Chapter One Why China Works

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1 Chapter One Why China Works
From Newsweek, 2009,6

2 Process Meaning of paragraphs Keywords and instances
Details and back ground knowledge Learning a model of textual analysis Represent the text

3 Definition Macro-economic often abbreviated Macro-control refers to the use of direct government intervention by the central government of the People’s Republic of China to cool down the overheated economy or to promote economic growth.

4 Targets One to increase employment Two to stabilize prices
Three to accelerate economic growth Four to keep the balance of international payments

5 Macro-economic control
Control measures Economic tools Economic means Economic plans Legal means Administrative means Macro-economic control

6 国务院发出通知,坚决取缔没有安全保障的小煤窑活动 “十二五规划”的制定 人们购买第二套房的首付比例提高 《反垄断法》的制定
Administration means 国务院发出通知,坚决取缔没有安全保障的小煤窑活动 “十二五规划”的制定 人们购买第二套房的首付比例提高 《反垄断法》的制定 Economic means Economic means Legal means

7 Two policy Visible Hands Monetary policy Fiscal policy

8 财政政策( fiscal policy )是指一个国家的政府为了达到预期的宏观经济目标而对政府收入和支出水平所制定的扩张或紧缩政策。
货币政策( monetary policy )是指短期中政府通过控制货币供给量影响利率和其它信贷条件,通过对银行体系的管制来影响点需求而影响宏观经济活动的措施。

9 Comic for American Economy

10 Meaning of P1-5 P1 China slowly slows down
P2 China may quickly get out of the downturn P3 China can save economy in many ways P4 China’s policies work P5 Why?-’cause slow & steady shift to free market

11 Bright Spots in Recession smart policies
Key Words P1: routinely, capacity P2: nationalize, navigate P3: arsenal, ramp up, issue P4: bulwark, defer P5: pragmatism, unleash

12 Many of them routinely work overtime, and on their days off as well
As for salary, I leave it to you to decide after experience of my capacity. 至于薪水,还是等检验了我的能力之后由你们再作决定 I don't like having to navigate London's crowded streets. 我不愿意在伦敦拥挤的街道上穿行.

13 The police found an arsenal of knives and guns in the terrorists' hideout. 警方在恐怖分子的藏身地发现大批刀枪。
When injected back into the patients, the antigen-loaded dendritic cells are expected to ramp up patients' immune response against their own tumors. 若把这些载满抗原的树突细胞注射回患者体内,预料这些细胞将可加强患者本身的免疫反应,来对抗自身的肿瘤。

14 So, why does it still issue the confirmation message
The navy is our principal bulwark against invasion. 海军是我们抵御侵略者的重要保障。 I defer to my parents because they are older and wiser. 我听从父母,因为他们年长见多识广。 We defer questions of this kind to him. 我们把这类问题交给他决定。

15 unleash one's anger [resentment] on a person 对某人大发雷霆 [发泄怨气]
unleash the forces of nuclear power 发出核动力的攻击力

16 Sentences China looks like the one best positioned to navigate what may be the worst global downturn in seven decades 中国仿佛是唯一被妥当地置于得以脱身于全球70年以来最严重的经济衰退的国家

17 China’s officials can pick from traditional market tools, like their Western counterparts, and from the arsenal of China’s market economic system 中国既可以像西方国家从传统的市场调控工具中选择使用,也可以从中国自身的市场经济体系的调控手段的工具库中挑拣 market incentives 市场激励措施

18 Government control of the most capital-intensive sectors leaves me optimistic about China’s prospects 政府对于资本集约程度最高的部门的控制让我对中国经济前景感到乐观。

19 New Words (P1-P5) Exotic Fancy chocolates, exotic flowers-you name it, we had it. 特制的巧克力,外国品种的鲜花--只要你点到,我们就可享用到 We saw pictures of exotic birds from the jungle of Brazil. 我们看到了来自于巴西热带雨林的各种奇异鸟类的照片。

20 Intrigue n. 阴谋 v. 筹谋 私通 哄骗 He is too lofty to stoop to vulgar intrigue
She was greedy for intrigue. 她强烈地渴望着风流幽会。 the meshes of political intrigue 为实施政治阴谋而设的圈套 Fairy-tales intrigue most children. 大多数孩子都十分喜爱神话故事。

