任务8 投诉和索赔 Complaints and Claims

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1 任务8 投诉和索赔 Complaints and Claims
项目四 外贸业务磋商信函 任务8 投诉和索赔 Complaints and Claims

2 投诉和索赔 Introduction 1 2 Complaint 投诉 3 Claim 索赔 4 Sum-up

3 Introduction 索理赔函电,产生于对外贸易的业务活动之中,如某一方没有履行合同。但常常是即使双方很小心的,仍然会有投诉和索赔情况出现。解决争议,达成索理赔协议,须经双方平等协商,从而理顺贸易关系,解决业务纠纷,建立国际贸易新秩序,创造良好的国际贸易环境,促进世界范围的经贸事业繁荣发展。对于索理赔函电的拟写,索赔方要实事求是,据理力争;理赔方要澄清事实,分辨是非。这样就有利于纠纷的妥善解决。反之,双方措辞激烈,剑拔弩张,咄咄逼人,或非分奢望,或赖帐狡辩,都不仅无助纠纷的解决,最终很可能会适得其反。

4 这类信函通常包括: 开头:1)说明写信的原因—投诉或索赔的事件; 正文:2) 具体介绍发生的事情,如有证据可提供; 3) 提出自己的要求,如要求退货,赔钱等; 结尾:4) 期望;希望满足自己的要求,表达合作的希望等。 回信要点: 接受投诉或理赔的回信: 开头:1)收到来信并表示很遗憾; 正文:2)对对方信中提及的事情加以解释,调查,并针对对方的要求给 予答复 ; 结尾:3)表示道歉和进一步合作的希望。 不能接受投诉或索赔的回信: 开头:1)收到来信,表示遗憾; 正文:2)对事件进行调查,加以解释,说明原因和提出证据说明不能负责; 结尾:3)期望:以后合作的机会,或再次表示遗憾。 每封信件的具体内容会有变化,需要根据实际情况加以调整。

5 Complaint 投诉 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

6 Specimen 1 Complaint of Poor Quality Specimen 2 Complaint Accepted
1. TEXT Specimen 1 Complaint of Poor Quality Specimen 2 Complaint Accepted

7 Lesson 17 Complaint 申诉 TEXT Arm yourself Main points
Make yourself skilled TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled

8 2. Arm yourself 1. match v. be exactly like; correspond exactly 相配;十分相似;和……符合 e.g. 这批货跟上个月你寄来的样品不一样。 The shipment does not match the sample you sent us last month. 2. make up pack 包装; compensate 补偿 e.g. 大量损失来自于在港口时的粗鲁装卸,所以应由船方赔偿。 Great losses were incurred by rough handling at the port, so compensation should be made up by the shipper. e.g.我们希望这批货装运跟合同里的要求一致。 We hope the shipmen twill match the requirements of the contract. e.g.我方希望你方能够补偿损失。 We hope you could make up the losses.

9 3. have no choice but to have to 别无他法, 只好 e.g. 如你方不能答应,恐怕我们只好退货了。
If you can’t grant us the request, I’m afraid we have no choice but to return the goods back to you. 4. replace v. be or provide a substitute for 提供代替品, 替换 e.g. 请立即寄来我们所需要的商品来代替在运输途中受损的商品。 Please send the goods we need to replace those damaged during transit. n. replacement 代替或被代替的行为或过程;替换替换货物 e.g. 我们不得不取消订货。 We have no choice but to cancel the order. 我们不得不拒收货物,因为你方发错货物了。 We have no choice but to decline the goods as you made delivery of the wrong goods. 句式:replace A with (by) B replace A A be replaced with B B replace A replace with (by) B n. replacement… 代替或被代替的行为或过程;替换;替换货物 make replacement with B make replacement of A

10 5. agreed adj. which have been accepted 已一致(同意)的;经过协商的
v. agree 同意,赞同;商定,达成协议;相符,相同 agree to 同意,赞同 agree with 同意,赞同 与……一致 agree that... 同意 agree to do sth. 同意做某事 agree in 在……上看法一致 agree upon 经过协商讨论取得一致看法 e.g. 我们最终同史密斯先生在电话中协商好了价格。 We finally agreed upon the price with Mr. Smith on the phone. n. agreement 协议,协定 n. agreement 协议,协定 make agreement with sb. in sth. 与…在…方面达成协议 be in agreement with sb 同意某人 be in agreement with sth. 与……相符,一致 adj. agreeable 适合的; 同意的,赞成的 Be agreeable to sb. 使……满意,可以接受 Be agreeable to sth. 同意某事 agreeable 适宜的 agreeable weather e.g. 我们同意你方建议。 We are agreeable to your suggestion (agree to) 你方报盘我们可以接受。 Your offer is agreeable to us.

11 6. complaint n. an expression of dissatisfaction 抱怨,起诉,申诉
lodge / make / lay a complaint against sb. 对某人提出诉讼 e.g. 我们收到一份对短重的抱怨。 We received a complaint about the short weight. v. complain 抱怨,起诉,申诉 complain about/of sth. e.g. 任何关于产品质量的诉讼需在货物到达后15天内提出。 Any complaint about the quality of the products should be lodged within 15 days after their arrival. 别老是抱怨别人对你不公平。 Don‘t complain all the time about the unfairness from the other 有买主抱怨运去的货物质量与合同不符。 We have a buyer who complained about the inconformity of quality of goods shipped with the contract.

12 7. bring this matter to one’s attention 使某人注意某事
8. look into investigate, inquire into go into 调查 e.g. 经调查,损坏系码头作业不小心所致。 After looking into the matter, we find damage was caused by careless handling at the dock. 9. fault n. defect 缺陷,故障,缺点 similar expressions: call/draw/invite sb.’ s attention to sth. e.g.我们会对你方所抱怨一事进行调查。 We will look into your complaint. adj. faulty 有缺陷的,有缺点的 faulty goods 有毛病的货物 faulty packing 有缺陷的包装

13 Complaint 投诉 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

14 3. Main points Specimen 1 a. refer to the goods
b. complain and give the details c. suggest the settlement of replacement d. expectation of early reply Specimen 2 a. concern of the complaint b. looking into the complaint and giving the result c. dispatch of correct goods d. apologies for inconvenience

15 A Complaint of Poor Quality
Specimen 1 Young-In Trading Co. Ltd. 115-30 Namsan-Dong Pusan Korea October China Import and Export Wuhan Corp. 239 Dufudi Road Wuchang Wuhan P.R. China Dear Sirs Our order No.250 of 6 May for upholstery materials has duly arrived and we have taken delivery of the goods. We have examined the Claim carefully and to our great disappointment find that they are not of the quality we ordered. The materials do not match the samples you sent us. The quality of some of them is so poor that we feel that a mistake has been made in making up the order.

16 A Complaint of Poor Quality
Specimen 1 We have therefore no choice but to ask you to take the materials back and replace them with materials of the quality we ordered. If you can replace the materials we are prepared to allow the agreed delivery time to run from the date you confirm that you can supply the correct materials. We look forward to your early reply. Yours faithfully (Signature) Park Junshou Park Junshou Director

17 Chinese Version 信件一 约因贸易责任有限公司 韩国釜山南山东路115-30 中国武汉进出口公司 中国武汉武昌度伏地路239号
邮编430061 敬启者: 我方5月6日250号订单的室内装潢材料已经按时到达,我们已提货。 令我们失望的是,我们仔细的检查了货物,发现跟我们所订货物不相符合。材料 跟你寄给我方的样品不一样,有些货物的质量太差了,我们认为在打包货物时出了 错。 因此,我们不得不要求你方将货物运回,用我方所订货物替换这些。如你方能 够替换,我们打算允许你方从你方确认可以提供所需材料起计算交货日期。 盼望你方早日答复。 (签名) 帕克.约翰首 主任 2006年12月12日 谨上

18 Complaint Accepted Specimen 2 China Import and Export Wuhan Corp.
239 Dufudi Road Wuchang Wuhan P.R. China November Young-In Trading Co. Ltd. 115-30 Namsan-Dong Pusan Korea Dear Sirs, We are deeply concerned about the complaint about upholstery materials supplied to your order No However we are glad you bring this matter to our attention. We have looked into the matter and found the quality of the goods is really not in conformity with the samples. After tracing we find it resulting from a fault in one of the machines which has been put right.

