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Reading and Vocabulary

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1 Reading and Vocabulary
Period 1 Module 4 Carnival Introduction Reading and Vocabulary

2 农历节日 农历正月初一春节 (the Spring Festival) 农历正月十五元宵节 (Lantern Festival) 农历五月初五端午节 (the Dragon-Boat Festival) 农历七月初七乞巧节(中国情人节)(Double-Seventh Day) 农历八月十五中秋节 (the Mid-Autumn Festival) 农历九月初九重阳节 (the Double Ninth Festival) 农历腊月初八腊八节 (the laba Rice Porridge Festival)

3 对联 post the couplets 烟花爆竹 set off fireworks 剪纸 paper- cuts 压岁钱
lucky/ gift money The Spring Festival (lunar January 1)

4 The Lantern Festival (Lunar January 15) lion /dragon dance
riddles written on lanterns exhibit of lanterns rice glue ball/full moon ball 舞狮/龙 灯谜 灯会 元宵

5 Ching Ming Festival / Tomb-sweeping Day (Lunar April 5)
...) rebirth of nature 万物复苏 celebrat it with picnics, and kite flying sweep and weed graves honor ancestors Ching Ming Festival / Tomb-sweeping Day (Lunar April 5)

6 Dragon Boat Festival (Lunar May 5) 棕子 rice dumplings 龙舟赛
Dragon Boat race

7 Cowherd Girl Weaver the Milky Way magpie bridge
牛郎 织女 银河 鹊桥 Cowherd Girl Weaver the Milky Way magpie bridge Double Seventh Festival (Lunar July 7)

8 Mid-Autumn Festival (Lunar August 15) 嫦娥奔月
月饼 Chang E flying to the moon moon cake

9 登高 赏菊 Double Ninth Festival (Lunar September 9)
Ascending [ ə'send ] a height enjoying the flourishing chrysanthemum [ kri'sænθ,əməm ] 登高 赏菊

10 New Year’ Eve (Lunar December 31)

11 Introduction-1. Description of Chinese festivals(3m)
Can you describe one of the Chinese festivals? wear special clothes eat special food give or receive gifts have a holiday from school take part in a traditional ceremony dance and listen to music enjoy yourself with friends or family

12 festivals in other countries
Valentine’s Day Carnival Easter festivals Fool’s Day Christmas Mother’s Day Thanksgiving Day Halloween Father’s Day

13 Introduction-2. western festivals(4m)
How much do you know about the following western festivals? Christmas This is a Christian festival which comes in the middle of winter. reindeer 驯鹿 Sleigh 雪橇 Santa Claus 圣诞老人

14 Holi This is a festival of color, which marks the beginning of spring in India.

15 Holi (胡里节)

16 撒红节(Holi)印度节日,举办于每年的初春时节(3月份)。
    庆祝活动是为了向印度教克利须那神以及他对Radha的爱情表示敬意。年轻的克利须那神向他的母亲抱怨,为何Radha如此的白皙,而自己却那么的黝黑。母亲建议克利须那神把Radha的脸涂上颜色,看她的肤色会如何变化。现在的庆祝活动,也有此意。     另一方面,这个节日也是为了庆祝土地肥沃和庄稼丰收。     节日前夜,人们燃起熊熊的篝火,借此来驱赶女恶魔Dhunda。到了节日当天,人们开始游行、唱歌、跳舞,尽情欢腾。同时,印度教信徒、男男女女们,甚至小孩子们,都互相追逐,用彩色的水和粉末彼此涂抹,以示互致问候。因而,节日上人人都显得凌乱不堪,却笑容满面。     因此,若是来参观撒红节,建议您穿件旧衣服,因为狂欢过后,无人可以免于五颜六色的涂抹。

17 turkey pumpkin pie Thanksgiving Day (The 4th Thursday in November)
This is when Americans remember the hard times when they first arrived in the country. turkey pumpkin pie

18 Halloween This festival is at the end of October, when “ghosts” come out.

19 万圣节(Halloween)是关于鬼的节日,据说是源于基督诞生前的古西欧国家,主要包括爱尔兰、苏格兰和威尔士,这几处的古西欧人叫德鲁伊特人。德鲁伊特的新年在11月1日,在新年前夜,年轻人们集队在一起,戴着各种怪异面具,拎着刻好的萝卜灯(南瓜灯系后来习俗,古西欧最早没有南瓜),他们游走于村落间。这在当时实则为一种秋收的庆典;另外也是“鬼节”,传说当年死去人的灵魂会在万圣节的前夜回到生前所居住的地方,并在活人的身上找寻生灵,以获得再生的机会。因此,人们应该让造访的鬼魂看到圆满的收成并对鬼魂呈现出丰盛的款待。所有篝火及灯火,一来为了吓走鬼魂,同时也为鬼魂照亮路线,引导其回归。

