefit to 4. employees;visit 5. risked her life

201 Ⅲ.单项填空 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 1. — How often do you eat out? — ________,but usually once a week. A. Have no idea B. It depends C. As usual D. Generally speaking

202 答案 B 解析 句意:——你多长时间出去吃一次?——要看情况而定,但是通常一周一次。have no idea“不知道”;as usual“与平时一样”;generally speaking“一般来说”。

203 2. It is through learning that the individual ________many habitual ways of reacting to situations.(2012·衡水高二检测) A. remains B. gains C. achieves D. acquires 答案 D 解析 句意:正是通过学习,个人才得以获得应付各种情况的惯常做法。remain“保持;留住”;gain“赢得”;achieve“取得(成就、进步等)”;acquire 指通过不断学习而得到学问、技术等,符合题意。

204 3. The flight will be announced soon. ________,please remain seated.
A. However B. Yet C. Therefore D. Meanwhile 答案 D 解析 meanwhile“在此期间”;however“然而”;yet“仍然;然而”;therefore“因此”。

205 4. ________ was reported in the paper,people in mainland China sent disaster relief materials to help the flooded area in Taiwan Island. (2012·北京高二检测) A. It B. That C. As D. What

206 答案 C 解析 考查定语从句。选择定语从句的引导词的关键是:在主句中找出先行词。该句中定语从句的先行词是后面的整个句子people in mainland China sent disaster relief materials to help the flooded area in Taiwan Island,当先行词为整个句子时,用关系代词which或者as,但which不可以放在句首,故选C项。

207 5. — Sorry,Sir. I can’t answer this question.
— Well,you are supposed ________ this part of history. A. reading B. to be reading C. to have read D. having read 答案 C 解析 be supposed to have done表示“本来应该已做了某事,但可能没做”。

208 6. In a room above the store,where a party ________,some workers were busily setting the table.
(2012·西城区高二检测) A. was to be held B. has been held C. will be held D. is being held 答案 A 解析 考查时态和语态。根据some workers were busily setting the table判断,聚会还没有举行,应用将来时态,且整个句子用过去时,故用过去将来时态。

209 7. When I couldn’t avoid meeting him,I faced an embarrassing situation ________ I could only keep silent. (2012·海淀区高二检测) A. who B. which C. when D. where 答案 D 解析 考查定语从句。该定语从句的先行词是前面的an embarrassing situation,关系词在定语从句中作地点状语,所以应该选用关系副词where,据此这里选D项。

210 8. — What should we pay more attention to if we go north in winter,Mum?
— Nothing much. Take warm clothes ________ the weather is cold. A. as long as B. now that C. if D. in case 答案 D 解析 as long as意思是“只要”,表示条件;now that意思是“既然;由于”,表示原因;if意思是“如果”,表示条件;in case意思是“以防”,表示条件。根据语意可知本题的答案选D。

211 9. There were so many people talking in the concert hall that I couldn’t ________ the music.
A. concentrate on B. fix upon C. centre on D. devote to 答案 A 解析 concentrate on “集中于;专心于……”;centre on“将人或事作为重点”。B、D项中的动词应有宾语。

212 10. The soldier was ________ of running away when the enemy attacked.
A. scolded B. charged C. accused D. punished 答案 C 解析 句意:这个士兵被指控在敌人进攻时,临阵脱逃。accuse sb. of sth.=charge sb. with sth. 意为“指控某人某事”;scold sb. for sth. “因某事而责骂某人”;punish sb. for sth. “因某事而惩罚某人”。解决该题的关键在于介词搭配。

213 11. Her mother does not ________ of her going to study in the United States alone.
A. admit B. agree C. prove D. approve 答案 D 解析 句意:她的母亲并不赞成她一个人到美国去学习。approve of sb./sth. “赞成某人/某事”。admit “承认”;agree “同意”,用于agree with sb.,agree on sth.,agree to one’s opinion;prove “证明(是……)”。

214 12. ________ found by the police,the two robbers had to hide themselves in a mountain cave for two months. A. In order to not be B. So as to not be C. So as not to be D. In order not to be 答案 D 解析 so as to不能放于句首,排除B、C项;in order to的否定式 not应放于to do前。

215 13. We are kept ________ of what is happening in the world by reading newspapers and watching television. A. to inform B. to be informed C. informing D. informed 答案 D 解析 考查inform sb. of sth. 结构。并且inform作keep的主语补足语,表示被动关系,故用过去分词informed。

216 14. — I don’t think I can walk any further.
— ________. Let’s stop here for a rest. A. Neither I can B. Neither can I C. I don’t think so D. I think so 答案 B 解析 本题考查neither位于句首表示“也不”的倒装句式。根据前面一句的否定和后面的Let’s stop here for a rest. 可以判断选B,表示“我也不能再走了”。

217 15. ________ was expected,he broke his promise once more,________ let his friends down.(2012·长春高二检测)
A. It;which B. As;which C. It;as D. Which;which 答案 B 解析 考查非限制性定语从句。as表示“正如;就像”,引导非限制性定语从句,通常位于句首。which也引导非限制性定语从句,在句中指前面提到的事“他再一次失信”。

218 Ⅳ.阅读理解 阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项中,选出最佳选项。 Children become more generous as they get older,learning the principles of equality by the age of eight. That may not be too surprising to anyone who has kids.

219 Humans are born with a sense of fairness that most other animals seem not to share,but it’s not been clear exactly when this concept starts to develop. Dr. Alva Zhao and her colleagues conducted a series of tests to measure just how much children care about equality at different ages. In three different versions of a game,children were asked to choose between two ways of sharing a number of sweets with themselves and an unfamiliar partner. They could choose,for example,between one for me and one for you,or just having one for themselves.