19 Complaint Accepted Specimen 2
We are arranging for the correct goods to be dispatched to you at once. The relevant documents will be mailed to you as soon as they are ready. As regards the wrong goods please keep until called for by our agents who have been informed of the situation. We apologize for the inconvenience caused by our error. Yours faithfully (Signature) Lin Hai Lin Hai Manager

20 信件二 中国武汉进出口公司 中国武汉武昌度伏地路239号 邮编430061 约因贸易责任有限公司 韩国釜山南山东路115-30 敬启者: 你方抱怨我们所供你方订单250号的室内装潢材料一事,我们深为关切。但你方将此事提醒我方注意,我们十分高兴。 我们调查了此事,发现货物的质量确实跟样品不相符合。经追查,发现原因是由于一台机器出了故障,我们已修好。 我方正安排发寄正确货物给你方。相关单据准备好后马上寄出。关于发错的货物,请保存,我们已通知我方代理,他会拜访你方的。 对由于我方错误给你方带来的不便我们表示道歉。 (签名) 林海 经理 谨上 2006年12月29日

21 Complaint 投诉 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

22 4. Make Yourself Skilled 1. Choose the best answer:
1) We regret to have to complain _________ the bad quality of shipment of sugar by s. s. “Taishan”. a. at b. about c. on d. in 2) The quality is not in conformity _________ the agreed specifications. a. to b. in c. with d. on 3) We find it imperative to look _________ the matter as soon as possible a. to b. into c. with d. at 4) The leakage occurred during transit result _________ your faulty packing. a. into b. in c. to d. from 5) We shall take delivery _________ the goods as soon as they are released. a. of b. at c. from d. on b c b d a

23 6) When looking into the case we found that the goods did not agree _________ the original sample.
a. to b. in c. with d. on 7) Our end-users are complaining _________ the inferior quality against us. a. to b. about c. with d. on 8) We must ask you to look into the matter and arrange _________ the dispatch of replacement at once. a. to b. on c. of d. for 9) We are clear that we can not make _________ the inconvenience caused by us. a. out b. in c. up d. with 10) We have dispatched the goods _________ the same quality to many other houses. a. of b. in c. with d. on c b d c a

24 2. Fill in the blanks the following words or expressions:
took delivery of replacement faulty supplied to have no choice but to are prepared to agree to resulted from 1) Since you have delayed the shipment, we _________________ cancel the contract. 2) It is obvious that the damage to the goods ____________ the rough handling. 3) Your cooperation in this instance is very much appreciated and we trust the ____________ will reach you in due course. 4) If your business with us turns out to our satisfaction, we will ____________ renew the Agency Agreement. 5) The ____________quality of the goods received will no doubt affect the selling price. 6) On arrival of M.V. “Castle” at Port Louis, we _______________ the consignment. 7) We _______________ repack the goods at the warehouse. 8) The carpets ____________ our Order No. C396 of July 3 have arrived this morning. have no choice but to resulted from replacement agree to faulty took delivery of are prepared to supplied to

25 3. Translate the following sentences into English:
1) 你方上次发运来的货物实在让人失望,我方不得不向你方提出申述。(lodge a complaint against) 2) 让我方吃惊的是,我们认为它们的质量太差,跟样品不相符合。(match) 3) 货物受损是由于码头上的粗鲁装卸造成的。(result from, rough loading) 4) 我方不得不要求你方对我方的损失负责。(have no choice but to) Your last shipment is so disappointing that I have to lodge a complaint against you. To our great surprise, we found they are far below the standard and do not match the sample. Damage to the goods resulted from the rough loading at the dock. We can have no choice but to hold you responsible for our loss.

26 5) 很遗憾的通知你方,3号和6号箱坏了。损失由你方赔偿。(make up)
6) 我方要求贵方用完好的货来调换此货。(replace) 7) 请完全按照我方所订的货物立即补发一批。(dispatch the replacement) 8) 发错货物是由于我方包装人员的失误。(fault) 9) 我们对由此带来的不便深表歉意。(inconvenience) We regret to inform you that Case No. 3 and 6 are broken. Losses should be made up by you. We require you to replace the goods with the perfect goods. Please dispatch the replacement according to our order. Dispatch of wrong goods resulted from a fault on the part of our packing staff. We apologize for the inconvenience caused to you.

27 III. Letter-writing Practice
Translate the following letter 敬启者: 很遗憾,我方不得不投诉关于7月8日所订蘑菇罐头迟交一事。虽然你 方担保过在9月中交货,但一直到本周我方才收到货。我方是在你方这个 保证的基础上才向你方订货的。 很不幸,在这以前曾有过数次类似迟交事件。这迫使我方向你方说明, 在这种情况下,业务就无法继续下去了。 我方感到有必要将我方的想法讲清楚,倘若供应商无法按时交货的话, 我方就无法向用户交代。 我方希望你方能理解我方的处境并从现在开始保证按期交货。 谨上

28 Dear sirs, We regret to complain about the late delivery of canned mushroom ordered on July 8. Although you guarantee a delivery in the middle of September, we haven’t received the goods until this week. We placed the order on the basis of your assurance. Unfortunately, late delivery has occurred several times recently, and we have no choice but to make it clear that business will be canceled in this case. We feel it necessary to clarify that if the supplier can not deliver the goods on time, we are unable to explain to our customers. We hope you can understand our situation and assure us of prompt shipment from now on. Yours faithfully,

29 1. Match the Chinese version with the English expressions:
More exercises 1. Match the Chinese version with the English expressions: delivery date shipper complaint sales confirmation shipment date agreement faulty quality 交货期 发货人 抱怨 销售确认书 装运期 协议 有缺陷的质量

30 complain convenient dispatch arrangement fault conform to replace
2.Fill in the blanks with the proper form of the following word or words: complain convenient dispatch arrangement fault conform to replace 1) We regret to inform you that the goods received are not ________________ the sample. 2) Obviously the dispatch of wrong goods resulted in the _____________ to us. 3) Please send us your _____________of the parcel exactly according to our order. 4) We are ___________ for the dispatch of your 900 ball pens. 5) We shall appreciate your looking into the matter and ___________ the goods as soon as possible. 6) _________ packing resulted in the damage to the goods. 7) Please keep the balance to replace the goods _________ about. in conformity with inconvenience replacement arranging dispatch Faulty complained

31 3. Translate the following passages:
1. 我们没有别的办法,只有把货退回,请你们按我们定单上指定的品质 给予调换。倘若这不可能的话,我们只得请你们撤消合同。 2. 我们收到你方由飞云号轮运来的毛料,很遗憾质量和我寄给你方的样 品不一样, 我们不得不以5%的折扣价卖出。但仍收到很多对质量的 抱怨。 We have no choice but to return the goods. Please replace according to the quality in our order. If it is impossible, we have to cancel the contract. We have received your consignment of woolen piece goods shipped by S.S.” Flying cloud” and regret that it is not of the quality of sample piece I sent you。 We have no choice but to sell at a 5% discount. But still we have received complaints on quality.

32 4. Translate the following letter:
敬启者: 事由:由于短重而引起的索赔 第FA 号销售确认书项下1500箱蘑菇罐头,由"永丰"轮于9月10日运抵,提货时发现少了145箱。轮船公司告诉我们只有1355箱装上船。 由于短少数量大,请在交付最后三个品种时,将这145箱补交。请你们核 对一下,是否1500箱当时在装运港全都装上了船。 电复。 谨上

Dear Sirs, RE:CLAIM FOR SHORT WEIGHT 1500 cartons of canned mushroom under the contract No. FA have been shipped to Antwerp by "YONGFENG“ steamer on 10th Sept. When taking the delivery,145 cartons have been found missing. We were told by the shipping company that only 1355 cartons had been shipped on the steamer. Because the weight is short in large quantities, please make up a deficiency of 145 cartons of the missing goods when you deliver the last three items. You are kindly requested to check whether these 1500 cartons of mushroom were loaded on ship in whole at the port of shipment. Please reply by cable. Yours truly,

34 5. Write a reply to supplementary reading No. 1,including:
1)收到对方的抱怨,表示遗憾 2)说明抱怨的起因—粗鲁装卸,给予折扣 3)表示道歉

35 Dear Sirs: CONTRACT NO.23HBSF/1008CN Thanks for your fax dated April 26, We are terribly sorry our last shipment arrived badly damaged The T-shirts under the above contract are packed as per your requirements. Under normal condition this should have been enough protected. As you mentioned on your fax undoubtly the damage of the goods results from rough handling We are grateful to you for pointing this out. We will take precautions to avoid such a thing from occurring again We realize the need to reduce your selling price for the damaged T-shirts and readily agree to the special allowance of 10% which you suggested Yours faithfully

36 任务8 投诉和索赔(2) Complaints and Claims
项目四 外贸业务磋商信函 任务8 投诉和索赔(2) Complaints and Claims

37 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

38 Specimen 1 Claim for Short Delivery Specimen 2 Claim Accepted
1. TEXT Specimen 1 Claim for Short Delivery Specimen 2 Claim Accepted

39 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

40 2. Arm Yourself 1. claim n. demand for payment, request 索赔,赔偿要求
lodge a claim against/with sb. for/on sth. 因某种原因向某人索赔 类似的动词有file, register, make, raise, put in e.g. 我们有权因货物质量低劣向卖方索赔。 We are entitled to lodge a claim for the inferior quality against the seller. v. claim 索赔,要求赔偿 to claim...from sb. for sth. accept a claim接受索赔 entertain a claim考虑接受索赔 relinquish/reject a claim拒绝索赔 withdraw a claim撤回索赔 settle a claim理赔 admit a claim 同意索赔 e.g. 他们向出口商提出了破损的索赔。 They lodged a claim against the exporter for the breakage a claim for/on damaged goods 由于货物损坏而赔偿 表示索赔的金额,一般用介词for a claim for USD 索赔2万美元 表示对某批货物索赔,一般用介词on a claim on the goods under order No. 100 对100号定单项下货物提出索赔 v. claim 索赔,要求赔偿 表示索赔的原因,一般用介词for或on; amount claimed 索赔的金额 e.g. 买方可向卖主提出索赔,要求赔偿损失。 The buyer can claim the losses with the seller.