21 Cast v. 逐出 甩掉 遗弃 左顾右盼 占卜 抛掷 " I could just stand here all day and cast," he said, smiling. “我可以一整天站在这儿练抛掷,”他笑着说。 Gaslights cast a shadowy glow. 煤气灯投下一片片幽暗的光 He longed to cast off the exuberance of joy that oppressed him. 他非常希望发泄一下积压在心头的极度欢乐 I cast about for some means of warning him. 我也想寻找些方法来警告他。

22 Incentive n. 鼓励 刺激 v. 激怒 刺激 动机 Taxes must come down to give the British working men some incentive. 减低税收,以刺激英国工人。 Cities will have a powerful incentive to discourage recycling. 城市将采取有力的措施阻止再循环 Councils should charge realistic rents in order to give people an incentive to own their houses. 地方当局应采取合理的房租以鼓励人们买房。

23 double-digit The double-digit inflation did that US corporation up. 两位数的通货膨胀使那家美国公司破产了 The Sixers had been double-digit underdogs, but showed they had a heroic heart. 七六人队长期以来一直是得分只有两位数、不被看好的球队,不过他们却展现雄心万丈的气势。

24 Dismantle v. 拆除 拆开 拆卸 拆毁 拆散 解体
-- Undertake an externally supervised overhaul of security and police forces that can dismantle terrorist groups. ——在外界指导下,对安全部队和警察队伍进行彻底改革,使之能够执行消灭恐怖组织的任务 It has agreed to slash tariffs and to eliminate import quotas, to dismantle export subsidies, and to open service industries to foreign competition. 中国同意降低关税和取消进口配额、取消出口补贴,并对外开放服务业的竞争。

25 Streamline n,v (使成) 流线型 We must streamline our production procedures. 我们必须精简生产程序以提高效率. He aim to streamline the office. 他的目标是提高办公室的工作效率 Streamline government departments at all levels 精简各级政府机构

26 Security安全 证券 保证 治安 债券 抵押 担保 Security needs beefing up. 保安措施需要强化
A life-insurance policy may serve as security for a loan. 人寿保险可作贷款的抵押 a collateral security 附属担保物,抵押品 He was lulled into a false sense of security. 他被人引入一种虚幻的安全感之中。 A documentary draft offers greater security to the exporter. 跟单汇票对出口商来说更为保险

27 Bond n. 债券 键 证券 v. 粘着 粘附 连结 The interest paid on the bond is usually called "coupon" payment. 债券的利息付给方式通常是利用“息票”。 As soon as this need ceases, the natural bond is dissolved. 这种需要一旦停止,自然的联系也就解体。 A bond is a promissory note, usually issued for a specified amount. 债券是一种期票,通常以一定数额发行。

28 Lease n. 租契 v. 租 出租 It is a lease of land for a substantial period. 它是一种长期土地租凭合同。 The lease stated that tenants should maintain the property in good condition. 租约规定承租人必须保持房产完好无损. capital lease 资本租赁 parol lease 口头租约

29 Byzantine Byzantine civilization had three roots, in Rome, in Greece and in the Near East. But the Byzantines were not merely passive recipients of influences from the past. 拜占庭文明的三个来源是罗马、希腊和近东,但拜占庭人不只是过去文化的被动接受者 painter of the Florentine school; anticipated the move from Byzantine to naturalistic art. 佛罗伦萨画派学校的画家;前自然主义的拜占庭式画派

30 拜占庭风格 成熟的拜占庭风格从早期基督教艺术後期古典形式的风格化和标准化倾向演变而来;以线条和平涂的色彩的动态为基础,不以形体为基础。人物形象的个性特征受到抑制,取而代之的是标准化的脸型,体型是平面化的,衣褶被处理为旋动的线条图案。整个画面予人以灵魂超脱肉体的感觉;人物的三维空间表现已为精神力量所取代,这种精神力量藉线条的力量和色彩的明度而表现出来。其人物形象取严格的正面姿势和拜占庭脸型、巨大的眼睛和锐利的眼神,以及典型的金色背景。这类背景在孤立人物的画面上,使形象宛若悬浮于墙壁与观众之间的空间某处。拜占庭帝国很少制作雕刻。最多见的小型象牙浮雕用于书籍封面、圣物箱之类。

