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An introduction to professional interpreting

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1 An introduction to professional interpreting
Brief history of conference interpreting as a modern profession Types of interpreting Basic requirements for interpreters Professional codes of conducts Difficulties in interpretation

2 Brief history of interpreting as a modern profession
The oldest and the youngest profession Two historical events stimulated the development of the profession: the Paris Peace Conference of 1919, and the Nuremberg Trials of Nazi war criminals.

3 The symbols of the formal establishment of conference interpretation as a profession: the first Interpreting school was set up in 1950 in Geneva, Switzerland. AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, was founded on Nov. 11, 1953 with its Secretariat located in Geneva.

4 the profession development in China
an official post in the Zhou Dynasty called象,舌人等 the training of the interpreters started in late 1970s Chinese was accepted as a working language of the UN

5 Come to the new century ,much more institutions and schools are set up
The rapid development of the profession since the 50s. Up to 1995, there are 243 institutions that train translators and interpreters throughout the world Come to the new century ,much more institutions and schools are set up

6 Types of interpreting Alternating interpretation (交替口译)
Consecutive interpretation (接续口译) Simultaneous interpretation (同声口译) Whispering interpretation (耳语口译) Sight interpretation (视阅口译)

7 Basic requirement for the interpreters
A good mastery of the working language Sufficient knowledge of the subject of the texts and speeches in question The techniques needed in interpreting Psychological competence; i.e. being quick-witted, calm and resourceful

8 Professional Codes of Conduct
• Confidentiality (observe the secrecy保密) •  Impartiality ( keep fair中立) •  Accuracy (准确) • Objectiveness (实事求是) punctuality (守时) • Competence (maintain the professional standard) Great Responsibility

9 Difficulties in Interpretation
Greeting (称谓的口译) Idiom (谚语的口译) Quotation (引语的口译) Figure (数字的口译) Culture differences

10 1. Greeting 总工程师 chief engineer 总教练 head coach 总干事 secretary-general
总经理 general manager; managing director 局长 director/head of the bureau; bureau chief

11 副总统 vice president 副省长 vice governor 副市长 vice mayor 副教授 associate professor 副研究员 associate research fellow 副主任医师 associate senior doctor

12 副秘书长 deputy secretary-general 副院长 deputy dean 助理工程师 assistant engineer 助理农艺师 assistant agronomist 高级编辑 senior editor 高级工程师 senior engineer 资深翻译 senior translator

13 首席执行官 chief executive officer (CEO) 首席法官 chief judge 首席记者 chief correspondent 代理市长 acting mayor 常务理事 managing director 执行主席 executive chairman/chair; (or presiding chairman) 名誉校长 honorary president

14 主任秘书 chief secretary 主治医师 attending/chief doctor; physician; consultant 特级教师 special-grade senior teacher 特派记者 accredited correspondent 特约编辑 contributing editor

15 2. Idiom 谚语的口译大致可分为三种类型: “形同意合”的口译 “形似意合”的口译 “形异意合”的口译

16 形同意合 英汉两种语言中都有许多“形”同“意”合的谚语。 Facts speak louder than words. 事实胜于雄辩。
Failure is the mother of success. 失败乃成功之母。 Like father, like son. 有其父,必有其子。 Pride goes before a fall. 骄者必败。

17 The style is the man. 文如其人。 More haste, less speed. 欲速则不达。 Man proposes, God disposes. 谋事在人,成事在天。 The tongue cuts the throat. 祸从口出。/ 言多必失。

18 Culture differences customs habits gestures thinking

19 形似意合 英汉语言中有许多谚语虽然“形”有所不同,但表意却有惊人的相似之处。
Speak of the devil (and he will appear). 说到曹操,曹操到。 A new broom sweeps clean. 新官上任三把火。 Teach fish to swim. 班门弄斧。

20 Have a card up one’s sleeve.
胸有成竹。 Put the cart before the horse. 本末倒置。 Gifts blind the eyes. 拿了手短,吃了嘴软。 The same knife cuts bread and fingers. 水能载舟,亦能覆舟。 A sparrow can’t understand the ambition a swan. 燕雀安知鸿鹄之志。

21 形异意合 当遇到第三类谚语时,常常会因“形”生“意”,造成误译。 Late fruit keeps well. 大器晚成。
A hedge between keeps friendship green. 君子之交淡如水。 Rest breeds rust. 生命在于运动。

22 Mary kiss the baby for the nurse’s sake.
醉翁之意不在酒。 Everybody’s business is nobody’s business. 三个和尚没水吃。 The moon is not seen when the sun shines. 小巫见大巫。 The pot calls the kettle black. 五十步笑百步。

23 3. Quotation 政府首脑,文化人士,社会名流在接待或访问时常常在演讲中引用一些名家名言,经典诗句,以表达自己的感情,观点和立场,或赞颂对方的国家的文化传统。 天生万物,唯人为贵。 Man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters. 逝者如斯夫,不舍昼夜。 The passage of time is just like the flow of water, which goes on day and night.

24 二人同心,其利断金。 If two people are of the same mind, their sharpness can but through metal. 一乡之善士斯友一乡之善士,天下之善士斯友天下之善士。 A good citizen in one community will befriend the other citizens of the community; a good citizen of the world will befriend the other citizens of the world.

25 4. Figure 英语数字的表达以每三位数为一段位;汉语以每四位数为一段位。 1,234,567,891,234
One trillion two hundred and thirty-four billion five hundred and sixty-seven million eight hundred and ninety-one thousand two hundred and thirty-four 一兆/万亿 二千三百四十五亿 六千七百八十九万 一千二百三十四

26 口译的笔记 口译笔记应记要点,切忌记“全”。主要是概念、命题、名称、数字、组织机构和逻辑关系(大小、先后、因果等)。笔记单位以表达意群的词语和符号为主。 口译笔记求快求精,但不可潦草。速记符号不宜过多。

27 口译笔记以何种文字,何种符号纪录为佳,取决于译员的能力、经验、和习惯。有经验的译员往往会混合使用来源语、目标语和其他符号,如“联合国大会”可记为“UN大”或“联大”.
应随身携带一本开本稍窄\可上下翻动的记事本.记录时行幅宜窄,行间稍宽,两边留有空间.每行的信息量不宜多, 字体符号不宜过小,笔墨不宜过浅. 熟记些略语,速记符号.如 eg. etc. ie. cf. esp. min. max usulpe. ref. Co. dvlp. std

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