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Presentation on theme: "ENGLISH FOR OUTBOUND TOUR LEADERS"— Presentation transcript:


2 Teach and Learn Scene Special Terms Useful Language
30 minutes every day

3 考核 平时:30% 回答问题、作业 期中:30% 场景再现 期末:40% 分小组根据课文改写剧本并表演

§1 Check-in at the Airport §2 Immigration and Emigration §3 Deal with Special Situations UNIT 2 ON THE PLANE §1 Having Meals §2 Showing Care for Sick Tourists §3 In-flight Services §4 Before Arrival UNIT 3 AT THE HOTEL §1 Check-in at the Hotel §2 Hotel Service §3 Inquiring at the Hotel §4 Checkout at the Hotel

5 About Test Group Cooperation How to test Which scene
2 or 3 classmates in a group How to test Repeat the conversations in the class Which scene You may select what you like Chosen by lot About terminal examination Chose at least two scenes in the book by lot (2/45) Play for about 20 minutes Repeat the conversations by group(4-6)

6 海外领队 Tour Escort [美加] 护送、礼宾随员 Tour Conductor [日] 海外添乘员 Tour Leader [欧]
Person or persons accompanying sb. For courtesy sake;(为了礼仪的缘故陪同某人的人员和人们) Tour Conductor [日] 海外添乘员 Official in charge of passengers on a trip Tour Leader [欧] Person who leads tour;(领导旅游的人员) Tour Manager [亚、台] Person who controls tour business;(控制旅游事物的人) Tour Guide [国际] Person who shows other the way, esp. a person employed to point out interesting sights on a journey or a visit.(向其他人引路的人,特别是在旅行和参观中,受雇佣而指出有趣景物的人。)

7 §1 Check-in at the airport
Unit 1 At The Airport §1 Check-in at the airport Produce the immigration and emigration procedures to the tourists before leaving the country, and help them fill in the arrival cards. Confirm the departure time, number of tourists and status with the airlines. Arrange board bus, and get to the airport 2 hours before the flight departs. Select one tourist as the group leader to help others gather and assist tour leader check-in. Check the number of luggage, and reminder them take care of belonging and valuables.

8 §1 Check-in at the Airport
Working Procedures Keep the boarding passes and luggage tags of the group after check-in, inquire the departure time, boarding time, gate, scheduled time etc. Keep enough time when come into the waiting room, once announces boarding, show up the tourists boarding the flight one by one immediately.

9 §1 Check-in at the Airport
Unit 1 At The Airport §1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk At the Check-in Counter Luggage Check-in Transit and Transfer Getting aboard a Plane Airport Announcement


11 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Welcome Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Answer Yes, I’d like to know whether there is… Good afternoon, ma’am. May I help you? Good evening, sir. What can I do for you?

12 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Depart [v] Go away; leave 10:15开往伦敦的火车从4号站台上车 Departure [n] 飞机什么时候起飞? Departure lounge 请到候机室等候通知 The 10:15 train to London departs from platform 4. What’s the departure time of the flight. Please wait at the departure lounge until it’s announced.

13 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Departures International departure Domestic departure Departure gate Departure time Departure card Departure to Stairs and lifts to departures 出站(出港、离开) 国际航班出港 国内航班出港 登机口 起飞时间 出境卡 前往 由此乘电梯前往登机

14 Useful Language Thank someone Thank you very (so) much, indeed.
§1 Check-in at the Airport Useful Language Thank someone Thank you very (so) much, indeed. Thank you for your help/service … That’s (it’s) very kind/considerate of you. I (really) appreciate your help. You are so helpful, thanks a lot. Thanks anyway.

15 Useful Language Response to someone thanking you You’re welcome.
§1 Check-in at the Airport Useful Language Response to someone thanking you You’re welcome. (It’s) my pleasure. With pleasure. At your service. Don’t mention it. Glad to be of service. It’s our pleasure to serve you.

16 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Connect (with sth.) (of a train, plane, etc) be timed to arrive so that passengers can transfer from or to another train, plane, etc. 中午有一班联运飞机 我可以在这里转机到洛杉矶吗? 我该在哪里搭乘转接的班机? (指火车、飞机等)安排好到达时间,以便中转的旅客 换乘另一火车、飞机等实行联运。 There’s a connecting flight at midday. Can I make a connecting flight here to LA? Where should I take my connecting flight?

17 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk 联运柜台 联运机票 登机桥 Change flight Interchanging of passengers Interline baggage Interline counter/passenger Connecting counter Connecting ticket Connecting bridge 换机飞行 旅客换机 转机行李 转机柜台/换机旅行游客

18 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Board Get on or into (a ship, a train, a aircraft, a bus etc.) 请立刻上飞机。 乘飞机往巴黎的BA193班机的旅客现在可以登机了。 上(船、火车、飞机、公共汽车等) Please board the plane immediately. Flight BA193 for Paris is now boarding.

19 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk On board On or in a ship or an aircraft 旅客已经上船/上飞机了吗? 在船上或在飞行器上 Have the passengers gone on board yet?

20 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Boarding pass (card) Card allowing a person to board a ship or plane 请问在哪里换登机牌,给行李称重? 登机时,你得出示登机牌。 登机牌 Where can I get my boarding pass and have my luggage weighed? You will have to show the boarding pass on your way to boarding the plane.

21 Appendix 1 Boarding Pass

22 Appendix 1 Boarding Pass

23 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Check-in [1] Act of checking in at an airport 办理登机手续的时间 登机手续有哪些? 在机场登记登机 Check-in time What are the check-in procedures?

24 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Check-in [2] Place where one checks in at an airport before a flight 这是到悉尼去的航班登记处吗? (在机场的飞机起飞前的)登记处 Is this the right counter to check in for the flight to Sydney?

25 At the Information Desk
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Information Desk Checked luggage/baggage; registered bag 请问我能在这里办理到曼谷航班的行李托运手续吗? 你有多少行李要托运? 请记住领取您的托运行李。 托运行李,过磅行李 Can I have my luggage checked in here for the flight to Bangkok? How many pieces of checked luggage have you got? Please don’t forget to claim your checked luggage.

26 At the Check-in Desk Tag 标签
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Check-in Desk Tag Label fastened to or stuck into sth to identify it, show its price, etc 附上名字标签 这是行李箱的两张标签,这是手提行李的两张标签。 行李票 标签 Put a name-tag on it. Here are two tags for the suitcases and two labels for the hand luggage. Luggage claim tag Claim tag Baggage claim check

27 At the Check-in Desk Aisle
§1 Check-in at the Airport At the Check-in Desk Aisle Passage between rows of seats in a church, theatre, railway carriage, etc. Aisle seat Window seat 您对座位有什么偏好吗? 您喜欢什么样的座位,是靠窗的,还是靠通道的? 可以给我一个靠近机尾的座位吗? (教堂、剧院、客车车厢等内座位间的)通道,走道 靠道座位 靠窗座位 Do you have any seat preferences? Which seat do you prefer, a widow seat or an aisle seat? Can I have a seat in the back of the plane?

28 Luggage Check-in Allowance 免费携带行李额(尤指在飞机上)
§1 Check-in at the Airport Luggage Check-in Allowance A luggage allowance, ie amount of luggage a passenger can take free, esp on aeroplane. 您的行李超过免费限额。 请问免费行李有什么规定? 头等舱允许携带30公斤免费行李,经济舱允许携带20公斤免费行李。 免费携带行李额(尤指在飞机上) Your luggage exceeds the free baggage allowance. What’s the luggage allowance, please? 30 kilograms free luggage allowance for first class and 20 kilograms for economy class.