31 Appreciation n. 感谢 鉴赏 知道 鉴别 上涨
One's appreciation of literature depends on one's level of aesthetic knowledge. 一个人对文学作品的欣赏能力, 取决于他的艺术修养 But wage inflation would risk fuelling more general price inflation, similar in effect to an appreciation of the Chinese currency. 但工资上涨又有可能导致更加广泛的价格上涨,就好像人民币升值一样

32 Weigh When did you weigh last time? 你上次是什么时候称体重的? Ultimately society must weigh the where the benefits balance lies. 社会最终必须权衡利弊并且找到一个平衡点 He can weigh up anyone in the first few minutes and he is hardly ever deceived in a man. 他能够在开头几分钟内就可以掂量出一个人的好坏,而且几乎从未把人看错过

33 Utility n. 效用 公用事业 有用 应用 功利 v. 应用
utility company 公用事业公司 Nor did I know there were such people in the public utility business as Mr. London. 我也不知道公用事业界还有象伦敦先生这样的工作人员。 Now it is difficult and impossible for people to make the option of" either A or B" between reason and utility. 时至今日,人们已经很难在理性与功利之间作出“非此即彼”的选择

34 The contradiction between esthetics and utility exists through the course of esthetics and literature. 审美和功利的矛盾是贯穿美学与文学始终的矛盾。 This characteristic of satisfying a want is known in economics as its "utility". 这种满足需求的属性在经济学中被称为“效用”。 Diminishing marginal utility also expresses a "variety is the spice of life". 边际效用递减也表现为一种“多样化是生活乐趣”。

35 the utility value of a dishwasher 洗碟机的实用价值.
The only admitted test of utility in wares was the finding of buyers for them. 判断商品实用价值的唯一被公认的标准是该商品能否找到顾客。 marginal cost [profits, utility] 【经济】边际费用 [收益,效用]

36 lucrative Because the work was so lucrative, a few doctors were tempted to take on more of it than they could properly handle. 由于这事获利丰厚,有医生就不顾他们的实际可能尽量多接 I am told that pork-packing is the most lucrative profession in America after politics. 据说除了从政以外,在美国最赚钱的生意,就数做猪肉罐头。 a lucrative investment 赚钱的投资

37 Subsidy n. 补贴 津贴 补助 补助金 助学金 奖金 v. 贴补
They received a subsidy in the form of a percentage of all foreign trade operations. 他们通过外贸经营总额中提成的形式得到津贴 Reforming consumer subsidy programs, though desirable, is not easy. 改革消费补贴方案虽然有必要,但实行起来并非易事。 Subsidy Agreement [Home Purchase Loan Scheme] 按揭还款补助金协议〔自置居所贷款计划〕

38 A subsidy from a government to an industry. 补助费政府给予工矿企业的补助
The state has also set up a medical subsidy program for civil servants. 国家为公务员建立了医疗补助制度。 Notice of Payment of Subsidy 按揭还款补助金发放通知书

39 Meaning of Paragraph 6-10 P6 Radical Change1 in the past (workforce, firms, private sector---avoid chaos) P7 Radical Change2 in the past (investment, peasants, WTO,laid-off workers,middle-class) P8 Current Reform1: BJ push market reforms, reasserting control in others (banks,credit crisis) P9 Current Reform2: Right land-reform program. (rent or lease land, long period) P10 Devalue the Yuan to support economy

40 1.Above all, the Chinese wanted to avoid the chaos that followed Russia’s “Big-Bang Reforms” of the early ‘90s, which created a corrupt, Kremlin-sponsored economic oligarchy that still haunts Russia today. 最重要的是,中国人想避免那种九十年代俄罗斯推行的“大爆炸”式的改革所附带的混乱局面。时至今日,这种改革产生的腐败和当局主导的经济寡头政治仍在伤害着俄罗斯

41 P7 Commit commit: [ kə'mit ] v. 犯 承担 做 干 委托 判处 下 托
He refused to commit himself on the issue. 他拒绝就那一问题发表看法 commit a traffic violation 违反交通规则 I will commit the experience of my early life to writing. 我要把我早年生活经历写下来 I shall commit my thoughts to paper. 我可以把我的喜怒哀乐诉诸笔端

