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{ { 雅思阅读真经.

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Presentation on theme: "{ { 雅思阅读真经."— Presentation transcript:

1 { { 雅思阅读真经

2 网易2009中国教育年度大选——教育产业十大领军人物
主讲嘉宾:刘洪波 贵学教育总裁 北京雅思学校总校校长 建国60年推动中国教育培训功勋人物 网易2009中国教育年度大选——教育产业十大领军人物

3 阅读要7+ 如何读得快 如何读的懂 TFNG和Heading秘诀 近期热点总结 最近考什么

4 I. Mean band score for the most frequent countries or regions of origin

5 II. How to read faster 1. 物理疗法 NO SOUND What a nice car!

6 II. How to read faster 2. 正确浏览 Skim

7 II. How to read faster 3. 最快速雅思阅读法 剑7.1.2

8 II. How to read faster 剑7.1.2 1. Paragraph A xi A description of ancient water supplies 8. TFNG Water use person is higher in the industrial world than it was in Ancient Rome.

9 III. How to understand more

10 III. How to understand more 《剑桥雅思7》第25页第21题。
文章标题:Make every drop count 题型:TRUE/FALSE/NOT GIVEN 题目:Feeding increasing populations is possible due primarily to improved irrigation system. 原文:Food production has kept pace with soaring populations mainly because of the expansion of artificial irrigation systems that make possible the growth of 40% of the world’s food.

11 III. How to understand more 《剑桥雅思7》第21页第13题。文章标题:Let’s Go Bats
题型:Sentence Completion(句子填空) 题目:The word 'echolocation' was first used by someone working as a ………… (NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS) 原文: …The American zoologist Donald Griffin, who was largely responsible for the discovery of sonar in bats, coined the term 'echolocation' to cover both sonar and radar, whether used by animals or by human instruments.

12 III. How to understand more
《剑桥雅思7》第91页第13题。 文章标题:Pulling strings to build pyramids 题型:Summary(总结填空) 题目:In addition, over two thousand years ago kites were used in China as weapons, as well as for sending ………… (NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS) 原文: …And other ancient civilisations certainly knew about kites; as early as 1250 BC, the Chinese were using them to deliver messages and dump flaming debris on their foes.

13 IV. Secrets to TFNG

14 IV. Secrets to TFNG T F NG

15 IV. Secrets to TFNG 命题之七种武器

16 IV. Secrets to Headings C Yet there is a dark side to this picture: despite our progress, half of the world's population still suffers, with water services inferior to those available to the ancient Greeks and Romans. As the United Nations report on access to water reiterated in November 2001, more than one billion people lack access to clean drinking water; some two and a half billion do not have adequate sanitation services. Preventable water-related diseases kill an estimated 10,000 to 20,000 children every day, and the latest evidence suggests that we are falling behind in efforts to solve these problems.

17 vii. The relevance to health
IV. Secrets to Headings D The consequences of our water policies extend beyond jeopardising human health. Tens of millions of people have been forced to … vii. The relevance to health

18 IV. Secrets to Headings

19 V. Hot Topics 12/01/12 雪崩 Avalanche 12/09/06 吉尔伯特 和磁场 Magnetism

20 V. Hot Topics 12/02/04 奥运火炬 Olympic Torch 12/03/08 飓风 Hurricane
12/03/31 磁疗 Magnetic Therapy

21 V. Hot Topics 12/05/19 Voynich manuscript 文章导读
神秘的伏尼契手稿静静躺在耶鲁大学的图书馆里;精美的插图,流畅的文字,却无人认识;是古代炼金术士的记录?是占星家的谜语?还是外星人遗失的画册?随着专家的分析,答案正在揭晓….. parchment undeciphered properties maneuver

22 V. Hot Topics 12/08/25 Graffiti Doodle

23 V. Hot Topics 12/09/22 Yawn 文章导读
我们为什么打哈欠?是因为犯困还是感到无聊?为什么打哈欠会传染?打哈欠在生理上对人体有什么作用? contagious effect infect

24 V. Hot Topics 12/09/22 The Refrigerator 文章导读


26 各种跟风

27 直接抄袭

28 VI. Coming Next

29 P.S. Tips for IETLS Candidates
Listening Reading Writing Speaking

30 Where to find me?


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