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景點介紹 林哲綸 鄭弘暐 李賀翔 邱昱翰 陳于傑 蔡文瀚.

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Presentation on theme: "景點介紹 林哲綸 鄭弘暐 李賀翔 邱昱翰 陳于傑 蔡文瀚."— Presentation transcript:

1 景點介紹 林哲綸 鄭弘暐 李賀翔 邱昱翰 陳于傑 蔡文瀚

2 佛光山 Fo Guang Shan(佛光山) is in Kaohsiung. 佛光山在高雄.
The scenery there is beautiful. 這裡風景很好. The people in the temple have no hair. 這間寺廟裡的人都沒有頭髮.

3 佛光山 This is Lantern Festival. 這是元宵節. This is a Cute little monk. 可愛的小和尚. There are always a lot of people during holidays. 假日總是很多人

4 佛光山 This is a landmark statue of Fo Guang Shan( 佛光山). 這是佛光山的地標神像. The statue is 108-meters high. 佛像高108公尺. That is about 36 stories 高約36樓高.

5 佛光山 There have eight towers In Fo Guang Shan. 這裡總共有八座塔. Each tower has a different meanings. 每座塔都有不同意義. It is worths a walk. 很值得來走一走.

6 旗津 Cijin(旗津) is in Kaohsiung. It is a very hot place. It's well-known attractions Cijin white lighthouse.

7 旗津 You can take the boat back to Siziwan(西子灣) here. It's a very beautiful Place. This is a must-go attraction for tourists.

8 旗津 This is called Windmill Park and it is in Cijin(旗津) Many people come here To fly kites. The disadvantage is that there is no shade for visitors.

9 旗津 There are many Very cute horsed here. This is a special feature of Cijin(旗津). The police officers patrol around this place on the horses.

10 忠烈祠 1.This is a former Japanese shrine 以前是日本神社 2.It is located at the middle of the mountain 位於在山腰處 3.It is a traditional Chinese palace 傳統中國宮殿

11 忠烈祠 1.There are beautiful night views 有很漂亮的夜景
2.It is a must-go place for lovers 很多情侶會去 3.It is also a confession attraction 告白景點

12 忠烈祠 1.You can see Kaohsiung harbor fnm here 可以看到高雄港
2.It is one of Kaohsiung's famous attractions. 高雄有名的景點之一 3.There are street performers 有街頭藝人表演

13 忠烈祠 1.This place is called Shibayama 這裡是柴山
2.There are many monkey statues 有很多猴子的雕像 3.Each statue is very cute 每個雕像都非常可愛

14 真愛碼頭 Love pier

15 真愛碼頭 This is a yellow duckling 這是黃色小鴨 The scenery is beautiful at night 晚上景色很美 Crowds of people come here to visit 人潮很多

16 真愛碼頭 A romantic place 一個浪漫的地方 Many couples have a date here dating
很多情侶約會的聖地 This is a Suitable place for people to spend time chatting 適合閒聊消磨的場所

17 真愛碼頭 Morning view 早上的景色 This love sigh is a suitable place for taking pictures for lovers 愛心的標記適合拍照的地點

18 真愛碼頭 Transformers come to 來至變形金剛 This is a hornet statude made of iron Hornet 這是大黃蜂 Both Adults and children love it 小孩大人都愛它

19 義大 This is the a large hospital. 這是義大醫院 Hospitalized patients place 病人就醫的地方 Health Check where 健康檢查的地方

20 義大 This is the Shopping Mall. 這是義大世界購物廣場 The is a shopping paradise for people who love shopping 愛購物的人的天堂 So,this is a good place for holiday shopping and leisure,entertainment. 假日休閒逛街的好地方

21 義大 This is a Hotel call 天悅 這是義大天悅飯店 Guests can sleep and rest here. 旅客睡覺的地方 This is also a place in festivals. 節日施放煙火的地方

22 義大 Here is the amusement park 這裡是義大遊樂世界 It is a very exciting place.
很刺激的地方 This is a popular site for graduates. 畢學生業旅行會去的地方

23 夢時代 This is the Dream Mall Ferris wheel 這是夢時代購物中心的摩天輪 Ferris wheel looks beautiful 摩天輪看上去很美 Adults and children cau play there 成人兒童可以玩

24 夢時代 This is the Dream Mall 這是夢時代購物中心 People cau go shopping there 人們可以去購物 那裡 This is a place for people to relax 這是人們休閒的好去處

25 夢時代 This is the shopping center.這裡是購物中心 The shopping areas are beautiful and wide inside. 這個購物中心非常的漂亮 裡面也非常的寬敞

26 夢時代 This is a shopping center at night 這是晚上的購物中心 There the Annual activities for new year. 每年的跨年活動的地方 people can participate in New Year's activities. 讓人家可以參加跨年的地方

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