41 2. inspection n. the act of checking, examining 检验,检查
commodity inspection 商品检验 Inspection Certificate 检验证书 v. inspect 检验,检查 e.g. 货物到达我方港口, 我们立即重新检验了货物。 Upon arrival of the goods at our port we had them immediately reinspected.  CIQ (China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau) 中国出入境检验检 疫局 IITS (Inchcape Inspection And Testing Service) 英之杰检验集团 OMIC (Japan Overseas Merchandise Inspection Company)  日本海外货物检验株式会社

42 3. estimate v. evaluate calculate 推测,估计 
4. proceed v. go forward 继续,进行 n. profits 收入,收益 proceeds of business 营业收入 estimated price estimation 估价 ETS=estimated time of sailing 估计起航时间 ETD=estimated time of departure 估计出发时间 ETA=estimated time of arrival 估计到达时间 n. proceed 收入,收益 proceeds of sale 销售收入 collect proceeds from 收取……货款

43 5. survey n. a detailed inspection or investigation 检验,检查,调查
v. inspect carefully investigate 调查,检查 e.g. 货物一装运马上进行了检验。 The goods were surveyed immediately after loading. 6. on the strength of according to 凭借根据 survey report 调查报告 survey charge 调查费用 e.g.根据调查报告,货物装运时完好无损。 According to the survey report, the goods were in good condition when shipped. e.g. 在银行担保的基础上,我们同意以赊销的方式向他们供货。 On the strength of the bank's guarantee we agree to supply them on open account basis.

44 7. short adj. inadequate insufficient 不足,短少 short weight 短重
short shipment 短装 short invoiced 发票少开的 short shipped 短装的 be in short supply 供应短缺 n. shortage 短缺,短少,不足 e.g. 原料短缺使得我们无法接受新订单。 A shortage of materials resulted in that we can’t accept new orders. e.g. 我们希望能达成和平解决办法。 We hope we can reach an amicable settlement. 如果不能友好协商解决,此案将提交仲裁。 In case no settlement can be reached amicably through negotiation, the case shall then submitted for arbitration. 我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。 We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles. 问题已经解决了。 The question has been settled. 本合同项下所发生的任何争议应通过仲裁予以解决。 Any dispute that may arise under this Contract shall be settled by arbitration. 请立刻结清你的欠帐。 Please settle your account immediately.

45 8. settlement n. conclusion, payment 解决清偿 in settlement of 用以清偿/解决
v. settle 解决清偿 settle claims 理赔 settle an account 结算账户 9. check v. inspect or test 检查,核对 n. 检验;检查,核对 check with 与……进行核对 sb. is short of sth. 短少,缺乏…… n. shortage 短缺,短少,不足 shortage of stocks 缺乏,短缺 be in shortage 缺乏,短缺 e.g. 原料缺乏导致供货短缺。 A shortage of materials resulted in a shortage of supply. e.g. 我会马上检查这些问题,给你一个满意的答复。 I'll check these problems immediately and give you a satisfactory reply.

46 10. specify v. to state explicitly or in detail 明确说明或详明指明
e.g. 我们提醒你方,824号合同中规定用即期信用证付款。 We refer you to Contract No. 824 which specified payment by sight L/C. n. specification 说明,规定,规格 e.g. 我们在信用证规定了成交的条件条款。 We specify in the L/C the terms and conditions concluded.

47 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

48 3. Main points Specimen 1 a. Arrival of goods and short delivery found b. Survey and report c. Claim for losses d. Expectation of early settlement Specimen 2 a. receipt of claim b. regret for the claim and explanation of the problem c. settlement d. expectation of future business

49 Specimen 1 A Claim for Short Delivery Dear Sirs We refer to sales contract No.564 covering the purchase of 200 metric tons of white cement. We telexed you on 17 May informing you that the consignment arrived on 20 April. On inspection we found that 180 bags had burst and that the contents estimated at 9000 kg had been irretrievably lost. We proceeded to have a survey report made. The report has now confirmed our initial findings. The report indicates that the loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you the suppliers are responsible.

50 Specimen 1 A Claim for Short Delivery On the strength of the survey report we hereby register our claim against you as follows: Short delivered quantity GBP180 Survey charges GBP50 Total claimed GBP230 We enclose survey report No. TS6478 and look forward to early settlement of the claim. Yours faithfully,

51 任务8 投诉和索赔(2) Complaints and Claims
项目四 外贸业务磋商信函 任务8 投诉和索赔(2) Complaints and Claims

52 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

53 Specimen 1 Claim for Short Delivery Specimen 2 Claim Accepted
1. TEXT Specimen 1 Claim for Short Delivery Specimen 2 Claim Accepted

54 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

55 2. Arm Yourself 1. claim n. demand for payment, request 索赔,赔偿要求
lodge a claim against/with sb. for/on sth. 因某种原因向某人索赔 类似的动词有file, register, make, raise, put in e.g. 我们有权因货物质量低劣向卖方索赔。 We are entitled to lodge a claim for the inferior quality against the seller. v. claim 索赔,要求赔偿 to claim...from sb. for sth. accept a claim接受索赔 entertain a claim考虑接受索赔 relinquish/reject a claim拒绝索赔 withdraw a claim撤回索赔 settle a claim理赔 admit a claim 同意索赔 e.g. 他们向出口商提出了破损的索赔。 They lodged a claim against the exporter for the breakage a claim for/on damaged goods 由于货物损坏而赔偿 表示索赔的金额,一般用介词for a claim for USD 索赔2万美元 表示对某批货物索赔,一般用介词on a claim on the goods under order No. 100 对100号定单项下货物提出索赔 v. claim 索赔,要求赔偿 表示索赔的原因,一般用介词for或on; amount claimed 索赔的金额 e.g. 买方可向卖主提出索赔,要求赔偿损失。 The buyer can claim the losses with the seller.

56 2. inspection n. the act of checking, examining 检验,检查
commodity inspection 商品检验 Inspection Certificate 检验证书 v. inspect 检验,检查 e.g. 货物到达我方港口, 我们立即重新检验了货物。 Upon arrival of the goods at our port we had them immediately reinspected.  CIQ (China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau) 中国出入境检验检 疫局 IITS (Inchcape Inspection And Testing Service) 英之杰检验集团 OMIC (Japan Overseas Merchandise Inspection Company)  日本海外货物检验株式会社

57 3. estimate v. evaluate calculate 推测,估计 
4. proceed v. go forward 继续,进行 n. profits 收入,收益 proceeds of business 营业收入 estimated price estimation 估价 ETS=estimated time of sailing 估计起航时间 ETD=estimated time of departure 估计出发时间 ETA=estimated time of arrival 估计到达时间 n. proceed 收入,收益 proceeds of sale 销售收入 collect proceeds from 收取……货款

58 5. survey n. a detailed inspection or investigation 检验,检查,调查
v. inspect carefully investigate 调查,检查 e.g. 货物一装运马上进行了检验。 The goods were surveyed immediately after loading. 6. on the strength of according to 凭借根据 survey report 调查报告 survey charge 调查费用 e.g.根据调查报告,货物装运时完好无损。 According to the survey report, the goods were in good condition when shipped. e.g. 在银行担保的基础上,我们同意以赊销的方式向他们供货。 On the strength of the bank's guarantee we agree to supply them on open account basis.

59 7. short adj. inadequate insufficient 不足,短少 short weight 短重
short shipment 短装 short invoiced 发票少开的 short shipped 短装的 be in short supply 供应短缺 n. shortage 短缺,短少,不足 e.g. 原料短缺使得我们无法接受新订单。 A shortage of materials resulted in that we can’t accept new orders. e.g. 我们希望能达成和平解决办法。 We hope we can reach an amicable settlement. 如果不能友好协商解决,此案将提交仲裁。 In case no settlement can be reached amicably through negotiation, the case shall then submitted for arbitration. 我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。 We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles. 问题已经解决了。 The question has been settled. 本合同项下所发生的任何争议应通过仲裁予以解决。 Any dispute that may arise under this Contract shall be settled by arbitration. 请立刻结清你的欠帐。 Please settle your account immediately.

