中秋 “和” 美 Mid-Autumn Festival ”和" beauty.

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Presentation on theme: "中秋 “和” 美 Mid-Autumn Festival ”和" beauty."— Presentation transcript:

1 中秋 “和” 美 Mid-Autumn Festival ”和" beauty

2 [1] 北京奥运会,让全世界认识了一个汉字:和
[1] At the Beijing Olympic Games, the world learned a character: 和。

3 和谐,和美,和顺….“和”能组成一个个美好的词语。
In harmony, beauty, and obedience. ... ”和" makes them a better word.

4 一个“和” 字传达了一个国家,一个民族的心意。
An ”和" conveys a country, a nation's heart.

5 有人这样“和谐”:和,口中有禾也,意思是人人都有饭吃;谐,人皆可言也,意思是人人都能说话。
In “harmony”: “和” means everyone has food, harmony, people can speak, meaning everyone can speak.

6 做到了这两点,才算是和谐社会。 Accomplishing these two points creates a harmonious society.

7 [2]农历8月15日是中秋节,在“中秋”所包含的文化含义中, “和”成为中国传统文化的一个标志。
[2] Lunar August 15 is the Mid-Autumn Festival, in the “Mid-Autumn Festival” the cultural meaning of, ”和" becomes a symbol of Chinese traditional culture.

8 [3] 在人与自然的关系中,中华民族把大自然的完美时刻(八月十五月儿—)作为自己的节日,把完满,和美,作为人生的最高日标,也把它作为亲人团圆的时刻.
[3] In the relationship between man and nature, nature's perfect moment in China (August January or May-) is their holiday. It is perfect and beautiful and the highest standard of life, it is also a time of family reunion.

9 [4]中秋的夜晚,中国人抬头看月,低头吃月饼,看到的,不仅仅是圆圆的月亮。月的团圆,使人想起自己的亲人和家庭。
4] Mid-Autumn Festival night, people looked up at the Moon, bow their heads and eat moon cakes, see, is not just the round moon it is months of reunion, reminiscent of their loved ones and families.

10 [5]中秋的月亮,藏着中国人最美的感情,让天下的中国人思乡。 中秋夜晩的明月,那美好的月圆时刻,有着多少中国人的梦想!
5] The mid-autumn moon is the most beautiful and hides the feelings of the Chinese people's and make people homesick. Moon of autumn evening is the beautiful full moon time and is Chinese people's dreams!

11 [6]中秋节是中国文化的一部分,传统节日给我们的感觉就是“和“,就是亲情, 就是一条心。
[6] the Mid-Autumn Festival is a part of Chinese culture, traditional festivals give us the feeling that ”和" is the family, is a heart.

12 这些东西会一代一代传下去。 These things will be passed down from generation to generation.

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