42 Around the same time, the government allowed laid-off【下岗】workers to start businesses and buy up【买断】 state-owned housing for a song【廉价地】, founding an ownership society almost overnight, and setting the stage for a middle-class society, in what Rothman calls “the biggest one-time transfer of wealth in the history of the world.” 以Rothman所说的“在世界历史上规模最大的一次性财富转移” 几乎在一夜之间建立了所有制社会 为中产阶级产生设置了舞台

43 P8 momentum: [ məu'mentəm ] n. 势头 动量 势 声势 冲力 冲量 气势 要素
gain [gather] momentum 增加动量,增加劲头,得势 Our campaign is gaining momentum. 我们的运动在发展壮大.

44 reassert: [ 'ri:ə'sə:t ] v. 重申
reassert oneself 重申自己的主张 Yet why does it need a war to bring out our qualities and reassert our pride? 然而,为什么只有战争才能使我们发扬优秀品质,重振自己的尊严?

45 To that end[为此], China is boldly moving beyond stocks into new types of complex securities[复合债券], including stock index funds[股票指数基金], corporate bonds [公司债券]and other debt products. .它们低估了基于信用记录不良人群的住房抵押贷款复合债券的风险。 They underestimated the risk of complex securities based on mortgage loans for people with poor credit histories. 股票指数基金:指投资于某一股票市场指数中一组证券的基金

46 The fact that Chinese leaders understand even in the
midst of the credit crisis that more sophisticated forms of securitization can play a stabilizing role is a sign of strategic thinking, and great skill at learning form other's mistakes securitization of debt 债务证券化 insurance securitization 保险证券化

47 P9 Byzantine Task Turning peasants into land-owning consumers could go a long way toward creating a consumer society, reducing China’s dependence on exports and rebalancing the world economy. 将农民转变成拥有土地的消费者可能在创造一个消费社会方面走很长的路,但是这也减少了中国对于出口的依赖,平衡了世界经济。

48 P10 waver: [ 'weivə ] n. 犹豫 v. 动摇 犹豫不决 摇摆 徘徊 游移 颤动 摇摆不定 闪动
waver between two points of view 在两种观点之间摇摆不定 This caused them to waver in their faith. 这件事使他们的信仰动摇了。

49 Modest appreciation 稍微升值 Trade flows 贸易往来

50 P11 Balance (reference to P10) China’s need World’s need
Export competitiveness Balanced trade flows Appreciation China’s need World’s need Free market & managed market

51 欧洲是中国的全面战略合作伙伴,我们一直关注着欧洲经济的发展和遇到的困难。在欧洲一些国家发生主权债务危机、经济出现困难的时候,我们多次表示中国愿意伸出援助之手,继续加大对欧洲的投资。不久以前,我同欧盟委员会主席巴罗佐通电话,我再一次向他明确表示,中国至今相信欧洲经济能够克服困难,中国仍然愿意扩大对欧洲的投资。但是同样我也希望,欧盟的领导人、欧洲一些主要国家的领导人也要大胆地从战略上看待中欧关系,比如承认中国完全市场经济地位。其实,按照WTO规则,中国完全市场经济地位到2016年就为全世界所承认,早几年表示出一种诚意,是一种朋友对朋友的关系。下个月我将同欧盟领导人进行会晤,我希望这次会晤能够有所突破

52 巴罗佐在峰会上表示,中国与欧盟之间的贸易额已迅速增长至每年2550亿美元,但中国向欧洲倾销鞋类等廉价商品引起的分歧,损害了双方的关系。在欧盟做出决定之前,中国必须达到特定的技术标准,其中包括政府的影响力、会计准则、破产法以及金融服务领域的改革。

53 市场经济国家地位”最重要的意义,并非对一国总体经济体制等情况作判断,更多体现在解决贸易纠纷时的“技术适用”。是否被承认为“完全市场经济国家”,直接决定了中国出口企业在面临反倾销诉讼时的境遇。
  根据世界贸易组织(WTO)关于倾销的定义是:一国产品以低于“正常价值”的价格出口到另一国,并对进口国相关工业造成了损害的行为。对被裁定为倾销的企业,进口国可根据成本与售价的差价,对其惩罚性地征收高利率的关税。   噩梦源于一些国家的反倾销法规规定,反倾销案发起国对被指定为“非市场经济国家”的企业,可以采用与该国经济毫不相干的第三国(替代国)的市场价格来计算其产品的“正常价格”,而不按这些国家产品的实际成本计算价格。

