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Section B 3 8 The art of parenting A Western mother’s responses

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1 Section B 3 8 The art of parenting A Western mother’s responses
UNIT A Western mother’s responses Section B To master the reading skill Objectives To understand the text To practice the phrases and patterns To make a peer interview

2 A Western mother’s responses
Section B Contents Warming-up Reading skills Text study Comparative study Unit project

3 A Western mother’s responses
Section B Warming-up Lead-in Background information

4 Lead-in Watch a video clip and answer the following questions 1. According to the speaker, in home education, what should parents do to lead children and help them on their right trail? Tips 2. In terms of American parenting style, what do parents do when their children do something wrong? Tips Video Watching

5 Lead-in Watch a video clip and answer the following questions Back

6 Lead-in Watch a video clip and answer the following questions 1. According to the speaker, in home education, what should parents do to lead children and help them on their right trail? Tips to exert good influences on them; to give them good opportunities to learn how to become a responsible person; to need cooperation and support from teachers and schools; to take part in some religious activities; to attend some extra curriculum activities …

7 Lead-in Watch a video clip and answer the following questions 2. In terms of American parenting style, what do parents do when their children do something wrong? Tips A saying in English: let the punishment fit the crime; We have to teach them if they did something wrong what the consequences are; to make them learn lessons; No one method will cover all cases, teaching children according to their different character traits.

8 2 . What’s your knowledge of Carnegie Hall?
Background information 1. What is dyslexia? Tips 2 . What’s your knowledge of Carnegie Hall? Tips

9 Background information
1. What is dyslexia? Tips Dyslexia is an inability or pronounced difficulty to learn to read or spell, despite otherwise normal intellectual functions. Primary symptoms include extremely poor reading skills owing to no apparent cause, a tendency to read and write words and letters in reversed sequences, similar reversals of words and letters in the person’s speech, and illegible handwriting. Dyslexia is best treated by a sustained course of proper instruction in reading.

10 2 . What’s your knowledge of Carnegie Hall?
Background information 2 . What’s your knowledge of Carnegie Hall? Tips Carnegie Hall is a concert venue in Midtown Manhattan in New York City, the United States. It was designed by architect William Burnet Tuthill and built by philanthropist Andrew Carnegie in As one of the most prestigious venues in the world for both classical music and popular music, Carnegie Hall has long been the most famous concert hall in the US. It presents about 250 performances each season and is also rented out to individual speakers and other groups.

11 A Western mother’s responses
Section B Reading skills Presentation of the skill Reading skill practice

12 Reading in thought groups
When we read, we’d better read sentences in units or thought groups than one word at a time. This skill requires practice but, if mastered, is well worth the effort. In this unit, we continue to develop this skill by trying to read in phrases of three or four words, especially in complete clauses. For example, a proficient reader may read Paragraph 3, Text A, like this:

13 Reading in thought groups
First, / I’ve noticed / Western parents / cradle their children’s self-esteem, / to insulate them from criticism. / They worry about / how their children will feel / if they fail, / and constantly try / to solve their children’s worries, / regardless of / how badly they perform. / The presumption is / that the child is tender, / not strong, / and as a result / Western parents behave very differently / than Chinese parents.

14 Reading in thought groups
Now read the first and last paragraphs of Text B in thought groups. While reading, move your eyes quickly and don’t make too many eye stops. Meanwhile, put a slash between thought groups, just like what you see from the sample paragraph.

15 Reading in thought groups
A speed reading game Cut up Text B into three strips. Read quickly. Shift the center strip in any direction creating an even greater challenge for your brain. Put the strips back together the way they started.

16 A Western mother’s responses
Section B Text study Text comprehension Language focus Critical thinking

17 Questions previewing According to Paragraph 1, what does the Chinese mother ascribe her child’s success to? (Para.1) Why did the author stare at her daughter’s report card in stony silence? (Paras. 2-7) Why did the author’s eldest daughter break into tears? (Para. 7) What is the difference between Chinese mothers and herself regarding their daughter's disappointing grades? (Para. 8) How do you understand “Reading her essay definitely put some Chinese iron into my Western spine”? (Para. 9) What are problems of Rosie? And how did the author do with her problem? (Para. 10) What is the major reason for Rosie’s overcoming her dyslexia? (Paras ) What is the right attitude shared by both Chinese and Western mothers? (Para. 13)

