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1 口译与听力(自考本科)

2 Unit 15 Tourism 目录 I. Put the following sentences into Chinese (P144)
1. I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce the representatives and their brief background.

3 目录 2. Singapore boasts a rich cultural blend.

4 目录 3. Yellowstone, the world’s first national park, is a wonderful land.

5 目录 4、Protection should be strengthened against international piracy.

6 目录 5、Teachers encourage students to think creatively to solve problems.

7 目录 6、A green product uses less resources and creates less waste.

8 目录 7、We must look for a more sustainable path to prosperity.

9 目录 8、In the past thirty years, we have developed many technologies to prevent pollution.

10 目录 9、Most of all, I want to thank all of you for being part of this historic event.

11 目录 10、Singapore, also known as the garden city, boasts many green parks.

12 目录 11、Nothing can rival the beauty of the Rocky Mountains.

13 目录 12、Economic recovery is a lengthy journey which will last for many years.

14 目录 13、At universities, students will select electives from a range of subjects.

15 目录 14、To protect the environment, we must cut down the carbon dioxide.

16 目录 15、Global warming has posed a threat to human beings whose fates are lingered.

17 目录 16、Leading-edge technologies are developed to prevent our national heritage from being damaged.

18 目录 17、Protection against piracy must be strengthened for the development of software industry.

19 目录 18、I’d like to take this opportunity to share my feelings with you.

20 目录 19、Many important goods are cheap in Singapore because it is a duty-free port.

21 目录 20、It is important to keep the ecosystem of the Great Lakes.

22 目录 21、Copyright is a king of intellectual property.

23 目录 22、Students with less academic goals take classes at local community colleges.

24 目录 23、Green product means environment-friendly product.

25 目录 24、Much of this economic expansion has been in the developing countries.

26 目录 25、Climate change negotiators held a meeting in Kyoto, Japan.

27 目录 26、The company has 300 employees, including 86 engineering and technical personnel.

28 III. Put the following sentences into English (P147)
目录 III. Put the following sentences into English (P147) 1、会期只有两天,日程紧凑。

29 目录 2、必须加强对金融风险的防范。

30 目录 3、黄河流域是人类文明发源地之一。

31 目录 4、许多人为我国的西部大开发做出了贡献。

32 目录 5、这个投资项目总价值为1.7亿美元。

33 目录 6、中国政府采取了高度负责的态度。

34 目录 7、该地区经济发达,基础雄厚。

35 目录 8、事情的本质不在于战胜对手,而在于全力拼搏。

36 目录 9、知识经济要求坚持创新。

37 目录 10、这个科技展展出了250件展品。

38 目录 11、希望我们能通过短短两天的会议建立其今后长期的合作关系。

39 目录 12、亚洲各国人民有着强烈的自尊自信,自立自强精神。

40 目录 13、一些国家和地区的金融体系抗风险能力不强。

41 目录 14、中国加入世界贸易组织,会给中国带来很大的经济利益。

42 目录 15、欢迎来高科技产业开发区投资建厂。

43 目录 16、中国政府承诺人民币不贬值。

44 目录 17、滥用兴奋剂是严重破坏规则的行为。

45 目录 18、奥林匹克运动会弘扬的是体育道德精神。

46 目录 19、中国古代的四大发明是造纸术、火药、印刷术和指南针。

47 目录 20、故宫博物院保存了许多朝代最精美的瓷器艺术品。

48 目录 21、信息技术的进步是经济全球化的基础。

49 目录 22、美国驻中国大使馆对本次活动给予了大力支持。

50 目录 23、裁判员宣誓将公正无私地履行自己的职责。

51 目录 24、我们要实施科教兴国的战略。

52 目录 25、联合国教科文组织的总部设在巴黎。

53 Thanks for your attention!

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