20 随着时间的流逝,万圣节的意义逐变得含有喜庆的意味。每当万圣节到来,孩子们都会迫不及待地穿上五颜六色的化妆服,戴上千奇百怪的面具,提着一盏“杰克灯”走家窜户,向大人们索要节日的礼物。万圣节最广为人知的象征也正是这两样——奇异的“杰克灯”和“表演魔术或者给糖果”的恶作剧。“杰克灯”的样子十分可爱,做法是将南瓜掏空,外面刻上笑眯眯的眼睛和大嘴巴,然后在瓜中插上一支蜡烛,把它点燃,人们在很远的地方便能看到这张憨态可掬的笑脸。然后,一群群装扮成妖魔鬼怪的孩子手提“杰克灯”,跑到邻居家门前,威吓般地喊着:“Trick or treat”(“要恶作剧还是给款待”) “给钱还是给吃的”。如果大人不用糖果、零钱款待他们,那些调皮的孩子就说到做到:好,你不款待,我就捉弄你。他们有时把人家的门把手涂上肥皂,有时把别人的猫涂上颜色。这些小恶作剧常令大人啼笑皆非。当然,大多数人家都非常乐于款待这些天真烂漫的小客人。所以,万圣节前夜的孩子们总是肚子塞得饱饱的,口袋装得满满的,这个节日是他们最喜欢的节日。

21 Halloween (31st. Oct / 1st Nov)
( All Saints' Day )

22 Halloween Parade

23 Jack-o-Lantern

24 Trick-or-Treat on Halloween

25 Dunking For Apples

26 Easter Easter eggs复活节彩蛋 Easter Bunny
This is a Christian holiday in March or April when Christians remember the death of Christ and his return to life.

27 Easter 复活节是基督教纪念耶稣复活的节日。传说耶稣被钉死在十字架上,死后第三天复活升天。每年在教堂庆祝的复活节指的是春分月圆后的第一个星期日,如果月圆那天刚好是星期天,复活节则推迟一星期。因而复活节可能在3月22日至4月25日之间的任何一天。

28 在多数西方国家里,复活节一般要举行盛大的宗教游行。游行者身穿长袍,手持十字架,赤足前进。他们打扮成基督教历史人物,唱着颂歌欢庆耶稣复活。如今节日游行已失去往日浓厚的宗教色彩。节日游行洋溢着喜庆的气氛,具有浓烈的民间特色和地方特色。在美国,游行队伍中即有身穿牛仔服踩高跷的小丑,也有活泼可爱的卡通人物米老鼠( Mickey )。在英国,游行多以介绍当地的历史( history )和风土人情为主,游行者化装成为苏格兰风笛乐队以及皇宫卫士,吸引了众多的游客( tourist )。复活节的到来还使人们纷纷换上新衣。过去基督教教徒会在节前去教堂行洗礼,然后穿上自己的新袍,庆祝基督的新生。穿戴一新的习俗保留至今,因为人们认为节日里不穿新衣是要倒运的。

29 Easter 典型的复活节礼物跟春天和再生有关系:鸡蛋、小鸡、小兔子、鲜花,特别是百合花是这一季节的象征。复活节前夕,孩子们为朋友和家人给鸡蛋着色打扮一番。这些蛋有的煮得很老,有的只是空空的蛋壳。复活节那天早上,孩子们会发现床前的复活节篮子里装满了巧克力彩蛋、复活节小兔子、有绒毛的小鸡及娃娃玩具等。据说复活节兔子会将彩蛋藏在室内或是草地里让孩子们去寻找。

30 节日期间,人们按照传统习俗把鸡蛋煮熟后涂上红色,代表天鹅泣血,也表示生命女神降生后的快乐;大人孩子三五成群地聚在一处,用彩蛋作游戏;他们把彩蛋放在地上或土坡上滚,最后破裂者即为获胜,胜利者可以得到所有游戏者的彩蛋。该活动非常普通,即使是白宫,也要在复活节中组织这种游戏,不过这里是将彩蛋放在草坪上滚;人们相信,彩蛋在地上来回滚动可以使恶魔不断惊颤、倍受煎熬。这种风俗历史悠久,鸡蛋是复活节的象征,因为它预示着新生命的降临,相信新的生命一定会从中冲脱出世。

31 Carnival People love wearing special clothes for this festival.

32 嘉年华是英文单词Carnival的中文译音,这个美丽的中文名字源于《圣经》中的一个故事:有一个魔鬼把耶稣困在旷野里,40天没有给耶稣吃东西,耶稣虽然饥饿,却没有接受魔鬼的诱惑。后来,为了纪念耶稣在这40天中的荒野禁食,信徒们就把每年复活节前的40天时间作为自己斋戒及忏悔的日子,这40天中,人们不能食肉,娱乐,生活肃穆沉闷,所以在斋期开始前的一周或半周内,人们会专门举行宴会、舞会、游行,纵情欢乐,而嘉年华最初的含义就是“告别肉食”。如今已没有多少人坚守大斋期之类的清规戒律,但传统的狂欢活动却保留了下来,成为人们一个重要节日。

33 每年一至二月,意大利北部的威尼斯都会举办闻名全球的嘉年华活动,时间长达十天,每天有化装舞会的大游行,与连夜狂欢的歌舞活动.