18 1. According to Paragraph 1, what does the Chinese mother ascribe her child’s success to? (Para.1)
Tips the Chinese child-rearing techniques of criticism and name-calling Note Reading in thought groups like this: ascribing her child’s success / to the Chinese child-rearing techniques / of criticism / and name-calling

19 原句: 解释: 译文: I might question the arrogance of ascribing
Sentence interpretation 原句: I might question the arrogance of ascribing her child’s success to the Chinese child-rearing techniques of criticism and name-calling. (Para. 1, L4) 解释: I might wonder why the Chinese mother is so excessively proud of her child-raising method of criticizing and scolding, which she believes leads to her child’s success. 译文: 我也许会质疑她把自己孩子的成功归结于中国式批评和谩骂的养育技巧,这种想法实在傲慢。

20 2. Why did the author stare at her daughter’s report card in stony silence? (Paras.2-7)
Tips She was not satisfied with the three grades that are not solid As.

21 3. Why did the author’s eldest daughter break into tears? (Para. 7)
Tips She believed that her great efforts were ignored by her mother.

22 4. What is the difference between Chinese mothers and herself regarding their daughter's disappointing grades? (Para. 8) Tips She felt ashamed that she failed to refrain her anger at her daughter's failure.

23 Sentence interpretation
原句: The difference, I suppose, between proud Chinese mothers and Western ones is that I felt ashamed that I didn’t subordinate my anger to my pride in what she did accomplish. (Para. 8, L23) 解释: The difference, I suppose, between proud Chinese mothers and Western ones is that I felt ashamed that I failed to control my anger and show my pride in what she did achieve. 译文: 自负的中国母亲与西方母亲之间的差异,我觉得,在于我很羞愧自己并未对女儿取得的成绩感到自豪,而是任由自己的怒气发泄。

24 5. How do you understand “Reading her essay definitely put some Chinese iron into my Western spine”? (Para. 9) Tips The author obtains something useful from the traditional Chinese way of educating children.

25 6. What are problems of Rosie
6. What are problems of Rosie? And how did the author do with her problem? (Para. 10) Tips Rosie is mildly dyslexic, reading words backward / lagging far behind her classmates / stopped loving school and lost her sparkle. For years I forced her to spell words, take practice tests and rehearse. 上面挤,下面空

26 Sentence interpretation
原句: … it turns out – inside, she was all ready to punish herself, and I was only prolonging her misery and shattering her confidence. (Para. 10,L40) 粉碎她的信心 解释: She was all ready to punish herself, and I was only bringing her more misery and destroying her confidence. 译文: ……原来——在她内心,她早已准备好惩罚自己,我只不过是在延长她的痛苦,粉碎她的信心。

27 原句: 解释: 译文: She lost her sparkle. (Para. 10, L44)
She became a dull girl, lacking enthusiasm for anything. 译文: 她失去了活力。

28 7. What is the major reason for Rosie’s overcoming her dyslexia? (Paras. 10-11)
Tips Her own strong will, as well as the proper guidance from the supervisor helped her through the difficulties.

29 Sentence interpretation
原句: Rosie has a process she follows when she’s scared – “Overcome your fears,” she whispers to herself. (Para. 11, L56) 解释: Rosie has her own way of dealing with her fears – whispering to herself the words: “Overcome your fears.” 译文: 每当害怕的时候,罗西有一套自己的办法——她 会对自己轻声说,“要战胜恐惧”。

30 8. What is the right attitude shared by both Chinese and Western mothers? (Para. 13)
Tips Be the type of mother that each of their different children needs.

31 Sentence interpretation
原句: Wherever we reside on our big green, blue planet, Chinese mothers and I both understand that our job as mothers is to be the type of tigress that each of our different children needs. (Para. 13, L74) 解释: No matter where we live, Chinese mothers and I both understand that our job is to be the strict mother that each of our different children needs. 译文: 这碧绿而又蔚蓝的广袤星球上,无论我们居于何处,中国母亲和我都明白,我们作为母亲的职责是成为每个孩子各自所需要的母老虎类型。

