中美清洁能源中心清洁煤联盟知识产权负责人 Director of the CERC-ACTC IP Group

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1 中美清洁能源中心清洁煤联盟知识产权负责人 Director of the CERC-ACTC IP Group
清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium 运用知识产权促进创新 Using Intellectual Property Promoting Innovation 能力建设的重要工具 Tools for Capacity Building - 政策,立法和教育 Policies, Legislations and Education CERC IP Workshop, Feb. 27, 2013, Stanford 15 Min. 余翔 教授 Prof. YU Xiang 中美清洁能源中心清洁煤联盟知识产权负责人 Director of the CERC-ACTC IP Group

2 创新是一个综合的过程 Innovation is a Integrative process
清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium 创新是一个综合的过程 Innovation is a Integrative process 理解创新的过程

3 Precondition - Government policies to create
清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium 前提条件-政府政策创造创新环境 Precondition - Government policies to create the environment for innovation - 中央政府国策:建立创新型国家 Policy of the Central Government: building innovative country. - 一系列配套政策(a series of policies): 开发区(Open Economic Zone)、 经济特区(special economic zone)、 自主创新示范区(Independent innovation demonstration zone)

4 System Guarantee - Legislations 专利法 Patent Law 著作权法 Copyright Law
清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium II. 体系保障-立法 System Guarantee - Legislations 专利法 Patent Law 著作权法 Copyright Law 商标法 Trademark Law 反不正当竞争法 Unti Unfair Competition Law ……

5 Basic Education - Education about IP Systems
清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium III. 基础教育-知识产权体系教育 Basic Education - Education about IP Systems 在大学和学院层面开展知识产权教育,而不仅仅是在法学院。 In universities and schools, not only in the law schools.

6 创新各个阶段的需求 创新各个阶段都需要知识产权管理 清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟
Advanced Coal Technology Consortium 创新各个阶段的需求 创新各个阶段都需要知识产权管理

7 Executive Training and Worker Training - 什么是知识产权 What are IPRs
清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium IV. 管理者培训和工作人员培训 Executive Training and Worker Training - 什么是知识产权 What are IPRs - 如何从一个地区、企业或者工作团队的创新和创造力中创造价值How to create value from innovation and creativity in a region, company or on a work team Boost ideas to IP values & Ensure freedom of action

8 IP strategy for improving the competitive advantages of enterprises
清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium V. 提升企业竞争性优势的知识产权战略 IP strategy for improving the competitive advantages of enterprises 专利战略是企业经营战略中的一个重要部分。 Patent strategy is one of the key parts of business strategies for enterprises.

9 清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium 构建一个知识产权战略

10 为企业的经营配置知识产权 Intellectual Property Tuned To A Company’s Business Pharmaceutical Companies 清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium Intellectual Capital (Unique Assets) Complementary Business Assets (Differentiated Assets) Value Creation Value Extraction Intellectual Assets Human Capital (Lead Time) Intellectual Property $ Sales Force Manufacturing Facilities Distribution Capabilities Patents Trademarks Copyrights Trade Secrets Know-How Structural Capital (Generic Assets) 最有价值的是人的创造性,专利和商标 Most value is in Human Creativity, Patents, and Trademarks 有些价值在技术诀窍和销售中 Some value in Know-How, and Sales

11 关键是合作 The Key is Collaboration 清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium “Few if any companies today can hold all the pieces of their own product technology…they simply must collaborate with others if they want to survive and prosper…IP has become much more of a bridge to collaboration” Marshall Phelps, Microsoft

12 IP Culture - Levels of companies
知识产权文化 – 公司的层次 IP Culture - Levels of companies 清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium Penthouse Integration Third floor Profit Second floor Savings Ground floor Defensive Basement Unprotected Penthouse Total Integration Third Floor Profit Generation Second Floor Cost Savings Ground Floor Defensive Basement Unprotected

13 谢谢! Thanks for your attention!
清洁煤技术(包括碳捕集和封存)联盟 Advanced Coal Technology Consortium 谢谢! Thanks for your attention! 余翔 教授 Prof. YU Xiang Chinesisch-Deutsch-Institut für Geistiges Eigentumsrecht Chinese-German Institute for Intellectual Property 中德知识产权研究所

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