60 8. settlement n. conclusion, payment 解决清偿 in settlement of 用以清偿/解决
v. settle 解决清偿 settle claims 理赔 settle an account 结算账户 9. check v. inspect or test 检查,核对 n. 检验;检查,核对 check with 与……进行核对 sb. is short of sth. 短少,缺乏…… n. shortage 短缺,短少,不足 shortage of stocks 缺乏,短缺 be in shortage 缺乏,短缺 e.g. 原料缺乏导致供货短缺。 A shortage of materials resulted in a shortage of supply. e.g. 我会马上检查这些问题,给你一个满意的答复。 I'll check these problems immediately and give you a satisfactory reply.

61 10. specify v. to state explicitly or in detail 明确说明或详明指明
e.g. 我们提醒你方,824号合同中规定用即期信用证付款。 We refer you to Contract No. 824 which specified payment by sight L/C. n. specification 说明,规定,规格 e.g. 我们在信用证规定了成交的条件条款。 We specify in the L/C the terms and conditions concluded.

62 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

63 3. Main points Specimen 1 a. Arrival of goods and short delivery found b. Survey and report c. Claim for losses d. Expectation of early settlement Specimen 2 a. receipt of claim b. regret for the claim and explanation of the problem c. settlement d. expectation of future business

64 Specimen 1 A Claim for Short Delivery Dear Sirs We refer to sales contract No.564 covering the purchase of 200 metric tons of white cement. We telexed you on 17 May informing you that the consignment arrived on 20 April. On inspection we found that 180 bags had burst and that the contents estimated at 9000 kg had been irretrievably lost. We proceeded to have a survey report made. The report has now confirmed our initial findings. The report indicates that the loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you the suppliers are responsible.

65 Specimen 1 A Claim for Short Delivery On the strength of the survey report we hereby register our claim against you as follows: Short delivered quantity GBP180 Survey charges GBP50 Total claimed GBP230 We enclose survey report No. TS6478 and look forward to early settlement of the claim. Yours faithfully,

66 Specimen 2 Claim Accepted Dear Sirs Thank you for your letter of 20 May in which you lodge a claim for short delivery of 9000 kg of white cement. We wish to express our deep regret at this incident. We have checked with our warehouse and discovered that part of your consignment was not packed in 5-ply paper bags as specified in the contract. This was due to the negligence of our warehouse staff. We are most concerned to maintain our long-standing trading relationship. We therefore enclose a cheque for GBP230 in full and final settlement of your claim. We trust that this unfortunate error will not adversely affect our future relations. Yours faithfully,

67 Chinese Version 信件一 敬启者: 兹提及第564号销售合约下的200公吨白水泥,我们于五月十七日传真告知,货物已于四月二十日运抵本公司。 检查货物时,发现有180袋破损,估计损失9000公斤白水泥。其后安排进行检验,有关报告与估计的损失相符。该报告指出此次损失是由于包装袋不合标准引致,故应由贵公司负责。 现按照报告结果向贵公司索偿:   损失白水泥 180英镑   检验费 50英镑 合计 230英镑 随函附上第TS6478号检验报告,烦请早日解决赔偿事宜。 谨上

68 信件二 敬启者: 五月二十日就缺少9000公斤白水泥提出索赔的来函收悉。 对此次事件,本公司感到非常遗憾。经与货仓负责人商讨后,发现错失是由于员工疏忽,未有按合同要求以五层纸袋包装该批货物而引致。 为与你方保持长期贸易关系,谨随函敬附230镑支票壹张,赔偿贵公司损失。 本公司希望此次事件不会影响贵我双方日后的合作。 谨上

69 Lesson 18 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled

70 4. Make Yourself Skilled I. Basic Training
1.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words: short 1) The shipment is _________ of 1,540lbs. 2) The total _________amounts to 1,540lbs. 3) The goods are _________ -delivered by 1,540lbs. 4) We lodge a claim against you for a _________ delivery of 1,540lbs. short shortage short short

71 settle 1) As it involves only a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in _________ this matter. 2) We trust you will do your best to have this matter _________ at once. 3) We confirm having received your remittance of $789 in _________ of our claim. settling settled settlement

72 1) After _________of the above shipment we found 5 cases missing.
inspect 1) After _________of the above shipment we found 5 cases missing. 2) I made it my business to _________the goods personally. 3) After _________at the port of destination the quality of the goods shipped per S.S. “Red Star” under Contract No. 748 was found not in line with the contract stipulations. inspection inspect inspection

73 1) We have to file a _________against you to the amount of US$20000.
claim 1) We have to file a _________against you to the amount of US$20000. 2) We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation but not the amount _________. consign 1) A new _____________of goods has just arrived. 2) The 100 tons Peanuts has been _________ to you per s.s. “Dongfeng”. 3) We cannot agree to _________ the goods. 4) We cannot ship the goods on ____________. claim claimed consignment consigned consign consignment

74 1) Fresh supplies are _________ arrive early next month.
due 1) Fresh supplies are _________ arrive early next month. 2) We wish to inform you that shipment of our order No. 22 will soon be _________. 3) We hope this first shipment will _________ arrive and turn out to the entire satisfaction of your customers. 4) The delay in shipment is _________the late arrival of your L/C. due to over due duly due to

75 2) We _________ to our letter of August 30.
refer 1) We take pleasure in sending our latest catalogue for your _________. 2) We _________ to our letter of August 30. 3) _________ to our contract No. 22, we would like to make it clear that prompt execution is most important. reference refer Referring

76 任务8 投诉和索赔(2) Complaints and Claims
项目四 外贸业务磋商信函 任务8 投诉和索赔(2) Complaints and Claims

77 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

78 Specimen 1 Claim for Short Delivery Specimen 2 Claim Accepted
1. TEXT Specimen 1 Claim for Short Delivery Specimen 2 Claim Accepted

79 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

80 2. Arm Yourself 1. claim n. demand for payment, request 索赔,赔偿要求
lodge a claim against/with sb. for/on sth. 因某种原因向某人索赔 类似的动词有file, register, make, raise, put in e.g. 我们有权因货物质量低劣向卖方索赔。 We are entitled to lodge a claim for the inferior quality against the seller. v. claim 索赔,要求赔偿 to claim...from sb. for sth. accept a claim接受索赔 entertain a claim考虑接受索赔 relinquish/reject a claim拒绝索赔 withdraw a claim撤回索赔 settle a claim理赔 admit a claim 同意索赔 e.g. 他们向出口商提出了破损的索赔。 They lodged a claim against the exporter for the breakage a claim for/on damaged goods 由于货物损坏而赔偿 表示索赔的金额,一般用介词for a claim for USD 索赔2万美元 表示对某批货物索赔,一般用介词on a claim on the goods under order No. 100 对100号定单项下货物提出索赔 v. claim 索赔,要求赔偿 表示索赔的原因,一般用介词for或on; amount claimed 索赔的金额 e.g. 买方可向卖主提出索赔,要求赔偿损失。 The buyer can claim the losses with the seller.

81 2. inspection n. the act of checking, examining 检验,检查
commodity inspection 商品检验 Inspection Certificate 检验证书 v. inspect 检验,检查 e.g. 货物到达我方港口, 我们立即重新检验了货物。 Upon arrival of the goods at our port we had them immediately reinspected.  CIQ (China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau) 中国出入境检验检 疫局 IITS (Inchcape Inspection And Testing Service) 英之杰检验集团 OMIC (Japan Overseas Merchandise Inspection Company)  日本海外货物检验株式会社

82 3. estimate v. evaluate calculate 推测,估计 
4. proceed v. go forward 继续,进行 n. profits 收入,收益 proceeds of business 营业收入 estimated price estimation 估价 ETS=estimated time of sailing 估计起航时间 ETD=estimated time of departure 估计出发时间 ETA=estimated time of arrival 估计到达时间 n. proceed 收入,收益 proceeds of sale 销售收入 collect proceeds from 收取……货款

83 5. survey n. a detailed inspection or investigation 检验,检查,调查
v. inspect carefully investigate 调查,检查 e.g. 货物一装运马上进行了检验。 The goods were surveyed immediately after loading. 6. on the strength of according to 凭借根据 survey report 调查报告 survey charge 调查费用 e.g.根据调查报告,货物装运时完好无损。 According to the survey report, the goods were in good condition when shipped. e.g. 在银行担保的基础上,我们同意以赊销的方式向他们供货。 On the strength of the bank's guarantee we agree to supply them on open account basis.

