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A Material World.

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1 A Material World

2 Objectives ■ To read a text to find out specific facts.
■ To review and practise using countable and uncountable nouns and the use of determiners: all, none, both, neither, another, other, the second. ■ To practise the use of phrasal verbs with give, go and drop.

3 Part I Pre-reading On March 11, 2009, business magazine Forbes released it’s most recent list of the world’s wealthiest people. 1 William Gates III 6 Karl Albrecht 2 Warren Buffett 7 Mukesh Ambani 3 Carlos Slim Helu 8 Lakshmi Mittal 4 Lawrence Ellison 9 Theo Albrecht 5 Ingvar Kamprad 10 Amancio Ortega

4 2009 Top 10 Billionaires in the world
William Henry “Bill” Gates III Rank 1 Citizenship United States Age 53 Net Worth $ 40.0 billion Residence an American business magnate (巨头), philanthropist, and chairman of Microsoft

5 2009 Top 10 Billionaires in the world
Warren Buffett Rank 2 Citizenship United States Age 78 Net Worth $ 37 billion Residence an American investor (投资者), businessman, and philanthropist (慈善家)

6 Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?
Among the top 10, how many Asian born millionaires? How many are under 50 years old? Is there a Chinese one? Would you like to be a millionaire? Why or why not?

7 Advantages of being a millionaire/billionaire
A buy anything we like such as an expensive car like a BMW and a villa with modern equipment and luxurious furniture B be well-fed and dressed C travel around the world D leave some money to charities E give some money away to the poor … …

8 Disadvantages of being a millionaire/billionaire
A be unable to be relaxed at the thought of making more money B worry about being robbed of the money C worry about being kidnapped D be occupied because of too many social activities

9 What can money buy? Money can make you live a comfortable life

10 What can’t money buy? love, happiness , friendship, life, time, health

11 Do you think it is that they can become a millionaire?
What is the ultimate goal for a lot of people? Do you think it is that they can become a millionaire? “Who wants to be a Millionaire? I don’t,” says Charles Gray.

12 Charles Gray is a real person from the USA
Charles Gray is a real person from the USA. Years ago he was a university professor and a millionaire. However, he grew disillusioned (失望的) with the wealthy and comfortable lifestyle he was leading and started to give all his money away. He decided it was unfair for some people to have so many of the world’s resources, when so many people in the world were living in poverty.

13 Gordon Angus Deayton was a student at Oxford
Gordon Angus Deayton was a student at Oxford. He is a famous British TV personality who has appeared in many comedy shows. One of them was Mr Bean. He became the host of the popular satirical news quiz Have I Got News for You, which led to his success.

14 Part II Reading 1. Read and get the general idea. Para. 1 Para. 2
people’s determination to be a millionaire the reason why he changed his life c. living condition d. donating his money e. enjoying the change f. different attitudes

15 2. Read the article. Decide if the statements below are true (T), false (F) or there is no information (NI) 1. Charles Gray was a rich businessman. 2. He hasn’t got a TV in his caravan. 3. He has got a vegetable garden. 4. Charles gave his money to poor people. 5. People thought he was crazy when he gave away small bank notes in the street. 6. He was happier when he was rich. F NI T T NI F

16 3. Choose the best answer to each question.
1) Why did Charles give all his money away? A. Because his family often quarreled about how to spend the money. B. Because he was aware there were still many poor people. C. Because the charity organisations called on him to do so. D. Because many people envied (嫉妒) him his wealth. B

17 2) What CANNOT be found in the small garden outside of Charles’ room?
A. Fruit trees. B. Vegetables. C. Rice. D. Flowers. 3) How does Charles feel with his new life? A. Unhappy and sad. B. A little regretful. C. Worried and anxious. D. Relaxed and happy. C D

18 Part III Summary millionaire concerned different ways
Angus Deayton has had an interview with Charles Gray. Before reporting the interview, Angus reports that lots of people are dreaming of becoming a 1. __________ and some are working hard for that. When a few people realise this dream, some of them continued to be 2. _________ about money and some, like Charles, turned their backs on their millions and found 3._______________ to live a happy life. millionaire concerned different ways

19 professor $2 charities hungry people second-hand charity shops free
Charles was once a college 4. ________ who owned a huge house and 5. ________ million. But later he decided to give away all his money to 6. __________ because he knew there were many 7. _____________ in the world. Now he lives in a small room with only 8. ______________ furniture. Besides, he gets clothes and things from 9._____________. But he appreciates this change and has discovered that having only a little money makes him 10. _________. professor $2 charities hungry people second-hand charity shops free

20 Read to learn d e c g f a b 1. be determined to do
2. achieve their goals 3. be concerned about 4. turn one’s back on 5. be tired of 6. give away 7. drop out a. give sb. sth. b. leave a lifestyle c. be worried about d. to decide e. get what they want f. have enough of sth g. pay no attention

21 Vocabulary Fill in the blanks with the new phrases.
You will have to practice a lot before you _______________ of winning the game. 2. She likes being herself and has never _____________________what other people think of her. achieve your goal been concerned about