54 价格完全放开会导致炒作失控 游资炒作: 集中社会闲散资金炒作货物商品谋利。炒游资的主要目的就是利用各种关系和资源,动用最大努力获得最大利润,不局限于行业、地域、时间,只要达到谋利要求,它就将成为炒作的对象。游资不断地流出流入,其总量会在同现实积累完全无关的情况下增加起来。银行家、资本家为牟取暴利,往往利用游资从事货币投机,在这种投机活动越出国界时,就形成上述热币。

55 price fluctuation & National Economic security
2008 pork——meat market 2008—2009 edible oil——edible oil market 2009 Green beans——corn market 2010 onion——subsidiary food market 2010—2011 pepper 2011 vegetables——supplying chain of Life necessities

56 P11 Trickle down These simple words uttered by an old woman led by a child made the perspiration trickle down his limbs. 出自那孩子带来的老妇人口中的这句简单的话,立刻使他汗流浃背。 the trickle - down effect点滴投资理论作用 涓滴效应(Trickle-down effect,又译作渗漏效应、滴漏效应),又称涓滴理论(Trickle-down theory,又译作利益均沾论、渗漏理论、滴漏理论),指在经济发展过程中并不给与贫困阶层、或贫困地区特别的优待,而是由优先发展起来的群体或地区通过消费、就业等方面惠及贫困阶层或地区,带动其发展和富裕。

57 Baseline Get a baseline before you do anything else. 在你开始实施任何事之前先获得一个基准 P11 China controls market P12 instances for the point above[cutting fuel subsidies]

58 Norm legal norm 法律规范 social norm 社会规范 Therapy acupuncture therapy 针灸疗法 dietetic therapy 食疗

59 Deregulate We should carry out the reform steadily to deregulate interest rates to leave them to market forces, optimize the allocation of financial resources, strengthen regulation and prevent and defuse financial risks so as to provide better banking services for economic and social development. 稳步推进利率市场化改革,优化金融资源配置,加强金融监管,防范和化解金融风险,使金融更好地为经济社会发展服务 Deregulate the airline industry. 对民航工业解除管制

60 “休克疗法” (Jeffrey Sachs)
休克疗法的最早提出,是萨克斯被聘担任玻利维亚政府经济顾问期间所为。玻利维亚是南美一个经济落后的小国,由于长期政治局势动荡不安,政府经济政策不断失误,由此引发的经济问题大量积累而又得不到解决,终于导致了一场严重的经济危机。1985年玻利维亚政府的预算赤字达485.9万亿比索,占国内生产总值的约1/3,通货膨胀率高达24000%。1984年的外债为50亿美元,应付利息近10亿美元,超过了出口收入。1980-1985年期间居民生活水平下降了30%,国民经济几乎到了崩溃的边缘。   正是面对这样一种险恶的经济形势,受聘于危难之际的萨克斯,大胆地提出了一整套经济纲领和经济政策,其主要内容是:实行紧缩的金融和财政政策,压缩政府开支,取消补贴,放开价格,实行贸易自由化,通过货币贬值实现汇率稳定,进一步改革行政和税收制度,将部分公营 部门和企业民营化,重新安排债务和接受外援等等。由于这套经济纲领和政策的实施,具有较强的冲击力,在短期内可能使社会的经济生活产生巨大的震荡,甚至导 致出现“休克”状态,因此,人们借用医学上的名词,把萨克斯提出的这套稳定经济、治理通货膨胀的经济纲领和政策称为“休克疗法”。   概括地说,休克疗法是针对严重失衡的社会总供求状况,从控制社会总需求出发,采取严厉的行政和经济手段,在短时间内强制性地大幅度压缩消费需求和投资需求,使 社会总供求达到人为的平衡,以此遏制恶性通货膨胀,恢复经济秩序。这种政策调控带有明显的应急性质。因为社会总供求的平衡,不仅需要控制过旺的社会总需 求,而且更重要的是要刺激低迷的社会总供给的有效增长。宏观经济运行的实践证明,前者在短时间内容易实现,后者却需较长时间花大气力方能见效。由于休克疗 法的调控重点放在社会总需求上,加之实施措施的力度较大,所以极易收到立竿见影的效果。这就是休克疗法在玻利维亚产生奇效的奥秘之所在,也是休克疗法原始涵义之精髓

