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Team 7 Russia’s Lifestyle Research.

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1 Team 7 Russia’s Lifestyle Research

2 Part 1 The different lives, ideas, concerns of people
Russia’s colths crafts food

3 Russia is located in the periphery of the Arctic Circle.
Part 1 The different lives Russia is located in the periphery of the Arctic Circle. So there told him the country colder weather, so culture than any other country has a lot of different. 由於俄羅斯位於北極圈的外圍。 所以有叫他國更冷的天氣,因此文化比其他國家有很多的不同。  Russia MAP  俄羅斯 地圖 俄羅斯 冬天的街道 Russia’s different lives

4 Why more different cloths and food and crafts than other country?
Part 1 The different lives The different lives result about differents food and clothes and crafts . 不同的生活會導致對不同的食物和衣服,工藝品。 Why more different cloths and food and crafts than other country? (為什麼俄羅斯這個地方會比其他國家有更多的不同的衣服和食品和工藝品?)

5 Part 1 food :Black bread +Casein milk (食物 :黑麵包+酪奶) Because weather so cold many food easily broken . To protect the quality of food , formation of such a food culture . (因為天氣那麼寒冷,許多食品容易壞掉。為了保障食物的品質,才會形成這樣的飲食文化。) Russia’s food

6 俄羅斯的麵包品種很多 , 主要分為白麵包及黑麵包兩種, 俄羅斯人喜愛黑麵包的程度勝於白麵包 , 黑麵包是用黑麥粉製成,擁有豐富維生素,營養價值高 ,聞起來有股小麥香 , 剛入口時略帶酸味 ,多嚼一會後就會有一股甜味,俄羅斯人吃麵包一般都與魚子醬一起食用,更顯得美味可口。 土豆是俄羅斯人十分喜愛的食物 , 土豆的吃法有很多種,如煮 土豆、烤土豆、 土豆做成的扁餅等, 有時也可作為牛排及烤雞等菜的配料。 除了飲酒之外,俄羅斯人也有飲茶的習慣 , 他們喜愛喝濃茶或甜茶,習慣在茶裡放蜂蜜、糖或果醬,再搭配甜食一起享用 , 也有些現代人常在茶中加些羅姆酒飲用。 魚子醬顧名思義就是用魚卵所做成的, 在俄羅斯人的標準裡, 只有用鱘魚卵製造而成的醬才可被稱為魚子醬, 魚子醬富含蛋白質和礦物質, 其中又以顆粒大又透明的黑色魚子醬為上等品。 克瓦斯是俄羅斯人夏天喜愛的傳統飲料 ,是一種由 薄荷、麵粉、黑麵包乾、葡萄乾、漿果及水果等再加上白糖天然發酵後所製成的清涼飲料 ,味道酸甜 ,含有低度酒精。 俄羅斯人喜愛喝酒, 由其是伏特加, 並以生產伏特加而聞名, 可說是俄羅斯國酒,伏特加酒精濃度高達40至50%,屬於烈酒,在俄羅斯寒冷的冬天為了禦寒, 不管男女老少都可來一口 , 也有許多俄羅斯男子會用喝大杯的酒或一口氣喝完來證明自己是真正的男人。

7 Part 1 cloths : Russia’s cloths response to the four seasons climate change . The cloths can be any change thin to thick . 俄羅斯的服飾英應四季氣候變化。布可以薄到厚(熱的時候脫掉外層,冷的時候添上去)的任何變化 crafts : It is said that the Russian girl against its wish. the dolls will complete the wish. 據說俄羅斯姑娘對它許的願望。娃娃會完成心願。 Russia’s cloths and crafts

8 Part 1 Ideas, concerns of people
Russians are special nationality, people are very warm but there face very cold. (俄羅斯的民族特色,人很熱情,但外表非常冷酷。) When angry, be sure to roar. when there happy ,they must laugh. (他們脾氣非常豪爽,笑的時候大聲笑出,生氣時直接發飆) Russian people are very patriotic, that Russia is the greatest country in the world. (俄羅斯民族非常團結,都認為俄羅斯是世上最好的國家) Russian people are very casual, do not like to obey the law or established rules.(俄羅斯人非常隨興,不太會遵守特定的規則) More than four points: Russian arts and heavy Industry are very great.  (綜合以上四點,造就俄羅斯的藝術以及重工業的偉大發展) (蘇聯Su-27) 戰機 Russia’s Ideas, concerns of people

9 Part 2 Famous Products of Russia

10 Designer: Dima Loginoff
XX is kissing Key word, this products named kiss sofa. Why named kiss sofa? Because Russia weather cold,so designer want to make a enthusiasm design. Represented in cold countries we are also very passionate to other countries people.   XX是KISS這張椅子的縮寫。   為何命名為 KISS沙發?   因為 俄羅斯的天氣較為寒冷,   人民大部分都是外冷內熱的類型,   所以設計師: Dima Loginoff因應   民族的特性,做出這張熱情的KISS   椅 Designer: Dima Loginoff Key word: Kisses

11 Design Background: Design Idea: Russia due to colder weather.
Have lazy personality. The designer designed for this purpose (設計背景:俄羅斯天氣較為寒冷,民族都叫懶散,所以設計者,設計這磁力滑鼠完全是為了其民族俄羅斯人所設計的) Design Idea: Traditional Chinese is too heavy. To improve the stature of its heavier. To use of magnetic(磁力). Decrease its weight (設計想法:傳統滑鼠稍有重量,為改善其重量的缺失,利用磁力減少其重量。) Key word: Maglev mouse (磁力滑鼠)

12 Key word: Pantone Matryosha
Design Background: Russian dolls are Russian girls before married toys. Every little doll represents one desire. Designer idea from Russian dolls to design Pantone Matryosha (設計背景:俄羅斯娃娃是俄羅斯的女生出嫁前的玩具,女孩們每有一個願望就由小到大一個個放進去,直到實現願望。 Design Idea: Russia’s traditional crafts :Russian dolls to design. Each have different seasonings. Stacked layers of loading to reduce space.(設計想法:用傳統的俄羅斯娃娃發想。 每一罐都有不同的調味料,並減少放置的使用空間 Key word: Pantone Matryosha (套娃調味瓶)

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