22 Vocabulary got tired of
He has __________ working on numbers and wants to change his job. 4. Some poor girls ___________of school because their families could not afford the expense. 5. I want to _________my winter clothes to the charities. got tired of dropped out give away

23 Vocabulary The students ________________ make greater progress next term. 7. He has always been kind to me. I can’t just _______________him when he is in trouble. 8. He was continually _____________new plans to enlarge the business. are determined to turn my back on dreaming up

24 Part IV Vocabulary 1. Match the verbs from the text with the correct meanings. to return to stop doing something to change or leave a lifestyle to give someone something you don’t need 1) to give away 2) to drop out 3) to give up 4) to go back

25 2. Find the words or expressions in the text to match the following.
make up one’s mind to do _____________________ 2) worry /care about sth _____________________ 3) pay no attention to or avoid ______________________ 4) old or used ______________________ be determined to do be concerned about turn one’s back on sth second-hand

26 5) be fed up with __________________
6) choose or decide to do _____________________ 7) realize _____________________ 8) give sth to sb for free 9) make a lot of money 10) change or give up ______________ 11) return to sth ___________________ be tired of make the choice to do be aware of give away earn a lot of money drop out go back to

27 Part V Voice your opinion Would you like to be a millionaire?
Do you think money makes you happy? Are there more important things in life?

28 Extension Voice your opinion: How do you understand the sayings about money? Money talks. Money is not everything. Money doesn’t grow on trees.

29 Part V Grammar 部分不定代词的用法 I. some, any and no 1. some
1) 修饰不可数名词或复数可数名词,意为“几个;一些”。如: Give me some water, and I still have some questions to ask. 2) 修饰单数可数名词,意为“某个”。

30 如: He is visiting some old painter at some place.
他正在某个地方拜访某位老画家。 3) 一般用于肯定句,但也可以用于表示请求、建议或希望得到肯定回答的问句中。如: Will you get me some milk? 4) 可以修饰数词,意思相当于about,表示“大约”。如: He has some twenty pairs of trousers. 他大约有二十条裤子。

31 2. any 1) 修饰不可数名词或复数可数名词,意为“一些”,与some不同的是,它用于否定句和疑问句。如: Is there any money in the drawer? 2) 有时修饰单数可数名词,表示“任何一个”。如: Do you know any good doctor? 你认识什么好大夫吗? 3) 用于 if 或 whether 引导的宾语从句中。

32 如:I wonder whether you have met any of these people before.
我不知道你以前是否见过这些人。 4) 用于条件句。如: Let me know if you have any trouble. 有麻烦一定要告诉我。 5) 也可以用于肯定句,意为“任何的”。如: Any time you want me, just send a message. 什么时候需要我,就给我捎个信儿。

33 3. no 常作定语,可修饰单数、复数的可数名词以及不可数名词,意为“没有;不是”。特殊用法: 1) 用于there be, have之后,相当于not any。如: There are no letters for you. =There are not any letters for you.

34 2) 用于系动词后,相当于 not a,但语气强烈,意为“根本不”。如:
The girl is no fool. 这姑娘才不傻呢。 3) 用于警示语。如: No smoking! 不许吸烟! No parking! 禁止停车!

35 II. a lot of, many and much 1. a lot of 既可以修饰可数名词复数,也可以修饰不可数名词,可以变形为lots of;many只修饰可数名词复数;much只修饰不可数名词。 2. many 和much更常用于否定句和疑问句,或是whether或if引导的宾语从句中。在日常英语中,常使用a lot of或lots of来代替它们用于肯定句中,表达“许多”的概念。如: I doubt whether there’ll be much time for seeing the sights. There’s still a lot of work to do.

36 III. all and none 1. all 指三者或三者以上的全部人或物,既可接可数名词,也可接不可数名词。如:
All (of) the boys want to become football players. All (of) that money you gave them has been spent. 2. all单独作名词成分时,指人则表示“大家”,谓语动词用复数;指物则谓语动词一般要用单数。如: All are welcome. 所有的人都受欢迎。 All is here and nothing is lost. 所有东西都在这儿,什么都没丢。

37 3. none 是all的否定词,否定三者或三者以上的全部人或物,谓语动词既可以是单数,也可以是复数。而not all则是不完全否定。如:
None of the books was sold. 这些书一本也没卖出去。 None of the students are interested in the book. 学生们对那本书都不感兴趣。 Not all of the students are interested in the book. 不是所有的学生都对那本书感兴趣。

38 IV. both and neither 1. both 指“两者都”,既可指人,也可指物,常与 of连用,表示复数含义,但只能指两个。如:
I don’t know which book is better; I’ll read both. 我不知道哪一本书好,我两本都读。 She invited both of us to the party. both还可以用作名词或代词的同位语。如: They both accepted the invitation.