32 A Western mother’s responses
Text summary A Western mother’s responses After seeing the column by the Chinese mother published in the newspaper, I might wonder why the Chinese mother proudly __________ the child’s success to her child-raising method of criticism and ___________ so much, when it could just as likely have resulted from genetic or _________________. However, I couldn’t hold such opinions just because of my own experience. At the sight of only 5 solid As by Sophie, my oldest, I ________ contemptuously ___ her father’s happy congratulations, _________ my displeasure clearly enough, I ____________ my pride in what she did accomplish __ my anger. And I eventually ascribes name-calling economic blessings sniffed at articulated subordinate to

33 shattering her confidence
Text summary apologized to her. But Chinese methods, I think, do still need some _________, which reminded me of my daughter Rosie is mildly dyslexic – my criticism and forced rehearsing was only prolonging her misery and ______________________. Consequently, I was suddenly enlightened that ________________ roaring like a tiger turns children into pianists who _______ at Carnegie Hall, but in others it only limits, constricts, and _____________. Chinese mothers and I both understand that our job as mothers is to be the type of tigress that each of our different children needs. scrutiny shattering her confidence in some scenarios debut reins them in

34 Practical Phrases Specific Meanings
Language focus Practical phrases Practical Phrases Specific Meanings 1. ascribe…to 把…归因于 2. sniff at 对…嗤之以鼻 3. be subordinate…to 服从于 4. work through 解决(问题) 5. right off the bat 立刻;马上 6. clamp down on (对…)进行压制 7. lag behind 落后;拖欠 8. out of character 不合乎某人的性格

35 (all that have happened)
Language focus Practical phrases 把…归因于 短语逆译 ascribe…to 短语应用 把发生的一切归咎于战争是错误的。 意群提示 (all that have happened) It's wrong to ascribe all that have happened simply to the war.

36 不要瞧不起他的努力,他已经取得很大的进步了。
Language focus Practical phrases 对…嗤之以鼻 sniff at 短语逆译 短语应用 不要瞧不起他的努力,他已经取得很大的进步了。 意群提示 (make great progress) Don't sniff at his effort and he's made great  progress.

37 任何人不得超越法律,无论他是总统还是高级人物,每个人都必须遵从法律。
Language focus Practical phrases 服从于 短语逆译 be subordinate to 短语应用 任何人不得超越法律,无论他是总统还是高级人物,每个人都必须遵从法律。 意群提示 (be above the law / senior figure) No one is above the law, even a president or a senior figure, everyone is subordinate to the law. 

38 两个合伙人都是年轻时就起步了,克服了一系列个人问题和失败,最后才获得成功。
Language focus Practical phrases 解决(问题) 短语逆译 work through 短语应用 两个合伙人都是年轻时就起步了,克服了一系列个人问题和失败,最后才获得成功。 意群提示 (a range of) Both partners started young and had to work through a range of personal problems and private defeats until they eventually succeeded.

39 (insult / give sb. a bad image)
Language focus Practical phrases right off the bat 立刻;马上 短语逆译 短语应用 不要诋毁前老板或同事,因为这会马上让你留下一个坏印象。 意群提示 (insult / give sb. a bad image) Don’t insult former bosses or coworkers, as this will give you a bad image right off the bat.

40 当地政府多次试图打击公职人员赌博,但没有多少成效。
Language focus Practical phrases (对…)进行压制 clamp down on 短语逆译 短语应用 当地政府多次试图打击公职人员赌博,但没有多少成效。 意群提示 (try to do sth./public officials)  The local government had tried repeatedly to clamp down on gambling by public officials but had never had much success.

41 这个国家为什么在航天技术的发展方面落后于别国呢?
Language focus Practical phrases lag behind 落后;拖欠 短语逆译 短语应用 这个国家为什么在航天技术的发展方面落后于别国呢? 意群提示 (space technology) Why does this country lag behind the others in the development of space technology?

42 她时时都有去做刺激或出格之事的冲动,人们从来都不太确定她将干什么。
Language focus Practical phrases 不合乎某人性格 短语逆译 out of character 短语应用 她时时都有去做刺激或出格之事的冲动,人们从来都不太确定她将干什么。 意群提示 (every now and then/the urge to do/expect from sb.) Every now and then she feels the urge to do something exciting and out of character; people are never quite sure what to expect from her.