29 Luggage Check-in Traveling bag Carry-on luggage 旅行包 您可以随身带一件手提行李上机。
§1 Check-in at the Airport Luggage Check-in Traveling bag Carry-on luggage 您可以随身带一件手提行李上机。 我可以拿一些东西出来当手提行李吗? 旅行包 手提行李 You may carry one piece of hand luggage into the cabin. Let me take some stuff out as hand luggage. Is that alright?

30 Transit and Transfer Transfer (旅途中的)中转、换乘,改变路线
§1 Check-in at the Airport Transit and Transfer Transfer Changing to a different vehicle, route, etc during a journey. 凡需中转的旅客请到机场的中转服务台办理手续。 (旅途中的)中转、换乘,改变路线 Would all transfer passengers please report to the airport transfer desk.

31 Transit and Transfer Transit Transit Visa 过境
§1 Check-in at the Airport Transit and Transfer 过境 Transit Transit Visa Visa allowing a person to pass through a country but not to stay there. 我的过境卡丢了,怎么办? 从这里怎么到过境大厅? 过境签证 I lost my transit card. What should I do now? How do I get to the transit lounge from here?

32 Getting aboard a Plane Available
§1 Check-in at the Airport Getting aboard a Plane Available adj [1] (of things) that can be used or obtained 票房有票 这本书有货时就通知你。 只剩下那个房间可用了。 (指物)可用的或可得到的 Tickets are available at the ticket/box office. You will informed when the book becomes available. This was the only available room.

33 Getting aboard a Plane Available
§1 Check-in at the Airport Getting aboard a Plane Available [2] (of people) free to be seen, talk to, etc. 我下午有空。 这儿只有三个座位了。 (指人)可会见的,可与之交谈的等 I’m available in the afternoon. There are only 3 seats available.

34 Getting aboard a Plane Lavatory 厕所,洗手间 Wash room Toilet-room
§1 Check-in at the Airport Getting aboard a Plane Lavatory 厕所,洗手间 Wash room Toilet-room Comfort room Rest room Public lavatory Public conform station Toilet Bath room Water closet Public convenience Where can I wash my hands?

35 Airport Announcements
§1 Check-in at the Airport Airport Announcements Qantas Queensland and Northern Territory Aerial Services Limited (1920)

36 Special Terms Carousel 行李传送带
§1 Check-in at the Airport Special Terms Carousel 行李传送带 (esp at an airport) revolving apparatus or moving belt on which luggage is placed for collection by passengers

37 §2 Immigration and Emigration
Unit 1 At The Airport §2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities Luggage Claiming Customs Clearance Security Check Emigration Formalities Tax Refund

38 International certificate of vaccination
入境 经过卫生 检疫 办理入境 手续 领取托运 行李 接受海关 查验 与导游 会面 交验黄皮书 交验健康证明 交付入境卡 查验护照签证 凭牌拿取行李 出问题应交涉 交付海关申报表 接受抽查 国际预防接种证书 International certificate of vaccination

39 被禁止入境的主要原因 入境后可能危害国家安全、社会秩序或违反公共利益的 属于本国政府禁止入境黑名单上的
使用伪造的护照、签证、入境许可证或其他证件的 患有某种传染疾病的 携带资金不充足,或缺乏生活手段,有可能成为社会公众负担的 受到国际刑事警察组织通缉的犯罪分子 以前在入境国内违法或犯罪而被驱逐出境的

40 领队带领旅游团入境 向入境检查人员交付入境所需的证件和文件 接受盘问 完成入境检查 为何来此地 准备到哪几个城市 团队的人数共有多少
准备停留多久 住在哪家饭店 当地负责接待的旅行社是哪家 身上带了多少钱 完成入境检查

41 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities 入境卡 Immigration card / form Arrival card Disembarkation card Landing card Incoming passenger card Inspection card

42 Appendix 3 Immigration Card

43 Appendix 3 Immigration Card

44 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities Here you are. There you go. There you are. Here you go. 你又这样了/你又来了。

45 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities What’s the purpose of your visit? I am here to + v I am here for + n I am here with… 你此行的目的是什么? visit my friend. sightseeing/ business/ vacation/ conference/ education…

46 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities How long will you be staying… Where do you intend to stay … Are you going to stay … 您打算在本国停留多久? 您会住在洛杉矶什么地方? How long do you intend to stay while in the country? Where are you going to stay in LA?

47 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities Return ticket 单程票 可更改搭乘日期的票 预先订票 事先向旅行社订机票 返程票,来回票 Round-trip ticket One-way ticket Single ticket Open ticket Book Book tickets in advance from the travel agency

48 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities Vaccination Health certification 我随身带了国际旅行健康证明书。 请把你的健康证明书和防疫证明给我。 接种疫苗 健康证明 I’ve got my Health Certificate for International Travelers. May I have your Health Certificate and Vaccination Certificate?

49 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities Check 我能核对一下您的护照吗? 请核对一下行李领取证。 你检查钱包或其他地方了吗? 检查;检验;核对;核实 Could I see your passport for cross-checking? Please check your luggage claim tags. Have you checked your wallet or anywhere else?

50 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities Clear (of goods) pass through (sth) after satisfying official requirements 我们的行李已通过海关。 (指货物)(符合官方规定)通过(某物) Our baggage has cleared customs.

51 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities Go through (of a law, bill, etc) be officially approved or accepted You may go through now. You are in the clearance now. I think you are cleared. 你可以走绿色通道。 若有物品要申报要走红色通道。 (指法律、法案等)被正式通过或该法案已正式通过 You can go through the green channel. Go through the red channel if you have something to declare.

52 Immigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Immigration Formalities One by one=individually in order 逐个处理单子上的项目 一个一个地解决问题 请准备好登机牌,跟着我一个挨一个到登机口 一个一个地,(逐一),依次地 Go through the items on a list one by one. Solve the problems one by one. Please get your boarding passes ready and follow me to the boarding gate one by one.

53 Exercise 海关人员:你此行的目的是什么? 比利: 我来这里度假的。 海关人员:你要在美国呆多久? 比利: 我打算在美国停留一个星期。
比利: 我来这里度假的。 海关人员:你要在美国呆多久? 比利: 我打算在美国停留一个星期。 海关人员:你会住在哪里? 还有,你有回北京的返程机票吗? 比利: 我会住在我朋友家,这是我的返程 机票。

54 Luggage Claiming Go about
§2 Immigration and Emigration Luggage Claiming Go about Start to work at sth; approach or tackle sth; set about sth. 你处理此事的方法不对。 开始做某事,处理某事;着手某事 You’re not going about the job in the right way.

55 Luggage Claiming Show up 到来(通常在耽搁一段时间后)出现
§2 Immigration and Emigration Luggage Claiming Show up Arrive; often after a delay; appear 十点钟他终于到了. 我的手提箱还没有到。 我想知道我的行李何时会到? 所有的行李都出来了吗? 到来(通常在耽搁一段时间后)出现 It was ten o’clock when he finally showed up. My suitcase hasn’t arrived yet. I’d like to know when my luggage will arrive. Has all of the luggage come out ready?

