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Book Three Enjoy a cold Unit 6. Project 4 Around the topic 1 Reading 2 Language in Use 3 Unit 6 Culture Tips 5 Enjoy English 6.

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Presentation on theme: "Book Three Enjoy a cold Unit 6. Project 4 Around the topic 1 Reading 2 Language in Use 3 Unit 6 Culture Tips 5 Enjoy English 6."— Presentation transcript:

1 Book Three Enjoy a cold Unit 6

2 Project 4 Around the topic 1 Reading 2 Language in Use 3 Unit 6 Culture Tips 5 Enjoy English 6

3 Around the topic How would you describe the problems shown in the pictures? Study the expressions in the box. What do they mean? Can you use some of them to describe the pictures?

4 Around the topic Mary and George are talking about their painful experiences. What causes the pain in each case? How do they describe the pain? What kind of feelings do they have when the pain ends? Note down the information in the table below. Mary George What is the pain? How painful is it? How do they feel when the pain ends? a terrible toothache being paralysed in the legs and arms insanely painful; frequent little stabbing pains; an unbearable headache the most incredible pain; a very deep blunt pain at times and then at other times a stabbing pain just like waking up from a horrible dream quite a relief to finally get through that pain BACK

5 Reading Pre-reading Tasks Reading Comprehension After-reading Tasks BACK

6 Pre-reading Tasks Titles are very useful in helping us to understand the text. Don’t forget to study the title of the text before you start reading. BACK 1. Do you remember the last time you caught a bad cold? How did you feel? What did you do? Did you see a doctor? Did you take some medicine? Did you stay at home and sleep a lot? Tell your experience to your partner. 2. Read the title of the text. What do you think it means? What do you think is the topic of the text? Before you read, discuss the following questions in groups:

7 Reading Comprehension 1. When I was coming down with my latest cold, I didn’t know what was happening to me. I felt a lot of subtle changes going on in my body, but none of them made me think of an illness with its attendant technology—the heating pads, pills, vitamins and boxes of tissue. Rather I felt a certain dreaminess.subtleattendant pads 2. As I drifted through the day, my tasks seemed to occur at a great distance and I simply watched my hands performing them. Faces around me were in focus but also distorted, as if I were looking through a fisheye camera lens. When someone spoke to me, I paid more attention to the way the person’s mouth moved than to his or her words. I felt inhabited by someone I didn’t know.drifteddistortedinhabited Translation CuddleCuddle up with your cold Cuddle BACK

8 Reading Comprehension 3. Towards evening, I started sneezing. I was relieved—so it was just a regular cold! I relaxed into the cold and got comfortable with it. I could have kept to my plan to go to a dinner party, but the hostess was a great cook and I couldn’t have tasted her soufflé for beans. Besides, sounds had become muffled, the way they do when heavy snow begins to fall in the city. I pictured myself asking the person sitting on my right who is talking without stopping, “What was that essence of your story again?”sneezingmuffled Translation Para. 3

9 Reading Comprehension 4. No, it was more considerate all around for me to stay home. My skin was growing pleasantly warm. I lay under a plump quilt with two pillows supporting my head and the television on, and dozed into dreams with crowded casts and canned laughter. That night I slept very deeply, and in the morning I didn’t want to get up.considerateplumpdozedcasts 5. Those dearest to me had left me by myself, and there was something wonderful about being the only inhabitant of the Planet Cold.inhabitant Translation Para. 4~5

10 Reading Comprehension 6. The phone rang. The caller was sympathetic when she heard my voice, which had become rich and husky and interesting to my ear. “Oh, I don’t mind having a cold,” I said. “I get one about once a year. I’m enjoying this.” 7. “You mean you get to lie in bed while everyone takes care of you and feels sorry for you?” I didn’t dare mention that no one was handy to take care of me. That would have brought on a new wave of sympathy. Envy, I thought in my enchanted state, was the appropriate response.handy enchanted Translation Para. 6~7

11 Reading Comprehension 8. Even if someone was around, I would have had difficulty perceiving him or her. What I could see clearly the day before had melted into a blur. I could barely hear, and I did not feel like talking. As if I were some yogi sage, my senses had just disappeared completely. I felt neither sad nor happy. I lay in the darkened bedroom, warm, exceptionally aware of my breath. I sensed my interior as if embracing an old, easy friend. blurexceptionallyinterior 9. This warmth, this self-friendliness, made me feel better. I got up and made the food I like best under these circumstances: tomato soup, made with milk, and crackers. This meal always makes me feel very tender towards my delicate self.delicate Translation Para. 8~9