220 At the age of three,children were “almost completely selfish”,says Zhao.
They refused to give sweets away even if it made no difference to themselves. But by the age of eight,children generally preferred the fair option,sharing a prize equally rather than keeping it all to themselves.

221 Several other factors influenced how fair the children were
Several other factors influenced how fair the children were. The team found that children without brothers or sisters were 28% more likely to share than children with brothers or sisters. On the other hand,the youngest children in a family were 17% less willing to share than children who had only younger brother or sister.

222 In addition,if children knew that their partner was from the same playgroup or school,they were more concerned about being fair. This suggests that being nice to people you know is something that develops a sense of equality.

223 1. The main idea of the first paragraph is ________.
A. parents know clearly when their kids are more willing to share B. the kids’ willingness of sharing is learned from their family C. the older the kids are,the more selfish they will become D. kids become more generous when they reach a certain age

224 2. The tests conducted by Dr
2. The tests conducted by Dr. Alva Zhao and her colleagues were aimed at ________. A. how kids develop a quality of fairness in games B. children’s awareness of equality at different ages C. the reasons why children care about equality D. children’s attitudes towards other partners

225 3. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Children under three know little about being fair. B. Children above eight years old become less selfish. C. Children with brothers or sisters tend to be more generous. D. The youngest child in a family tends to be less generous.

226 4. We can learn that children care more about equality while with ________.
A. unknown people B. nice people C. familiar people D. fair people

227 答案与解析 【文章大意】 文章介绍人类天生的一种特性——力求公平。研究人员通过实验发现三岁时小孩完全自私,到了一定年龄就逐步显露出与人分享的天性。 1. 答案 D 解析 主旨大意题。第一句话即该段的主题句:孩子到了一定年龄 (8岁)后就变得更加慷慨大方。

228 2. 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句话“Dr. Alva Zhao and her colleagues conducted a series of test to measure just how much children care about quality at different ages”可以推断阿尔瓦博士和她的助手进行测试的目的在于了解孩子在不同年龄对平等意识的表现程度。

229 3. 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第二句话“The team found that children without brothers or sisters were 28%more likely to share than children with brothers or sisters”可以看出没有兄弟姐妹的孩子更倾向于慷慨,C项和短文叙述内容相反。 4. 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据短文最后一段可判断小孩子和熟悉的人在一起更关注平等。

230 One of the best-known American writers of children’s books is Alfred Strong,or Doctor Strong,as he is better known to readers everywhere. Now,an art show called Doctor Strong From Then to Now is travelling around the United States. The pictures and drawings show the history of Doctor Strong.

231 Doctor Strong first became famous almost fifty years ago when his first children’s book was published. Since then,he has written forty five-books that have sold more than one hundred million copies around the world. Doctor Strong’s books are known for their easy use of words and colorful,hand drawn pictures. These drawings bring life to his imaginary creatures,The Cat in the Hat,Horton the Elephant,The Grinch Who Stole Christmas,and hundreds of others.

232 The San Diego Museum,in California,organized the art show
The San Diego Museum,in California,organized the art show. It included about three hundred Doctor Strong’s original (最早的) drawings and some of his writings. Most of Doctor Strong’s books,although written in a funny way,have serious messages. For example,in McElligot’s Pool,he describes the danger of pollution. He discusses the arms race in The Butter Battle Book,written in nineteen eighty four.

233 Doctor Strong is almost eighty-four years old now
Doctor Strong is almost eighty-four years old now. He says he never planned to write stories just for children. He says he writes stories that interest people of all ages. He says he uses easy words so that everyone,even a child,can understand.

234 1. Alfred Strong is a famous ________ in the United States.
A. doctor B. artist C. writer D. reader

235 2. Doctor Strong first became famous in ________.
A. his eighties when an art show was travelling around the United States B. his fifties when his drawings and writings were published C. nineteen eighty-four when his book McEligot’s Pool was published D. his thirties when his first book was published

236 3. Doctor Strong’s books are very popular in America because ________.
A. they are stories about animals such as cats,elephants and so on B. they are written in easy words with colorful pictures C. he organized the art show in California D. they are written in a funny way

237 答案与解析 1. 答案 C 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一句One of the best known American writers ....可推知此题答案为C。 2. 答案 D 解析 推理判断题。比较文章第二段第一句中的fifty years ago及最后一段的第一句中的almost eighty four years old now就可推知此题答案为D。 3. 答案 B 解析 细节理解题。根据文章第三段第一句中known for their easy use of words and colorful,hand drawn pictures可推知此题答案为B。

238 Ⅴ.书面表达 李强是一名记者,他看到一则招聘记者的广告。下面你以他的名义向招聘单位写一封信,做一简要介绍。词数120左右。简历内容如下: 姓名:李强; 出生日期与地址:1978年5月4日,山东一个小城镇; 健康状况:健康; 毕业时间及学校:1998年毕业于山东大学; 特长:擅长写作、采访、编辑各种题材的文章,并能较好地处理突发事件;电脑操作熟练,经验丰富。

239 参考范文: Dear Sir or Madam, My name is Li Qiang,and I was born on May 4th,1978 in a small town of Shandong Province. After graduating from Shandong University in 1998,I worked as a reporter and successfully completed a lot of tasks. During this time,I gained a lot of experience and made many friends.

240 As well as having good computer skills,I am also skillful in writing,reporting news and editing a variety of articles. I also have the ability to handle an emergency when it is required. What’s more,I can speak English and French quite fluently. I like traveling very much and I also love reading and writing poetry and watching football games. I often play football with my friends,which keeps me fit. Thank you for reading my story,I’m looking forward to your letter. Sincerely yours, Li Qiang

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