56 海关规定 鸦片、海洛因、大麻、致幻物品及其原料 动物制品(象牙、毛皮等) 新鲜水果、蔬菜、未处理过的肉类
有违伊斯兰教的图书杂志及其他印刷品、音像制品(阿拉伯和伊斯兰国家) 携带外币 烟、酒 咖啡、茶

57 海关入境检查方式 免验 口头申报 填写海关申报单 填写海关申报单并开箱检查

58 Customs Clearance Customs declaration form 请填写海关行李申报表。 请把护照和申报表给我。
§2 Immigration and Emigration Customs Clearance Customs declaration form A form giving details of the contents of a parcel. 请填写海关行李申报表。 请把护照和申报表给我。 报关单,(详细列包裹、托运品种应纳税项目的申报表) Please fill in the customs baggage declaration form. May I have your passport and declaration form?


60 Customs Clearance Declare 向税务部门申报(自己的收益)或 向海关关员申报(应纳税的物品) 你有什么要申报纳税的吗?
§2 Immigration and Emigration Customs Clearance Declare 你有什么要申报纳税的吗? 有没有特别的东西要申报? 我没有什么要申报。 向税务部门申报(自己的收益)或 向海关关员申报(应纳税的物品) Have you got anything to declare? Do you have anything to declare? Anything to declare? Anything special to declare? I have nothing to declare.

61 Customs Clearance 私人物品 自用物品 随身行李 人身检查 这部相机是我个人使用的。 我没有烟和酒,只有一些衣物与私人物品。
§2 Immigration and Emigration Customs Clearance 私人物品 自用物品 随身行李 人身检查 这部相机是我个人使用的。 我没有烟和酒,只有一些衣物与私人物品。 Personal belongings Personal effects / article Personal luggage Personal security The camera is for my personal use. I don’t have any liquor or cigarettes. I just have some clothes and personal belongings.

62 Customs Clearance Liquor (Brit) Any alcoholic drink 酒 已醉
§2 Immigration and Emigration Customs Clearance Liquor (Brit) Any alcoholic drink 已醉 (Us) any distilled alcoholic drink; spirits 烈性酒 她喝葡萄酒和啤酒,但不喝烈性酒。 干白葡萄酒 干红葡萄酒 皇朝白酒 Under the influence of liquor; drunk 烈性酒 Hard liquor She drinks wine and beer, but no liquor. Dry white wine Dry red Dynasty

63 Customs Clearance 贵妃醉酒 不要狂饮 As drunk as the favorite concubine. 喝得太多了
§2 Immigration and Emigration Customs Clearance 贵妃醉酒 不要狂饮 喝得太多了 喝醉了 多喝酒并不明智 As drunk as the favorite concubine. Don’t hit the bottle. To belt the grape; to drunk heavily To be bottle; being drunk; You are two sheets under the wind. When the wine is in the man ,the wisdom is in the can.

64 Customs Clearance Duty 关税 消费税 免税进口品 免税物品 免税商店 已完税的 我必须为此付税吗?
§2 Immigration and Emigration Customs Clearance Duty 关税 消费税 免税进口品 免税物品 免税商店 已完税的 我必须为此付税吗? 我要为私人物品交税金吗? (某些货物,尤指进口货物交纳的)税 Customs duties Excise duties Duty-free articles Duty-free allowance Duty-free/tax-free shop Duty-paid Do I have to pay tax on this? Do I have to pay duty on personal belongings?

65 At the Customs Declaration

66 Emigration Formalities
§2 Immigration and Emigration Emigration Formalities 出境卡 Exit card Departure card Embarkation card Outgoing passenger card

67 Chinese Idiom 人山人海 People mountain people sea. 电影院门前排长龙
克林顿总统站在讲台上看到人山人海的人群挥手向他致意。 People mountain people sea. There is a large crowd of people. There is (was) a long movie line. Standing at his podium, President Clinton saw a sea of faces waving at him.

68 Chinese Idiom 挂羊头,卖狗肉 He advertises mutton, but sells dog's flesh.
He hangs up a sheep's head at the shop front, but sells dog meat. 他经商的策略是先引诱顾客来,再改变货物的品质。 He applied bait and switch tactics in business. This store uses bait-and-switch policy. Say one thing and do another.

69 §3 Dealing with Special Situations
Unit 1 At The Airport §3 Dealing with Special Situations Flight Is Delayed Boarding Pass Is Lost Luggage Is Missing Luggage Is Misplaced

70 Flight is Delayed On account of Due to 由于,由……引起的 由于高速开车而引起的交通事故。
§3 Dealing with Special Situations Flight is Delayed Due to 由于高速开车而引起的交通事故。 她的病是坏了的食物造成的。 国航很抱歉地通知,飞往巴黎的718次航班由于天气原因/机械故障延误。 由于,由……引起的 Accidents are due to driving at high speed. Her illness was due to bad food. On account of Air China regrets to announce that Flight 718 (bound) for Paris has been delayed due to / on account of bad weather / engine trouble /mechanical difficulties.

71 Flight is Delayed 机械故障 Engine trouble 天气原因
§3 Dealing with Special Situations Flight is Delayed 机械故障 天气原因 由于飞机机械原因,本次航班延误。请您在出发厅休息,等候通知。 Engine trouble Mechanical difficulties Bad weather Due to the aircraft maintenance at our airport, the flight ____ to____ has been delayed. Please wait in the departure hall for further information.

72 Reasons for Delay 本站天气不够飞行标准 航路天气不够飞行标准
机场天气不够飞行标准 飞机调配原因 飞机机械原因 The poor weather condition at our airport The poor weather condition over the air route The poor weather condition over A airport Aircraft reallocation The maintenance of the aircraft

73 Reasons for Delay 飞机在本站出现机械故障 航行管制原因
机场关闭 通信原因 The aircraft maintenance at our airport Air traffic congestion The close-down of A airport Communication trouble

74 Flight is Delayed That’s all right. 准备到……去的,开往……的 Bound for 你要去哪?
§3 Dealing with Special Situations Flight is Delayed 准备到……去的,开往……的 Bound for 你要去哪? 我们打算回家。 开往西藏的第一列游客 I’m terribly sorry for your inconvenience. Where are you bound for? We are bound for home. First railway tourists bound for Tibet. 很抱歉,给您带来不便。 That’s all right.

75 Flight is Delayed Available 对不起,没座了。 Sorry, we have no seats now.
§3 Dealing with Special Situations Flight is Delayed 对不起,没座了。 网站暂时无法访问。 Available Sorry, we have no seats now. Sorry, no seats available. This website can’t be visited temporarily. Website Temporarily Unavailable.

76 Missing the connecting flight

77 Boarding Pass Is Lost Leave sb/sth … behind 未能或忘记带某人/某物 等等,别把我丢下!
§3 Dealing with Special Situations Boarding Pass Is Lost Leave sb/sth … behind 等等,别把我丢下! 不会下雨,你不必带伞了。 未能或忘记带某人/某物 Wait, don’t leave me behind! It won’t rain, you can leave your umbrella behind.

78 Luggage Is Missing Locate 找出,指出(某人/某事)的准确位置或地点 在地图上找出一城市的位置
§3 Dealing with Special Situations Luggage Is Missing Locate 在地图上找出一城市的位置 我要找史密斯先生,你知道他在哪里吗? 找出,指出(某人/某事)的准确位置或地点 Locate a town on a map I’m trying to locate Mr. Smith. Do you know where he is?

