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Unit 1 basketball Basketball is one of the fastest team sports. It is played between two teams of five players each.

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1 unit 1 basketball Basketball is one of the fastest team sports. It is played between two teams of five players each.

2  The objective of each team is to throw the ball into the opponent ’ s basket and to prevent the other side from scoring. Scores are made by passes, dribbles, breakthroughs and so on, subject to the rules.

3  Its popularity stems from the fact that it is a fast scoring game in which there is intense activity from the beginning till end. Now, the international playing time is 40 minutes which is divided into four periods of 10 minutes each. competition

4 Extra period  If the score is tied at the end of the fourth period, the game will be continued with an extra period or periods till the tie is broken.

5  The origin of the game of basketball dates back to 1891. The credit for starting this game and framing its rules goes to Dr.James Naismith. Dr. James Naismith was a teacher at the YMCA Training School in Springfield, Massachusetts.

6 Jame naismith  a Canadian-American teacher of physical, is recognized as the inventor of the sport of basketball. in 1891,he invented basketball as an indoor sport. He developed the game as an activity for his student during the winter months.

7  The international basketball federation was founded in Geneva in 1932, two years after the sport was officially recognized by the IOC. Its original name was federation international de basketball amateur in French.

8  The game of Basketball was first included in the Olympics in 1936 when the Games were held in Berlin. Women ’ s Olympic basketball competition began at the 1976 Games in Montreal in Canada.

9  FIBA has organized a World Championship for men since 1950 and a World Championship for Women since 1953. Both events are now held every fours.

10  In 1989, FIBA opened the door to Olympic participation by professionals such as players from the NBA in the United States. At this point, the name of FIBA changed into?

11 Playing court and equipment 1.Team bench area 2.Scorer ’ s table 3.Basket 4.Free-throw line 5.Center circle 6.Free-throw circle 7.Center line 8.Three-point line 9.Baseline ( endline) 10.sideline 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

12 0fficials in basketball match 1.The referee or chief official 2. Umpire( trail official; lead official) 3. Table official

13 Special terms about basketball  scoring  Timekeeping  Foul  Player substitution  Shot clock  violation

14 Players ’ position 1.Guard (point guard, shooting guard) 2.Forward (small forward, power forward)

15 The fouls  Personal fouls ( 个人犯规)  Technical foul (技术犯规)

16 personal fouls( 侵人犯规 - 个人犯规)  Hitting 打人  Pushing 推人  Holding 拉人  Charging 撞人  Blocking 阻挡  Illegal screen 非法掩护

17 Olympic basketball tournament  Basketball is played in 4 periods of 10 minutes each at the Olympic Games. A five- minute overtime follows if a game is tied. Both the men ’ s and the women ’ s basketball tournament is played with 12 teams. Period: 节 Five-minute overtime :5 分钟的加时 Tie: 平局 Tournament: 循环赛

18  Except the host country and the reigning World Champion, all teams have to qualify through a continental championship a year in advance to the Olympics. *reigning: 本届的,比赛最近获胜的 *qualify: 获得资格 *in advance to: 提前,在 … 之前

19  The men ’ s basketball made its Olympic debut in the 1936 Games in Berlin. Since that time, the united states outclassed the rest of the world until 1972, when the Soviet Union defeated the U.S team in a controversial game for the gold medal. Outclass: 大大超过 Controversial: 有争议的 Debut: 首次亮相

20  在 1972 年奥运会的决赛场上,美国和前苏联两国进行男篮决赛, 同样是最后 6 秒钟,前苏联以 49 ∶ 48 一分领先。这时候,美国队 的道格 · 柯林斯( NBA 状元秀,乔丹恩师,后成为率领公牛队的 著名教练)获得两次罚球机会,并且全部命中,比赛结束的哨 音随即响起。正在美国队大肆庆祝的时候,匈牙利籍裁判认为 比赛离结束还有 1 秒钟,让两队重新回到场上,前苏联队的一 个超级远投没有命中,美国队随即开始了更为热烈的庆祝。  但当时的国际篮联秘书长威廉姆 · 琼斯突然站出来,他认为柯林 斯罚完篮后,比赛实际上还剩 3 秒,于是命令比赛再重新开始, 就这样美国人只能硬着头皮再次回到场上,没想到前苏联球员 巴罗夫上篮球进,前苏联队最后以一分优势战胜了美国队、夺 得了奥运金牌,而这也是美国队在奥运历史上输掉的第一场比 赛。

21  During the next Olympiads, the U.S failed to win the gold medal twice. Women ’ s basketball was added to the Olympic program in 1976.

22  since then, the gold medals have been divided between the U.S, the Soviet Union and,after the break-up of the Soviet Union, the Commonwealth of Independent States. Besides, other countries with successful traditions in Olympic women ’ s basketball include Australia, Brazil, China, and the former Yugoslavia. Break up: 解体 the Commonwealth of Independent States :独联体

23  The situation changed dramatically in Barcelona in 1992, when the International Basketball Federation decided to allow professional players to take part in the Olympics. Dramatically: 巨大地 professional players :职业选手 take part in :参加

24  The U.S “ Dream Team ”, made up primarily of NBA stare, totally dominated competition once again, and “ Dream Team Ⅱ ”, though not quite as dominant, won with relative ease in 1996. At the 2000 Olympics in Sydney in Australia, the United States also won gold but did not dominate play as thoroughly as before. Made up of : 组成 Primarily: 主要地 Dominate :占主导地位 Relative ease: 相对轻松 Thoroughly: 完全地

25 Special terms about basketball  All-court press 全场紧逼  Assist 助攻  Chest pass 胸前传球  Dribble 运球  Fake pass 假传球  Follow-up shot 补篮  Holding 拉人

26  Jump shot 跳投  Passing 传球  Air pass 空中传球  Blocked shot 盖帽  Catch 接球  Cross pass 横传球  Five-second violation 五秒违例

27 EXERCISE  1. try to tell us your own playing basketball experience, it may be an unforgettable story!  2. try to say something about basketball including your favourite stars, ……

28  Free throw 罚球  Man-to-man defence 人盯人防守  Pressure defence 紧逼防守  Zonal defence 区域联防  Personal foul 个人犯规  Rebound 篮板球  Screen 掩护 screener 掩护队员  Three-point basket 三分篮

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