34 Carnival

35 Reading The Magic of the Mask

36 √ √ √ Read the passage and choose the topics it mentions.
Reading and Vocabulary 2--Skimming (3m) Read the passage and choose the topics it mentions. Different carnivals The origins of carnival Special food Carnival in Venice

37 Reading and Vocabulary 3—Scanning (5m)
Activity 2 1. c 5. b 2. b 6. b 7. b 3. c 8. b 4. a

38 celebrating carnival revived?
1.What’s your general impression of carnival? 2. What does carnival mean? 3. What do people do at carnival? 4. Where does the writer say we can see the most famous carnival? What was it like at first? 5. What was the law about wearing masks? 6. When and how was the tradition of celebrating carnival revived? 7. How is carnival celebrated in Venice today? 8. What is the feature of the carnival in Venice?

39 Paragraph 1 What’s your general impression
of carnival? Whenever you think of carnival, you may think of ______, ________ and _________. The sights may differ in different countries, but the __________ is the same everywhere. crowds costumes confusion excitement

40 Paragraph 2 What does carnival mean?
“Carnival” comes from two Latin words, ________ “no more meat”. meaning What do people do at carnival? People saw Carnival as a last chance to ________ at the end of the winter season. They eat, drink and ________. have fun dress up

41 Paragraph 3 Where does the writer say we can see the most famous carnival? What was it like at first? The most famous carnival in Europe was in ______. People ate, drank and wore _____. At the beginning, it lasted for just one day. As time passed, the carnival period was _________ and people walked round the streets for weeks ______ doing what they wanted without _______________. Many crimes went __________. Venice masks extended on end being recognized unpunished

42 Paragraph 4 What was the law about wearing masks?
The first of laws about wearing masks _____________ the 14th century. Men were not allowed to wear masks at night. In later times people who wore masks could not carry ________. At the end of the 18th century masks were totally ______ and carnival became just a _______. dates back to firearms banned memory

43 Paragraph 5 When and how was the tradition of celebrating carnival revived?
In the late 1970s the tradition___________ by students, who began making masks and organizing parties and threw _______________ paper at tourists. The town council realized carnival ____________ business and the festival _____________ for tourists. was revived brightly-colored was good for was developed

44 Paragraph 6 How is carnival celebrated in Venice today?
Today carnival in Venice _____________ for five days in February. People arrive from all over Europe to enjoy the fun. Hotels are fully ______ and the streets ______________ wonderful costumes. is celebrated booked are crowded with What is the feature of the carnival in Venice? The spirit of Venice carnival is a little different from other carnivals. The ___ to Rio is music and movement,_____ in Venice it is the _______ of the masks. As you _____________ the streets you may see varieties of masks-- ______ or frightening, sad or _______, __________ or modern. Nobody takes it off as the _____ will be lost if the masks ________. key mystery while wander through elegant amusing traditional magic come off

45 The most famous carnival was in Venice Para.3
The Magic of the Mask “Carnival” meaning “no more meat” Para. 2 Carnival: crowds, costumes,and confusion Para. 1 The most famous carnival was in Venice Para.3 at the end of the eighteenth century, carnival just a memory Para. 4 carnival in Venice celebrated for five days in February Para. 6 in the late 1970s the tradition revived by students Para.5

46 Activity 3 on P32 and Activity 4 on P33.
r Homework: Activity 3 on P32 and Activity 4 on P33. Finish off Vocabulary exercises in WB. Surf the internet for more information about festivals .

47 万圣节前夜三大传统项目:苹果、南瓜和捣蛋
Dunking for Apples The custom of dunking for apples originated during Samhain. The first person to bite an apple would be the first to marry in the coming year. Lovers carried out a similar tradition in the Victorian era: Together they would bite into a suspended donut with their hands tied behind their backs! Jack-O-Lanterns Jack-O-Lanterns come from an ancient Irish and British tradition that involved placing a lit candle inside a hollowed-out pumpkin or turnip in order to scare spirits away. The name — for an illuminated pumpkin — has its origins in Celtic folklore. According to legend, a blacksmith named Jack made a pact with the Devil: His soul for mastery of his trade. In an attempt to save Jack, a saint named Peter offered Jack three wishes, hoping Jack would choose wisely and save his soul. Instead Jack used the wishes to outsmart the Devil, angering both God and the Devil himself. So when Jack died, neither God nor the Devil wanted his soul. Dejected, Jack scooped up some burning coals and placed them in a hollowed-out turnip. Legend has it that Jack still carries his "lantern," lighting the way as he roams the earth endlessly. Trick-or-Treating Dressing up in costumes and "trick-or-treating" is based on a number of Irish and European customs. In England, boys and girls wore each other's outfits and begged door-to-door for "soulcakes." During pagan times, German people paid taxes at the end of autumn; in Scotland, this custom was transformed into lighthearted door-to-door begging called "guising." In Ireland, groups of Irish farmers in disguise traveled from house to house asking for food for their town or village. Those who gave generously received good wishes for prosperity; those who were tight-fisted were cursed and threatened. This custom, brought over to the U.S. by Irish immigrants during the potato famine of the mid-1800s, continues as modern-day "trick-or-treating."

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