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Why it’s hard to stay cool when you’re a meerkat in a heatwave. 北半球的酷熱。

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2 Why it’s hard to stay cool when you’re a meerkat in a heatwave. 北半球的酷熱。

3 The heat wave gripping the globe’s northern half lead people and animals alike to seek refuge near water or in shade. 北半球在發燒。

4 Fair St. Louis air show enthusiasts huddle under the shadow of the Gateway Arch. With temperatures continuing in the triple digits, the moving shadow offered a respite to searing summer heat... 躲在陰影底下

5 A girl runs through a spray of water leaking from a hose outside the Lincoln Memorial on the Washington Mall. 小女孩熱瘋了。

6 A man cools down in a public swimming pool in Duesseldorf, Germany 德國
A man uses a water hose to cool his face in Warsaw, Poland. 波蘭

7 The temperature reached near 30 degree mark early Friday morning as pedestrians made their way through downtown Toronto in the Friday‘s heat. 多倫多一大早,30度。

8 Sudanese refugees , health crisis ,Yida refugee camp. 蘇丹難民 , 健康危機.

9 Sudanese refugees , health crisis ,Yida refugee camp. 蘇丹難民 , 健康危機.

10 Sudanese refugees , health crisis ,Yida refugee camp. 蘇丹難民 , 健康危機.

11 Young gymnasts , china. 年輕的體操運動員,中國

12 Gymnasts , Nanjing children's gymnastic team , training session , sports center in Nanjing, Jiangsu province, China. 體操運動員 , 南京兒童體操隊 , 訓練課程 , 體育中心 ,南京 , 江蘇省 , 中國 .

13 Nanjing China . 中國南京。 Lost childhood children. 失去童年的孩子。

14 Canadian rhythmic gymnastics team 加拿大藝術體操隊

15 British group Lords of Lightning entertain , Rock for People music festival , Prague , Czech Republic . 布拉格, 捷克. 音樂節

16 defensive drill, Hsinchu, Taiwan. 防禦性演習, 新竹, 台灣. 台灣的士兵多戴眼鏡了。

17 A boy jumps down from a vehicle , Kabul, Afghanistan

18 ‘Goldfinger’ , “Designing 007 - Fifty Years of Bond Style” , Barbican Centre in London.

19 Tour de France cycling race , 2012 環法自行車賽

20 Tour de France cycling race , 2012 環法自行車賽

21 parade , Venezuela's Independence Day , Caracas. 閱兵 , 委內瑞拉獨立日

22 An angel floats above the stage , Disney , Cape Town, South Africa.
天使漂浮在舞台上方 , 迪斯尼 , 開普敦,南非。

23 San Fermin festival (Los sanfermines) , Pamplona, Spain, 2012

24 San Fermin festival Spain, 2012. 奔牛節 , 潘普洛納 , 西班牙

25 San Fermin festival Spain, 2012. 奔牛節 , 潘普洛納 , 西班牙真是一個了不起的民族。

26 Spain is a great nation.西班牙是一個偉大的民族。

27 San Fermin festival (Los sanfermines) , Pamplona, Spain, 2012

28 The Spaniards nature optimistic.西班牙人天性樂觀。 They don’t care the crisis.

29 The Spaniards nature optimistic.西班牙人天性樂觀。 They don’t care the crisis.

30 penelope cruz, The spanish’s eyes.

31 penelope cruz, The spanish’s eyes.

32 Britney Spears t-shirt , Nepal . 布蘭妮 T恤衫 , 尼泊爾 .

33 Humpback whales 'bubble-net fishing' , Alaskan coast

34 Humpback whales 'bubble-net fishing' , Alaskan coast

35 Humpback whales 'bubble-net fishing' , Alaskan coast

36 Bolivia's riot policemen , La Paz. 玻利維亞的防暴警察, 拉巴斯.

37 inflatable blimp, Afghanistan's Kunar Province. 充氣飛艇

38 Japan's pop idol , Kyary Pamyu Pamyu

39 Ballet 芭蕾舞

40 Ballet 芭蕾舞

41 Ballet 芭蕾舞

42 Catherine Zeta-Jones, Michael Douglas. This family.
诺拉·琼斯/ 凱薩琳麗塔瓊斯, 迈克尔·道格拉斯/ 麥克道格拉斯 這一家人

43 Tom Cruise 湯姆克魯斯 He is really handsome 英氣逼人

44 Father and daughter. 父與女。

45 Father and daughter. 父與女。

46 Father and daughter. 父與女。

47 Blink of an eye has become empty.

48 Cameron Diaz 卡麥蓉狄亞

49 Honda rider Casey Stoner

50 李常生 Eddie Lee Taipei Taiwan 7/07/ Photos from est100, Reuters, National geographic.

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