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一、话题相关词汇和短语 1.瞎的;视而不见的 a. 2.癌 n. 3.冷的,寒的n.寒冷;感冒,伤风 a. 4.安慰;慰问 n. 5.舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的;让人舒服的 ___________ a. 6.咳嗽;咳出;咳嗽(声) n.&

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Presentation on theme: "一、话题相关词汇和短语 1.瞎的;视而不见的 a. 2.癌 n. 3.冷的,寒的n.寒冷;感冒,伤风 a. 4.安慰;慰问 n. 5.舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的;让人舒服的 ___________ a. 6.咳嗽;咳出;咳嗽(声) n.&"— Presentation transcript:


2 一、话题相关词汇和短语 1.瞎的;视而不见的 a. 2.癌 n. 3.冷的,寒的n.寒冷;感冒,伤风 a. 4.安慰;慰问 n. 5.舒服的;安逸的;舒服自在的;让人舒服的 ___________ a. 6.咳嗽;咳出;咳嗽(声) n.& vi. 7.聋的;听不进的 a. blind cancer cold comfort cough deaf comfortable

3 8.病,疾病 n. 9.发烧;发热 n. 10.流行性感冒 n. 11.头疼 n. 12.有病的;不健康的 a. 13.疾病 n. 14.有病的,患病的;(想)呕吐;身体不适的, 生病的;恶心的 a. 15.疾病;生病;恶心 n. 16.诊所;门诊部 n. disease fever flu headache ill illness sick sickness clinic

4 17.治疗;医好;n.疗程;疗法;药 vt. 18.牙科医生 n. 19.药,药物;毒品vt.使服麻醉药 n. 20.医院 n. 21.医学的,医疗的 n. 22.药;医学 n. 23.做手术,运转;实施,负责,经营,管理 _______ v. 24.手术,操作;经营 n. dentist drug hospital medical medicine cure operate operation

5 25.病人 n. 26.药丸,药片 n. 27.外科医生 n. 28.药片 n. 29.对待,看待;治疗;处理 vt. 30.治疗;疗法;对待;处理 n. patient pill surgeon tablet treat treatment

6 二、实用句子操练 1.外科医生做了手术。 ________________________________________ 2.医生对我说,我需要好好休息。 __________________________________________ _____ 3.我试遍了医生建议的每一种疗法。 __________________________________ __________ 4.她这次患流行性感冒还没有完全恢复。 ___________________________________ The surgeon has performed the operation. The doctor told me I was in need of a good rest. I tried every treatment the doctor suggested. She’s still recovering from a flu.

7 5.这个男孩头疼,不得不去看医生。 _____________________________________ ___________ The boy had a headache and had to see the doctor.

8 基础写作你是校报小记者,最近进行了一次采访,采访情况如下:
时间:上周末 对象:一位美国心理学家教授(a professor of psychology)Fenn 主题:睡眠与记忆的关系 研究结果:(1)睡眠充足,记忆错误减少; (2)任何人都有影响; 专家解读:(1)具体原因不明; (2)或因好的睡眠强化了记忆源

9 (记忆过程的基本要素之一) (3)或因睡眠不足者接收信息过 多,影响了记忆。 [写作内容] (1)根据以上内容写一篇采访报道,并包括 如下内容: A.采访的时间,对象,主题; B.研究发现内容; C.专家解读。 [写作要求] 1.只能使用5个句子表达全部内容: 2.文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。

10 [评分标准] 句子结构准确,信息内容完整,篇章结构连贯。

11 _____________________
____________________________________ __________________________________________ ____________________________________________ ___________________________________________ __________________________________ ___________________________ One possible version: Last weekend I had an interview with Fenn, an American professor of psychology, concerning the issue of the relation between sleep and memory. A new study suggests that sleep helps reduce errors in memory and this finding have practical effects on everyone. According to Fenn, the causes are not known. He suspects it may be due to sleep strengthening a vital element of the memory process-the source of the memory. Or perhaps people who don't sleep well

12 _____________________________________
_________________________________________ ________ receive too much information over the course of the day, affecting their memory ability.

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