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葡萄酒品尝学 Wine Tasting 主讲:刘延琳 By Liu Yanlin.

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Presentation on theme: "葡萄酒品尝学 Wine Tasting 主讲:刘延琳 By Liu Yanlin."— Presentation transcript:

1 葡萄酒品尝学 Wine Tasting 主讲:刘延琳 By Liu Yanlin

2 Wine Tasting By Prof. Liu Yanlin Office: 307, Enology building
Tel :

3 Textbook 李华,《葡萄酒品尝学》,科学出版社,2006.
Emile Peynaud:The Taste of Wine—The Art and Science of Wine Appreciation. Michael Schuster translated. United States: The Wine Appreciation Guild (Publishers) LTD., 1987

4 Reference books--Chinese
王俊玉. 葡萄酒的品评. 内蒙古人民出版社,2005 李华. 中国葡萄酒博览.四川美术出版社,2003 郭其昌. 葡萄酒品尝. 中国轻工业出版社. 2002 Michael Edwards. 红葡萄酒鉴赏手册. 上海科学技术出版社. 2000 Godfrey Spence. 白葡萄酒鉴赏手册. 上海科学技术出版社. 2003 迈克尔.爱德华. 红葡萄酒鉴赏手册. 万里书店. 2000 郭征. 葡萄酒鉴赏宝典. 上海科学技术出版公司. 2007 李华. 现代葡萄酒工艺学[M]. 西安:陕西人民出版社,2000.

5 Reference books--English
Baldy, Marian W. The University Wine Course (Third Edition). South San Francisco: The Wine Appreciation Guild (Publishers) LTD. , 1998 Ronald S. Jackson. Wine tasting-A professional book Lawless, Heymann. Sensory Evaluation of Food –Principles and Practice. Jancis R. How to taste. Simon & Schuster, 2001 Ronald S. Jackson. Wine tasting. Academic, 2002 Peter F. Global encyclopedia of wine. Global book publishing, 2002 Sudan K. Wines of the world. DK publishing, 2006 James G. Science of wine: From Vine to Glass. University of California, 2005 Andrew L. Waterhouse Susan E. Ebeler. Chemistry of wine flavor. Oxford University Press, 1999 Waterhouse, Andrew L. Red Wine Color: Revealing the Mysteries. Oxford Press, 2004

6 Chap. 1 Introduction 第一章 绪 论

7 Reading assignment 李华,《葡萄酒品尝学》,科学出版社,2006. pp1-6
Emile Peynaud:The Taste of Wine—The Art and Science of Wine Appreciation. Michael Schuster translated. United States: The Wine Appreciation Guild (Publishers) LTD., 1987,pp1-11

8 Question Have you ever drunk wine? Or bear? Or spirit?
Which poem can flame you for drinking wine? Why do you think you need to take this course?

9 Main point Characters of Wine What wine is? What does wine mean?
Wine tasting and drink What is the practical purpose of tasting? Wine taster

10 葡萄酒的工艺学定义 Definition of Wine by processing
Wine can only be fermented drink by fresh grape berries and fresh grape juice. The minimum alcohol content is 8.5%(v/v). 7.0%--in some given area (climate, soil, variety or special quality factors or tradition)

11 葡萄酒的特性 Characters of wine Grape Wine
yeasts Grape Wine The key words of wine: grape and yeast. Three stages: grape ripening, action of microbes, bio-chemical changes in the bottle. Wine is a bio-product.

12 Typical characteristics of Wine 葡萄酒的典型特性
葡萄酒的自然特性 Natural feature 葡萄酒的多样性 Diversity 葡萄酒的变化性 Variability 葡萄酒的复杂性 Complexity 葡萄酒的不稳定性 Instability 葡萄酒的感官特性 Sensory character

13 自然特性Natural feature Wine is a natural product of nature.
Was discovered, not being invented. Fermentation, clarification, stabilization was carried out naturally. Is a great gift from the nature. Is also crystal of human work.

14 多样性 Diversity Wine is different from standard products. Every wine area exhibits wines with unique style. Diversity of wine type: Quality level Wine style:varieties, climate and soil Diversity of variety, climate and soil Diversity of vinification methods and aging methods Diversity of wine is felicity to the consumers. Try to keep the diversity of wines.