61 Meaning of Paragraphs P13-P16
P13 Avoid Western way in solving problems P14 Command and control system works P15 more pragmatic than Americans P16 Chinese market maturing(leader caught and company survived)

62 Marshal Marshal your arguments before debating. 辩论前整理一下你的论点 To write a good article, you need to marshal all the facts together and then judge and arrange them. 要写一篇好文章, 你需要把所有事实收集起来, 然后进行判断、整理。

63 Bolster Both sides offered statistics to bolster their arguments. 双方都拿出统计数字来支持他们的论点。 He tried to bolster up their morale. 他尽力鼓舞他们的士气。 Thuggish

64 With exploration prospects drying up in much of the Western world, and with the countries of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries unwilling to open the taps, Russia is one of the few countries that could produce more oil— if only Mr Putin changed his thuggish ways. 大多数西方国家油汽资源日渐干涸,而欧佩克成员国又迟迟不愿提高产量,俄罗斯是为数不多的可以大量产油的国家之一——但愿普京总统能够改恶从善 Tenure during one's tenure of office 于在职期间 It is commonly involved a social hierarchy based on the tenure of land. 它普遍包含着一种建立在工地占有权基础上的社会等级制度。 Detention The detention centers came under criticism from penal reformers. 拘留所受到刑事改革者的批评。

65 The detention time in the intestine is too short to complete hydrolysis. 它在肠内停留时间太短,不能完全水解。
The detention of the whole class was unfair. 滞留全班学生是不公平的。 Such an offence shall be punished by detention in prison or at hard labour. 这样的罪行将处以监禁或服苦役

66 Prosecute Prosecute counsel asked the accused to explain why the can of petrol was in his car. 公诉法律顾问要求被告解释为什么汽油桶会在他的车内。 I am trying my best to prosecute my duties. 我正在尽力履行我的职责。 We are going to prosecute the investigation further. 我们将进一步彻底进行调查

67 GOME 1987年元月一日,国美电器在北京创立了第一家以经营各类家用电器为主仅不足一百平米的小店。
  目前,国美电器已成为中国驰名商标,并已经发展成为中国最大的以家电及消费电子产品零售为主的全国性连锁企业。同时国美位居全球商业连锁22位。在北京、天津、上海、青岛、成都、重庆、西安、广州、深圳等国内160多个城市以及香港、澳门地区拥有直营店560余家,10多万名员工,成为国内外众多知名家电厂家在中国最大的经销商。在国家商务部公布的2004年中国连锁经营前30强中,国美电器以238.8亿元位列第二,并再次蝉联家电连锁第一名;在国家商务部公布的2005年中国连锁经营前30强中,国美电器以498.4亿元位列第二,并再次蝉联家电连锁第一名,继续领跑中国家电零售业。2004年底,国美电器基本完成在中国大陆地区的一级市场的网络建设,同时扩展到较为富裕的二、三级市场,并制定了2008年实现销售额1200亿元的目标。   2003年11月国美电器在香港设立分部,目前已成功发展到七家分店,迈出了开拓海外市场探索性的第一步,同时预示国美电器最终将进入国际市场。2004年6月国美电器在香港成功上市。在“2004百富人气榜暨品牌影响力”评选中,国美电器位居品牌影响力企业第二名。

68 “国美三招” 第一招是“动摇军心”。国美在新店开张前1~4个月内在当地媒体多次大幅刊登招聘启事和广告,招聘启事允以高薪厚禄动荡当地家电渠道人员军心,广告则承诺消费者“天天低价” 第二招是“开业震慑”。国美在开业前均要精心策划推出“特价机”:如市面上29寸平面彩电还是3000元上下时,国美能推出699元的特价机,极端的时候甚至推出过一元的“特价机”,造成开业人山人海,场面火爆。一旦成为当地新闻后,国美再组织媒体通篇报道,围绕这种势头层层击破消费者心理防线,“震慑” 对手。 第三招则是“高举高打”,以领导者的姿态制造“事件营销”,控制供应商。比如2000年7、8月份国美成功阻击彩电价格联盟,2001年4月举办“国美空调流行趋势发布会”,2002年7月举办“中国手机高峰论坛”,最近又在宣称“优惠券”是商家欺骗消费者的手段,国美将直接降价而不是用“优惠券”让利于消费者。所有这些目的都在强调一点:国美代表着主流,要想做一个家电制造商,就必须与国美合作,从而使价格战首先在制造商之间展开。