12 Reading Comprehension 10. More naps, more dreams. 11. The next morning, my head was clear. I could feel faint twitches in my legs that told me to go outside and walk. Before I knew it, I reentered the world of noise and light and gossips. My own good health expelled me from paradise. twitchesexpelled Translation Para. 10~11 BACK

13 Reading Comprehension Translation 1. 最近,我得了一次感冒。刚开始我并不清楚自己怎么了, 只是感觉身体里发生了一些微妙的变化。但这些变化并没 有使我想到什么病,及其相应的护理措施 —— 电热毯、药 片、维生素和几盒纸巾。我只是觉得迷迷糊糊像做梦一样。 2. 我恍恍惚惚地过了一天。工作好像离我很遥远,我只是 看着自己的两只手在干活。周围人的面孔倒也能认出来, 但感觉有些变形,就像从超广角镜头里看到的一样。有人 跟我说话时,我的注意力多集中在对方嘴巴的一张一合上, 却不太明白他 / 她究竟在说什么。我觉得我的身体里仿佛住 进了一个陌生人。 Para. 1~2 BACK

14 Reading Comprehension Translation 3. 傍晚时分,我开始打喷嚏了。我如释重负 —— 这说明我得的病不过是 一次普通的感冒!于是我放松下来,安然处之。我本可以按照原计划去赴 宴的,但因为这感冒,厨艺高超的女主人捧出的蛋奶酥在我吃起来可能跟 豆子没什么区别。所有的声音在我耳里也变得闷闷的,就像城里刚刚开始 下雪时一样。我能想象自己在宴会上问坐在我右边的那位滔滔不绝的客人: “ 您刚才说什么来着? Para. 3 BACK

15 Reading Comprehension Translation 4. 不,我得替别人想想,还是在家呆着吧。我的体温在慢慢升高,这感 觉却还不赖。我垫着两只枕头,躺在厚厚的被子里,任由电视机开着,自 己却渐渐坠入梦乡,梦里充斥着闹哄哄的情景喜剧演员和剧中事先录好的 笑声。那天晚上,我睡得很沉,到了第二天早上还都不想起床。 5. 我的亲朋好友们都不在身边,这样我就成了 “ 感冒星球 ” 上的唯一居民, 不过这种感觉也挺奇妙的。 Para. 4 ~ 5 BACK

16 Reading Comprehension Translation 6. 电话响了,由于感冒,我的嗓音变得沙哑而有磁性,这让来电 者同情不已,但我自己却觉得挺有趣的。 “ 得个感冒也挺不错的 啊。 ” 我说。 “ 我差不多一年感冒一次。现在我正享受着感冒呢。 ” 7. “ 你的意思是说你卧床不起,然后让别人都来照顾你、心疼你 吗? ” 我没敢说身边根本没人照顾。那肯定会惹得她再一次同情心 泛滥。不过我自己自得其乐地思忖:她应该羡慕我才是。 Para. 6~7 BACK

17 Reading Comprehension Translation 8. 即使身边有人照顾,我恐怕也难以察觉到。前一 天还能看得清清楚楚的东西,现在都成了模糊的一片。 我基本上听不见,也懒得开口说话。我仿佛变成了一 个修行瑜伽的圣人,所有的感觉都消失了。我既不难 过也不开心,只是躺在昏暗的卧室里,清晰感受着自 己的每一次呼吸。我甚至还能感觉到自己的内脏活动, 就像拥抱一位亲密无比的老朋友。 9. 这种温暖,这种自怜,让我感觉好了很多。我起 床给自己做了些食物,都是我在感冒时喜欢吃的:西 红柿汤加牛奶,还有饼干。吃完这样的一顿饭之后, 我总是能对自己虚弱的身体柔情倍增。 Para. 8~9 BACK

18 Reading Comprehension Translation 10. 接下来我又打了几个盹,做了一些 梦。 11. 第二天早晨,我头脑清醒了。感觉 双腿微微有些痉挛,这提醒我该出门散 步了。不知不觉中,我又回到了声与光 的世界,耳边又充满了嘈杂声。我的健 康把我从天堂赶回了人间。 Para. 10~11 BACK

19 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 1. cuddle v. to lie closely and comfortably 依偎;蜷曲 e.g. 1. The children cuddled up to each other in bed. 2. The child cuddled her doll to her chest. BACK

20 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 2. subtle adj. not easy to notice or understand unless you pay careful attention 细致的,微妙的,难以捉摸的 e.g. 1. The pictures are similar, but there are subtle differences between them. 2. The warning signs of the disease are so subtle that they are often ignored. BACK

