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定义 在英汉互译过程中,由于两种语言表达习惯不同,往往需要把英语中的正说译成汉语中的反说,把英语中的反说译成汉语中的正说,这样才能确切表达原意并符合语言的规范。这种把正说处理为反说,把反说处理为正说的译法,叫正反表达法。这种正说和反说的相互转换是翻译技巧中的一个重要方法。它属于引申和修辞范围。那么,什么是正说和反说呢?英语词句中含有“never”,“no”,“not”,“non-”,“un-”,“im-”,“in-”,“ir-”,“-less”等成分以及汉语词句中含有“不”、“没”、“无”、“未”、“甭”、“别”、“休”、“莫”、“非”、“毋”、“勿”等成分的为反说,不含有这些成分的为正说。
一、英译汉正说反译法---动词 1)“I have read your articles.I expect to meet an old man.” 译文:“我读过你的文章,没想到你这样年轻。” 2)The above facts insist on the following conclusions . 译文:上述事实使人们不能不得出以下结论。 3)As a result, many people avoided the very attempts that are the source of true happiness. 译文:结果,很多人没有尝试,而这些尝试正是幸福的源泉。
4)I have a completely open mind.I have read your articles,I expected to meet an old man.
译文:我完全没有成见。我读过你的文章了,想不到你这么年轻。 5)Appearances are deceptive. 译文:外表是靠不住的。 6)The window refuses to open. 译文:窗户打不开。 7)Children were excluded from getting in the building. 译文:孩子不许进入这幢楼房。
8)Such a chance denied me.
译文:我没有得到这个机会。(动词) 9)He was 75, but he carried his years lightly. 译文:他75岁了,可是并不显老。 10)Please remain seated while the plane is taking off.We may safely say so. 译文:飞机起飞时请不要离开座位。我们这样说万无一失。 11)The plan as it is leaves much to be desired. 译文:目前这样的方案大有不足之处。
形容词 12)The light in the classroom is poor. 译文:教室里的光线不足。
13)The explanation is pretty thin. 译文:这个解释站不住脚。 14)He was absent from his own country last year. 译文:他去年不在自己的国家。 15)At present it is generally accepted, although more as a self-evident statement than on the base of a closely-reasoned scientific proof. 译文:目前,这个观点已被普遍接受,虽然它是不言而喻的,并不是根据科学严密推理而证明的。
副词 16)He dived into the water fully clothed and rescued the children.
译文:他衣服没脱就跳入水中,把孩子救了上来。 17)I stayed awake almost the whole night.I'll be here for good this time. 译文:我昨夜几乎一夜没睡。我这次再也走不动了。 18)Fully clothed, he fell across his bunk and was instantly sleep. 译文:他衣服也不脱往床铺上横着一躺,很快就睡着了。
名词 19)He was extremely sorry for the shortness of time.
译文:他对时间不足感到十分抱歉。 20)Behave yourself during my absence. 译文:我不在时要规矩点。 21) This failure was the making of him. 译文:这次不成功是他成功的基础。
介词 22)I do think that it is beyond his power to fulfill the task.
译文:我的确认为要完成这项任务是他力所不及的。 23)His answer is beside the mark.。 译文:他的回答文不对题。 24)I have fallen behind with my correspondence. 译文:我有一些信件没有及时答复。 25)The lecture was interesting,but as far as I am concerned the speaker was speaking over my head. 译文:这讲座很有趣,但对我来说,讲座太深了,听不懂。
连词 26)Before I could say “thank you”,the postman had disappeared around the corner. 译文:我还没来得及说声“谢谢”,邮递员已经在拐角处不见了。 27) The soldiers would fight to death before they surrendered. 译文:战士们宁愿战死也决不投降。
习惯用法 28) He is anything but a writer. 译文:他决不是一个作家。
29)The islanders found themselves far from ready to fight the war. 译文:岛民发现自己远远没有做好作战准备。 30)The decision has to come. 译文:决定尚未作出。 31)It is a wise father that knows his own child. 译文:无论怎样聪明的父亲也不见得了解自己的孩子。
固定搭配 32)I'm only too pleased to work with you.I'm but too glad to do so.和你一起工作太高兴了。 译文:我非常愿意这样做。 33)We will die before we give in. 译文:我们宁死不屈。
祈使句正说反译 34)Keep off the grass. 译文:不要践踏草坪 . 35)Wet paint ! 译文:油漆未干!
