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The Trial that Rocked the World

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1 The Trial that Rocked the World
John Scopes

2 Unit 4: Teaching Aims the comprehension of the text and the language points the paraphrase and translation of complicated sentences the enlargement of the vocabulary the appreciation of the devices of figuration the appreciation of the text

3 Unit 10(2): Procedures 1 1 Rhetoric and structure 2 Study of Paras.1-2

4 the wisest fool in Christendom living deaths freezing fires
Rhetorical Devices Oxymoron: a kind of paradox or antithesis that links together two sharply contrasting terms cheerful pessimist the wisest fool in Christendom living deaths freezing fires 睁眼瞎 真实的谎言

5 Parting is such sweet sorrow.
sweet bitterness (苦中有甜) orderly chaos a living death Parting is such sweet sorrow. 我从未见过哪个城市有象这里这样的最贫穷的百万富翁,最渺小的伟人,最高傲的乞丐,最丑陋的美人,最低矮的摩天大厦,最无趣味的乐事。

6 transferred epithet He is now again seated in his usual sleepy corner. He passed many an anxious hour in the train. Helen spoke with lazy calmness.

7 antithesis A rhetorical term for the juxtaposition of contrasting ideas in balanced phrases or clauses. To err is human; to forgive, divine. –Pope

8 sarcasm a cutting remark, a verbal sneer. Sarcasm pretends to disguise its meaning, but does not intend to be misunderstood. sarcasm是指尖刻的挖苦,甚至是严厉的叱责,汉语中称作“讽刺”、讥讽、挖苦等,常常是单刀直入,不留情面地以反话指责别人,使人家在感情上受到刺激甚至伤害。 “how unselfish you are!” said Ellen in sarcasm as her sister took the biggest piece of cake.

9 ridicule Words or actions intended to evoke contemptuous laughter at or feelings toward a person or thing 愚弄有意激起对某人或某事的蔑视的笑或看不起的感情而说的话或做的事. If you ridicule someone or ridicule their ideas or beliefs, you make fun of them in an unkind way.

10 Irony the expression of actual intent in words that carry the opposite meaning. It is an effective literary device because it gives the impression of great restraint. 明明天气不好,却故意说: It’s a nice, pleasant sort of weather indeed! It must be delightful to find oneself in a foreign country without a penny in one’s pocket.

11 The structure and stylistic analysis
What type of writing is this? In what order is the story told? How many days did the trial last? What is the climax of the trial? Sturcture?

12 The structure and stylistic analysis
Part 1: the setting of the scene Part 2: the trail Part 3: the ending  

13 The structure and stylistic analysis
Part 1: A buzz ran ... his views   the setting of the scene (1-9) Part 2: By the oil company the trail (10-46)  Part 3: Not long ago...the passing years the ending (47-48) 

14 Unit 4 单元设计 任务: (1)please give students the introduction of the situation before the trial(1--9) (2)Please analyze the situation of the trial on the first day.(10-15) (3)Who is in the upper position before the climax? How can you see it?(16--29) (4)please give an analysis of the two main characters’ language, expression and action.(30--43)

15 The structure and stylistic analysis
The story depicts the trial lasting for three days. (narrative) Day 1: Preliminary fight. Day 2: calling witnesses. Day 3: verdict: guilty, $100 fine and costs. Victorious defeat. Climax of the trial: Darrow’s trick to trap Bryan.

16 1--9

17 Part one the setting of the scene (para.1-9)
General reading 2 Detailed study 3 Analyzing

18 Para. 1 What do you know about the prosecutor? Main idea: introduction to the court , defense for both sides, and the cause of the trail

19 Words to describe the heated phenomenon of the court
buzz, packed, sweltering

20 Religious terms: Legal terms:
court, defense, criminal lawyer, leading counsel for the prosecution Religious terms: fundamentalist movement

21 buzz the vibrating sound of a bee; the sound of many people whispering or talking excitedly in low tones. She tried to kill the fly buzzing around her head. They buzzed about Halley’s romantic affair.

22 sweltering packed crowded with people
oppressively hot, causing unpleasantness silver-tongued persuasive and eloquent He has a silver tongue .

23 Translation of the first sentence:
闷热难当(的日子) 挤得爆满(的法庭) 1925年那个闷热难当的7月的日子里,当我在挤得爆满的法庭就坐时,人群中响起一阵嗡嗡的议论声。

24 Translation of the last sentence:

25 Analyzing What can you see from the two lawyers? What can you see from the atmosphere?

26 Paragraph 2 General reading : Are there any things indicating that the trail rocks the world?

27 People: lawyers, professors, scientists, reporters, radio announcers Numbers a dozen, more than 100… for the first time in history

28 Paraphrase: Now I was involved in a trail reported the world over. All of a sudden, I found myself in a trail that was reported all over the world.

29 Radio announcers: people who gave news on radio 播音员 Distinguished: renowned, eminent, excellent

30 on one’s behalf: on (in) behalf of sb. : to support, serve the interests of somebody reassuring making you feel less worried about sth. 令人感到宽慰的,使人放心的 reassure: to comfort and make free from fear, 使安心,安慰

31 We’ll show them a few tricks:
we have some clever and unexpected tactics and we will surprise them in the trial. …throwing …to open: Putting his arm friendly around me so that his hand rested on my shoulder as we were waiting for the trail to begin.

32 transferred epithet a reassuring arm: A dizzy height: 令人眼晕的高度 A sleepless bed: 寝不安枕

33 In his quiet laziness he suddenly remembered that strange word.
transferred epithet She was so worried about her son that she spent several sleepless nights. In his quiet laziness he suddenly remembered that strange word.

34 transferred epithet The assistant kept a respectful distance from his boss when they were walking in the corridor. He said “Yes” to the question in an unthinking moment. The old man put a reassuring hand on my shoulder. The big man crashed down on a protesting chair.

35 transferred epithet A sweet voice 一个甜嗓子(表示味觉的形容词转移到了听觉。) An icy look 一付冷漠神色(表示触觉的形容词转移到了视觉。)

36 transferred epithet There was an amazed silence. Slowly Alexander turned away. After an unthinking moment, she put her pen into her mouth.

37 Analyzing How did the author describe that the trial would rock the world? What can you see from the people and the number?

38 Thank You !

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