15 变化性Variability The outside environment affects the growth of vine.
Climate (precipitation, sunlight, active accumulate temperature), soil type and viticulture condition(prunning, irrigation, fertilization, ect) decide the components of the grape berry, and then the quality of wine. The concept of Vintage Change year by year—good or bad vintage

16 复杂性 Complexity There are more than 1000 substance identified from wines and more than 350 were identified by quantity. Consumers benefits from the complexity of wine components. --One can not make a real wine by a fake method. --The complexity is the evidence that wine has nutrition and health-care value.

17 不稳定性 Instability The composition of wine defined that the wine has the character of instability. Chemical, physics-chemical and microbiological instability. Wine is a bio-product which changes during the time. All the changes: color, clarity, fragrance and taste. Wine has life and soul. Wine has life curve for being instability. mature quality Old Fine white wine Fine red wine Common wines

18 How long the history of wine can you image?
在人类起源的远古时期就有了葡萄酒。 6000 year? year? 河南省舞阳县的贾湖遗址 葡萄和葡萄酒的历史与人类的文明史几乎是同步成长的 多少世纪以来的传统、礼仪、神话和文字记载都赋予了葡萄酒特殊的作用 在古代,葡萄酒在人类的信仰和日常生活中都占有重要的地位 Wine in nowadays

19 Wine is …? Is a alcoholic drink Is functional drink
Is the gift generated by nature Is the distillate civilization Is the carrier of culture Is the second language of international communication Is the complex of science and art Wine is art

20 What dose wine mean? 葡萄酒是功能性饮料 具有悠久的历史 是自然赐予人类的礼物 是人类文明的结晶 是文化的载体
是国际交流的“第二语言” 是精雕玉凿的艺术品 是科学与艺术的结合体

21 Wine is an art Wine itself --Great wine --Good wine --Great winemaker
Wine label Wine Accessories

22 Wine lable

23 Wine lable

24 葡萄酒的附件 Wine Accessories
Old wine glass

25 Wine Accessories 葡萄酒本身的文化底蕴带来了丰富的相关产品,与葡萄酒相关的附件非常丰富,有的带有装饰与纪念的性质,有的是为了更好地呈现葡萄酒的风貌。 现在,漂亮地打开葡萄酒成了专业奉酒师必须的技巧,也是欣赏葡萄酒同时需要欣赏的过程之一。

26 Wine Accessories

27 Cork opener

28 Screwpull

29 Cork Pops

30 Lever Model Ah-So

31 滗酒器 Decanter

32 Wine is an art, as old as Eden; and a science, as new as tomorrow
葡萄酒是比伊甸园还要古老的艺术; 又是像明天一样新的科学 Wine is an art, as old as Eden; and a science, as new as tomorrow

33 Wine tasting Wine tasting,its appeal is on a quite different level from that of the monotonous flavor of manufactured drinks. Wine provides an infinite variety of natural flavors and aromas. It is complex, multifaceted, and never tastes quite the same, for the occasion changes, the accompanying food differs, and the mood of the drinker may also vary.

34 Definitions of Wine tasting
Messre. Ribereau-Gayon and Peynaud define tasting as: "Tasting means carefully sampling a product whose quality one wants to assess; it is to submit the product to our senses, in particular those of taste and smell: it is to attempt to know it by looking for its various faults and qualities and expressing them. It is to study, analyze, describe, define, judge and classify."

35 Definitions of Wine tasting
葡萄酒品尝(Wine tasting), 或感官分析(Sensory Evaluation),就是利用感官去了解、确定某一产品的感官特性及其优缺点,并最后估价其质量。即利用视觉、嗅觉和味觉对葡萄酒进行观察、分析、描述、定义、分级。 To observe, to analyse, to describe, to define and to classify.

36 Other definition of Tasting
"Tasting is a way of life. We taste everything that comes into contact with our senses. It’s a work of art."

37 Wine Tasting and drink 品尝并不是喝酒,品尝是一种艺术。譬如欣赏一幅画、听一曲音乐,如果你没有美术与音乐修养,就不可能说出它的好坏。 There is a big difference between drinking and tasting. Good wines and great wines are not drinks which are simply swallowed.

38 Wine Tasting and drink Compare with the simple act of drinking,in tasting one's approach is systematic and one's impressions must be coordinated. For the winetaster,tasting is a professional. Wine tasting is an art and a science, both difficult, that its vocabulary is often esoteric深奥的.