43 Functional patterns Functional Patterns Functions & Usages
Language focus Functional patterns Functional Patterns Functions & Usages 1. More importantly, if sb. did sth., sb. would do sth. else. 用于强调“某人做某事所引起的结果”。 2. Admittedly, (and sb. is ashamed to say), sb. do (not do) sth., (not) doing whatever … 用于“表达某人内心的一种自我反省”。 3. In some scenarios doing sth. Do …, but in others it only do sth. else. 用于“对比同一件事情所产生的不同结果” 。 43

44 原句译文 逆译练习 Functional patterns 更重要的是,如果我确实持此观点,就得冒着被自己孩子说成骗子的风险。
Language focus Functional patterns 原句译文 更重要的是,如果我确实持此观点,就得冒着被自己孩子说成骗子的风险。 逆译练习 More importantly, if I did make such contentions, I’d risk being called a liar by my own children. (Para.2, L1) 句型提炼

45 句型提炼 应用提示 Functional patterns
Language focus Functional patterns 句型提炼 More importantly, if sb. did sth., sb. would do sth. else. 应用提示 用于强调“某人做某事所引起的结果”。 句型应用

46 Functional patterns 典型例句 意群提示
Language focus Functional patterns 典型例句 更重要的是,如果我们给予这些妇女更多帮助的话,他们就能活着看到他们的孩子健康成长。 意群提示 (offer more help and support / grow in good health) More importantly, if we offered these women more help and support, they will live to see their children grow in good health. 

47 原句译文 逆译练习 Functional patterns
Language focus Functional patterns 原句译文 诚然(对此我也很惭愧),我之后也并没有去找数百套的测验题,然后与女儿一起做题到深夜,千方百计让她拿到A。 逆译练习 Admittedly, (and I am ashamed to say this too), I also did not then go out and get hundreds of practice tests and work through them with my daughter far into the night, doing whatever it took to get her the A. (Para.8, L 3) 框框有点多,页面不够简洁,下同 句型提炼

48 句型提炼 应用提示 Functional patterns
Language focus Functional patterns 句型提炼 Admittedly, (and sb. is ashamed to say), sb. do (not do) sth., (not) doing whatever … 应用提示 用于表达“某人内心的一种自我反省”。 句型应用

49 Functional patterns 典型例句 意群提示
Language focus Functional patterns 典型例句 诚然(对此我也很内疚),我之后也并没有去承认自己的错误,为我的鲁莽向他道歉,千方百计恢复我们的关系。 意群提示 (feel guilty / renew the relations) 意群提示字号小么? Admittedly, (and I felt guilty to say this too), I also did not admit my own mistakes and apologize to him for my rudeness, doing whatever it took to renew our relations.

50 原句译文 逆译练习 Functional patterns
Language focus Functional patterns 原句译文 某些情形下,咆哮如虎能让孩子成为在卡内基音乐厅首演的钢琴家,在其他情况下这只会限制、压迫、束缚他们。 逆译练习 In some scenarios roaring like a tiger turns children into pianists who debut at Carnegie Hall, but in others it only limits, constricts, and reins them in. (Para.13, L4) 句型提炼

51 句型提炼 应用提示 Functional patterns
Language focus Functional patterns 句型提炼 In some scenarios doing sth. do …, but in others it only do sth. else. 应用提示 用于“对比同一件事情所产生的不同结果”。 句型应用

52 Functional patterns 典型例句 意群提示
Language focus Functional patterns 典型例句 在某些情形下,炒股确实可以让具有丰富实践经验的人一夜暴富,但其他情况下这只会让他们赔钱甚至倾家荡产。 意群提示 (speculate in the stock market / to get rich overnight / dissipate one’s fortune) 意群提示字号小么? In some scenarios speculating in the stock market turns people with much practical experience in such a professional field into getting rich overnight, but in others it only makes a loss and even dissipate their fortune.

53 Genuine collocations 1.良好的经济条件 economic blessings 2. 一言不发
Language focus Genuine collocations 1.良好的经济条件 economic blessings 2. 一言不发 stony silence 3. 眯缝着眼睛看 to narrow one’s eyes at sb./sth. 4. 恼怒的爆发 hair-tearing explosion 5. 痛哭失声 to collapse in tears 6. 做某事到深夜 do sth. far into the night 7. 粉碎自信心 to shatter one’s confidence 8. 失去活力 to lose one’s sparkle 9. 开始意识到 to emerge with a conception of 10. 投入令人钦佩的热情 to channel one’s admirable passion into … 11. 热切的关注 positive enthusiasm

