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2014年1月4日考研英语写作 最后点题 (包含英语一和英语二)

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1 2014年1月4日考研英语写作 最后点题 (包含英语一和英语二)
[YY:400211频道] 2014年1月4日考研英语写作 最后点题 (包含英语一和英语二) 主讲人:朱伟 @朱伟老师 新浪微博: 南昌新东方:

2 朱伟老师英语作文20篇 徐涛老师政治必背20题

3 高分作文三件事: 不走题,句法,结构

4 (一)Stop Talking Nothing


6 2011 lack of responsibility and morality

7 12年1月→optimism and pessimism

8 (二) 句法篇

9 拉长句子(2-3句): 理论上,一个句子只要主谓宾保住了,想写多长就可以写多长,因为其他加上去的东西,不管怎么加,都是修饰。什么是修饰,就是有它没它,句子意思都不会发生实质改变。

10 Case:我爱你 中文表达法:一朵梨花压海棠、外形俊俏胜潘安的我,深深地爱上了那个面如桃花、身若珠玉、令甄子丹一夜变憔悴、江爷爷眼镜片崩碎的你—— 凤姐。 英文表达法:我, who 一朵梨花压海棠、外形俊俏胜潘安,深深地爱上了那个你—— 凤姐, who 面如桃花、身若珠玉、令甄子丹一夜变憔悴、江爷爷眼镜片崩碎。

11 如何加修饰??? —— 一句话,在后面做文章

12 1.(n.)+ which/who/that Case: 许多人很重视自己拥有多少奢侈品。 (1)素颜版:
Many people may take luxuries seriously.

13 (2)一个妆真的可以改变一个人: 那些把一个人拥有财产的数量当做评判其社会地位的唯一标准的人们,会很重视追逐奢侈品的生活方式。 Many people who consider the quantity of one’s belongings as a unique criterion to judge one’s social ranking, thus, may take seriously the lifestyle of chasing for luxuries.

14 2. (n.)/ 句子结尾 + V-ed、en(被动) / V-ing
Case1: youngsters youngsters, ranging from / who ranges from 20 to 30-year olds

15 Case2: 研究发现,和十年前的5%相比,现在有近24%的年轻白领表示不清楚自己想要什么。
A recent finding has provided the first concrete clue that 24 percent more or less of young white collars,ranging from 25 to 30-year olds, are hardly sure of what to keep and what to get rid of, compared with that of 5 percent one decade ago.

16 3.(n.)+ with + (n.) a pretty girl
a girl with an angel-like face and a fairy-like figure

17 Case: 当今,很多有钱人喜欢通过买豪车来显
示自己的成功和存在。 (1)素颜版: Nowadays, a lot of riches like buying luxurious autos to show their existence.

18 (2)变妆版: These days, an overwhelming number of people, with money bulging out of their pockets, are switching their expenditure into purchasing limousines/luxurious vehicles, (which are) defined as the typical marks of one’s attainment.

19 (三)结构篇-------- 大作文(图表漫画类)
(三)结构篇 大作文(图表漫画类)

20 图表作文(英语二、英语一) 200字左右 What Why / effect Conclusion


22 审题: 1. 增长率有所放缓; 2.虽网购市场趋于成熟,增长率放缓,但其占社会消费品零售的总额将稳步上升,交易规模增长迅猛; 3,最后可以看到,网购占社会消费品零售总额的比重仍然偏低,发展空间巨大。随着人们生活条件以及教育水平、网络技术的进一步提升,必将有更好的发展。

23 漫画作文: 字 What Why / effect How


25 关键字: 梦想,抗挫折能力,充分准备, 迎难而上 An exciting story often goes like this: it is not possible for anyone to go through the river by a broken wood bridge. Then, a weak but brave snail is expected to fly like a bird and get to the other side of the river without any accident.

26 Unfortunately, story is as story does
Unfortunately, story is as story does. The truth is this little cute animal, even with a history thousands of years longer than human beings’, would put its fate on the line and drop to the river probably.

27 The story, as the cartoon shows, is to tell us to reconsider the relationship between ideal and reality. Sometimes we may paint ourselves a very brilliant blue print before taking any investigation into the situation, which is more often much fiercer than we have ever imagined.

28 Hence, when the real difficulty comes, we always appear anxious and even cannot believe what is happening in front of us. Actually, it is the lack of adequate preparations rather than the difficulty itself that results in a negative outcome.

29 Thus, it is essential to consider everything possible before initiating a program. Meanwhile, dream is not a bad thing. You should never give up when the aim seems unexpectable. After all, the snail is still hanging on the end of the bridge. There is a chance, isn’t there? If you assure that your life goal is elevating and worth trying, you just go and get it.

30 Your story may not have a such happy beginning, but that doesn‘t make who you are. It is the rest of your story, who you choose to be. 你人生故事的开头也许充满坎坷,但这并不影响你成为什么样的人。关键看后来的人生路,你选择怎么走下去。 《功夫熊猫2》

31 朱伟 作文20篇考前给力大促 9.9元【限量】包邮 抢购网址: 南昌新东方:


33 下期讲座 12月13号晚19点 [YY:400211频道] 主讲:徐涛老师 学科:考研政治

34 祝各位同学金榜题名!

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