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低钾血症(hypokalemia) 外科教研室 曾守静 2009.11.30.

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1 低钾血症(hypokalemia) 外科教研室 曾守静

2 【教学目标】 1.掌握Health History of hypokalemia
2.熟练掌握clinical manifestation of hypokalemia 3.了解Principle Treatment of hypokalemia 4.掌握Nursing Assessment of hypokalemia 5.学会关心patient,时刻以patient为中心的医学理念

3 The potassium ([pə'tæsiəm],钾) in extracellular ([,ekstrə'seljulə],细胞外的) fluids constitutes only 2% of total body potassium, the remaining 98% is within body cells. The serum potassium concentration ([K+]) is determined primarily by the PH of ECF and the size of the intracellular K+ pool. The serum potassium concentration under 3.5mmol/L 即为低钾血症(hypokalemia )

4 【Nursing Assessment(护理评估) 】
一、Health History(健康史) ⑴Inadequate intake of potassium( 钾摄入不足):NPO(nothing by mouth长期禁食) ,少食等 ⑵Excessive external losses of potassium(钾丢失过多):vomiting (呕吐), diarrhea(腹泻),持续胃肠减压、 长期应用利尿剂等 ⑶ alkalosis(碱中毒) :With extracellular alkalosis , the PH rises, K+ move into cells. This movement of K+ may produce dangerous hypokalemia.

5 二、Physical Assessment(身体评估)
⑴myasthenia(肌无力):The clinical manifestations of hypokalemia relate to neuromuscular function: Dreased muscle contractility and muscle cell potential develop, and in extreme cases death may result from paralysis ([pə'rælisis] 瘫痪) of the muscles of respiration. 一般先出现在四肢,后累计呼吸肌和躯干肌。表现为软弱无力,严重paralysis, dyspnea(呼吸困难), asphyxia(窒息), decreased tendon reflex(腱反射减弱或消失)。 ⑵Gastrointestinal dysfunction(胃肠道功能障碍):可有abdominal distension(腹胀),nausea(恶心), vomiting(呕吐) 等。 ⑶Symptoms of central nervous system suppression(中枢神经抑制症状):早期restlessness(烦躁),严重时神志淡漠,lethargy(嗜睡)等。 ⑷Cardiac dysfunction(心脏功能异常):主要是心动过速,严重时心室纤颤或心脏停搏。 ⑸metabolic alkalosis(代谢性碱中毒): 反常性酸性尿等。

6 三、Diagnostic Studies(诊断检查)
1. serum potassium concentration <3.5mmol/L 2. electrocardiogram,ECG(心电图检查):T波低平或倒置,ST段降低,严重时出现U波。 四、Principle Treatment(治疗要点) Treatment consists of correcting the cause of hypokalemia and administering potassium.

7 【Nursing Diagnoses/Collaborative Problems(护理诊断及合作性问题) 】
1. fatigue, activity intolerance(疲乏、活动无耐力) 与肌无力,反射活动减弱有关 2. risk for injury(有受伤的危险) 与意识障碍有关 3. potential complication(潜在的并发症) 心律失常,心跳停止 【Nursing Interventions(护理措施) 】 1. correct the cause of hypokalemia 2.防治complication 3.及时补钾 ①浓度不过高 <0.3% ②滴速不过快 60—80滴/分 ③总量不过多 ④尿少不补钾 >40ml/h

8 练习题 1. 低钾血症病人最早出现的临床表现是( ) A 心动过缓 B nausea,vomiting C decreased tendon reflex D myasthenia 2. 病人,女性,体重50KG,反复nausea,测得血钠125mmol/L,血钾3mmol/L,最可能的诊断是( ) A hypokalemia ,hypertonic dehydration B hypokalemia , isotonic dehydration C 高钾血症, 重度缺钠 D hypokalemia ,中度缺钠 3. Blood K+ lower 3.5 mmol/L is( ) A. hyperkalemia B.hypokalemia C.acidosis D.alkalosis 4. The ECG manifestation of hypokalemia is the result of( ) Inversion of the T waves B. depression of the QRS C. widening of the ST segment D. widening of the T waves 【 Homework 】 1.理解clinical manifestation of hypokalemia 与 physiologic function of the potassium 的关系? 2.预习高钾血症(hyperkalemia)并与hypokalemia做比较

9 谢谢! 曾守静

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