54 Language appreciation
Language focus Language appreciation 她痛哭失声,我忍住了没说她像个白痴,但那也只是因为我担心丈夫的责备而已。 a. But, it was only because I feared my husband’s reproach that I refrained from telling my own daughter, when she collapsed in tears, that she was acting like an idiot. (Para.7, L5)

55 Language appreciation
Language focus Language appreciation 我批评她以及强迫她不断练习是多余的,原来——在她内心,她早已准备好惩罚自己,我只不过是在延长她的痛苦,粉碎她的信心。 b. My criticism and forced rehearsing was redundant, it turns out – inside, she was all ready to punish herself, and I was only prolonging her misery and shattering her confidence. (Para.10, L5)

56 每天我们去接她时,她的脸总是红红的,满是泪水,两眼无神,疲惫不堪。
Language focus Language appreciation 每天我们去接她时,她的脸总是红红的,满是泪水,两眼无神,疲惫不堪。 c. Every day when we picked her up, her face would be red with tears, her eyes hollow and exhausted. (Para.11, L1)

57 他们同样是不屈不挠,无比坚定,只不过用的是完全不同的方式。
Language focus Language appreciation 他们同样是不屈不挠,无比坚定,只不过用的是完全不同的方式。 d. They are just as dogged and determined, but in an entirely different way. (Para.13, L4)

58 Which is more important for a child’s academic
Critical thinking Further discussion What do you think of the phenomenon that some parents in China send their children to schools in Western countries? Tips What would you do if you had different opinions from your spouse about how to educate your child? Tips Which is more important for a child’s academic success, the genetic blessing or the parenting method? Tips

59 Critical thinking Further discussion 1. What do you think of the phenomenon that some parents in China send their children to schools in Western countries? Tips Do a lot of good / more educational opportunities abroad / become independent in a new environment / better understand the world outside; Not a good idea/ lead to some problems / have difficulties in daily life / culture shock / unfamiliar language / differences in teaching methods / economic pressure.

60 Critical thinking Further discussion What would you do if you had different opinions from your spouse about how to educate your child? Tips Talk to him / her about my opinions; hoping to convince him / her immediately; Suggest we both read books about children education; Ask the opinions of our child, and observe his / her reaction to see whose method works better, To sum up, parents are a child’s first and most important teachers, and we must work together to find the most suitable parenting method.

61 Critical thinking Further discussion Which is more important for a child’s academic success, the genetic blessing or the parenting method? Tips The parenting method is more important. Firstly, a good parenting method can provide the child with the most suitable capabilities and skills for success. Secondly, it can lay a solid foundation and build up all the traits, confidence, interest, determination that are crucial to a child’s success in the future. Thirdly, it can largely save the child’s time and energy by leading the child directly to the field that he / she should focus on.

62 Critical thinking Cultural exploration Amy Chua, an Asian American mother, a Yale professor and the author of the book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother which has aroused heated discussion among so great number of readers. In this book, she makes ten rules and regulations for her two daughters:

63 Her daughters were never allowed to do: attend a sleepover
Critical thinking Cultural exploration Her daughters were never allowed to do: attend a sleepover have a play date be in a school play complain about not being in a school play watch TV or play computer games choose their own extracurricular activities get any grade less than an A not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym and drama play any instrument other than the piano or violin not play the piano or violin

64 Critical thinking Cultural exploration 1. For Chinese mothers’ part, what’s your views on the ten family rules and regulations made by Amy Chua for her children? Tips 2. What are differences and similarities of home education between China and Western countries? Tips

65 Critical thinking Cultural exploration For Chinese mothers’ part, what’s your views on the ten family rules and regulations made by Amy Chua for her children? Tips I completely agree with it, maybe we’ve heard of such an old Chinese saying “没有规矩不成方圆”. It means nothing can be accomplished without norms or standard. Children are so young that they have not established right philosophy and value of life; that they are unable to make a right judgment; that they are incapable of controlling themselves, strict norms and standards are essential and necessary for them. To be continued

66 Critical thinking Cultural exploration For Chinese mothers’ part, what’s your views on the ten family rules and regulations made by Amy Chua for her children? Tips I harbor reservations about it. Most Chinese parents are so strict with their children on their academic performance, talent and skills and will not allow their children do some things bad or illegal in their eyes, which is understandable. But personally, appropriateness should be set your priorities. For excessive limitations will definitely turn out to be just the opposite of your wish.