39 Wine tasting and drink Wine tasting has its own techniques which need to be learned. Fine wines are the product of skill, patience and hard work by winemakers who have the pleasure of the consumer in mind.

40 Wine tasting and drink Physical pleasure by itself is enough to satisfy the urge to drink. The skill of tasting provides the means to appreciate this pleasure in full demands an effort. The act of tasting requires intelligence and competence.

41 Phase of tasting Oenologists distinguish four phases of the act of tasting: Sensory examination, describing what the senses have perceived, comparison with recognized standards and reasoned judgment.

42 Phase of tasting—(品尝、描述、归类、评判)
1.Observation--利用感官(眼、鼻、口)对葡 萄酒进行观察,以获得相应的感觉; 2.Description--对所获得的感觉进行描述; 3.Comparison--与已知的标准进行分析比较; 4.Evaluation--做出评价;并进行归类分级。

43 Winetasting and winetasters
Since wine is made to be consumed and enjoyed, it follows that tasting is the most sensible way to assess its quality. Indeed tasting is the only means we have of really appreciating it.

44 Winetasting and winetasters
The most difficult aspect of tasting, is describing sensations and making appropriate judgments. Tasting is said to be an art and a science; it can be learned, it can be taught. It is a training which demands a great deal of personal effort and perseverance. Discover your sensations for oneself.

45 Winetasting and winetasters
A good winetaster must combine a clear perception of tastes and odours with a well-developed technique To taste effectively one must love wine, and to learn to taste it is to learn to love it more.

46 Winetasting and winetasters
It is difficult to decide to what extent sensitivity of taste is innate先天的 and to what extent it is acquired. The expert winetaster's gift may simply come from the fact that he has always been interested in his senses, and has cultivated them for that reason. What is usually lacking is the frequent opportunity to taste a large number of different wines.

47 Winetasting and winetasters
The paradox of winetasting is that it tends to be an objective method using subjective means. Wine is the object, the winetaster the subject. The human senses are used as the measuring instruments in winetasting. He is able to conjure up images to describe the wine he tastes, something which no instrumental interpretation can replace.

48 Winetasting and winetasters
The winetaster must be coldly precise in his descriptive analysis, exacting in his approval but warm in his judgment. His critical opinion should be clear, but he need not be afraid to express his pleasure,astonishment and admiration.

49 品尝员应具备的基本素质 能有意识地、主动地进行观察(以获得相应的感觉);努力捕捉、获得和贮藏尽量多的信息(即感观分析过程);
能正确地表述自己的感觉(用准确、清楚的词汇对所获得的感觉进行描述); 能作出客观的评价(包括与已知的标准进行比较及最后进行归类分级、得出评价)。品尝的最大困难就是描述自己的感受,给予恰当的评价。

50 衡量品尝员基本素质的标准 Sensitivity 敏感性 Accuracy 准确性 Precision 精确性

51 衡量品尝员基本素质的标准 Sensitivity 敏感性--具有较低的感觉临界值,即具有尽量小的味觉阈值和嗅觉阈值。

52 衡量品尝员基本素质的标准 Veracity 准确性——对同一产品的各次品尝的回答始终一致。该值通过品尝员对酒样的打分获得。
准确性(%)=100-(|A1-A2|+|B1-B2|+……|N1-N2|) A1、A2为第1个酒样的二次品尝得分; B1、B2为第2个酒样的二次品尝得分; N1、N2为第N个酒样的二次品尝得分。

53 衡量品尝员基本素质的标准 Accuracy 精确性——正确、清楚地表述所获得的感觉。该值通过品尝员对酒样的描述、评语的词汇获得。
精确性(%)=两次品尝中相同的词汇量×2 /两次品尝中的总词汇量×100

54 The practical purpose of tasting
Wine tasting is the basis of all aspects of the wine business,in the long chain from cultivating the vine to bringing the wine to the table. At any of these levels tasting is an essential means of examination and quality control, a system that is both swift and sensitive.