二、英译汉反说正译法---动词 1)At the same time,even as she untied the package,the thought came to her—supposing they would not work? 译文:就在她打开包的时候,她有一个念头:万一它们不灵验呢? 2)The doubt was still unsolved after his repeated explanations. 译文:虽经他一再解释,疑团仍然存在。 3)The examination left no doubt that the patient had died of cancer. 译文:调查结果清楚的说明病人死于癌症。
4)Britain could not have advanced her industrialization so rapidly, if ,just when owners of factories needed it most,an abundant supply of cheap labor had not made itself available. 译文:英国工业化进展得如此之快,如果不是各厂家老板正当急需之时,有大量廉价劳动力可供使用,那是不可能的。 5)I only wish he was here himself,as I don't doubt he will be here at sunset tomorrow. 译文:我希望他也在这里,我有把握,明天太阳下山的时候,他就要来了。
形容词 6)The scientist must approach the familiar just as carefully and cautiously as he does the unfamiliar. 译文:科学家在处理熟知的事物时,必须像处理陌生的事物一样小心谨慎。 7) He was an indecisive sort of person and always capricious. 译文:他这个人优柔寡断,而且总是反复无常。
副词 8)Everyone felt nervous that afternoon,and they all went about their work in an unusually careful manner. 译文:那天下午,大家都感到紧张,干活时特别小心谨慎。 9)It is the only possession that I have not given up. 译文:这是我所保留的唯一财产。 10)The thought of returning to his native land never deserted him. 译文:归国的念头始终萦绕在他的心中。
名词 11)The illiteracy rate declined from 30.4 percent in 1910 to 22.9 percent in 1920. 译文:文盲率从1910年的30.4%降低到1920年的22.9%。 12)He showed a strong dislike for father’s business. 译文:他对他父亲的生意表现出强烈的厌恶。
介词 13)The problem is not beyond our reach. 译文:这个问题我们能解决。
14)The whole gun was no longer than eight inches. 译文:整枝枪的长度只有8英寸。
习惯用法 15)Violent video games appeared no more likely to cause loss of temper than other forms of play. 译文:含有暴力内容的电子游戏和其他形式的游戏一样,似乎都不大可能使人受挫发火。
固定搭配 16)You cannot praise the play too highly. 译文:这出戏你怎么称赞也不过分。
17)Young scientists cannot realize too soon that existing scientific knowledge is not nearly so complete,certain and unalterable as many textbooks seem to imply. 译文:现在的科学知识似乎都不像许多教科书所叙述的那样 完善、那样肯定、那样一成不变,对于这种情况,年轻科学家意识到得越快越好。 18)These scientists could not believe the two Curies more. 译文:这些科学家完全相信居里夫妇。
19)It will not be long before they understand the truth that study hard before it is too late.
译文:他们大概不久就会理解要趁早努力学习的道理。 20)She won’t go away until you promise to help her . 译文:她要等你答应帮助以后才肯走。
双否定译肯定 21)There can be no sunshine without shadow 译文:有阳光就有阴影。
22)When we read, we may visit the most beautiful parts of the earth, without fatigue, inconvenience, expense. 译文:我们阅读时可遍访地球上最美丽的地方,轻松,便捷,便宜。 23)It’s not seldom that he plays Majiang. (= He often plays Majiang. ) 译文:他常常打麻将。 24)We must never stop taking an optimistic view of life. 译文:我们对生活要永远抱乐观态度。
25)The significance of these incidents wasn’t lost on us.
译文:这件事引起了我们的重视。 26)Such mistakes couldn’t long escape notice. 译文:这类错误迟早会被发觉的。 27) Elliott was too clever not see that many of the persons who accepted his invitation did so only to get a free meal and that of these some were stupid and some worthless. 译文:艾略特是一个聪明人。他定能看得出许多接受他邀请的人只是为了来吃一顿不花钱的饭。他知道这些人有的愚不可及,有的则微不足道。
部分否定 28)Not all minerals come from mines . 译文:并非所有矿物都来自矿山。
29)Both of the substances do not dissolve in water. 译文:不是两种物质都溶于水。 30)All that glitters is not gold. (= Not all that glitters is gold. ) 译文:闪光的不一定都是金子。
祈使句反说正译 31)No smoking! 译文:严禁吸烟
32)No deposit will be refunded unless ticket produced. 译文:凭票退还押金。 33)Don’t lose time in posting this letter. 译文:赶快把这封信寄出去。
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