79 Luggage Is Misplaced Misplace Put (sth) in the wrong place
§3 Dealing with Special Situations Luggage Is Misplaced Misplace Put (sth) in the wrong place 我把眼镜放错地方了——没在我包里。 将(某物)放错位置 I’ve misplaced my glasses---- they’re not in my bag.

80 Loss of Luggage and Valuables
P:我要申报行李遗失,我在行李传送带上找不到。 A:请问您搭哪一班飞机? P:从北京起飞的961航班。 A:请让我看一下您的机票。您能形容您的行李特征吗? P:当然可以。它是深蓝色的大皮箱,上面有一个有我名字的标签。 A:只要填这张表,我们会立刻为你处理。

81 课堂表演 分小组表演(4-6人一组) 时间:10-15分钟 内容:在机场或飞机上的情景 要求:每人至少十句对话,不能太简单
提交:英文剧本和分工表 表演时间:2009年11月6日

82 中国人最易犯错的英语 What’s your job? Are you working at the moment?
你是做什么工作的呢? 用英语怎么说? 请问这个词如何拼写? 请问这个单词怎么读? Are you working at the moment? Where are you working these days? What line of work are you in? How to say? How do you say this in English? How do you spell that please? How do you pronounce this word?

83 中国人最易犯错的英语 明天我有事情要做。 I have something to do tomorrow.
我没有经验。 I have something to do tomorrow. Sorry, but I am tied up all day tomorrow. I can’t make it at that time. I’d love to, but I can’t, I have to stay at home. I have no experience. I don’t know much about that. I am not really an expert in this area.

84 中国人最易犯错的英语 I think I can’t. 我想我不行。 I don’t think I can. 我没有车。 我的英语很糟糕。
现在几点钟了? I don’t think I can. I have no car. I don’t have a car. My English is poor. I am not 100% fluent, but at least I am improving. I am still having a few problem, but I’m getting better. What time is it now? What time is it, please? How are we doing for time?

85 中国人最易犯错的英语 这个春节你回家吗? Of course! 价钱很昂贵/便宜。 Sure. / Certainly. 他的身体很健康。
Will you be going back home for the Spring Festival? Of course! Sure. / Certainly. The price is too expensive/cheap. The price is too high/ rather low. His body is healthy. He is in good health. He is healthy.

86 Ordering Drinks 您想喝点什么? 都有什么? 随便 选择一种 Something to drink?
§1 Having Meals Ordering Drinks 您想喝点什么? 都有什么? 随便 选择一种 Something to drink? Do you need anything to drink? What would / do you want / like to drink? Can I get you a drink? Could I get you something to drink? What (kind of drink) do you have? Anything would be fine. (Do) you have …?

87 Tea Black tea 红茶 绿茶 Green tea 砖茶 花茶 Brick tea 龙井茶 乌龙茶 菊花茶 Jasmine tea
Drinks Tea Black tea 红茶 绿茶 砖茶 花茶 龙井茶 乌龙茶 菊花茶 可可茶 淡茶 浓茶 Green tea Brick tea Jasmine tea Dragon Well tea Oolong tea Chrysanthemum tea Cocoa Weak tea Strong tea

88 Drinks Coffee with milk/white coffee 牛奶咖啡 咖啡(不加奶) Black coffee 速溶咖啡
冰咖啡 豆浆 冰镇绿豆汤 天然矿泉水 菠萝汁 梨汁 椰子汁 Black coffee Instant coffee Iced coffee Soy bean milk Iced green lentil soup Natural mineral water Pineapple juice Pear cider Coconut juice

89 Drinks Mango juice 芒果汁 奶酪 Milk curd 奶粉 酸乳酪 Powdered milk 水果冰淇淋/圣代 冰块
苏打水 柠檬水 橘子水 不含酒精的饮料 Milk curd Powdered milk Yogurt Sundae Ice cube Soda water Lemonade Orange juice Soft drink

90 Ordering Drinks How much longer does it take to get to …? 这班班机会准时到达吗?
§1 Having Meals Ordering Drinks How much longer does it take to get to …? 这班班机会准时到达吗? 我担心能否赶上转机班机 还有多久到达…? Will this flight get there on time? I'm anxious about my connecting flight.

91 Ordering Drinks Refer to 我不认识这个词,必须查字典。 叫某人查阅[询], 参看 请参阅飞行信息。
§1 Having Meals Ordering Drinks Refer to 我不认识这个词,必须查字典。 请参阅飞行信息。 叫某人查阅[询], 参看 I didn‘t know the word. I had to refer to a dictionary. Please refer to the flight information.

92 Ordering Drinks Order 先生,您要点什么? 请问您点了什么? 决定要点什么了吗? 点(菜)
§1 Having Meals Ordering Drinks Order 先生,您要点什么? 请问您点了什么? 决定要点什么了吗? 点(菜) May I have your order, sir? Could I take your order? Are you ready to order?

93 万能动词Do Do what? Don't do me like that. Anything will do.
Just one will do 你说什么? We are going to have a picnic this weekend. 你不能这样对待我。 Please, you cannot do me like this. Junk food won't do you any good. Antibiotics may do you harm. 任何东西都可以。 Anything will do, as long as it's green. 只有一样可以。 Although they sell four cough syrups here, just one will do.

94 Do He is doing his masters degree in Madison. 攻读 他正在 Madison 攻读硕士学位。
我毕业后肯定是要继续攻读博士学位的。 我正在攻读化学硕士学位。 Let's do Rachel. We like to do our laundry on Sunday. 他正在 Madison 攻读硕士学位。 pursue I will definitely pursue my Ph.D. after I graduate. I am doing my masters degree in Chemical. It's Rachel's turn Let me help you do the dishes after dinner. Let‘s do the kitchen before we move out.

95 Do Let's do three in this car and four in that car.
Let's do sixty forty. 男生跟男生一队,女生跟女生一队 I am willing to do the flags with other girls. 表演、演出 我想扮演王子。 三个人坐这辆车,其它四个人坐那辆车。(分配) Let's do boy-boy and girl-girl. 我愿意跟其它的女孩一起耍大旗。 Perform I want to do the Prince.

96 Not 用法 Did you break this plate? Not today. Not a word. 不是我干的。
No, I didn't. Not me. Wasn’t me. 不要今天啦。 Do you want to go to see the movie? Not at this moment. Not (right) now. Thanks, but not at this moment. 保持安静。 Be quite. Shut up!

97 Not 用法 不要那么快啦。 Not so fast. Not a chance. Hey, not so fast. 一点机会也没有。
You don't have any chance. Can we beat them? Not really Not in a million years Not in my / your lifetime. You, man. I'm gonna kick your ass! In your dreams, pal! Not in your lifetime.

98 Not 用法 Not at all. Not good enough. Not again. 一点也不。
Do you like American food? No, I don't like it. Not really. 还不够好。 I got 80 in the test! That book is awesome! 不会再来一次吧。 Bad luck. Rotten luck. You pay me to do it again.

99 Not 用法 Not possible. 不可能。 Not a soul in sight. impossible
Not possible, it’s rush hour now. 半个人影也没有。 Not a thing. Did you see anything in the bush?