84 7. short adj. inadequate insufficient 不足,短少 short weight 短重
short shipment 短装 short invoiced 发票少开的 short shipped 短装的 be in short supply 供应短缺 n. shortage 短缺,短少,不足 e.g. 原料短缺使得我们无法接受新订单。 A shortage of materials resulted in that we can’t accept new orders. e.g. 我们希望能达成和平解决办法。 We hope we can reach an amicable settlement. 如果不能友好协商解决,此案将提交仲裁。 In case no settlement can be reached amicably through negotiation, the case shall then submitted for arbitration. 我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。 We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles. 问题已经解决了。 The question has been settled. 本合同项下所发生的任何争议应通过仲裁予以解决。 Any dispute that may arise under this Contract shall be settled by arbitration. 请立刻结清你的欠帐。 Please settle your account immediately.

85 8. settlement n. conclusion, payment 解决清偿 in settlement of 用以清偿/解决
v. settle 解决清偿 settle claims 理赔 settle an account 结算账户 9. check v. inspect or test 检查,核对 n. 检验;检查,核对 check with 与……进行核对 sb. is short of sth. 短少,缺乏…… n. shortage 短缺,短少,不足 shortage of stocks 缺乏,短缺 be in shortage 缺乏,短缺 e.g. 原料缺乏导致供货短缺。 A shortage of materials resulted in a shortage of supply. e.g. 我会马上检查这些问题,给你一个满意的答复。 I'll check these problems immediately and give you a satisfactory reply.

86 10. specify v. to state explicitly or in detail 明确说明或详明指明
e.g. 我们提醒你方,824号合同中规定用即期信用证付款。 We refer you to Contract No. 824 which specified payment by sight L/C. n. specification 说明,规定,规格 e.g. 我们在信用证规定了成交的条件条款。 We specify in the L/C the terms and conditions concluded.

87 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

88 3. Main points Specimen 1 a. Arrival of goods and short delivery found b. Survey and report c. Claim for losses d. Expectation of early settlement Specimen 2 a. receipt of claim b. regret for the claim and explanation of the problem c. settlement d. expectation of future business

89 Specimen 1 A Claim for Short Delivery Dear Sirs We refer to sales contract No.564 covering the purchase of 200 metric tons of white cement. We telexed you on 17 May informing you that the consignment arrived on 20 April. On inspection we found that 180 bags had burst and that the contents estimated at 9000 kg had been irretrievably lost. We proceeded to have a survey report made. The report has now confirmed our initial findings. The report indicates that the loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you the suppliers are responsible.

90 Specimen 1 A Claim for Short Delivery On the strength of the survey report we hereby register our claim against you as follows: Short delivered quantity GBP180 Survey charges GBP50 Total claimed GBP230 We enclose survey report No. TS6478 and look forward to early settlement of the claim. Yours faithfully,

91 Specimen 2 Claim Accepted Dear Sirs Thank you for your letter of 20 May in which you lodge a claim for short delivery of 9000 kg of white cement. We wish to express our deep regret at this incident. We have checked with our warehouse and discovered that part of your consignment was not packed in 5-ply paper bags as specified in the contract. This was due to the negligence of our warehouse staff. We are most concerned to maintain our long-standing trading relationship. We therefore enclose a cheque for GBP230 in full and final settlement of your claim. We trust that this unfortunate error will not adversely affect our future relations. Yours faithfully,

92 Chinese Version 信件一 敬启者: 兹提及第564号销售合约下的200公吨白水泥,我们于五月十七日传真告知,货物已于四月二十日运抵本公司。 检查货物时,发现有180袋破损,估计损失9000公斤白水泥。其后安排进行检验,有关报告与估计的损失相符。该报告指出此次损失是由于包装袋不合标准引致,故应由贵公司负责。 现按照报告结果向贵公司索偿:   损失白水泥 180英镑   检验费 50英镑 合计 230英镑 随函附上第TS6478号检验报告,烦请早日解决赔偿事宜。 谨上

93 信件二 敬启者: 五月二十日就缺少9000公斤白水泥提出索赔的来函收悉。 对此次事件,本公司感到非常遗憾。经与货仓负责人商讨后,发现错失是由于员工疏忽,未有按合同要求以五层纸袋包装该批货物而引致。 为与你方保持长期贸易关系,谨随函敬附230镑支票壹张,赔偿贵公司损失。 本公司希望此次事件不会影响贵我双方日后的合作。 谨上

94 Lesson 18 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled

95 4. Make Yourself Skilled I. Basic Training
1.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words: short 1) The shipment is _________ of 1,540lbs. 2) The total _________amounts to 1,540lbs. 3) The goods are _________ -delivered by 1,540lbs. 4) We lodge a claim against you for a _________ delivery of 1,540lbs. short shortage short short

96 settle 1) As it involves only a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in _________ this matter. 2) We trust you will do your best to have this matter _________ at once. 3) We confirm having received your remittance of $789 in _________ of our claim. settling settled settlement

97 1) After _________of the above shipment we found 5 cases missing.
inspect 1) After _________of the above shipment we found 5 cases missing. 2) I made it my business to _________the goods personally. 3) After _________at the port of destination the quality of the goods shipped per S.S. “Red Star” under Contract No. 748 was found not in line with the contract stipulations. inspection inspect inspection

98 1) We have to file a _________against you to the amount of US$20000.
claim 1) We have to file a _________against you to the amount of US$20000. 2) We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation but not the amount _________. consign 1) A new _____________of goods has just arrived. 2) The 100 tons Peanuts has been _________ to you per s.s. “Dongfeng”. 3) We cannot agree to _________ the goods. 4) We cannot ship the goods on ____________. claim claimed consignment consigned consign consignment

99 1) Fresh supplies are _________ arrive early next month.
due 1) Fresh supplies are _________ arrive early next month. 2) We wish to inform you that shipment of our order No. 22 will soon be _________. 3) We hope this first shipment will _________ arrive and turn out to the entire satisfaction of your customers. 4) The delay in shipment is _________the late arrival of your L/C. due to over due duly due to

100 2) We _________ to our letter of August 30.
refer 1) We take pleasure in sending our latest catalogue for your _________. 2) We _________ to our letter of August 30. 3) _________ to our contract No. 22, we would like to make it clear that prompt execution is most important. reference refer Referring

101 1) We _________ to say that business has fallen through.
regret 1) We _________ to say that business has fallen through. 2) We expressed _________ at the delay. 3) We are _________ that we cannot supply the entire quantity required. 4) It is _________ that the matter should still be hanging unsettled. regret regret regretful regrettable

102 survey refer to proceed lodge settle short claim responsible for
2. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of given Words (words can be used more than once) : survey refer to proceed lodge settle short claim responsible for 1) I’m afraid we can’t _________ your claim for the loss incurred in transit. 2) As we have concluded the deal on CIF terms we are not ___________ the damage. 3) The project is _________ well. 4) We have substantial evidence for _________ a claim. settle responsible for proceeding lodging

103 5) We are not ____________ the damage which happened during transit.
6) We find the case shows a _________ in weight (every bale weighs less). 7) We reserve the right to _________ damages. 8) We have here a _________ report submitted by our inspection bureau. 9) As it is a matter concerning insurance we hope you will _________ it _________ the insurance company or their agents at your end. 10)Such a _________ as is without any foundation cannot be considered. responsible for shortage claim survey refer to claim

104 2) In view of our friendly relations, 我们同意接受你方的全部索赔.(full claim)
Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences by translating Chinese into English 1) When goods were shipped, 箱子是完整无损的, 我们很难接受你方索赔.(in good condition, accept a claim) 2) In view of our friendly relations, 我们同意接受你方的全部索赔.(full claim) 3) 我们不承担责任any damage occurred during transit. (be responsible for) the cases were in good condition, so we find it difficult to accept your claim we agree to accept your full claim We are not responsible for

105 5) Suppliers shall负责, 这批货估计短重500 公斤.(short weight of)
4) 就late delivery of tractors ordered 8th July我们不得不向你方提出索赔.(lodge a claim against...for) 5) Suppliers shall负责, 这批货估计短重500 公斤.(short weight of) 6) We insist that 短重应由供应商负责.(be responsible for) 7) We are looking forward to 你方早日解决这次索赔.(settle the claim) We have to lodge a claim against you for be responsible for the estimated short weight o f500 kilograms of the goods suppliers shall be responsible for the short weight Your early settlement of the claim

106 Translate the following sentences:
1) 我们希望这一不幸事件不会影响你我之间的业务往来。(affect) 2) 鉴于我们之间长期存在的业务关系, 我们愿意友好解决这次纠纷。(settle the dispute) 3) 你方所提供的证明是不充分的,因此我方不能考虑你方索赔要求。(insufficient, entertain claim) We hope this unfortunate accident will not affect business between us. In view of our long business relations, we would like to settle the dispute amicably. The evidence provided by you is not sufficient , so we can not entertain your claim.

