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日 常 生 活 英 語  住 屋 系 列 Living room Bedroom    Bathroom.

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2 日 常 生 活 英 語  住 屋 系 列 Living room Bedroom    Bathroom

3 This project is made by Janice Wang
This project is made by Janice Wang. The author designed this series of daily life English for the beginners. This series is divided into three topics: Living room, Bedroom, and Bathroom. The relating daily life English could give the learners basic English, arouse their interests to learn English. Each topic has five parts. The first part is the caption of the topic. The readers can through the caption, easier to memorize those vocabularies. The second part is the vocabularies list which added the Chinese explanations. The third part is the Extra Stuff which provided the relating words and phrase to enlarge learners’s language store. The fourth part is the Slang and Idioms, support the relating slang and idioms to let learners not only learned the received English but also common and spoken English. The fifth part is the Dialogue. The dialogue used the slang and idioms we provided. The learners could more understand the content. The last part is designed for learners to test themselves about the content. This is the whole and completer English learning materials.

4 1.clock 時鐘 2.bookshelf 書架 3.TV 電視機 4.videotape 錄影帶 5.speaker 喇叭 6.TV stand 電視櫃 7.DVD player 數位影音光碟機 8.VHS player 錄影機 9.stereo system 立體音響 10.magazine rack 雜誌架 11.magazine 雜誌 12.floor lamp 立燈 13.sofa 沙發 14.cushion 坐墊 15.picture 畫 16.potted plant 盆栽 17.armchair 扶手椅 table 茶几 19.newspaper 報紙 20.rug 地毯 21.remote control 遙控器 .

5 相 關 用 語 1.What’s on? 現在在演什麼? 2.Could you pass me the remote?
可以請你拿遙控器給我嗎? 3.Keep your feet off the sofa. 腳不要放在沙發上。 4.This is boring—change the channel. 這節目好無聊喔─轉台吧。 5.Have you seen this movie? 你看過這部電影嗎? 6.Don’t tell me the ending. 不要告訴我結局。

6 EXTRA STUFF Who stars in this? 這是誰主演的? Is there a repeat? 這是重播的嗎?
Is this live? 這是現場直播的嗎? There are no subtitles! 沒有字幕! Turn it up a bit, please. 請大聲一點! Would you like a snack? 要來點小點心嗎?

7 俚 語 Couch potato電視迷 (couch:沙發或長椅) The box 電 視 (口語用法:因為電視的外觀方正像盒子一樣)
俚 語 Couch potato電視迷 (couch:沙發或長椅) The box 電 視 (口語用法:因為電視的外觀方正像盒子一樣) The tube電視 (口語用法:tube原指電視的映像管) Chill out 放輕鬆 (chill:寒冷) Kick back完成放鬆 Make yourself at home 不要拘束 (就像在自己家一樣)

8 成 語 Pull the rug from under (someone’s)feet 破壞某人的計畫 Pull當動詞是:拉、扯之意。
字面上看來就是從某人的腳下把地毯抽掉 ,想當然耳,某人一定會因為站不穩而跌 倒。後來用在「停止某人原有的支援或資 源,而且通常是突`然停止」,也就是「 破壞(某人)的計畫」。 My company pulled the rug out from under my feet when it cut the entire budget for my project. 公司刪除我整個計畫的預算, 簡直就是在破壞我的計畫嘛。

9 DIALOGUE Danny: Hi Sandra! Come in and make yourself at home.
Sandra: Thanks. What are you watching? Danny: It’s a DVD I rented. It stars Jackie Chan. Sandra: Oh yeah. I’v seen this one. In the end he… Danny: Don’t tell me the ending. I want to find out for myself! 丹尼 :嗨,珊卓拉。請進,不 要 拘束。 珊卓拉:謝啦。你在看什麼? 丹尼 :這是我租來的DVD。成 龍主演的喔。 珊卓拉:喔,這一部我看過了。 最後的結局是他、、、 丹尼 :先不要告訴我結局!我 要自己看!

10 A.Remote control B. Sofa C. Coaster D. Coffee table E. rug
F. Cushion G. DVD player H. floor lamp I. Bookshelf J. CD rack 1. Put you glass on this so it does’t leave rings on the table. 2. Two or more people can sit on this. 3. Use this to change channels. 4. A place to put your cups and snacks. 5. Store your CDs here. 6. You can use this to cover the floor. 7. Arrange and store your books on this. 8. You can view movies at home with this. 9. Turn this on for more light. 10. Use this to make sitting more comfortable. c b a d j e i g h f


12 Comforter  被子 Sheet  床單 Bedside light  床頭燈 Alarm clock  鬧鐘 Nightstand  床頭櫃 Nightgown  睡袍 Bed  床 Dresser   衣櫃 (chest of drawers) Coat hanger 衣架 Pajamas  睡衣褲 Headboard  床頭板 Pillow  枕頭 Night-light  夜明燈 Mattress  床墊 Rug  小地毯 Slippers  拖鞋 Pillowcase  枕頭套

13 Stop snoring! 不要打呼了! I can’t sleep! 我睡不著! Have you set the alarm clock? 你設定好鬧鐘了嗎? Turn off the alarm! 把鬧鈴關掉! Bedtime story 床邊故事。 Please turn on the lights. 請把燈打開。 Put your clothes on the coat hanger. 把你的衣服掛在置衣架上。 Stay on your own side of the bed. 睡你自己那邊的床。