100 On the Airplane 空服员:你想喝点什么呢? 金: 我想喝杯橙汁。 空服员:还需要其他的东西吗?
金: 我想喝杯橙汁。 空服员:还需要其他的东西吗? 金: 我有点累,待会儿想小睡一下。 能帮我拿个枕头吗? 空服员:当然,我等一下就拿给你。 金: 谢谢你。

101 Ordering Meals Which one do you prefer?
§1 Having Meals Ordering Meals Which one do you prefer? Would you like / prefer A or B? 您要的马铃薯是炸的、烤的或是捣成泥的? Would you like fried, baked or mashed potatoes?

102 Chinese Meal 糖醋排骨 宫保鸡丁 糖醋里脊 鱼香肉丝 水煮牛肉 咖喱牛肉 西红柿炒鸡蛋 松花蛋
Sweet & sour spareribs Chicken cubes with peanuts Sweet and sour fillet of pork Shredded pork with garlic sauce Stewed beef Curry beef Tomato omelet Preserved egg

103 Breakfast 馄饨 Dumpling in soup 水饺 蒸饺 Dumpling in water 锅贴 包子
糖包 菜肉包 豆沙包 灌汤包 Dumpling in soup Dumpling in water Steamed dumpling Lightly fried dumpling Stuffed steamed rolls With strawberry or aromatic herbs Rolls stuffed with meat and vegetables With sweet, dark brown stuffing Stuffed steamed rolls with soup

104 Breakfast 春饼 肉饼 烧饼 火烧 葱花饼 螺丝转 馒头 花卷 狗不理 Spring pancake
Pancake stuffed with meat Pancake with sesame Pancake without sesame Pancake stuffed with leeks Spiral-shaped pancake Bread made into round loaves Bread made into rolls Go believe Dog don’t leave

105 Ordering Meals Boy! 天哪! Oh! My God! Oh! My!
§1 Having Meals Ordering Meals Boy! 天哪! Oh! My God! Oh! My! You should go back to kitchen where you belong! Oh! My! Did she slam the door? Oh! Boy! Oh! Man! Oh! Dear!

106 Asking for blanket T:空姐! S:您有什么事? T:我觉得有点冷。能不能再给我一条毛毯? S:请稍等。我去给您找一条来。 T:好的。 [几分钟之后] S:我给您拿来一床新的。有了它,您一定会感觉好些。 T:十分感谢。

107 A Tourist Feels Airsick
§2 Showing Care for Sick Tourists A Tourist Feels Airsick How are you feeling? 我觉得有点不舒服。 我感觉很不舒服。 I don't feel very well. I don't feel quite right. I feel a bit under the weather. I'm not feeling myself. I feel a bit funny. I feel terrible / lousy / rotten / awful. I feel like hell. I'm (as) sick as a dog.

108 常见疾病 I feel … 发烧 浑身发冷 feverish 阵冷阵热 晕眩 chilly 作呕 I have a …
§2 Showing Care for Sick Tourists 常见疾病 I feel … 发烧 浑身发冷 阵冷阵热 晕眩 作呕 I have a … 胃痛/腹痛 头痛欲裂 背痛 feverish chilly hot and cold dizzy sick stomachache splitting headache backache

109 A Tourist Feels Airsick
§2 Showing Care for Sick Tourists A Tourist Feels Airsick I feel sick. 我觉得不大舒服。 我非常讨厌自己的工作。 我厌倦那些垃圾电子邮件。 你令我感到厌烦。 I‘m going to be sick. I don't feel well. I'm sick of my job. I'm sick and tired of junk mail. You make me sick.

110 呕吐 作呕 To be sick 晕船 晕车 Seasick 晕机 Carsick 我想呕吐。 Airsick
§2 Showing Care for Sick Tourists 呕吐 作呕 晕船 晕车 晕机 我想呕吐。 To be sick Seasick Carsick Airsick I am/feel sick (to my stomach). I feel like vomiting/ throwing up/ nauseous. I think I'm going to barf/ lose my cookies.

111 A Tourist Feels Airsick
§2 Showing Care for Sick Tourists A Tourist Feels Airsick 晕眩感觉 请停下车来好吗?我感到晕眩。 Faint (adj.) 她感到有点晕眩,坐了下来。 Dizziness Could you stop the car, please? I feel dizzy. Feeling a little faint, she sat down. I fainted. 我失去知觉晕倒了。 Can I get you a glass of water? Would you like to sit down / lie down? Do you want to see a doctor?

112 对话 甲:你的脸色发青呢!你没事吗? 乙:我不舒服,我的胃很痛。 甲:你需要休息一下吗? 乙:嗯,谢谢。让我稍坐一会,我就会好一点。
甲:我有什么可以帮到你? 乙:有,谢谢。你可以拿点水给我吗?

113 换座位 T:抱歉,可以和你换座位吗? L:当然可以。 T:谢谢,你真好。 L:不客气,走道旁的座位,对我也好。

114 不客气 You bet. 不客气;有事尽管开口。 Any time.
Any time you need anything, just let me know. You're very welcome. The pleasure is all mine. 荣幸之至。 Don’t mention it. Not at all. That’s all right. That’s okay. It was nothing. It was no trouble. You are most welcome.

115 §3 In-flight Service Where is the bathroom? A: Oh I'm sorry but this is urgent. Where's the bathroom? B: Well you go upstairs, walk to the end of the corridor to catch the elevator to the 4th floor, then walk halfway down the hall, turn right, knock on the 3rd door you come to and ask the lady there for a key. She'll direct you from there.  A: I don't think I can make it that far. Do you have a bucket? B: No, but there's a toilet right behind you.

116 Euphemism Son: Daddy! I wanna go somewhere.
Daddy: Go somewhere else, then. I’m having my bath.

117 Euphemism 马桶 Article(物品) 夜壶 I want an article to sit on. 小孩子的~
§3 In-flight Service Euphemism Article(物品) 夜壶 小孩子的~ 喝酒(to drink alcohol) 他常常痛饮。 服刑 (to suffer imprisonment) 马桶 I want an article to sit on. Chamber pot Potty Drink He drinks heavily. to do time He's doing time for assault on a police officer.

118 Euphemism 他不年轻了。 He is no longer young. 她曾经放荡。 He is of a certain age.
§3 In-flight Service Euphemism 他不年轻了。 她曾经放荡。 He is no longer young. He is of a certain age. She has a dishonorable sexual history. She has a past.

119 It is raining heavily / hard.
§4 Before Arrival It is raining heavily / hard. The rain is coming down in buckets. It's bucketing down. It's pouring. drizzling shower spitting The rain is coming down in torrents. 毛毛雨 下骤雨 一点点微雨 大雨如注

120 §4 Before Arrival Raining cats and dogs. A:Are you ready to go? We should leave soon. B:Let me just change. Hold on. A:What on earth are you wearing? You look ridiculous. B:The observatory said it would be raining cats and dogs this afternoon. I don't want to get wet. A:The observatory said that about New York, not here. Look outside, it's a beautiful day.