69 liquid Despite the language of ads, all liquid bleach is basically the same. 尽管广告说得天花乱坠,但所有液体漂白剂都基本相同 Her eyes were liquid with love. 她的眼睛因爱情而显得明亮。 He writes liquid prose. 他散文写得很流畅。 Boil the liquid down. 把液体煮得蒸发掉一些

70 Scrap Those old railway carriages will be broken up for scrap. 那些旧火车车厢将用来拆取废铁。 We had to scrap our plans. 我们不得不放弃我们的计划。 I'll soon have to scrap this lawn mower, it's beyond repair and on its last legs. 不久将不得不把我这台割草机废弃掉,因它已不能修理,即将报废了。

71 He applied for a trading license. 他申请了一张营业执照。
Hunting without a license will land you in trouble. 无证狩猎将会使你陷入麻烦。 the revocation of a driver's license 驾驶执照的吊销 I need a funnel to pour petrol into the tank. 我需要一个漏斗把汽油灌进油箱. funnel petrol into a can 用漏斗把汽油注入罐中

72 Hybrid That is a hybrid perpetual rose. 那是一株杂交的四季开花的蔷薇。 The hybrid was tall, handsome, and intelligent. 那混血儿高大、英 …. Its populace was a hybrid assortment. 这里的居民是个大杂烩。

73 HYBRID 混合动力可分为弱混合动力MILD HYBRID(也称轻度混合动力,软混合动力,微混合动力等),中度混合动力,重度混合动力FULL HYBRID(也称全混合动力,强混合动力等),插电混合动力PLUG IN HYBRID

74 Savvy teachers: Their students miss out on new and innovative learning techniques. 经验丰富的教师们认为:他们的学生错过了获得新颖创新的学习技能的机会。 savvy Washington insiders. 精明的华盛顿人 Where' s your savvy ? 你的常识到哪里去了? a heavy [light] poll 高[低]投票率 Women were excluded from the poll. 妇女被排斥,不让参加选举。 We' re conducting a poll among school leavers. 我们正在对中学毕业生进行民意调查.

75 When you feel stuck in a rut, it is time for you to upgrade your skills. 感觉自己停滞不前的时候就是应该技术更新的时候。
Thefts have been on the upgrade. 盗窃案已在增多。 His main task is to determine how we can best upgrade the services we offer our major clients. 他的主要任务是确定如何最大限度地提高我们对主要主顾的服务质量

76 He hit an all-time high. 他创造了一项历史最高纪录。
The reviews hit the news play. 评论文章严厉批评这部新剧。 Heavy floods hit Northeastern India. 大洪水袭击了印度东北部 ostensibly convert to orthodoxy 表面上转向传统的说法 To make sure that all written records agree with the orthodoxy of the moment is merely a mechanical act. 要做到所有的文字纪录都符合当前的正统思想,这样机械的事好办

77 Meaning of P17-P21 P17 government controls economy more
P18 Public opinions “control” government P19 Gov.’strategy: uses channel&source to realize “control” P20 The way still is hard P21 China’s experience worth learning, ----confidence more than gold

78 P20 Deliver on one\’s promise努力达到某人要求 I am certain that he will deliver on his promise. 我确信他会履行诺言。 P21 Not least: 至少 And last but not least there is the question of adequate fund. 最後同样重要的是要有足够的资金的问题。

79 Structure of text P1 现象 P2 举措-可能性 P3 外部观察 P4 事实证明 P5 内部原因
P11——P19 分析 (P11 效用 P12 举例;P13优点 P14 有效 P15 赞扬 P16 深层现象 <P17论点强化:政府控制经济;P18民众影响政府 P19 政府自我修正策略> P20——P21 总结:还有困难,值得学习


81 Answer the questions on the text:
How does the author view the Chinese economy? It is the most important bright spot in the world economy under the global recession, the only major economy that is likely to show significant growth this year, and the only one that routinely breaks every rule in the economic textbook.

