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Magic needles: Chinese acupuncture.

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Presentation on theme: "Magic needles: Chinese acupuncture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Magic needles: Chinese acupuncture

2 How much do you know about Chinese medicine

3 Gua sha treatment

4 推拿疗法 massage

5 traditional Chinese herbal medicine

6 Do you know something about Chinese acupuncture?
Fu Hsi invented the Chinese acupuncture.

7 Have you ever experienced an acupuncture treatment?

8 Enjoy a video clip on the methods of acupuncture

9 Fast reading Listen to the tape and scan the text to find which of the topics is not mentioned: history past uses current uses acceptance in the West benefits disadvantages

10 Group working Work with your partners to divide the whole text into four parts, and summarize the main idea of each part. Part1( ): Part2( ): Part3( ): Part4( ):

11 Para 1: History of Chinese acupuncture. Paras 2-3: The development of Chinese acupuncture. Para 4: How the acupuncturist treats the medical problems. Paras 5-7: Current uses, the acceptance in the West .

12 Careful reading Read para1 together and find the history
of acupuncture

13 Para1 began—the Stone Age history of Chinese acupuncture
(magic needles) be developed—2,000 years ago bian

14 Paras 2-3 different kinds of needles used in the past


16 Read Paras2,3 again and finish the task-based reading

17 Task-based reading The development of_______1 Tools Aims
2________tools called bian(砭) Used to 3_________areas of the body Stone needles / Metal needles Arrowhead needles To make 4_________ holes Round needles To press the tissue under the skin Dull needles To tap against pressure points 5_________needles To let liquid out of body parts Stone press needles shallow Sword-like

18 Para 4 1. How does an acupuncturist examine a patient?
First ask the patient’s medical history and lifestyle. And then look at the color of the patient’s skin and tongue, listen to his breathing and check his pulses.

19 2. How many pulses are there and what are they connected with?
There’re twelve different pulses, six on each wrist. Every one is connected with a major body organ or function of an organ.

20 3. Why will an acupuncturist check pulses?
This will help him/her find out which energy channel doesn’t have enough energy.

21 Different tools for acupuncture

22 便携针灸笔 脉冲针灸按摩罐

23 针灸按摩床 针灸马桶

24 Focus on Paras5-7 then answer the questions
1. What medical problems can acupuncture treat? Severe pains, headaches, injuries, stomach problems, high blood pressure, smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs.

25 2. How does acupuncture reduce or relieve pain?
It is unclear now. One theory suggests that acupuncture blocks pain signals from reaching the brain. Another theory relates acupuncture to the production of chemicals in the body which reduce pain.

26 The traditional Chinese acupuncture is becoming more and more popular with foreingers.

27 How acupuncturist treat patients
Summary Chinese acupuncture History How acupuncturist treat patients Develo-pment The current uses

28 Group work Each member in your group is
required to choose a part and retell as much information as you can

29 —Let’s learn Language points

30 sharp adj. 锋利的,尖的;突然的,急转弯的,尖刻的,辛辣的;灵敏的,敏锐的.
The main needle now used for acupuncture is fine and sharp. sharp adj. 锋利的,尖的;突然的,急转弯的,尖刻的,辛辣的;灵敏的,敏锐的. 1) 这把大剪刀不够快,剪不动草。 The shears aren’t sharp enough to cut the grass. a sharp drop in price 价格的聚降 a sharp turn to the left 向左急转

31 We were surprised by the sharp tone of her comments.
她尖锐的评论令我们吃惊。 3) The cheese is a little too sharp for me. 我觉得这干酪味道太重了。 a sharp sense of humor 很强的幽默感

32 2. … and a needle like a sword, used for letting liquid out of body parts which had swollen up.
let sth. out 放出, 泄露,透出,发出, 出租, 把(衣服)放大 1) 别泄露我失业了,好吗? Don’t let it out about my losing my job, will you? 2) 他们决定以低租金把那些办公室租出去。 They decided to let out the offices at low rents.

33 He accidentally _____ that he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks. A. let out B. took care C. made sure D. made out 解析:let sth. out 泄露, 透漏(消息等); take care 小心(不带宾语); make sure确保,务必;make out 辨认出,理解,了解。

34 swell vi. 1. 肿起,肿胀[(+up)] The newly-arrived refugees swelled the ranks of the unemployed. 新来的难民增加了失业的人数。 His ankles began to swell. 他的脚踝肿起来了。 Her ankle swelled up after the fall. 她跌倒后脚踝肿了起来。 vt. 1. 使膨胀, 使增长, 使壮大 She was swollen with contentment. 她感到十分满足。 The river was swollen with melted snow. 河水因融雪而上涨。

35 3. Used for pressing the tissue under the skin; a dull needle, used for tapping against pressure points. point of view 观点 on the point of 正要……的时候 to the point 中肯,扼要;切中要害 There is not much/no point (in) doing sth. 表示做某事是没有用的或者是没有道理的。

36 1) 我们队获得了80分。 Our team scored 80 points. 2) 我不理解你的想法,这会儿这么做有什么意义? I don’t understand your point. What’s the point of doing this at this point? 3) 同他争辩是没有什么用的。 There is very little point in arguing with him.

37 —Shall we have a talk with her and try to persuade her not to see a movie tonight?
—There is no ____ talking to her. She never listens. A. good B. value C. point D. worth

38 4. Some people have also used acupuncture to treat smokers, alcoholics and people who are addicted to drugs. addiction n.(常与to连用)成瘾,沉溺 1) 他的酒瘾毁了他的一生。  Her addiction to alcohol ruined her life. 2) 有些肥胖的问题是由于太爱吃糖和脂肪含量高的事物引起的。  Some weight problems are caused by an addiction to sugar and fat.

39 拓展:be/become addicted to
addict oneself to 沉溺于,醉心于 ___ made him _____ to drugs? What do you think; addicting Do you think what; addicted What do you think; addicted Do you think what; addicting 解析:do you think 为插入语;be addicted to 沉溺于,即he was addicted to drugs.

40 5. A lot of people now subscribe to these theories
同意,赞许[(+to)] He did not subscribe to my proposal. 他不赞同我的建议。 认购[(+for)] Each of us subscribed for 500 shares. 我们每人认购五百股。 订阅;订购(书籍等)[(+to/for)] He subscribed to Reader's Digest. 他订阅《读者文摘》。 认捐;捐款[(+to)] They subscribed to local charities. 他们向当地的慈善团体捐款。

41 根据句子及所给单词的首字母或汉语注释,写出各单词的正确形式(每空限填一词)。
1. Dear, you cannot cut the grass with a knife that is not s______(锋利的). 2. The doctor listened to his breathing and checked his p______(脉搏). 3. The ___________ (症状) won’t appear immediately until a few days after you’re infected. harp ulse symptoms

42 4. He is ________ (上瘾的) to playing computer games.
5. The weather is _________(不正常的) this year. 6. The government should take ________(有效的) measures to protect the environment. 7. This plan was accept with his parents’_________(同意) addicted abnormal effective approval

43 Writing Do you think it is necessary to protect Chinese traditional cultures? Why? 70% 30% Your opinions 几千年积累下来的宝贵财富 有时阻碍现代文化的发展 现代文化的基础 现代文化新颖,时尚,容易被青少年接受 保护传统文化是爱国(patriotic)青年的职责 传统文化需要不断更新,才能与时俱进(keep pace with times)

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