121 Inquiring on the Plane Brian: Oh my! What a cloudy sky.
§4 Before Arrival Inquiring on the Plane Brian: Oh my! What a cloudy sky. Shawn: Yeah, the heavens have opened up. Brian: Never mind, our moods will change soon. Shawn: I doubt it. Brian: Once they issue the typhoon warning, we won't have to go to work. Shawn: Hey, cool! Brian: Yeah! 突然下大雨 A cloudburst A sudden downpour

122 地陪职责 入店服务 地陪服务应使旅游者抵达饭店后尽快办理好入店手续,进住房间,取到行李,及时了解饭店的基本情况和住店注意事项,熟悉当天或第二天的活动安排。为此,地陪应当介绍: 饭店名称和位置; 入店手续; 饭店的设施和设备的使用方法; 集合地点及停车地点。

123 安排游客下榻酒店 抵达饭店后为游客办理入住手续并分配房间 针对中国游客的特点对饭店的设施要进行特别介绍
领队职责 安排游客下榻酒店 抵达饭店后为游客办理入住手续并分配房间 针对中国游客的特点对饭店的设施要进行特别介绍 付费服务 可能发生的问题 把自己的联络方式、房间号码告诉所有游客 将饭店的卡片发给游客每人一张

124 Check-in (旅馆房间等)预定,预约 我想在你们饭店订个房间。 我想订个带淋浴的单人间。
§1 Check-in at the Hotel Check-in (旅馆房间等)预定,预约 我想在你们饭店订个房间。 我想订个带淋浴的单人间。 我想定套既带淋浴又带浴缸的套房。 I’d like to book a room in your hotel. I want to reserve a single room with shower. I wish to make a reservation for a suite with both shower and bath.

125 Check-in 我想取消预定的单人房间。 I’d like to cancel my booking / reservation
§1 Check-in at the Hotel Check-in 我想取消预定的单人房间。 很遗憾,今晚已经住满了。 太遗憾了,那几天晚上已经预订满了。 I’d like to cancel my booking / reservation for a single room. I’m sorry we are booked out/full for tonight. What a pity! We have no vacancies for these nights.

126 办住旅馆的手续 你好!我叫约翰。我想你们已帮我预留了一间房。 好的,先生。是J-O-H-N吗? 对,是我。
是的,先生。我们已替你留了两间邻接的单人房,到三日为止。 请您填写一下好吗? 好的。

127 客房种类 单人房 Single room 双人房 双床房 Double room 三人房 套房 Twin room 商务套房 总统套房
§1 Check-in at the Hotel 客房种类 单人房 双人房 双床房 三人房 套房 商务套房 总统套房 高级套房 豪华套房 Single room Double room Twin room Triple room Suite Executive suite Presidential suite Superior suite Deluxe suite

128 客房种类 连通房 Connecting room 相连房 家庭房 Adjoining room 皇室套房 简单套房 Family suite
§1 Check-in at the Hotel 客房种类 连通房 相连房 家庭房 皇室套房 简单套房 小型套房 楼顶套房 蜜月套房 标准套房 Connecting room Adjoining room Family suite Imperial suite Junior suite Mini suite Penthouse suite Honeymoon suite Standard suite

129 Exactly Exactly. That's what I'm talking about. Definitely
§1 Check-in at the Hotel Exactly Exactly. That's what I'm talking about. Definitely Absolutely Obviously Apparently I just had a chili dog for my dinner! Apparently, you got dinner on your face. 一点也没错,我就是这个意思。 一点也没错 无庸置疑 很明显 很明显

130 Good job! Good job! Buddy. Nice job! 老兄,干得好。 Good show!
§1 Check-in at the Hotel Good job! Good job! Buddy. Nice job! Good show! You've done a good job. 老兄,干得好。 Nice play!

131 Guess what? Guess what? He is going to publish a book. 知道吗?我刚找到一份工作。
§1 Check-in at the Hotel Guess what? Guess what? He is going to publish a book. 知道吗?我刚找到一份工作。 猜猜发生了什么事? What? 你知道吗?他要出书了。 You know what? Guess what? I got a job offer. Guess what?

132 Whatever! Whatever! Do you like apple or banana? 随便,无所谓。 Whatsoever.
§1 Check-in at the Hotel Whatever! Whatever! Do you like apple or banana? Whatsoever. I don't care. 句尾,Who cares? I totally have no idea how to file my tax return, whatever. 随便,无所谓。 Whatever. 无论什么 我完全不知道该怎么报税,唉,随便啦。

133 预定房间 我叫约翰,我想要一间房间。 好的,先生。你有预定吗? 没有,我没想到会在纽约过夜。 我明白了,先生。我们只有双人房。 那很好。

134 期末考试 要求每组对话至少15分钟,每人对话不得少于三分钟

135 英文中优雅的骂人1 I’m so fed up with your BS. Cut the crap. Hey! Wise up!
我受够了你的废话,少说废话吧。 BS=Bull shit Don‘t be stupid. Don‘t be silly. Wise up, please. Hey! Grow up. 你长大一点好不好?

136 优骂2 Put up or shut up. 要么你就出去,不然就给我闭嘴。 Walk the walk, talk the talk.
You eat with that mouth? 要么你就出去,不然就给我闭嘴。 Walk the walk, talk the talk. 说到就要做到。 Walk the talk. 你是用这张嘴吃饭的吗? You kiss your Momma with that mouth?

137 优骂3 You are dead meat. You are dead. Don’t you dare! 你死定了。
How dare you! 你好大的胆子啊! Don’t you dare? You dare me. 你敢 Don't you dare come back again! 你敢再回来!

138 Dare I dare you! 我打赌你不敢! I double dare you! I double dog dare you!
I double black dog dare you! I triple black dog dare you! 我打赌你不敢!

139 优骂4 Don’t push me around. Are you raised in the barn? 不要摆布我。 Bossy
像老板一样,喜欢指挥别人 You are so bossy. I don’t like that. Don’t push me. Don’t push me any further. Push the button 指使,操纵 I know why you are doing this, someone is pushing your button! 你是不是乡下长大的啊? Backyard No backyard language in my house. 在我的家里不准讲粗话。

140 优骂5 You want to step outside? You want to take this outside?
You and what army? 你想要外面解决吗? Do you want to pick a fight? 你要挑起争端吗? This means war. 这就意味着跟我宣战。 你找了多少人马要来打架啊? 你和哪一路的人马啊? You and who else? Who’s side are you on? 你到底是站在哪一边?

141 8级英语 前台小姐:Hello! 老外: Hi! 前台小姐:You have what thing? 老外: Can you speak English? 前台小姐:If I not speak English, I am speaking what? 老外: Can anybody else speak English? 前台小姐:You yourself look. All people are playing, no people have time, if you can wait, you wait, you not wait ,you go. 老外: Anybody here can speak English? 前台小姐:Shout what shout, wait a little, you on earth have what thing? 老外: I want to speak to your head. 前台小姐:Head not ZAI(中文),You tomorrow come!

