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Leading-in It is reported that many high school students bring mobile phones to their schools. Do you think high school students should use mobile phones.

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Presentation on theme: "Leading-in It is reported that many high school students bring mobile phones to their schools. Do you think high school students should use mobile phones."— Presentation transcript:

1 Leading-in It is reported that many high school students bring mobile phones to their schools. Do you think high school students should use mobile phones at school?


3 It has been argued that mobile phones may be harmful to us. What is your idea on this issue? Do you think that the use of mobile phones is dangerous or not? Why?

4 Unit 1 Project Making a list of pros and cons

5 Read the title and the first paragraph carefully and answer the questions. What might be the writer’s attitude towards mobile phone use? Why do you think so?

6 He might be worried about the use of mobile phones because he says, ‘Scientists have recently provided us with some worrying findings’.

7 Worrying FindingsSupporting Details Read and fill in the form. From line 9 to line 15 Using a mobile phone doubles the risk of developing brain cancer. Para(2~3)

8 Worrying FindingsSupporting Details Digital mobile phones are an actual danger. From line 32 to line 45 Para(4~5)

9 Worrying FindingsSupporting Details Para(6~8) The reasons why there is no evidence about negative effects of mobile phones. From line 69 to line 75

10 Language Points 1. pros and cons 赞成者和反对者; 正面和反面的理由 2. base vt. 以 …… 为基础;以 …… 为 根据 base … on/upon … … be based on … 跟据 …… ; 基于 ……

11 e.g. Personal income tax is usually based on income. You should base your conclusion upon careful research.

12 3. equal adj. 相等的;同等的;平等的 be equal to … 等于 / 相当于 …… ; 胜任 …… without equal 无比、无敌 e.g. It is equal to me whether he comes or not. He is equal to (doing) the job.

13 4. link vt./vi. 连接、联系 link … with … 将 …… 同 …… 连接 / 结合 / 联系起来 … link up with … …… 同 …… 结合 / 连接 / 有联系

14 e.g. They always link theory with practice. His work links up with the research I am doing.

15 5. previous adj. 先前的;以前的 previous to … 在 …… 之前 e.g. We must make full investigation previous to reading a conclusion.

16 1. The report is based on the findings of research that was carried out in Sweden, comparing 1,617 patients found to have brain tumours( cancer) between 1997 and 2003 with the same number of healthy people. (P14)

17 [ 分析 ] 1) 句子结构分析: The report is based on the findings of research 是主句; that... 为定语从句; comparing... with... 为 V-ing 短语作状语,表伴随状况。

18 2) 语言知识分析: The report is based on the findings of research 意为 “ 这个报告 以研究发现为基础 ” 。 base... on / upon... 表示 “ 把 …… 建立在 …… 之上,以 …… 为基础 ” 。

19 carry out 意为 “ 进行、完成 ” 。 found to have brain tumours (cancer) 为动词过 去分词短语作定语,修饰名词 patients, 意为 “ 被发现有脑瘤的病人 ” 。

20 2. For this study, it was necessary to look at patients who had been using mobile phones for ten years or more, so the research concentrated on older types of mobile phones. (P14)

21 [ 分析 ] 1) 句子结构分析:在此句中, it 为形式主 语,不定式 to look at... 为真正的主语; who had been using... 为定语从句,修饰 前面的 patients ; so the research... 为结 果状语从句。

22 2) 语言知识分析: it is / was necessary to do sth. 意为 “ 做某事是必要的 ” 。由于主 语为一个很长的不定式短语,为了避免 头重脚轻,用 it 作形式主语,将真正的主 语置于句子的后面。 had been using 为过 去完成进行时,表示在过去某时间前一 直在发生的事情。 concentrate on 意为 “ 集中于 ” 。

23 根据句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注 释,写出各单词的正确形式 ( 每空限填一 词 ) 。 1. Do you think this present is s______ for a little boy? uitable

24 2. I s______ the newspaper when I was waiting for the bus. 3. She is a___________ as the best tennis- player in the world. 4. Men and women should have e______ rights. cknowledged canned qual

25 5. Is there a l____ between smoking and lung disease? 6. It seems good in t_____, but it doesn’t work in practice. 7. Oversleeping is nota a v____ excuse for being late for school. heory ink alid

26 8. We m_______ the room and found it was twenty feet long and fifteen feet wide. 9. To give a d________ of a word is more difficult than to give an example of its use. easured efinition

27 10. It’s very foolish of the commander to ______ ( 暴露 ) his men to unnecessary risks. 11. There is very little ______ ( 利润 ) in selling newspapers at present. expose profit

28 12. Statistics should be treated with ______ ( 谨慎 ). 13. I’d like my clothes to be simple but ______ ( 雅致的 ). elegant caution

29 Electronic devices are widely used these days. They save a lot of time and energy, but are there disadvantages in terms of health and society as well? The questions in the textbook in Part B will help you with the project?

30 Homework To do Parts B1, B2, D1 and D2 of the Workbook. To read Part A and then do Part B on page 109 of the Workbook.

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