55 What is the practical purpose of tasting?
For the producer, cellar master or winemaker For the oenologist For the broker 经纪人 For the merchant Restaurant managers and wine waiters For the wine lover For the consumer

56 What is the practical purpose of tasting?
For the producer, cellar master or winemaker there is no more rapid and efficient method of following the vinification, judging when to blend, checking quality and keeping the ageing process going well. Chemical analysis is a great help, but nothing can replace the instant information yielded by nose and palate.

57 What is the practical purpose of tasting?
It would be difficult to imagine oenologists who were not also expert tasters, for they are the technicians in charge of the care, presentation and stabilization of wines. They have the advantage over other professionals of working very closely with wine from vinification through to bottling. Their tasting analyses probe deeper; they can explain a defect and pinpoint查明 its source, trace a wine's past, predict its future.

58 What is the practical purpose of tasting?
The broker tastes as an expert, consultant, presenter and judge of wine. He knows the wines of his region better than anyone. The merchant tastes his purchases at all stages from blending to bottling. It is only after a final tasting that he puts his label and name on a bottle.

59 What is the practical purpose of tasting?
Restaurant managers and wine waiters need to know not only how to serve wines but also how to purchase and recommend them. The tasks experienced tasters.

60 What is the practical purpose of tasting?
Tasting is thus a means to the better understanding of wine. This in turn leads to improvements in vinification, conservation and quality control, and finally to a greater appreciation.

61 What is the practical purpose of tasting?
The wine lover appreciates a wine all the more for being able to perceive its qualities and to explain why it is good.

62 What is the practical purpose of tasting?
For the consumer: to tell the difference between two wines; to recognize their difference in quality, he needs to have acquired at least some basic ideas about wine tasting. And educating the consumer's palate is one effective way of raising the overall standard of wine production.

63 品尝的作用 品尝是葡萄酒质量评价的最终手段 品尝是了解葡萄酒、更好地酿造、贮藏、检验和最后鉴赏葡萄酒的手段。 品尝是酿酒师便捷的工具。

64 品尝的作用 品尝是认识葡萄酒,更好地酿造、贮藏、检验葡萄酒和最后鉴赏葡萄酒的手段。品尝的主要作用是鉴定葡萄酒的质量(对于专业人员)和欣赏葡萄酒(对于消费者)。 一种葡萄酒的质量,首先取决于它是否能给人们感觉方面的满足,而这只能通过人的品尝来鉴定,这是其他最先进的仪器分析方法都无法取而代之的。 在"葡萄栽培→葡萄酒酿造→葡萄酒在各种场合被消费"的这一葡萄酒生产、商品化的链上,可以说品尝是其每一环的基础。

65 感官分析的意义 现代科学技术的进步,给葡萄酒的分析提供了许多精密准确的方法。
分析家可以检测出酒中的几百种成分,不断地认识那些与酒的质量、风格有密切关系的重要因素,能动地加以解释和建立一些科学规律来推动葡萄酒科学的更大进步。 然而直到如今人们还不能单靠鉴定酒中的成分来给它的质量以恰如其分的评价。

66 感官分析的意义 一切化学分析尽管很详细,也还是很不够的,只能辅助感官分析而不能代替感官分析。

67 Science of Wine-tasting and Enology
Wine tasting and winemaking Wine tasting and wine analysis

68 Wine tasting and winemaking
只有“葡萄酒品尝”才是最终评价葡萄酒质量的最有效手段。 葡萄酒工艺学的目的之一就是在尽可能提高质量的同时,解释葡萄酒的感官特征。 一个没有葡萄酒工艺学知识的人,很难成为优秀的葡萄酒品尝师。葡萄酒品尝学是葡萄酒工艺学的一个分支。 品尝是葡萄酒师的手段。 一个不懂得品尝的工程师,很难酿造出高质量的葡萄酒。

69 Wine tasting and wine analysis
分析家可以检测出酒中的几百种成分,不断地认识那些与酒的质量、风格有密切关系的重要因素,能动地加以解释和建立一些科学规律来推动葡萄酒科学的更大进步。 然而直到如今人们还不能单靠鉴定酒中的成分来给它的质量以恰如其分的评价。 葡萄酒分析能帮助我们了解葡萄酒的成分,因而帮助我们品尝。 建立感官特性与葡萄酒成分的客观联系。

70 Objective of tasting and method
质量检验品尝 Evaluative tasting 分析品尝 Analytical tasting 分级品尝 Grading Tasting 市场品尝 Marketing Tasting 好恶品尝 Like or dislike

