Is Collaborative Governance Just Another ‘Next New Thing’

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1 Is Collaborative Governance Just Another ‘Next New Thing’
David H. Rosenbloom Chair Professor of Public Management City University of Hong Kong & Distinguished Professor of Public Administration American University (Washington, DC)

2 Searching for a Definition of Collaboration 尋找協力治理的定義
"Something less than authoritative coordination and something more than tacit cooperation.“ 介於正式的官方合作與心照不宣的合作方式之間 "Formal contracting is often linked to hierarchical, or principal- agent relationships, whereas collaboration is usually understood as a convergent arrangement among organizations that have similar and congruent goals but are not bound by authority relationships."   正式的委外合作契約關係通常是與層級節制的關係、委託與被委託人之間的關 係相連結,然而,所謂的協力治理則是將擁有相同目標的不同組織連結在一 起,且不受限於正式的組織間的關係 Nevertheless, "Contracting for service delivery may qualify as fitting under the rubric of collaboration.“ 儘管如此,委外提供公共服務也算是協力治理的一種 Third Parties? For profit contractors? NPOs only? Other governments? 第三部門? 以營利為目的的契約商? 非營利組織? 或其他的政府組織

3 Some Multiple Purposes of Collaboration 協力治理的多元目的
Cost-effectiveness 成本效益分析 Specialization, expertise, capacity 專業性和效能 Subsidies 補助 Flexibility 彈性 Creativity 創新 Circumventing legal requirements 迴避法規 Politics 政治考量

4 Matching Contracts and Contractors with Purposes 根據不同目標 將契約與契約商結合
Just as we now have a 'tools' approach to achieving governmental objectives, we need a variety of contracting formats and procedures linked to different purposes and mixes of purposes when relying on third parties. Learning what works best will require many more case studies and aggregate data analyses than are now available. 現在我們擁有新的協力治理的方式來達成政府的目標 當依賴第三部門去實現政府的目標時,我們需要針對不同 的目標來擬定不同的契約的形式和程序。為了知道哪一種 形式或程序是最佳的,我們需要更多的個案研究和量化分 析

5 Management, Politics, and Law in Third Party Government 第三部門的管理、政治與法律
Management. Contract management and monitoring, performance measurement, right-sizing transaction costs, managing networks, and developing effective principal-agent relationships, building trust. 管理面:契約管理和監督、績效衡量、交易成本、網絡管理、發展有效的委託人和代理人間的關係、培養信任感 2. Politics. "What we learn from studying the government-nonprofit contracting relationship is that privatization is more a political than an economic act." Distribution, Downsizing, Trust building, Electoral politics, Non-mission goals.   政治面:從政府與非營利組織間的契約關係我們可以了解到私有化可 能是出於政治考量、而非為了經濟理性 分配效益、縮小規模、信任建立、選舉政治、非任務性目標 3. Law. (1) How should inherently governmental functions be defined and treated? (2) Should third parties be permitted to exercise governmental authority and/or be subject to the same legal constraints as governmental agencies? 法律面:核心的政府功能應如何界定?第三部門運用政府權力來執行 任務時,是否應該受到相同的法律規範?

6 Protecting Public Values: The Problem of Non-Mission Based Objectives 維護公共價值:非任務性質的目標的問題
Risk of diminishing commitment to non-mission based objectives Transparency, environmental protection, environmental justice, federalism, family viability 冒著降低對於非任務性質目標的投入的風險 - 透明化、環境保護、環境正義、聯邦主義、家庭的延續性 What is the political community's image of a civil servant and how is it embodied in administrative practices? 政治社群對於公務員應該有甚麼樣的作為抱持著何種想法? 這些公共價值應如何在實際的行政過程中實現? U.S. Progressives 美國的進步時代 Contemporary U.S. and ‘private sector’ (or mythology thereof) 當代的美國政府及私部門


8 •“Roughly two-thirds or more of all state agencies rely on contracting
•“Roughly two-thirds or more of all state agencies rely on contracting. Nevertheless, more than half the agencies allocate 10 percent or less of their budgets to contracting.“ 大約三分之二的政府單位依賴委外經營,但是超過一半的單 位只花了百分之十或更少的預算在委外經營上 •State government contracting peaked in the 1990s. 州政府委外經營在1990年代達到高峰 • Contracts account for less than 20 percent of state budgets overall.   委外經營占了州政府總預算的百分之二十以下 • There is no necessary theoretical or empirical connection between a government agency's internal organization and its collaborative efforts.  並沒有理論或實務上的根據證明政府單位內部的組織結構和 其協力治理的努力有一定的關係

9 Discussion 討論 Are We Missing the Next, Next New Thing? 我們是否忽略了接下 來的、更下一個新的發展趨勢? Rule of Law? 法律規範 Public Administration as the Ideology of the Dominant Political Coalition? 公共行政的角 色隨著主導的政黨而有改變? Other Ideas? 其他的想法?

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