21 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 3. attendant adj. relating to or caused by something 伴随的 e.g. 1. nuclear power, with all its attendant risks 2. famine and its attendant diseases BACK

22 4. pad n. Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions anything made or filled with a soft material used to protect something or make it more comfortable 垫子 e.g. 1. A batsman at cricket always wears pads on his legs to protect them when they are hit by the ball. 2. Put a clean pad of cotton over the wound. BACK

23 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 5. drift v. to gradually change from being in one situation into another without realising it 无计划或漫无目的地移动 e.g. 1. She was just drifting into sleep when the alarm went off. 2. He drifted in and out of consciousness. BACK

24 扭歪,扭曲 1) to bring something out of shape e.g. Crying distorts the face. 2) to give a false account of e.g. In their articles, journalists sometimes distort the truth. Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 6. distort v. BACK

25 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 7. inhabit v. to live in a particular place 居住 e.g. 1. I have no idea what sort of people inhabit the area. 2. This island is mainly inhabited by birds. BACK

26 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 8. sneeze v. if you sneeze, air suddenly comes from your nose, making a noise, for example when you catch a cold 打喷嚏 e.g. 1. She started coughing and sneezing. 2. The dust was making him sneeze. BACK

27 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 9. muffle v. to make a sound less loud and clear, especially by covering something 使声音不再清晰 e.g. 1. The falling snow muffled the sound of our footsteps. 2. Her voice was muffled by the pillow in which she had hidden her face. BACK

28 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 10. considerate adj. always thinking of what other people need or want and being careful not to upset them 体谅他人的 e.g. 1. He was always kind and considerate. 2. It was very considerate of you to let us know you were going to be late. BACK

29 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 11. plump adj. round and full in a way that looks attractive 饱满的,丰满的 e.g. plump, soft pillows plump juicy tomatoes BACK

30 12. doze v. Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions to sleep lightly for a short time 瞌睡 e.g. 1. Grandad was dozing in his chair. 2. He dozed off during the meeting. BACK

31 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 13. cast n. all the people who perform in a play, film, etc. 剧中的所有人物 e.g. 1. the entire cast of the film 2. This epic film has a cast of thousands. BACK

32 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 14. inhabitant n. one of the people who live in a particular place 居民 e.g. 1. a city of six million inhabitants 2. the oldest inhabitants of the island BACK

33 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 15. handy adj. near and easy to reach 身旁的,方便使用的 e.g. 1. Don’t throw that cardboard box away—it may come in handy. 2. Our flat is very handy for the schools. BACK

34 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 16. enchant v. if something that you see or hear enchants you, you like it very much 喜欢 e.g. 1. The garden enchanted her. 2. The audience was enchanted by the singing of the children. BACK Originally, the charity

35 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 17. blur n. something you cannot see or remember clearly 模糊 e.g. 1. Everything is a blur when I take my glasses off. 2. The days before the accident were a blur. BACK

36 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 18. exceptionally adv. extremely 格外地,异常地 e.g. 1. She defended her position exceptionally well. 2. She is an exceptionally talented player. BACK

37 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 19. interior n. the inner part or inside of something 内部 e.g. 1. a house with a classical exterior and a modern interior 2. The interior of the country is mainly desert. BACK

38 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 20. delicate adj. easily made ill; easily yielding to illness 娇弱的 e.g. 1. a delicate child 2. She has been in delicate health for some time. BACK

39 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 21. twitch n. a quick movement of a muscle, especially one that you cannot control 抽动,痉挛 e.g. a twitch of the eye BACK

40 Reading Comprehension Words & Expressions 22. expel v. to force someone to leave 驱逐 e.g. 1. Three diplomats were expelled for spying. 2. He was expelled for making racist remarks. BACK

41 After-reading Tasks Discussion Do you like this article? If you do, in what way do you like it? Discuss this with your classmates. Do you like this article? If you do, in what way do you like it? Discuss this with your classmates. BACK

42 Language in Use Grammar Development Grammar Development Vocabulary Building Vocabulary Building BACK

43 Complete the sentences using as if and the expressions in the box. The first one has been done for you. Decide which sentences express the subjunctive mood and which real possibility. Language in Use Language in Use Grammar Development it has just been cut I’m going to be ill he hadn’t eaten in a week she was enjoying it she had hurt her leg he meant what he was saying he needs a good rest she didn’t want to come

44 Language in Use Language in Use Grammar Development 1. Mark looks very tired. He looks ____________________. 2. Sue was walking with difficulty. She looked_____________________. 3. I don’t think he was joking. He looked___________________________. 4. The grass is very short. It looks___________________________. BACK as if he needs a good rest as if she had hurt her leg as if he meant what he was saying