71 质量检验品尝: Evaluative tasting

72 Inspection

73 分析品尝Analytical Tasting:

74 分析品尝

75 分级品尝: 分级品尝的目的是排定同一类型葡萄酒不同样品的名次,(如各种评优)都采用品尝方法。为多样品比较品尝。

76 市场品尝 市场品尝是葡萄酒生产者为了确定各地消费者的口味 ,或了解消费者对所提供产品的反应而组织的品尝。如某地区的人比另一地区的人更喜欢甜味等。常采用的方法为“对比品尝”。

77 市场品尝:

78 欣赏葡萄酒

79 Professional tasting IS done in several different ways.
Evaluative tasting: One standard approach involves assessing a wine's commercial value, attempting to answer the questions: is this wine typical of its appellation in terms of character and quality? How much can it be sold for? Is it better or worse than comparable wines?

80 Professional tasting Analytical tasting:
It attempts to describe a wine's taste by way of its composition, analysing it into simple recognizable flavors; It tries to link a specific flavor to a specific substance, to trace its source to particular conditions of vinification or storage, and to predict the wine's keeping and ageing properties. The oenologist's approach is more technical.

81 Wine and Food

82 Wine tasting is a science
葡萄酒品尝学是研究关于葡萄酒品尝的理论、方法的一门科学。通过葡萄酒品尝学的学习,要求: 掌握葡萄酒品尝的理论和原理; 掌握葡萄酒品尝的方法和技术; 通过品尝训练提高葡萄酒品尝水平。 

83 Contents of Wine Tasting
Six aspects: 葡萄酒的感观特性( Sensory feature ,Organoleptic properties)及其质量和风格(Quality and style) 品尝的生理学原理(physiology theory) 品尝的过程(Phase of tasting) 品尝的组织、品尝方法 (Organizing and methods) 品尝训练 Tasting training 品尝词汇、评语 Tasting glossary,Tasting note

84 葡萄酒的感观特性及其质量和风格 外观、香气、口感 Appearance, Fragrance, Flavour 口感和香气的平衡
Balance 葡萄酒的质量与风格 Quality and style  

85 品尝的生理学原理 人的视觉、嗅觉、味觉 Vision, Olfaction, Palate 人的视觉、嗅觉及味觉反应过程
Reactivity of vision, olfaction, palate 感观分析及总体辨别的过程 Analysis and distinguish

86 学习葡萄酒品尝学 主动、有意识地利用品尝的各个阶段(品尝的过程)
掌握葡萄酒品尝的基本理论和原理、方法及技术 主动、有意识地利用品尝的各个阶段(品尝的过程) 加强品尝训练,通过有目的、有意识地训练和主动利用,可以提高我们感觉器官的敏感性,并且促进这些感觉系统的发展。 只有多次重复进行各种各样的感觉训练,我们才能在大脑中贮藏越来越多的信息,了解不同种类葡萄酒的质量特征、葡萄酒的风格,才具有区别不同感觉的能力,才能使我们的描述更为精确,使我们的判断更为准确。

87 学习葡萄酒品尝学 加强品尝训练,经常进行品尝实践,接触各种葡萄酒 生活的积累 提高对生活细节的认知度和感知度 交流的能力
Peynaud(1983)曾用看书来比喻葡萄酒品尝。葡萄酒如同一篇文章,经过训练认识葡萄酒的口感和气味,就如同认识了“单词”和“词组”等文字符号。通过一闻、一尝,即通过这些“符号”,就能读懂葡萄酒的质量或特点。“词汇”量越丰富,对于“文章”的理解就越深刻! 但对于识字不多的人,就难做到读懂、读透该文章。

88 Wine is an art, as old as Eden; and a science, as new as future.

89 思考题(绪论) 1.品尝学的定义、研究内容; 2.品尝的定义(原理)、目的、作用(消费者、专业人员)、过程;
3.品尝员应具备的要求和条件及达到的途径? 4.如何学好品尝学? 5. 你是如何理解葡萄酒的?

1. The definition and the content of the science of Wine Tasting. 2. The definition, purpose, function, and process of Wine Tasting. 3. What qualities should the winetaster have and how can they have these qualities? 4.How to study Wine Tasting well?


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