第3版 Mini-world 万花筒.

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1 第3版 Mini-world 万花筒

2 这些改变人们日常生活的发明都要归功于托马斯·爱迪生哦! Thomas Edison: a Great Inventor
灯泡、电影、留声机…… 这些改变人们日常生活的发明都要归功于托马斯·爱迪生哦! Thomas Edison: a Great Inventor Do you like watching films, listening to music and reading under a lamp? If so, you should thank Thomas Edison. This great inventor from America invented early versions of these modern marvels. Edison was born in 1847 in Ohio (美国俄亥俄州). He patented 1,093 inventions in his lifetime, including the Kinetoscope, the phonograph, and his most famous one—the electric light bulb.

3 这些改变人们日常生活的发明都要归功于托马斯·爱迪生哦! Thomas Edison: a Great Inventor
灯泡、电影、留声机…… 这些改变人们日常生活的发明都要归功于托马斯·爱迪生哦! Thomas Edison: a Great Inventor But Edison wasn’t always a great inventor. He was a “problem child” at school, because he was too busy and curious. So his mother decided to teach him at home by herself. And her idea worked. Edison learned very fast and started inventing at a young age. What would our lives look like without Edison’s inventions? We might still use candles and write letters to communicate. In a word, Edison was really a man who had changed the world!

4 请根据文章内容,选择正确的答案。 Thomas Edison was a great __1__. He had __2__ 1,093 __3__. 1) A. inventor B. inventing C. invention D. inventive 2) A. inventor B. invented C. inventing D. invent 3) A. inventors B. inventing C. inventions D. inventive

5 Word Bank 超纲词汇 inventor /In'vent=/ n. 发明家 invent /In'vent/ v. 发明,创造
invention /In'ven5n/ n. 发明(物) version /'v+:5n/ n. 版本 patent /'peIt=nt/ v. 取得……的专利 including /In'klu:dI9/ prep. 包括,包含 curious /'kjU=rI=s/ adj. 好奇的,有求知欲的 decide /dI'saId/ v. 决定 life /laIf/ n. 生活,一般为不可数,当表示具有具体内容的生活时为可数。

6 communicate /k='mju:nIkeIt/ v. 沟通,交流
change /t5eInd3/ v. 改变 modern marvel 现代的奇迹 be born in 诞生于 in one’s lifetime 终其一生 Kinetoscope 活动电影放映机,一种早期电影显示设备, 器件被放置在一个橱柜里,一次只能允许 一个人通过小窗口观看。 phonograph 留声机 the most famous 最著名的 electric light bulb 电灯泡 problem child 问题儿童

7 第4-5版 Super Classroom 超级课堂

8 Max and Ruby Shop for Lunch
兔宝宝马克斯和兔姐姐鲁比来到超市, 琳琅满目的食物令他们眼花缭乱。 Max and Ruby Shop for Lunch Baby Max and her sister Ruby are busy filling the shopping cart with good, healthy food. Ruby: Do you want some carrots? Max: Sure. Carrots are good for us. Ruby: Oranges and apples and broccoli, please. Max: Max’s favourite is mac and cheese. Ruby: Let’s buy yogurt and wheat bread.

9 Max and Ruby Shop for Lunch
兔宝宝马克斯和兔姐姐鲁比来到超市, 琳琅满目的食物令他们眼花缭乱。 Max and Ruby Shop for Lunch Max: Let’s buy grapes and strawberries. Ruby: Now we should take out the money and pay the nice man. Shop assistant: So much! Can Baby Max eat it all? Ruby: You bet he can!


11 考考你:请根据上下文从方框中选出合适的句子,
将序号填入横线,完成对话。 [1] Sure. I would like to try the brown pair. [2] 50 pounds, sir. [3] Oh, I like that pair in the window. Can I have a size 9 please? [4] Yes. The cashier desk is over there. [5] May I help you, sir?

12 S: ______________________________
L: Yes. I’m looking for a pair of shoes. S: What kind of shoes do you like? L: ______________________________________________ _________________________________________________ S: I have to check in the stockroom. Please have a seat and wait a minute. I’ll be back soon. L: Okay. S: Here you are, sir. I only have a black pair. I also have a similar pair in brown. Do you want to try them on? L: ________________________________________________ S: Please. How do you feel? L: I feel comfortable in them. How much are they? L: Can I pay by credit card? S: ________________________________________________ L: Thanks a lot. May I help you, sir? Oh, I like that pair in the window. Can I have a size 9 please? Sure. I would like to try the brown pair. 50 pounds, sir. Yes. The cashier desk is over there.

13 Vern Visits the Stores 小狗弗恩跟着主人见识了形形色色的商店。 考考你:请根据图示,完成填空。
Vern visits a store selling v _ _ ts. es Vern likes the biggest v _ _ l _ n in the window. io i

14 There are many nice v _ s _ s in the vase store.
a e In the green grocery, Vern sees many v _ ge _ ab _ es. e t l What does this store sell? It sells vacuum cleaners!