45 Language in Use Language in Use Grammar Development 5. Peter was extremely hungry and ate his dinner very quickly. He ate________________________. 6. Carol had a bored expression on her face during the concert. She didn’t look_______________________. 7. I’ve just eaten too many chocolates. Now I’m feeling sick. I feel_______________________________. 8. I phoned Emma and invited her to the party but she wasn’t very enthusiastic about it. She sounded________________________________. as if he hadn’t eaten for a week as if she was enjoying it as if I’m going to be ill as if she didn’t want to come

46 Language in Use Language in Use Vocabulary Building Gradable and extreme adjectives Gradable adjectives express qualities that can exist in different degrees. For example, a person can be more or less intelligent, a room more or less dirty, a film more or less interesting. Extreme adjectives express extreme qualities, such as a brilliant person, a filthy room, a fascinating film. BACK

47 Language in Use Language in Use Vocabulary Building A. Are the following words gradable or extreme adjectives? Put them in the corresponding column. big enormous important essential tired exhausted long tasty endless delicious delighted happy surprised amazed Gradable adjectiveExtreme adjectives big important tired long tasty happy surprised enormous essential exhausted endless delicious delighted amazed

48 B. Match a gradable adjective with an extreme adjective according to the similarity in meaning. Language in Use Language in Use Vocabulary Building BACK Gradable adjectives 1. angry 2. expensive 3. pleasant 4. unusual 5. upset 6. clever Extreme adjectives a. delightful b. brilliant c. exorbitant d. devastated e. extraordinary f. furious

49 Project Health isn’t everything, but without health, everything else becomes nothing. Everybody wants to be healthy. It is estimated that genes are about 30% responsible for our overall health, while 70% is due to our lifestyle. What can we do to keep fit and stay healthy? BACK How to keep healthy?

50 Project Work in groups and brainstorm the ways to lead a healthy life. You can make a list of do’s and don’ts, such as exercise regularly each day or stay away from alcohol and cigarettes. Step 1Step 2 Listen to the opinions of your group members and take notes of them. Together, select five ways which you all think are very important for a healthy life.

51 Project Step 3 List the ways in the order of decreasing importance. For each way, you should give your reasons to explain why it can benefit our health. For example, exercising is helpful for weight control and it will also help us to feel better by reducing stress. Step 4 Prepare for a presentation report. Pay attention to the word choice and language patterns. Make your report concise and precise. Step 4 Each group selects a representative to deliver a presentation. BACK

52 Culture Tips Health care in the United States is provided by many separate legal entities. More money, including private and public spending, is spent per person on health care in the United States than in any other nation in the world. A study of international health care spending levels published in the health policy journal Health Affairs in the year 2000, found that while the U.S. spends more on health care than other countries in the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), the use of health care services in the U.S. is below the OECD median by most measures. The authors of the study conclude that the prices paid for health care services are much higher in the U.S. In 1996, 5% of the population accounted for more than half of all costs. BACK

53 Active debate over health care reform in the United States concerns questions of a right to health care, access, fairness, efficiency, cost, and quality. The World Health Organisation (WHO), in 2000, ranked the U.S. health care system as the highest in cost. A 2008 report by the Commonwealth Fund ranked the United States last in the quality of health care among the 19 compared countries. However, the U.S. is a leader in medical innovation, with three times higher per-capita spending than Europe. The U.S. also has higher survival rates than most other countries for certain conditions, such as some less common cancers. Culture Tips BACK

54 As a proportion of GDP, public health care spending in the United States is larger than in most other large Western countries. On top of that, there is substantial expenditure paid from private insurances. According to the Institute of Medicine of the National Academy of Sciences, the United States is the “only wealthy, industrialised nation that does not ensure that all citizens have coverage” (i.e. some kind of insurance). Culture Tips BACK

55 Enjoy English! I’ll give you some advice about life : Eat more roughage; Don’t take to heart every thing you hear. Don’t spend all that you have. Don’t sleep as long as you want; Go to a place you’ve never been to every year. BACK Please read this poem and try to find out how to keep us healthily live in the world. Please read this poem and try to find out how to keep us healthily live in the world.

56 Homework Now write a passage about it. You may include the following information in your writing: What happened to you then? How painful was it? How did you cope with it? Who took care of you? How did you feel when you recovered from the illness? Illness is part of every human being’s experience. You have talked about your own experience of being ill in the previous tasks. BACK

57 Book Three Thank You! Unit 4

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