142 American Breakfast

143 American Breakfast Fruit and Juice (canned juice, fresh juice )
Cereals(谷物) Eggs(蛋) Toast and Bread(吐司和面包) Beverages(饮料)

144 Fresh Juice 葡萄柚汁 蕃茄汁 柳橙汁 凤梨汁 葡萄汁 苹果汁 蕃石榴汁 木瓜汁 新鲜胡萝卜汁 什锦蔬菜汁 罐头综合菜汁
Grapefruit Juice Tomato Juice Orange Juice Pineapple Juice Grape Juice Apple Juice Guava Juice Papaya Juice Fresh Carrot Juice Mixed Vegetable Juice V-8 Juice

145 V8® 100% Vegetable Juice

146 Canned Juice 蜜汁桃子 Peaches in Syrup 蜜汁杏子 蜜汁无花果 Apricots in Syrup 蜜汁梨子
蜜汁枇杷 什锦果盅 Peaches in Syrup Apricots in Syrup Figs in Syrup Pears in Syrup Loquats in Syrup Chilled Fruit cup

147 Stewed Fruit 炖无花果 Stewed Figs 炖杏干 炖桃干 Stewed Apricots 炖李子
Stewed Peaches Stewed Prunes

148 prunes

149 Cereals 玉米片 Corn Flakes 脆爆米 脆麦 Rice Crispies 炮芙 小麦干 Rye Crispies 保健麦片
麦片粥 玉米粥 Corn Flakes Rice Crispies Rye Crispies Puff Rice Wheelies Cheerios Oatmeal Cornmeal

150 Eggs Fried Eggs 煎蛋 Boiled Eggs 壳水煮蛋 Poached eggs 去壳水煮蛋
Sunny-side up 单面煎 Over Easy 两面煎半熟 Over Hard / Over Well-done 两面全熟 Boiled Eggs 壳水煮蛋 Soft Boiled 煮三分钟熟 Hard Boiled 煮五分钟熟 Poached eggs 去壳水煮蛋 将蛋去壳,滑进锅内特制的铁环中,在将沸的水中或水面上煮至所要求的熟度。 Scrambled Eggs 炒蛋 煎蛋、煮蛋、炒蛋等由客人选择火腿(ham)、腌肉(bacon)、腊肠(sausage)作为配料,以盐、胡椒(pepper)调味。

151 Omelet omelet 蛋卷 Plain Omelet 普通蛋卷 Ham Omelet 火腿蛋卷
Ham & Cheese Omelet 火腿乳酪蛋卷 Spanish Omelet 西班牙式蛋卷 Souffled Omelet with Strawberries 草莓蛋卷 Jelly Omelet 果酱蛋卷 Cheese Omelet 乳酪蛋卷 Mushroom Omelet 香菇蛋卷 蛋卷通常用盐与辣酱(tabasco)调味,而不用胡椒,因为胡会使蛋卷硬化,也会留下黑斑。

152 Toast and Bread Toast with butter 端给客人时, Buttered toast 牛油和吐司是分开的
抹上牛油 Butter,草莓酱 Strawberry Jam或橘子酱或柠檬酱 Marmalade 端给客人时, 牛油和吐司是分开的 把牛油涂在吐司上面后 再端给客人

153 Dialogue A:Hey, where’s the fire? Get in line like everyone else. B:Oh I’m sorry, I’m in a hurry, my wife is having a baby and I have to get to the hospital. A:That’s quite all right then. Go ahead. You must be really excited. B:I am, it’s our first child. C:(Wife comes in) Honey, the kids and I are going shopping. A:Huh?

154 Oh. Mum, it was eight. I am going to be late. I know
Oh! Mum, it was eight! I am going to be late. I know. But we are having a traffic jam. You must wait and wait, if you can not let the time stop, sweet. Mum, I know but what is happen? Why today this flyover is so crowded? It is always lonely. I am not Superwoman! I don’t know. I think you may ask Spiderman! All right. (ten minutes past) Mum, I think we should take another taxi on another street. Wait and wait is not a way! We can not get off the taxi now, it is the traffic rule! But, what can we do? If we wait, I will be late for school. No, you can’t! Exactly yes. I will go now if you wait you might late for work too. Be careful! Don’t do that! You might get hurt! We will just wait and see! (The girl go out, be hurt by a bus, Mum rush out of the taxi) Oh! My sweet! I had told you! But why you don’t listen to me?

155 客房服务 C:这里是客房用餐服务部。我能为您做些什么?
M:是的。我是725房间的杰克。我想要两个三明治和一大壶咖啡。可不可以尽快送到我房间来? C:好的,先生。咖啡需要加糖和咖啡伴侣吗? M:谢谢了,不需要,什么都不加,要非常浓。 C:那么您所要的是两个三明治和一大壶咖啡,咖啡不加糖,不加咖啡伴侣,要非常浓。 M:对。 C:我马上就让人送上来。

156 客房服务 C:我是客房用餐服务员,能进来吗? M:请进。 C:杰克先生,这是您要的食品。 M:谢谢。请放在那边的桌子上就是了。

157 打国际电话 琳达:我想打国际电话到中国北京。国际区号是86,城市区号是10,电话号码是8123-4567。
接线生:好的,由你付费或是对方付费? 琳达:请由对方付费。 接线生:请问对方的姓名? 琳达:玛丽。 接线生:请等一下。

158 如何打国际电话 IDD(国际直拨电话):费用最便宜,不必通过接线生,就可直拨电话。
Station to station call(叫号电话):经由国际台接线生,指定对方电话号码的通话。 Person to person call(叫名电话):经由国际台接线生,指定接电话人姓名的通话,好处是如果对方不在的时候,或是在等待对方听电话的时间,是免费的,但相对的付费金额较昂贵。 2和3可以是 direct call 或 collect call。

159 博物馆 彼得: 进这个博物馆要门票吗? 接待员:是的,要门票。售票厅就在那边。 彼得: 谢谢,票多少钱?
彼得: 进这个博物馆要门票吗? 接待员:是的,要门票。售票厅就在那边。 彼得: 谢谢,票多少钱? 接待员:大人10美元,12岁以下的小孩6美元。 彼得: 有博物馆的导游手册吗? 接待员:你可以在入口处拿到,它就放在资料桌上。

160 看表演 吉米:今晚的马戏团表演几点开始? 店员:七点半开始。 吉米:今晚的表演还有票吗? 店员:抱歉,票都卖完了,一张不剩。
吉米:但我真想看这场表演。 店员:你还赶得上下午场,10分钟后就开演。

161 叫早 A:叫醒服务吗? B:是的。能为您效劳吗? A:昨天晚上我让你们今早六点叫早,可你们没有。看,我误了7:45去北京的火车。

162 办理退房手续 约翰:我想退房,516房间,这是我的钥匙。一共多少钱? 柜台人员:一共是550元,含税。这是你的帐单,小姐,请核对一下。
约翰:没有问题,你们收信用卡吗? 柜台人员:当然。 约翰:这是我的信用卡。 柜台人员:谢谢你。请在下面签名。

163 You must be kidding! A﹕ Here we are. This is where I live.
B﹕ You must be kidding! How can you afford a huge house like this? A﹕ No. I am serious. B﹕I see. You’re renting one of the rooms, right? A﹕ Right. You got me. Are you pulling my leg? No kidding! Are you kidding me? You must be joking! It’s incredible. It’s unbelievable.

164 Final Require Make sure the play order by lot(抽签)
Submit the formal playwriting in advance next Thursday(先交剧本) Produce the actors and the story in English Speak slowly, clearly and loudly Double check the spelling and wording mistakes before print the playwriting(检查拼写错误)

165 How do u say it? Do you think you need any medicine?
I probably am a little airsick. Excuse me. I have a problem here. Yes, how can I help you? And if there is anything more you need, please let us know. Fine. This is your bill, Mis. Wang I am a American. Mr. shao this is your house card.