107 4) 如果你方不同意我们的建议,那我们交由仲裁来解决。(submit to arbitration for settlement)
5) 你们可以向负责方提出赔偿。(claim compensation against) 6) 货款收入已汇寄给你方。(proceeds) If you do not agree to our proposal, we have no choice but to submit it to the arbitration for settlement. You can claim compensation against the person who is responsible. Proceeds of the goods has been remitted to you.

108 III. Letter-writing Practice
Write a letter in proper form according to the following situation Suppose you are an American buyer (American Zhongnong Trading Co. Ltd.) who has ordered 500 tins of green tea from China Zhenyuan Trade Co. Ltd. Upon arrival at New York port 50 tins were found completely wet. You write a letter lodging a claim against this. Commodity: Longjing Green Tea Price: CNY38/tin FOB New York Quantity: 1200 tins Packing: Export Standard Specification: First Class Address of buyer: P.O. Box Santa Clara California USA Address of seller: No.13 Zhen An Road Guangzhou Guangdong China.

109 Sample letter American Zhong Nong Trading Co. Ltd.
P.O. Box Santa Clara, California, USA July 6,2005 China Zhenyuan Trade Co., Ltd No. 13 Zhen An Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Dear Mr. XX, We have duly received the shipment of our 1200 tins of Longjin Green Tea ordered at CNY 38/tin FOB New York but regret to find them in unsatisfactory condition. We cannot but lodge a claim against you. After carefully examining, it was found that nearly 50 tins are completely wet, obviously attributed to improper packing. We stressed in our last letter the importance of packaging strictly according to your Export Standard, but we found some of them are not packed in water-proof materials before put in the tin with a result that the materials become inferior in quality. We expect compensation from you for this and should like to take this opportunity to suggest that special care be taken in your future deliveries. Yours faithfully, American Zhong Nong Trading Co. Ltd Touis Tomas Manager

110 More exercises 1.Translate the following expressions into English: 检验报告 寄售货物 仓至仓条款 短交 购货合同 发货人 survey report consignment goods warehouse to warehouse clause short delivery purchase contract consignor

111 2. Translate the following sentences about claim:
1) 到货中有破包50个,对此我们将向你方提出索赔.( lodge a claim) 2) 我们特此向你方提出金额为1000英镑的索赔.(file a claim against sb. for…) 3) 我们以上海商检局的检验报告为依据,向你方提出索赔.(claim…on strength of…) 50 of the bags are broken on arrival, we have to lodge a claim against you. We hereby file a claim against you for1,000 pounds. We claim with you on strength of the survey report issued by Shanghai CIQ.

112 5) 这批货估计短重500公斤,但我们还在等待检验报告.(short weight, estimate, survey report)
4) 由风庆轮装来的化肥短重5,000公斤,我们向你方提出索赔.(lodge a claim against sb. for a short weight of…) 5) 这批货估计短重500公斤,但我们还在等待检验报告.(short weight, estimate, survey report) 6) 按照合同规定办事,买方有权退货并提出索赔.(on strength of, file a claim) 4) We lodge a claim against you for a short weight of 5000 kilograms fertilizers shipped ex “FengQing”. 5) A short weight of 500 kilograms is estimated for this consignment, but we are still waiting for survey report. 6) On strength of the contract, the buyer are entitled to return the goods and file a claim.

113 3. Translate the following letter into Chinese:
Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of 20 May regarding your order No We are sorry to learn that there was a mix-up in your order. We are now sending the consignment to you by air freight. It should be with you within a week The necessary documentation will be sent under separate cover Please hold the goods which were wrongly shipped for collection We offer our sincere apologies for the delay. Should you have any further problems, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately Yours faithfully,

114 ——先生: 五月二十日有关第645号定单的来信收到。 得知错运货物,本公司感到抱歉。正确的货物已安排空运,应于一周内运抵。有关文件将加函寄上。烦请暂存错运给贵方的货物。 如有任何疑问,欢迎与本公司联络。对于此次错失,谨再次表示歉意。 谨上

115 4. Translate the following letter into English:
——先生: 有关上周发运的第343号定单的来信收悉。 对于货物在运送途中破损的事宜,本公司感到遗憾。本公司一向特别小心包装货物,然而不当的运输方法亦会引致损坏。 本公司将按照贵公司开列的破损货物清单更换新货,不日将运抵贵处。 已就有关损失向保险公司索偿,烦请保留破损货物供保险公司检查。 不便之处,敬希见谅。 谨上

116 任务8 投诉和索赔(2) Complaints and Claims
项目四 外贸业务磋商信函 任务8 投诉和索赔(2) Complaints and Claims

117 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

118 Specimen 1 Claim for Short Delivery Specimen 2 Claim Accepted
1. TEXT Specimen 1 Claim for Short Delivery Specimen 2 Claim Accepted

119 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

120 2. Arm Yourself 1. claim n. demand for payment, request 索赔,赔偿要求
lodge a claim against/with sb. for/on sth. 因某种原因向某人索赔 类似的动词有file, register, make, raise, put in e.g. 我们有权因货物质量低劣向卖方索赔。 We are entitled to lodge a claim for the inferior quality against the seller. v. claim 索赔,要求赔偿 to claim...from sb. for sth. accept a claim接受索赔 entertain a claim考虑接受索赔 relinquish/reject a claim拒绝索赔 withdraw a claim撤回索赔 settle a claim理赔 admit a claim 同意索赔 e.g. 他们向出口商提出了破损的索赔。 They lodged a claim against the exporter for the breakage a claim for/on damaged goods 由于货物损坏而赔偿 表示索赔的金额,一般用介词for a claim for USD 索赔2万美元 表示对某批货物索赔,一般用介词on a claim on the goods under order No. 100 对100号定单项下货物提出索赔 v. claim 索赔,要求赔偿 表示索赔的原因,一般用介词for或on; amount claimed 索赔的金额 e.g. 买方可向卖主提出索赔,要求赔偿损失。 The buyer can claim the losses with the seller.

121 2. inspection n. the act of checking, examining 检验,检查
commodity inspection 商品检验 Inspection Certificate 检验证书 v. inspect 检验,检查 e.g. 货物到达我方港口, 我们立即重新检验了货物。 Upon arrival of the goods at our port we had them immediately reinspected.  CIQ (China Exit and Entry Inspection and Quarantine Bureau) 中国出入境检验检 疫局 IITS (Inchcape Inspection And Testing Service) 英之杰检验集团 OMIC (Japan Overseas Merchandise Inspection Company)  日本海外货物检验株式会社

122 3. estimate v. evaluate calculate 推测,估计 
4. proceed v. go forward 继续,进行 n. profits 收入,收益 proceeds of business 营业收入 estimated price estimation 估价 ETS=estimated time of sailing 估计起航时间 ETD=estimated time of departure 估计出发时间 ETA=estimated time of arrival 估计到达时间 n. proceed 收入,收益 proceeds of sale 销售收入 collect proceeds from 收取……货款

123 5. survey n. a detailed inspection or investigation 检验,检查,调查
v. inspect carefully investigate 调查,检查 e.g. 货物一装运马上进行了检验。 The goods were surveyed immediately after loading. 6. on the strength of according to 凭借根据 survey report 调查报告 survey charge 调查费用 e.g.根据调查报告,货物装运时完好无损。 According to the survey report, the goods were in good condition when shipped. e.g. 在银行担保的基础上,我们同意以赊销的方式向他们供货。 On the strength of the bank's guarantee we agree to supply them on open account basis.

124 7. short adj. inadequate insufficient 不足,短少 short weight 短重
short shipment 短装 short invoiced 发票少开的 short shipped 短装的 be in short supply 供应短缺 n. shortage 短缺,短少,不足 e.g. 原料短缺使得我们无法接受新订单。 A shortage of materials resulted in that we can’t accept new orders. e.g. 我们希望能达成和平解决办法。 We hope we can reach an amicable settlement. 如果不能友好协商解决,此案将提交仲裁。 In case no settlement can be reached amicably through negotiation, the case shall then submitted for arbitration. 我们希望这些纠纷能获得永久的解决。 We hope for a lasting settlement of all these troubles. 问题已经解决了。 The question has been settled. 本合同项下所发生的任何争议应通过仲裁予以解决。 Any dispute that may arise under this Contract shall be settled by arbitration. 请立刻结清你的欠帐。 Please settle your account immediately.

125 8. settlement n. conclusion, payment 解决清偿 in settlement of 用以清偿/解决
v. settle 解决清偿 settle claims 理赔 settle an account 结算账户 9. check v. inspect or test 检查,核对 n. 检验;检查,核对 check with 与……进行核对 sb. is short of sth. 短少,缺乏…… n. shortage 短缺,短少,不足 shortage of stocks 缺乏,短缺 be in shortage 缺乏,短缺 e.g. 原料缺乏导致供货短缺。 A shortage of materials resulted in a shortage of supply. e.g. 我会马上检查这些问题,给你一个满意的答复。 I'll check these problems immediately and give you a satisfactory reply.