82 According to the author, why can the Chinese economy perform so well?
(1) the capacity for state control by the Chinese government. (2) its rejection of exotic financial innovations that are the melting core of the global credit crisis. (3) the integration of its economic policies between traditional market tools and state control measures.

83 In what way does the author imply that western economists are erroneous in their bias toward “China’s market economic system”? The United States and Europe are moving toward state control by nationalizing their banking and car industries, and imposing heavy new regulation on the financial industry.

84 What is the view of Stephen Roach on the Chinese economy system?
Investment is the backbone of sustainable growth in the Chinese economy, which works more effectively than other market based systems in times of economic stress. Why can China work in the eye of the author? It has followed a radical pragmatism focusing on a slow but steady shift toward freer markets.

85 What is regarded as the strategic thinking of the Chinese leaders in market reforms?
They understand even under the serious financial crisis that it can stabilize the Chinese market and economy to introduce more sophisticated forms of securitization, including stock index funds, corporate bonds and other debt products. They also realize that, in the course of doing this, they should learn from the mistakes the westerners have made.

86 What is the example given to illustrate the steadiness of the Chinese leaders in their policy execution? They continue to allow the value of yuan to rise despite of the American charges and the need for export competitiveness by their own enterprises. 8) What is “shock therapy”? It is the economic policy adopted in Russia from 1991 to 1992 that totally deregulated prices and lead to a runaway inflation. It proved to be all shock and no therapy.

87 In what ways does the Chinese economic system work efficiently?
It can get things done quickly, move in a coherent manner, and marshal its people and resources to a common target: economic growth and prosperity. 11) What are the Internet and public opinion used for? For putting pressure on local officials and influencing policy decisions.

88 我们所面临的来自中国的真正挑战并不是他们向我们大量销售的货物,而恰恰相反,是他们正在提升的价值链。这在将来可能会对美国经济构成最严重的新挑战。
在过去三十年的大部分时间里,中国集中精力建设基础设施,这主要靠廉价的劳动力和勤劳肯干的工人就行了。但同时工厂现代化了,交通成世界一流了,港口大型化和机场高效化了,所有这些都是以人类历史上从未有过的速度和规模完成的。 现在中国又计划跨入一个新的时代:提升产品和服务的质量。也就是说,政府官员已确定的下一步经济发展需要政府像建设高速公路网一样的决心大力投资发展人力资本。自1998年来,中国政府已启动了大规模的教育发展计划,投入的资金按GDP比例计算增加了约两倍,在而后的十年,中国的大学增加了一倍,大学生增加了四倍,从1997年的100万增长到2007年的550万。中国列出了顶级的9所大学为中国版的常青藤大学联盟。欧洲各大学以及美国的州立大学因受大规模经费削减影响而处于崩溃状态,而中国的大学则相反正处于大发展之中。耶鲁大学校长理查德·雷文在今年年初的一次演讲中指出:“这次中国大学的扩展是前所未有的,在仅十年的时间里就建起了世界上规模最大的高等教育。实际上,2000年以来中国大学扩招的大学生人数超过了美国大学招生的总数。”

89 那么这一史无前例的教育投资对中国和美国意味着什么呢?诺贝尔经济学奖得主罗伯特·福格尔预见到了训练有素的员工可能对经济产生的影响。在美国,高中毕业工人的生产率是只受过9年教育的人的1.8倍,而大学毕业的则要高出两倍。中国正在大规模地扩大高中和大学生的人数。尽管目前中国在服务业上仍远远落后他国,但中国企业将会很快进入这一巨大市场。福格尔相信高技能工人的增加将在今后大大刺激中国的经济增长率,使其GDP在2040年之前达到惊人的123万亿美元。 不管这一难以想象的数字是否准确,但有一点是很清楚的,中国正开始提升其价值链,进入一直来只有西方国家独占的产业和工种,这才是来自中国的真正挑战。应对这一挑战的最佳和最有效的方法不是威胁和关税,而是深层次的结构改革和大规模的投资,使美国经济重新获得活力,使美国工人再具竞争力。

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