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With +O+OC(Ving/Ven).

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1 With +O+OC(Ving/Ven)

2 with + O + OC (V-ing/V-en)
1.The boy looked at the delicious fried chicken, with his mouth watering. 2. With his work left undone, Will went home in a hurry.

3 Translation 1.英文老師一直站在我旁邊,我無法專心考試。
I couldn’t concentrate on my test, with my English teacher standing by me all the time. 2. Blair盤著腿,思考她教授的話。 Blair meditated on her professor’s words, with her legs crossed.

4 with + O + OC (Adj/ 介phr) 介系詞片語和形容詞也可當受詞補語 1. Carl雙手插在口袋裡,盯著那幅畫看。
Carl stared at the painting,_________. with his hands in pockets 2.滿嘴食物時與他人交談是不禮貌的。 It is impolite to talk to others ________. with your mouth full of food

5 1. 我的小狗開心的吃著食物, 尾巴前後搖擺 My puppy eats its food happily, _______. with its tail wagging back and forth 2. Dylan 躺在草地上, 雙手交叉放在頭下, 看著天空閃亮的星星。 Lying on the grass ______ under his head, Dylan looked up at the stars shining in the sky. with his hands folded

6 Translation 1. 員工們參加會議,手機關機。 2. Athena收下情人節禮物,心跳得很快。
1. The employees attended the meeting, with their cell phones turned off. 2. Athena accepted the Valentine present, with her heart beating fast.

7 Page 233 2 That was a wonderful spring morning,
with the birds singing in the trees. 3 With tears streaming down her face, Ruth begged for my forgiveness. 4 With her heart beating faster and faster, Mandy stepped on to the stage and began to sing.

8 Combine each pair of the following sentences
1 Loud noise is coming from outside. I can’t focus on my homework. With loud noise coming from outside, I can’t focus on my homework. 2 The mother walked into the supermarket. Her son followed her. The mother walked into the supermarket, with her son following her.

9 3-1 Everything they might need for the trip was prepared.
3-2 The environmental specialists embarked on the journey to the North Pole. With everything they might need for the trip prepared, the environmental specialists embarked on the journey to the North Pole.

10 4-1 Solar panels and small wind turbines have been built on top of these houses.
4-2 These houses can convert the sun’s rays and the power of the wind into electricity. With solar panels and small wind turbines built on top of these houses, they can convert the sun’s rays and the power of the wind into electricity.

11 with + O + OC (V-ing/V-en)
1. 那個小孩騎著自行車,他的小狗在後面追著。 The boy was lying on the grass with many trees around him waving in the wind.

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