67 Critical thinking Cultural exploration 2. What are differences and similarities of home education between China and Western countries? Tips The difference between China and Western countries: In China, parents spoil the child too much and take the child as the most important person in the family. In Western countries, parents adopt a more rational attitude toward children. The similarities are that parents all pay attention to home education, have a clear division of their duties.

68 A Western mother’s responses
Section B Comparative study Thematic study Thematic study Language features analysis

69 Compare the author’s different attitudes on
children’s home education that you have learned from Text A and Text B. Tips 2. One day, you are bound to be parent, what kind of parenting method do you prefer? Tips

70 Compare the author’s different attitudes on children’s home education in Text A and Text B.
The author presents a view that the Chinese parenting method is more beneficial to children in preparing them for the future. The author defends the Western mothers’ parenting philosophy and claims that Western parents are just as good as Chinese parents.

71 2. One day, you are bound to be parent, what kind of parenting method do you prefer?
Tips Both methods passionately believe in education, encouraging success and excellence in their children, so, as for me, I prefer such a synthesis of both kinds of parenting methods: On the one hand, Western parents teach children based on their own characteristics, providing enough space for children’s development, so that they can grow happily and become healthy, creative, open-minded and independent person.

72 2. One day, you are bound to be parents, what kind of parenting method do you prefer?
Tips On the other hand, it is necessary to provide guidance and necessary restriction for children. In this sense I prefer the Chinese way. Chinese parents teach their children self-discipline, politeness, respect and kindness, which are important elements of Chinese traditional culture.

73 Based on your study of the two texts, compare the writing styles of the two texts in terms of their typical language features.

74 1. What are the typical language features of the two texts?
Tips 2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas. Tips

75 1. What are the typical language features of the two texts?
Tips Text A is a typical piece of argumentative essay, developed by employing comparisons which is used to make the author’s viewpoint more specific and clearer. Text B gives both narrations and comments on the author’s viewpoint, constructed by telling stories with the narrative in chronological order and dialogues.

76 2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.
Tips Text A … If a child comes home with an A-minus on a test, a Western parent will most likely praise the child. For a Chinese mother an A-minus is no milestone; she will gasp in displeasure and ask what went wrong. (Para. 4)

77 2. List more examples from the text to support your ideas.
Tips Text B “What?”she said. “I got 5 solid As.” I shrugged. “Come on,” my husband complained. (Paras.3-5)

78 A Western mother’s responses
Section B Unit project Brainstorming Peer interview Story-telling Group discussion

79 Based on the following description, guess what it is.
Brainstorming Based on the following description, guess what it is.

80 Piano A large musical instrument; With a row of black and white keys;
Brainstorming Piano A large musical instrument; With a row of black and white keys; Beethoven; Langlang.

81 Tennis Two or four players;
Brainstorming Tennis Two or four players; A hollow, rubber ball and an oval racket with strings; Simone de Beauvoir; Li’na.

82 Calligraphy The art of producing beautiful handwriting;
Brainstorming Calligraphy The art of producing beautiful handwriting;   Using a brush or a special pen; Wang Xizhi

83 Peer interview Work in pairs and make an interview with each other on the following questions. One is the interviewer; the other is the interviewee and then switch roles.

84 Peer interview Interview Background: Your parents had forced you to take up a hobby which you disliked, such as playing a musical instrument or drawing, etc. You can talk on the following aspects: 1. The ways in which your parents make you to learn. 2. Your feelings at that time. 3. Your present attitude toward it. 4. The impact of the hobby on your present life. 5. The parenting style you would take to educate your kids in the future.

85 Tell about your own stories
Story-telling Tell about your own stories You may include the following points: Your learning experience in other areas like learning music, dancing, or painting … Your parents methods; Your understanding of their efforts and sacrifices.

86 You may use the following expressions in your story:
Story-telling You may use the following expressions in your story: Depends upon a first-class education; Have (no) interest in doing sth.; To find great joy in doing sth.; To clamp down on sth./sb.; It turned out that …; Look back, …

87 Group discussion Listen to a audio clip and think about the following question What does it mean to be a successful parent and what does it mean to be a successful child? (Open)

88 A Western mother’s responses
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