126 10. specify v. to state explicitly or in detail 明确说明或详明指明
e.g. 我们提醒你方,824号合同中规定用即期信用证付款。 We refer you to Contract No. 824 which specified payment by sight L/C. n. specification 说明,规定,规格 e.g. 我们在信用证规定了成交的条件条款。 We specify in the L/C the terms and conditions concluded.

127 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled TEXT

128 3. Main points Specimen 1 a. Arrival of goods and short delivery found b. Survey and report c. Claim for losses d. Expectation of early settlement Specimen 2 a. receipt of claim b. regret for the claim and explanation of the problem c. settlement d. expectation of future business

129 Specimen 1 A Claim for Short Delivery Dear Sirs We refer to sales contract No.564 covering the purchase of 200 metric tons of white cement. We telexed you on 17 May informing you that the consignment arrived on 20 April. On inspection we found that 180 bags had burst and that the contents estimated at 9000 kg had been irretrievably lost. We proceeded to have a survey report made. The report has now confirmed our initial findings. The report indicates that the loss was due to the use of substandard bags for which you the suppliers are responsible.

130 Specimen 1 A Claim for Short Delivery On the strength of the survey report we hereby register our claim against you as follows: Short delivered quantity GBP180 Survey charges GBP50 Total claimed GBP230 We enclose survey report No. TS6478 and look forward to early settlement of the claim. Yours faithfully,

131 Specimen 2 Claim Accepted Dear Sirs Thank you for your letter of 20 May in which you lodge a claim for short delivery of 9000 kg of white cement. We wish to express our deep regret at this incident. We have checked with our warehouse and discovered that part of your consignment was not packed in 5-ply paper bags as specified in the contract. This was due to the negligence of our warehouse staff. We are most concerned to maintain our long-standing trading relationship. We therefore enclose a cheque for GBP230 in full and final settlement of your claim. We trust that this unfortunate error will not adversely affect our future relations. Yours faithfully,

132 Chinese Version 信件一 敬启者: 兹提及第564号销售合约下的200公吨白水泥,我们于五月十七日传真告知,货物已于四月二十日运抵本公司。 检查货物时,发现有180袋破损,估计损失9000公斤白水泥。其后安排进行检验,有关报告与估计的损失相符。该报告指出此次损失是由于包装袋不合标准引致,故应由贵公司负责。 现按照报告结果向贵公司索偿:   损失白水泥 180英镑   检验费 50英镑 合计 230英镑 随函附上第TS6478号检验报告,烦请早日解决赔偿事宜。 谨上

133 信件二 敬启者: 五月二十日就缺少9000公斤白水泥提出索赔的来函收悉。 对此次事件,本公司感到非常遗憾。经与货仓负责人商讨后,发现错失是由于员工疏忽,未有按合同要求以五层纸袋包装该批货物而引致。 为与你方保持长期贸易关系,谨随函敬附230镑支票壹张,赔偿贵公司损失。 本公司希望此次事件不会影响贵我双方日后的合作。 谨上

134 Lesson 18 Claim 索赔 TEXT Arm yourself Main points Make yourself skilled

135 4. Make Yourself Skilled I. Basic Training
1.Fill in the blanks with proper forms of the given words: short 1) The shipment is _________ of 1,540lbs. 2) The total _________amounts to 1,540lbs. 3) The goods are _________ -delivered by 1,540lbs. 4) We lodge a claim against you for a _________ delivery of 1,540lbs. short shortage short short

136 settle 1) As it involves only a small quantity, we hope you will have no difficulty in _________ this matter. 2) We trust you will do your best to have this matter _________ at once. 3) We confirm having received your remittance of $789 in _________ of our claim. settling settled settlement

137 1) After _________of the above shipment we found 5 cases missing.
inspect 1) After _________of the above shipment we found 5 cases missing. 2) I made it my business to _________the goods personally. 3) After _________at the port of destination the quality of the goods shipped per S.S. “Red Star” under Contract No. 748 was found not in line with the contract stipulations. inspection inspect inspection

138 1) We have to file a _________against you to the amount of US$20000.
claim 1) We have to file a _________against you to the amount of US$20000. 2) We are prepared to make you a reasonable compensation but not the amount _________. consign 1) A new _____________of goods has just arrived. 2) The 100 tons Peanuts has been _________ to you per s.s. “Dongfeng”. 3) We cannot agree to _________ the goods. 4) We cannot ship the goods on ____________. claim claimed consignment consigned consign consignment

139 1) Fresh supplies are _________ arrive early next month.
due 1) Fresh supplies are _________ arrive early next month. 2) We wish to inform you that shipment of our order No. 22 will soon be _________. 3) We hope this first shipment will _________ arrive and turn out to the entire satisfaction of your customers. 4) The delay in shipment is _________the late arrival of your L/C. due to over due duly due to

140 2) We _________ to our letter of August 30.
refer 1) We take pleasure in sending our latest catalogue for your _________. 2) We _________ to our letter of August 30. 3) _________ to our contract No. 22, we would like to make it clear that prompt execution is most important. reference refer Referring

141 1) We _________ to say that business has fallen through.
regret 1) We _________ to say that business has fallen through. 2) We expressed _________ at the delay. 3) We are _________ that we cannot supply the entire quantity required. 4) It is _________ that the matter should still be hanging unsettled. regret regret regretful regrettable

142 survey refer to proceed lodge settle short claim responsible for
2. Fill in the blanks with the proper forms of given Words (words can be used more than once) : survey refer to proceed lodge settle short claim responsible for 1) I’m afraid we can’t _________ your claim for the loss incurred in transit. 2) As we have concluded the deal on CIF terms we are not ___________ the damage. 3) The project is _________ well. 4) We have substantial evidence for _________ a claim. settle responsible for proceeding lodging

143 5) We are not ____________ the damage which happened during transit.
6) We find the case shows a _________ in weight (every bale weighs less). 7) We reserve the right to _________ damages. 8) We have here a _________ report submitted by our inspection bureau. 9) As it is a matter concerning insurance we hope you will _________ it _________ the insurance company or their agents at your end. 10)Such a _________ as is without any foundation cannot be considered. responsible for shortage claim survey refer to claim

144 2) In view of our friendly relations, 我们同意接受你方的全部索赔.(full claim)
Ⅱ. Complete the following sentences by translating Chinese into English 1) When goods were shipped, 箱子是完整无损的, 我们很难接受你方索赔.(in good condition, accept a claim) 2) In view of our friendly relations, 我们同意接受你方的全部索赔.(full claim) 3) 我们不承担责任any damage occurred during transit. (be responsible for) the cases were in good condition, so we find it difficult to accept your claim we agree to accept your full claim We are not responsible for

145 5) Suppliers shall负责, 这批货估计短重500 公斤.(short weight of)
4) 就late delivery of tractors ordered 8th July我们不得不向你方提出索赔.(lodge a claim against...for) 5) Suppliers shall负责, 这批货估计短重500 公斤.(short weight of) 6) We insist that 短重应由供应商负责.(be responsible for) 7) We are looking forward to 你方早日解决这次索赔.(settle the claim) We have to lodge a claim against you for be responsible for the estimated short weight o f500 kilograms of the goods suppliers shall be responsible for the short weight Your early settlement of the claim

146 Translate the following sentences:
1) 我们希望这一不幸事件不会影响你我之间的业务往来。(affect) 2) 鉴于我们之间长期存在的业务关系, 我们愿意友好解决这次纠纷。(settle the dispute) 3) 你方所提供的证明是不充分的,因此我方不能考虑你方索赔要求。(insufficient, entertain claim) We hope this unfortunate accident will not affect business between us. In view of our long business relations, we would like to settle the dispute amicably. The evidence provided by you is not sufficient , so we can not entertain your claim.

147 4) 如果你方不同意我们的建议,那我们交由仲裁来解决。(submit to arbitration for settlement)
5) 你们可以向负责方提出赔偿。(claim compensation against) 6) 货款收入已汇寄给你方。(proceeds) If you do not agree to our proposal, we have no choice but to submit it to the arbitration for settlement. You can claim compensation against the person who is responsible. Proceeds of the goods has been remitted to you.

148 III. Letter-writing Practice
Write a letter in proper form according to the following situation Suppose you are an American buyer (American Zhongnong Trading Co. Ltd.) who has ordered 500 tins of green tea from China Zhenyuan Trade Co. Ltd. Upon arrival at New York port 50 tins were found completely wet. You write a letter lodging a claim against this. Commodity: Longjing Green Tea Price: CNY38/tin FOB New York Quantity: 1200 tins Packing: Export Standard Specification: First Class Address of buyer: P.O. Box Santa Clara California USA Address of seller: No.13 Zhen An Road Guangzhou Guangdong China.