14 Catnap 小睡片刻 Forty winks 小睡片刻 Early bird 早起的人 Hit the hay 上床睡覺 Hit the sack 上床睡覺 Night owl 夜貓子 Nod off 打瞌睡 Out like a light 睡的很沉 Sleep like a baby 睡的很香甜

15 Get up on the wrong side of the bed.
早上起床心情就不好 Get up是:起床;get up on the wrong side of the bed 字面上的意思為「起床起錯 邊」。起床為一天中的 第一件事,從一開始就 不順利,心情多少會受到影 響,故Get up on the wrong side of the bed表示「早上起床 心情就不好」。動詞可代換為wake up,其意 義是相同的。 Why are you in such a bad mood? Did you get up on the wrong side of the bed this morning? 幹嘛情緒那麼糟?早上起床心情就不好啊?

16 DIALOGUE Husband: oh no! Look at the time! I overslept.
Wife : We forgot to set the alarm clock. You’d better hurry or you’ll be late for work! Husband: I know. Where are my pants? Wife : They’re over there in the dresser. And your shirts on a coat hanger. 先生:噢,不!看看都幾點了!我睡過頭了。 太太:我們忘了調鬧鐘。你最好動作快一點,否則你上 班要遲到了。 先生:我知道,我的褲子呢? 太太:在衣櫃裡,還有你的襯衫在衣架上。

17 I. Alarm clock J. pillowcase 1/ People sometimes wear these to sleep.
A. slippers B. nightgown C. pajamas D. bedside light E. comforter F. pillow G. mattress H. dresser I. Alarm clock J. pillowcase 1/ People sometimes wear these to sleep. 2/ This helps you wake up on time. 3/ Something you wear on your feet. 4/ You put your pillow inside this. 5/ If you want to read in bed, you need this. 6/ This makes your bed more comfortable. 7/This is used to support your head. 8/ Some women wear this in bed. 9/ You store your shirts and pants in this. 10/ This can keep you warm in winter. C I A J D G F B H E


19 mirror 鏡子 toothbrush 牙刷 Toothpaste 牙膏 mouthwash 漱口水 floss 牙線 hair gel 髮膠 hand towel 擦手毛巾 shaving cream 刮鬍膏 Faucet 水龍頭 sink 洗臉台 facecloth 洗臉毛巾 soap 香皂 soap dish 香皂盒 razor 刮鬍刀 Comb 扁梳 hairbrush 梳子

20 相 關 用 語 Stop looking at yourself in the mirror! 別再照鏡子了!
Have you washed your hands? 你洗手了沒? Stop wasting water! 別再浪費水了! My hair’s a mess! 我的頭髮好亂! I need to freshen up. 我需要梳洗一番。

21 EXTRA STUFF Don’t forget to brush your teeth before going to bed.
上床前別忘了刷牙。 Did you floss your teeth? 你用牙線剔牙了嗎? Does my hair look OK? 我的頭髮看起來還可以嗎? You look great! 你看起來很好啊! Gosh! I need to get my hair cut. 天啊!我需要去剪個頭髮了。 Don’t forget to pack your toothbrush for the trip! 旅行時別忘了帶牙刷。

22 To look burned out看起來累極了 To look like a million dollars (外表)看起來很棒
To look great看起來很好 To look tired看起來很累 To look burned out看起來累極了 To look like a million dollars (外表)看起來很棒 To check one’s appearance 整理某人的服裝儀容 To really suit somebody很適合某人 To look one’s best呈現某人最好的一面 A close shave 很驚險 Shave是「刮除身體上毛髮」的意思,close shave原是非常貼緊皮膚刮除毛髮的意思,由於刀片十分銳利稍有不慎就會割傷自己,引申為「十分驚險」的意思 That was a close shave! That bus almost hit our car! 剛才真驚險!那輛公車差點就撞上我們的車!

23 DIALOGUE Sam: How often do you brush your teeth?
Lisa: After every meal. I want to keep my teeth healthy. Sam: Me too. But do you floss? My dentist says that’s very important too! Lisa: I didn’t know that. I think I’ll start flossing as well. Thanks for the tip! 山姆:你多久刷一次牙? 麗沙:每次用餐後。我想要保持我的牙齒健康。 山姆:我也是,但你有使用牙線嗎?我的牙醫說 那也很重要! 麗沙:這我就不知道了。我想我也要開始使用牙線了 。 謝謝你告訴我這小密訣! ccCc

24 PRACTICE A. shaving cream B.toothbrush C.mouthwash
D. hair gel E.soap F.faucet G. hand towel H.mirror I.Soap dish J. razor 1.You use this to make your hands very clean. 2.Water comes out of here. 3.You put this on your skin before you shave. 4.Something used to brush your teeth. 5.This makes you breath fresh. 6.Use this to dry your hands. 7.This helps you style your hair. 8.You put your soap in this. 9.Look into this to see your face. 10.Use this to shave hair off your body. E F A B having cream toothbrush mouthwash hair gel soap faucet hand towel mirror Soap dish razor You use this to make your hands very clean. Water comes out of here. You put this on your skin before you shave Something used to brush your teeth. This makes you breath fresh. Use this to dry your hands. This helps you style your hair. You put your soap in this. Look into this to see your face. Use this to shave hair off your body. C G D I H J

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