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Reading: The Band That Wasn’t

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1 Reading: The Band That Wasn’t
Unit 5 Music Reading: The Band That Wasn’t

2 2. In what situation, you will like to listen to music?
Questions 1.Do you like music? 2. In what situation, you will like to listen to music?

3 Quiz 1 Country Music Orchestra Rap Classical Music Folk Music Jazz
Rock ’ n’ Roll Choral

4 Quiz 2

5 真的爱你 beyond 中国香港的摇滚乐队。 1983年beyond正式成立,由黄家驹、叶世荣、邓炜谦、李荣潮四名成员组成。1988年至1993年,beyond由黄家驹、黄贯中、黄家强、叶世荣四名成员组成。1994年至2005年,beyond由黄贯中、黄家强、叶世荣三名成员组成。

6 My Love Westlife 西城男孩,是在1998年成立的爱尔兰男子歌唱团体。 Westlife由Kian,Shane,Mark,Nicky和Bryan(2004年离队)组成.

7 突然好想你 五月天 台湾摇滚乐团,由乐队团长兼吉他手怪兽、主唱阿信、吉他手石头、贝斯玛莎和鼓手冠佑组成,前身为“So Band”乐团,在1997年3月29日更名为“五月天”。

8 无与伦比的美丽 苏打绿 Sodagreen,中国台湾知名乐团。2001年成立于校园,2003年确立现在6人阵容,成员包括主唱吴青峰、鼓手史俊威、贝斯手谢馨仪、键盘与中提琴手阿龚龚钰祺、电吉他手刘家凯、木吉他手阿福何景扬。

9 蝴蝶飞呀 小虎队 The Little Tigers是一组台湾男子组合,成员有苏有朋、吴奇隆和陈志朋三人。
代表作有《爱》 《红蜻蜓》 《蝴蝶飞呀》。

10 Do they have anything in common?
Questions Do they have anything in common? They are all bands.

11 Which band does the passage talk about?
The Monkees (门基乐队)

12 Reading The Band That Wasn't

13 Go over the passage and look for the main idea of each paragraph.
The Monkees started in a different way. Para 1: Para 2: Para 3: Para 4: Many people want to be famous as singers or musicians. How the Monkees became popular and how they developed as a real band. This is how most bands start.

14 Read more details while listening the text
They produced a new record in 1996 2.Most musicians get together and 3. They put an advertisement in … 4. The first TV show 5. However, the band broke up about 1970 C A E B but only one person was accepted. B. but reunited in the mid-1980s. C. form a band because they like to write and play music. D. to celebrate their time as a band. E. was a big hit.

15 Who are the two singers mentioned in Paragraph one?
Scanning Who are the two singers mentioned in Paragraph one? Song Zuying and Liu Huan

16 ABC 2. What musicians would do at the very beginning? _______ (para.2)
practice their music in someone’s house give performances in pubs or clubs play to passers-by in the street or subway play in front of thousands of people at a concert ABC

17 How many musicians were there when the band was formed at the beginning? (para.3)
Four B. Three C. Two D. One D

18 C. three years D. four years.
4. The Monkees started to play and sing their own songs like a real band in or so. (Para.4) A. one year B. two years C. three years D. four years. A

19 Consolidation Most musicians often meet and (形 成) a band. Sometimes they play in the street to (路人)so that they can e some money and this also gives them a c to (实现)their dreams. There was once a band started in a way. The musicians of the band played on form passers-by arn hance realize different jokes

20 own music. Though it up in 1970,
each other as well as played music,whose music and jokes were loosely based “The Beatles”. Their exciting performances were copied by other groups. “The Monkees” played their own (乐器)and wrote their own music. Though it up in 1970, it reunited in the mid-1980s and it is still popular today. on instruments broke

21 Let’s enjoy a song. I’m a believer ---by the Monkees

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