39 2. neither neither是both的否定词,同样是指两者,译成“两者都不;没有一个”。谓语动词可以是单数,也可以是复数。如: Neither of the film is / are interesting. 两部电影都没趣。

40 V. another, the other and other
1. another指许多中的“又一个;另一个”,接可数名词单数;the other指两者中的另一个;other须接复数名词,意为“其他的”,other + 名词的复数形式 = others。如: I have two favorite pencil boxes; one is red, and the other is blue. I’m not satisfied with these boxes; will you show me another one? He is taller than other students, but others are stronger than him.

41 2. some常与other或others一起用。如:
Some apples are very delicious and other apples/others aren’t. 3. 表示“另外的”,用another和other是不同的,如: I need another three chairs for the guests. (原来的椅子可以用) I need three other chairs for the guests. (原来的椅子不可以用)

42 [即时练习] 1._________ (between, among) the people who lived close to the border, there was an old man who owned a female horse. One day, with 2. ______ (any, no) reason, his horse ran into the foreign territory. Everyone pitied him, but the old man said, “What makes you think this is not a good thing?” Among no

43 3. ________ (some, any) months later, his horse returned, accompanied by
4. ________ (another, other) horse, a strong male one. Everyone congratulated him. But the old man said, “What makes you think this is not a bad thing?” The old man’s son enjoyed riding the male horse. One day he fell and broke his legs. Everyone pitied him, but the Some another

44 old man said, “What makes you think
this is not a good thing?” One year later, a war broke out there and 5. ________ (both, all) the young men went to the battle field. 6. ________ (many, much) of them died. However, just because the son was lame, the old man and his son 7. _______ (all, both) survived. all Many both For more exercises, click here.

45 Part IV Language points
1. They spend half their time dreaming up ways of getting rich, and the rest of their time thinking about all the enjoyable things they would do once they got rich. = In half of their time, they dream of how to become rich. In the rest of their time, they think of how to enjoy when they became rich.

46 [结构分析] 他们用半生时间来空想如何变得富裕,又把另半生耗在了构想一旦富裕将会做什么事情来享受上。
(1) spend some time doing sth是固定搭配,表示“花……时间做某事”;and后面省略了动词spend。 (2) dream up表示“凭空想像”。 (3) all the enjoyable things they would do这个部分中,they would do 是省略了引导词的定语从句;once they got rich部分是一个once (一旦) 引导的条件状语从句。

47 2. But do all millionaires find the happiness that they thought they would get when they achieve their goals? = Before becoming millionaires, all of them thought they would get some kind of happiness when they became rich. But when they become millionaires, do they all find the happiness?

48 (1) when they achieve their goals 是整句话的时间状语从句。
但是,是否所有的百万富翁在实现目标之后都找到了自己曾经想要的那份幸福呢? [结构分析] (1) when they achieve their goals 是整句话的时间状语从句。 (2) that they thought they would get是定语从句,修饰 the happiness。

49 3. He was tired of being a person who had everything in a world where many people had nothing.
= In this world, he had everything, but many people had nothing. He was tired of that. 他厌倦了在一个很多人都身无分文的世界里坐拥一切。

50 [结构分析] (1) be tired of doing sth表示“厌倦了做某事”。 (2) who引导了一个定语从句,修饰a person。 (3) in a world where many people had nothing是地点状语,其中where引导了一个定语从句来修饰a world。

51 4. He made the choice to give all his money away. (P8)
[点拨] give sth away表示“赠送;分发;泄露(机密);暴露(情况)”等。又如: He pretended to be a French, but his German accent gave him away. 他冒充法国人,但他的德国口音出卖了他。 The little boy gave away his hiding place when he coughed. 小男孩咳嗽时暴露了他的藏身之处。

52 [拓展] 包含give的常用短语还有: (1) give off 表示“放出;散发(气味)”等。如: The eggs were giving off a bad smell. 那些鸡蛋发出臭味。 (2) give out 表示“发出;分发;公布”等。如: The radio is giving out a strange sound. 这部收音机发出奇怪的声音。

53 [即时演练] 完成句子: (1) Don’t mention that at the beginning of the story, or it may ______________ the otherwise shocking ending. (2) The president ________________ the news that an election would take place. (3) Something ____________________ a good smell in the room. give away gave out is giving off

54 5. Charles Gray decided to drop out and has discovered that having only a little money makes you free. (P8) [点拨] drop out 在句中是“退出”的意思。又如: Liu Xiang dropped out of the competition because of the injury in his foot. 刘翔因为脚伤退出了比赛。

55 [拓展] (1) drop out 还可以表示“退学”。 (2) drop in on sb / at some place 表示“顺便拜访某人或某地”。 [即时演练] 完成句子: (1) Many children __________ of school in the remote countries. (2) I _____________ on my friend when I was in England. drop out dropped in

56 Homework Finish off exercises 5-7 on page 9.
Do exercises 1-6 on pages Imagine what was in Charles Gray’s old home and is in his dormitory now. Talk about it. 课件作者:合肥世界外国语学校 谢冰


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