149 Sample letter American Zhong Nong Trading Co. Ltd.
P.O. Box Santa Clara, California, USA July 6,2005 China Zhenyuan Trade Co., Ltd No. 13 Zhen An Road, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China. Dear Mr. XX, We have duly received the shipment of our 1200 tins of Longjin Green Tea ordered at CNY 38/tin FOB New York but regret to find them in unsatisfactory condition. We cannot but lodge a claim against you. After carefully examining, it was found that nearly 50 tins are completely wet, obviously attributed to improper packing. We stressed in our last letter the importance of packaging strictly according to your Export Standard, but we found some of them are not packed in water-proof materials before put in the tin with a result that the materials become inferior in quality. We expect compensation from you for this and should like to take this opportunity to suggest that special care be taken in your future deliveries. Yours faithfully, American Zhong Nong Trading Co. Ltd Touis Tomas Manager

150 More exercises 1.Translate the following expressions into English: 检验报告 寄售货物 仓至仓条款 短交 购货合同 发货人 survey report consignment goods warehouse to warehouse clause short delivery purchase contract consignor

151 2. Translate the following sentences about claim:
1) 到货中有破包50个,对此我们将向你方提出索赔.( lodge a claim) 2) 我们特此向你方提出金额为1000英镑的索赔.(file a claim against sb. for…) 3) 我们以上海商检局的检验报告为依据,向你方提出索赔.(claim…on strength of…) 50 of the bags are broken on arrival, we have to lodge a claim against you. We hereby file a claim against you for1,000 pounds. We claim with you on strength of the survey report issued by Shanghai CIQ.

152 5) 这批货估计短重500公斤,但我们还在等待检验报告.(short weight, estimate, survey report)
4) 由风庆轮装来的化肥短重5,000公斤,我们向你方提出索赔.(lodge a claim against sb. for a short weight of…) 5) 这批货估计短重500公斤,但我们还在等待检验报告.(short weight, estimate, survey report) 6) 按照合同规定办事,买方有权退货并提出索赔.(on strength of, file a claim) 4) We lodge a claim against you for a short weight of 5000 kilograms fertilizers shipped ex “FengQing”. 5) A short weight of 500 kilograms is estimated for this consignment, but we are still waiting for survey report. 6) On strength of the contract, the buyer are entitled to return the goods and file a claim.

153 3. Translate the following letter into Chinese:
Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of 20 May regarding your order No We are sorry to learn that there was a mix-up in your order. We are now sending the consignment to you by air freight. It should be with you within a week The necessary documentation will be sent under separate cover Please hold the goods which were wrongly shipped for collection We offer our sincere apologies for the delay. Should you have any further problems, please do not hesitate to contact us immediately Yours faithfully,

154 ——先生: 五月二十日有关第645号定单的来信收到。 得知错运货物,本公司感到抱歉。正确的货物已安排空运,应于一周内运抵。有关文件将加函寄上。烦请暂存错运给贵方的货物。 如有任何疑问,欢迎与本公司联络。对于此次错失,谨再次表示歉意。 谨上

155 4. Translate the following letter into English:
——先生: 有关上周发运的第343号定单的来信收悉。 对于货物在运送途中破损的事宜,本公司感到遗憾。本公司一向特别小心包装货物,然而不当的运输方法亦会引致损坏。 本公司将按照贵公司开列的破损货物清单更换新货,不日将运抵贵处。 已就有关损失向保险公司索偿,烦请保留破损货物供保险公司检查。 不便之处,敬希见谅。 谨上

156 Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter regarding your order No
Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter regarding your order No.343, delivered last week We are sorry to hear of the breakages which occurred in transit. We pack our shipments with great care but there are occasions when the merchandise is mishandled along the way We have your inventory of the broken items. We shall make up a consignment of replacements which should reach you shortly We have lodged a claim with our insurer for the loss. Our apologies for the inconvenience Yours faithfully,

157 5. Write a reply to the letter in Supplementary reading1,including:
1) regret for the loss 2) state the reason--- s. s. "SUNSHINE" encountered heavy weather incessantly with torrential rains on the voyage from Shanghai to Surayaba; the hold ventilators had to be closed for some time to guard against ingress of fresh water into the hold, sweat formed in the hold resulted in the garlic's sprouting. 3) advise them to ask for compensation from shipping company or insurance company

158 Dear Sirs, CONTRACTNO.23 HBSF/1009CNFOR18MTSGARLIC We have received your fax dated May 11 filing a claim against us for the damage of the captioned goods We regret for the loss you have suffered. The s. s. "SUNSHINE" encountered heavy weather incessantly with torrential rains on the voyage from Shanghai to Surayaba. The log showed that the hold ventilators had to be closed for some time to guard against ingress of fresh water into the hold. It is precisely because of this protective measure that sweat formed in the hold resulted in the garlic's sprouting This is an event beyond our control and on the strength of the provision of the B/L we cannot hold ourselves responsible for the loss. We propose you approach the shipping company or the insurance company for compensation We hope this unpleasant case will not cast a shadow on our future business Yours faithfully

159 6. Dictation: Dear Sirs: Thank you for your letter of 20 May We agree with you that our shoes should last longer than one month. If they do not, we like to know the reason why We have carefully examined the pair you returned to us. Our production manager reports that the shoes have been thoroughly soaked and then dried by heat. Even the best quality shoes will not withstand this treatment For this reason, we regret that we cannot agree to your request for a replacement pair Yours faithfully,

160 Complaints and Claims 申诉和索赔
Introduction 1 2 Complaint 申诉 3 Claim 索赔 4 Sum-up

161 Sum-up 1) Arrival of goods typical expressions such as:
We received this morning the 20 cartons of ... under our order No.... ex s.s.... 我们今早收到由……号轮运来的……订单项下的20箱…… We thank you very much for delivering the ... under our Contract No... 感谢你方交运……合同项下的……货物。

162 2) Giving the details of problem typical expressions such as:
Poor packing We regret to inform you that Case No.36 is broken. The contents are seriously damaged owing to improper packing. 很遗憾地通知你方,36号箱子破了。由于包装不当,里面货物严重受损。 We found 8 cartons were torn and 4 cartons were broken. 我们发现8箱散了,4箱破了。 Poor quality To our surprise we found them far below the standard and didn’t meet the sample. 使我们吃惊的是,我们发现货物远达不到标准,比样品差远了。 We found the quality is not in conformity with what we stated in the contract. 我们发现货物质量与合同规定的不一致。

163 Shortage We feel it regrettable that only 97 cases were received by us. 很遗憾我们只收到97箱。 After inspection of the above shipment we found... boxes missing. 经检验发现……箱货物丢失。 Wrong goods Everything appears to be correct and in good condition except in Case No. 40. 除40号箱外其他货物正常,状况良好。 When we opened this case we found it contained completely different articles. 打开这个箱子,我方发现里面的货物完全不对。

164 3) Making a complaint or lodging a claim, asking for settlement, typical expressions such as:
Your last shipment is so disappointing that we cannot but lodge a claim against you. 你方上次的货物太令人失望了,我方不得不向你方提出索赔。 We must ask you to arrange for the dispatch of replacements at once. 我方要求你方立即安排发运替换品。

165 4) Expecting typical expressions such as:
Please let us know what you wish us to do with it. 请让我们知道你们想怎样处理。 Your early clarification and settlement of the case will be appreciated. 如你方能尽早澄清此事,及早解决,我们将不胜感激。

166 5) Reply to such letters shall also be handled with care and written in amicable way. Typical expressions to help you in the settlement are: Notice of complaint or claim We were glad to know that the consignment was delivered promptly but it was with much regret that we heard Case No.40 did not contain the goods you ordered. 很高兴得知,货物按时运到了,但很遗憾得知40号箱所装货物不是你方订购的货。 We are in receipt of your letter of May 1 claiming for short weight on the consignment of... 收到你方5月1日来信,向我方索赔……的短重。 Acceptance of complaint or claim We regret for the losses you have suffered and agree to compensate you by USD15,000. 对你方所遭受的损失我方深表遗憾,同意赔偿15,000美元。

167 We are prepared to compensate you by 10% of the total invoice value.
我们打算赔偿你方发票价值的10%。 Rejection of complaint or claim Your claim should be referred to the insurance company. 你方应向保险公司索赔。 We looked into the matter and found that our...was properly weighed at the time of loading. 我们调查了此事,认为装运时货物的重量是正确的。 The goods in question were in first-class condition when they left here, as was evidenced by the Bill of Lading. 该货物离开这里时状况良好,这有提单为证。

168 The End of

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