166 Major Airlines in China
Appendix 2 Major Airlines in China Code Airline Company Chinese Name CJ China Northern Airlines 中国北方航空公司 CA Air China 中国国际航空公司 MU China Eastern Airlines 中国东方航空公司 WH China Northwest Airlines 中国西北航空公司 SF Shanghai Airlines 上海航空公司 CZ China Southern Airlines 中国南方航空公司 MF Xiamen Airlines 厦门航空公司 SZ China Southwest Airlines 中国西南航空公司

167 Customs Declaration Forms
Appendix 4 Customs Declaration Forms 无论是美国公民或是持有观光签证的游客,每一位到达美国的人士都必须填写一份海关申报表(CBP Declaration Form 6059B),一个家庭只需填写一份申报表。 填写海关申请表时请据实以报,因为美国海关人员有时候会抽查入境旅客的行李,如果您所带的东西被查到没有据实以报,依法海关可以没收您的财物,并且留下不良的纪录。以後再次进入美国时,可能每次都会被检查行李。 携带少於美金一百元的礼品入境不需关税,带入美国的金钱数额不限多少,但如果超过美金一万元,则在海关申报表上必须注明。不可携带任何食品进入美国,尤其是易腐烂食物,如水果、蔬菜、肉类或农作物等,也不可以携带任何盗版或色情物品进入美国。任何含有麻醉成份的药品、或注射药物均须附上医生开示的处方证明。走私麻醉药物入境美国,将受巨额罚款。

168 Customs Clearance §2 Immigration and Emigration
海关规定   在赴美途中的飞机、船舶等交通工具上,服务员会向旅客散发美国的海关申报表(6059B表),此表被译成多种语言,包括中文。旅客可事先填写该表,以便加快通关速度。  在入境口岸,海关官员对入境者携带的行李是否有违禁品及是否征税进行检查。  海关规定主要内容:  1、个人财产:  个人穿戴使用的衣物、珠宝、化妆品、打猎或钓鱼用具、照相机、便携式收音机以及其他类似个人物品如系用于个人使用目的,可免于征税。上述物品跟随着你入出境。  如果你是移民到美国,属个人使用的免于征税的价值300美元或以上的珠宝等个人饰品,如未缴关税,3年以不得售卖。尚未缴税即出售的上述物品会被查封没收。  2、酒精饮料:  年满21岁的非美国居民(Non-resident)可免税携带入境1公升啤酒、葡萄酒、白酒等酒精饮料,但仅限个人使用。超过上述数量的酒精饮料将被征收海关税和国内税。  另外,除了联邦法律,您还必须遵守可能比联邦法律更加严格的有关酒精饮料的州法律。  3、烟草产品:  旅客可以免税带入一条香烟(200支),或50支雪茄烟,或2公升(4.4磅)烟草,或按比例的上述各类物品。  产于古巴的雪茄无论是自用还是送礼都禁止进入美国。  4、家用物品:  可免税进口家具、餐具、书籍、艺术品等家用物品。  5、免税礼品:  非居民(Non-resident)可免税带进价值不超过100美元的礼品。要使上述礼品免税,您必须在美国停留至少超过72个小时,期间上述礼品必须伴随着您。  为便海关官员检查,您的礼品不要进行礼物包装。   

169 6、婚礼礼品:  对非居民携带的婚礼礼品没有明确的免税规定。对于美国居民,如美国居民去另一国家,与另一国家的人结婚后,该夫妇回美时,该另一国家的人将被视为美国居民。  7、邮寄的礼品:  从另一国家或加勒比受惠国通过邮寄寄来的礼品零售价值不超过100美元,免于征税。如该礼品寄自美属维尔京群岛、美属萨摩亚或关岛,礼品的免税额可允许不超过200美元。超过上述价值的礼品将被征税。  注意:酒精饮料、烟草产品以及含酒精的香水不在上述规定的范围之内。  8、在免税店购买的物品:  在免税店、飞机或船舶上购买的物品,如超过个人可携带的免税物品的数量或金额限制,将被海关征税。  非美国居民在美国转机过境时,如个人携带的物品,包括不超过4升的酒精饮料,将带往美国海关征税范围以外的地方,且上述物品的价值不超过200美元,可免于征税。  9、应予征税的物品:  超出上述免税范围的物品将被征税。其征收方法是:减去应予免税的物品价值后,1000美元价值的部分将被征收统一税率为3%的关税,超过1000美元价值的部分将按适用于该商品的税率征税。  按统一税率征税的物品必须跟随您本人,并且只供您个人使用或当作礼品。 

170 11、美属岛屿:  在美属维尔京群岛、美属萨摩亚和关岛得到的物品,无论该物品跟随您本人或是寄往美国本土,对上述物品征收关税的统一税率为5%。  12、向美国运入家用物品:  按规定可免税入境的家用物品不必随同本人入境,您可以采取邮寄托运的方法。  13、禁止或限制入境的物品:  生物制品:  未经消毒的人类和动物组织(包括血液、人或动植物排泄物)、活体细菌培养基、病毒或类似有机体、被怀疑感染人畜共患疾病的动物、昆虫、蜗牛和蝙蝠的进口需从美国疾病控制中心取得进口许可证,联系方式为:  Office of Health and Safety, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (F-05), 1600 Clifton Road NE, Atlanta, GA 30333, USA  书籍、音像资料、电脑程序和磁带:  盗版书籍、电脑程序及音像制品不得进入美国,盗版制品会被没收销毁。  水果、蔬菜和植物:  许多水果、蔬菜、植物、枝条、种籽、未经处理的植物产品、特定濒危物种等一般都禁止进口或是需持有许可证才能进口。所有植物、植物产品、水果或蔬菜都必须向海关官员申报并接受检查。  肉类、牲畜和禽类:  肉类、牲畜、禽类及其副产品一般都禁止入境,或是根据原产国的动物疾病状况进行限制。对于罐头装的肉类产品,如检验官员能够确认该产品系熟制、已经商业封装,则允许入境。其他罐装及腌制的肉类产品及干肉产品均严格限制入境。  

171 打猎所得:如果您打算进口打猎纪念品或野味,一般需事先获得许可证,而且只有特定的口岸被授权处理上述物品进口的事宜。  货币:携带入境的货币工具(包括美国或其他国家的硬币及货币、旅行支票、现金汇票和可流通证券等)金额超过一万美元,应填妥美国海关4790表(Custom Form 4790),主动向海关申报。未如实申报者可能导致被追究民事及刑事责任,包括没收所持货币及货币工具。   宠物:猫:在入境检查时必须能证明未患可传染给人的疾病。如果该宠物健康状况明显不佳,有执照的兽医将对其作进一步检查,有关费用由宠物的主人支付。   狗:在入境检查时必须能证明其未患可传染给人的疾病,抵达前至少30天内注射过狂犬病疫苗(此项规定不适用于3个月以下的幼狗)。  个人拥有的宠物鸟:可以入境,但鹦鹉类鸟只允许带入两只。同时需符合APHIS和公共卫生服务机构的有关要求,比如可能要求由宠物的主人出资,为该宠物在APHIS机构进行卫生防疫。  灵长类动物如猴子、猿等不允许进口。  您最好向州及地方有关机构查询了解对带入宠物有何规定和限定。有些地方,如夏威夷州,对宠物有严格的卫生防疫要求。   鱼和野生动植物:  鱼类和野生动植物也在进出口管制及卫生防疫要求范围内,主要包括:野生鸟类、哺乳动物、海洋哺乳动物、爬行动物、甲壳类动物、鱼类和软体动物;上述动物的任何部分或产品,如皮革、羽毛、蛋(卵)等;用野生动植物和鱼类制成的产品和物件。   野生濒危物种和由此制造的产品禁止进出口。象牙或象牙制品一般禁止进出口。含有野生动植物部分的古董如能证明其历史有100年则可以进口。


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