15 讲学指导 Conversation Shopping Expressions ★ Shop Assistant 店员
May/Can I help you? 有什么可以帮您的吗? What size do you wear? 您穿什么尺寸呢? What colour do you like? 您喜欢什么颜色? How would you like to pay? 您想要如何支付呢? ★ Customer 顾客 Can I try it/them on? 我能试穿一下吗? extra small/small/medium/large/extra large 特小号/小号/中号/大号/特大号 Where is the changing room? 试衣间在哪? Can I pay by credit card/in cash? 我可以用信用卡/现金支付吗?

16 周周练 请圈出在文章 Max and Ruby Shop for Lunch 中出现的食物。

17 Word Bank 超纲词汇 fill /fIl/ v. 装满,填满 broccoli /'br^k=lI/ n. 花椰菜;西兰花
yogurt /'j^G=t/ n. 酸奶(=yoghurt) pay /peI/ v. 付钱给(某人);支付,付款 window /'wInd=U/ n. (商店的)橱窗;窗户 kind /kaInd/ n. 种类 check /t5ek/ v. 查看;核实 stockroom /'st^kru:m/ n. 仓库,贮藏室

18 similar /'sImIl=/ adj. 相像的,类似的
comfortable /'k2mft=bl/ adj. 舒适的 vest /vest/ n. 马甲,背心 vase /v1:z/ n. 花瓶 be busy doing (sth.) 忙于做(某事) shopping cart (超市内的)购物手推车 mac and cheese 芝士通心粉 (mac = macaroni) wheat bread 小麦面包 you bet 当然,还用说

19 50 pounds 50磅(≈483元) size 9 为英国鞋号的标法,大致对应中国鞋号44码。 cashier desk 收银台 have a seat 就座,坐下 wait a minute 稍候片刻 credit card 信用卡 green grocery 蔬菜水果店 vacuum cleaner 吸尘器

20 第6版 Playground 英语操练场

21 Have a Sweet Tooth 午后,阳光,一份精致的甜品, 一杯清香的奶茶,好不惬意的生活。 cheesecake doughnut
apple pie fairy cake pudding waffle profiterole strawberry tart

22 Sweet-Tooth Andy Have you heard of sweet-tooth Andy?
He makes his bed with sugar candy. But when it’s almost dawn, All of Andy’s bed is gone!

23 cakes and ale Meaning: enjoyable things in life 生活中的乐事
Story: cake 是“蛋糕”,ale 是“浓啤酒”。蛋糕可以吃,啤酒可以喝,“吃”和“喝”是人类生存必不可少的活动。因此,cakes and ale 就代表了“物质生活”。后来,该短语有了更深一层的含义,表达“生活中的享受、享乐”。 Example: Better beans and bacon in peace than cakes and ale in fear. 平平静静中的粗茶淡饭胜于提心吊胆下的大鱼大肉。

24 Word Bank 超纲词汇 cheesecake /'t5i:zkeIk/ n. 奶酪蛋糕,芝士蛋糕(=cheese cake)
doughnut /'d=Un2t/ n. 甜甜圈(=donut) profiterole /pr='fIt=r=Ul/ n. 泡芙 pudding /'pUdI9/ n. 布丁;[英](餐后的)甜食 waffle /'w^fl/ n. 华夫饼 almost /'6:lm=Ust/ adv. 几乎,差不多 dawn /d6:n/ n. 黎明,破晓 have a sweet tooth 喜爱吃甜食 apple pie 苹果馅饼

25 fairy cake 纸杯蛋糕 (=cupcake)
strawberry tart 草莓馅饼 hear of 听说,文中 heard 为 hear 的过去分词形式。 sugar candy 冰糖

26 第7版 Story Zone 故事地带

27 我吃下很多很多绿色蔬果后,终于变回了原来的我!
Pinkalicious (V) I opened the fridge, held my nose, and squeezed a bottle of icky green relish onto my tongue. I ate pickles and spinach, olives and okra. I ate all kinds of green vegetables and fruits that I could find at home. Next thing I knew, my arms tickled, my ears tingled, and my feet twitched. I was no longer red. I was no longer pink. I was me, and I was beautiful.

28 我吃下很多很多绿色蔬果后,终于变回了原来的我!
Pinkalicious (V) “So what happened to the rest of the cupcakes?” Daddy asked. Just then, my brother Peter ran in and shouted, “Pink-a-boo!”

29 Word Bank 超纲词汇 squeeze /skwi:z/ v. 挤,捏 icky /'IkI/ adj. 黏糊糊的;令人讨厌的
relish /'relI5/ n. 风味佐料(用水果和蔬菜煮后制成的冷稠酱汁) kind /kaInd/ n. 种类 tickle /'tIkl/ v. 发痒 tingle /'tI9Gl/ v. 感到刺痛 twitch /twIt5/ v. 抽搐,抽动 happen /'h7p=n/ v. 发生 hold one’s nose 捏住鼻子

30 pickles and spinach, olives and okra
泡菜、菠菜、橄榄和秋葵 no longer 不再 the rest of the cupcakes 剩余的杯形蛋糕 just then 就在那时 pink-a-boo 躲猫猫游戏(peek-a-boo)的变形。

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